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Diversification of financial products plays an essential role in financial market inChina. The promotion in the development of financial market products not only boosts thefinancial market, but also enhances the capacity of withstanding risk. With the peculiarcharacteristics, convertible bond wins the favor from financial market participants. Theexpansion of the scale in convertible bond market will surely carry weight to the financialmarket. Due to the complex characteristics and the relevant terms, the convertible bondpricing, the behaviors among participants and the market features are difficult tounderstand. Therefore, it is important to devote to the corresponding research ofconvertible bond.
     Firstly, convertible bond’s call policy embeds the Parisian option feature, which hassome effect on the value of convertible bond. Based on non-arbitrage principle, necessarypartial equations are put forward to capture the characteristic in Parisian option, andsimultaneously tackle the interaction between firm and bondholders. In addition,numerical illustrations are displayed not only to clarify some properties, but also presentsome explanations to the value of convertible bond related to Parisian option and callnotice period. The results indicate the fact the Parisian option decreases the value of theconvertible bond, at the same time, the longer is the call notice period, the higher is thevalue. That’s to say, these findings are in a line with the purpose of the convertible bond.
     Secondly, in order to analyze the announcement effect of convertible bond, a newpermutation test of a small sample for second-stochastic dominance is proposed. By usingoriginal permutation test procedure and combining the stochastic dominance theory, astandard statistical test to distinguish between good and bad from the small sample data isconstructed. Furthermore, the new test is applied to evaluation of announcement effect asthe issuance of convertible bond. The results of analysis focus on the changes of relevantstock prices, and demonstrate that most stock prices have a negative effect after theissuance. Such outcomes can partially reflect the response of investors to the financingdecision.
     Finally, the analysis of pairs trading strategy was introduced to the convertible bond market in order to seek the arbitrage opportunities. Specifically, the unit root test andcointegration test are applied to select the objective samples during observed period, andthen statistical arbitrage strategy is constructed accordingly. The feasibility of the strategywas supported by results from verifiable period.
     In general, the results proposed in this dissertation will provide some insight into thecharacteristics of convertible bonds and promote the development of convertible bondmarket in China.
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