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     (一)粘性价格货币模型由于假设商品市场和资产市场价格调整速度不同,商品价格具有粘性,其在汇率动态研究的应用较为广泛。本文在阐明粘性价格货币模型在我国适用性的基础上,理论上推导人民币汇率超调的传导途径和形成机理,进而对货币政策冲击下的人民币汇率动态进行了实证分析。以往利用VAR模型建模经常出现“价格之谜”悖论,为了对此进行规避,本文使用了符号约束(sign restriction)方法识别向量自回归模型中的货币政策冲击,同时使用基于理论设定的短期约束与之进行比较,以期得到在未预期的货币政策冲击下,人民币汇率动态变化路径,最终得到了人民币汇率是否超调的稳健性结论。
The paper has systematically studied the RMB exchange rate dynamics. There is theoreticalelaboration and the extension of the models. More importantly, we do many empirical researcheson RMB exchange rate. In the new open economy macroeconomics framework of Obstfeld andRogoff (1995), the exchange rate dynamics is determined by monetary policy, governmentspending and productivity. Under this framework, we analyze the impact of monetary policy andfiscal shocks on RMB exchange rate dynamics, where the monetary policy includes theendogenous and exogenous monetary policy. In addition, we study the economic effects of theRMB exchange rate movements, including short-term international capital flows and inflation.
     1. Due to the assumption that there is different price adjustment speed between commoditymarkets and asset markets, sticky-price monetary model is widely used in the exchange ratedynamics. This paper clarifies the applicability of sticky-price monetary model in China, on thebasis of which, we derive the pathway and formation mechanism of RMB exchange rateovershooting. And then, we do the empirical research on the impact of monetary policy shock onexchange rate. There is often the price paradox during the VAR modeling process; we use thesign restriction method identifying the monetary policy shock in order to avoid this paradox. Wealso do the similar empirical analysis based on the short-term restriction. Our aim is to find thechange path of RMB exchange rate under the unexpected monetary policy shock.
     2. The traditional exchange rate model assumes that monetary policy is exogenous, butsince the mid-1980s, the short-term interest rate became a monetary policy tool in the majordeveloped countries of the world. They adjust the interest rate according to inflation and outputgap. Scholars consider the monetary policy follows the Taylor Rule where the monetary policy isendogenous. In view of this, the fourth chapter of this paper demonstrated the applicability of theTaylor rule of monetary policy in China and the United States. And we derive the decision of realexchange rate of RMB against US dollar. We also derive the macroeconomic factors in theexchange rate determination and use them establish a vector auto-regression model. Thedifference with Chapter3is that we use output gap rather than output level, the real interest raterather than the nominal interest rate. We aim to find the impact of actual shock, nominal shock,risk premium shock and Taylor Rule shock on the real exchange rate of RMB.
     3. The mainstream exchange rate models (except NOEM) did not consider governmentdepartment which plays an important role in economy. Also there has not yet formed theconsistent conclusion about the impact of fiscal shocks on exchange rate dynamics. Firstly, this paper analyzes different views of different theory on the impact of fiscal shocks on exchange rate.And then, we draw on the existing research to establish a two-country open macroeconomicmodel, where the representative consumer maximize expected present value of its future utilityby choosing private consumption and government consumption. We get the solution of exchangechange rate and government expenditure by the inter-temporal and intra-temporal equilibrium.And then we introduce some hypothesis in order to get the econometric model by which wecould do the empirical research. Finally, we analyze the impact of relative change in governmentconsumption and government consumption in non-tradables on exchange rate using China’s data.According to the conclusion, government should increase spending on non-tradables during theimplementation strategy of expanding domestic demand in order to avoid the large appreciationof RMB for this reason.
     4. The optimal monetary policy must take the exchange rate into account when theexchange rate pass-through is incomplete. We study the exchange rate pass-through to inflationin order to provide the support for that the Taylor Rule model in Chapter4considers theexchange rate. Firstly, we use the existing theoretical models analyzing the formation mechanismof the exchange rate pass-through. And we consider the characteristics of the foreign exchangemarket in China-frequent foreign exchange intervention. We use the rolling regression methodto get the path of the exchange rate pass-through and find if there is structural change in it byestablishing the non-linear model.
     5. Because we did not take the capital flow into consideration in the former analysis, wemake a separate study about the relationships between exchange rate and capital flow. Due to theappreciation expectation of RMB, domestic asset price inflation and other factors, theinternational capital flows has a rapid growth in recent years although there is strong control overthe short-term ones in China. Firstly, one VAR model is established. Then it is utilized to analyzethe impulse responses and its intensity degree of short-term international capital flows to China’sforeign exchange market, monetary market, stock market and the real estate market. In addition,we establish a threshold model and analyze the threshold effect under different variables asthreshold variables. Through the above analysis, we can find the degree of response and reactionform of short-term international capital flows on different factors.
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