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Biometric identification technology is a kind of technology using individual biometric characteristics to verify identity. Compared with other biometrics technology, face recognition is more direct, friend and convenient. So the technology of face recognition is one of the hottest research directions for its wide application and urgent demand. Face recognition has been intensively investigated by researchers and many useful algorithms have been developed. Since faces of different subjects are often similar, while face images from the same person often differ quite significantly due to the impact of certain factors, current face recognition systems cannot meet the requirements of many practical applications.
     Usually a complete face recognition system includes face detection, feature extraction and face recognition. The quality of feature extraction will be affected by the recognition effects directly. The eye is the most important organ of face. As the accuracy of eye detection will affect the quality of feature extraction, rapid and precise eye detection is considered the most crucial work to be dealt with.
     In this paper, in order to locate the eye exactly, the methods based on the facial color, grayness and geometric characteristics are studied. The whole process can be divided into two phases, that is, face detection and eye location in the face region. The main contributions are summarized as follows:
     Firstly, in this paper two algorithms of face detection to different situations are studied, and they do corresponding treatments according to the different applications. For the specific occasions of simple background, gray projection is adopted to process the images. Face can be located roughly through analyzing the characteristics of the projection curve. This method is easy to implement and costs small complexity, so it can be adapted to deal with some real time tasks. For complex background, because the skin-color is not sensitive to size, pose and expression, the method based on skin-color is used to detect the face. By comparing the different color space, YCbCr color space is adopted. Then Gaussian model is established to segment the image and face region can be validated according to geometric characteristics. The result of experiment indicates that these two algorithms are all effective.
     Then an effective eye location algorithm in the face region is brought forward. Because of the complex gray of the eye region, these characteristics can be used to locate the eyes exactly. Eye candidates can be found through morphology operation; Eye detector is designed, and it is structured with two different variance filters. The eyes are accurately located with the detector and prior knowledge. The experimental results prove that the algorithm is easy, efficient and robust.
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