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Datacontalning l8495 records of 7928 bomals) of Chinese
    Sinunental were collected from 7 livestock breeding bos at national
    level to evalwte the breeding effect of Chinse Shaental over 20
    years. Besides evalwting the genetic paramaters, we also evaluate the
    PBV(Predicted Breeding Value) of the four main traitS and analysis
    their trends. Inbreeding coefficients were also analyZed in this study
    The traits anaiyzed were 305-day milk yteld, ndlk fat percentage, milk
    protein percentage, body weigh at l8 months, chly gain at l8 months
    and score of body tyPe. Their heritabilities are 0.35, 0.2, 0.2l, 0.3l,
    0.29 and 0. 18 resPectively The mean PBV of 305-day Inilk yield kept
    going uP, ndlk fat percentage has no obvious fluchation, body weigh
    and body tyPe score Presellted a going down trCnd.
    The resultS indicate that. it can cofibol the coefficient of inbreeding
    effechvely using ONBS and a lot of propess have been made on
    Chinse Striental ndlk yield trait, and tha, the ndlk fat percentage is
    about 3.7%. More attention should be paid to body weight of Chinese
    Sinunental, improving the meat performance as well as ndth yteld
    performance in the fufor.
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