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     将60例中晚期非小细胞肺癌患者分为金福安汤组、最佳支持治疗组,靶向治疗组,每组均为20例,两组疗程均为3周。采用肺癌治疗功能评价表(FACT-L量表)分别对患者的身体状况、社会家庭状况、医患关系、情绪状况、功能状况和附加的关注状况6个板块进行调查分析,并采用抑郁自评量表(Self-Rating Deprssion Scale,SDS)及焦虑自评量表(Self-Rating Anxiety Scale,SAS)对患者的抑郁及焦虑状况进行评价,分别在治疗前、治疗第21天各测一次生存质量及抑郁及焦虑状况,比较其积分有无改善。
     To observe the effect of Jin Fu An Decoction in improving quality of life of patients with non-small cell lung cancer(NSCLC) inⅢorⅣstage.
     60 patients with medium or late stage non-small cell lung cancer were divided randomly into three groups.In Jin Fu An Decoction Group,20 patients were treated with Jin Fu An Decoction alone.In The Best Supportive Care Group, 20 patients were treated with medicine just relieve ailment alone.In Targeted Therapy Group,20 patients were treated with SSTR-targeted.Six items, including physical status,social/family status,intercourse with physicians, emotional status,functional status and additional concerning status,were investigated and analyzed by using Functional Assessment of Cancer Therapy-lung(FACT-L).Major depression and Anxiety disorder were investigated and analyzed by Self-Rating Deprssion Scale and Self-Rating Anxiety Scale.Each patient was measured quality of life 2 times,before the treatment when the patient had hospitalized within 24 hours,and the 21th day of treatment.
     In the physical status,emotional status,functional status and additional concerning status,the scores among the three groups was that Jin Fu An Decoction Group and Targeted Therapy Group was superior to The Best Supportive Care Group(P<0.05),however,Jin Fu An Decoction Group and Targeted Therapy Group compared with no significant difference(P>0.05).In the intercourse with physicians,all thegoups good effect and the three Groups compared with no significant difference(P>0.05).In the social/family status,none the three groups have significant effect.In the depression and anxiety status, the scores among the three groups was that Jin Fu An Decoction Group and Targeted Therapy Group was superior to The Best Supportive Care Group (P<0.05),however,Jin Fu An Decoction Group and Targeted Therapy Group compared with no significant difference(P>0.05).
     The Jin Fu An Decoction can elevate the quality of life and the mental state of the patients with medium or late stage non-small cell lung cancer. however,Jin Fu An Decoction Group and Targeted Therapy Group compared with no significant difference.
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