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     本实验室于2004年和2005年分别分离到两株猪流感病毒A/Swine/Gongdong/1/2004(GD/04)和A/Swine/Shanghai/1/2005(SH/05).实验表明,GD/04病毒能在豚鼠肺脏中复制,而SH/05病毒却不能。为了分析与GD/04病毒感染豚鼠有关的基因,本实验以反向遗传学技术为基础,以SH/05病毒为框架,构建出5株含GD/04病毒基因的SH-PB2(GD)、SH-NS(GD)、SH-HA,NA(GD). SH-PB2,HA,NA(GD)和SH-HA,NA,NS(GD)基因重配病毒,并分析这些基因重配病毒对豚鼠的致病性。攻毒后第3天在豚鼠的气管和肺脏中均未检测到这5株基因重配病毒。血凝抑制试验发现,SH-PB2(GD)病毒能刺激豚鼠产生针对该病毒的中和抗体。这一结果说明,GD/04病毒的PB2、HA、NA、NS基因与该毒株是否能感染豚鼠并不直接相关,进一步说明流感病毒毒力相关基因的复杂性。
Swine influenza is a acute respiratory infectious diseases caused by influenza A virus, which is characterized by highly infectivity, high morbility, and low mortality. The genome of influenza A virus is segmented negative single-stranded RNA, which enables the dynamic evolution of virus by both antigenic drift and genetic shift. Both of the NS1and PB1-F2proteins have multiple accessory functions during viral infection. In the present study, serologic surveillance of swine H1and H3subtypes influenza A virus infections in finishing pigs was carried out, and the effects of mutations in NS1and PB1-F2proteins and gene reassortment on classical swine influenza A virus were also analyzed.
     1. Detection of antibodies against H1and H3subtypes of swine influenza A viruses in finishing pigs
     In order to investigate the prevalent state of swine influenza virus of H1and H3subtypes in finishing pigs.483swine blood samples were collected and investigated serologically using trace hemagglutination inhibition test. Thirty-two samples were characterized positive for H1subtype, of which the positive rate was6.6%. Fifty-three samples were characterized positive for H3subtype, of which the positive rate was10.9%. Two samples were characterized positive for H1and H3subtypes, of which the positive rate was0.4%. The results showed that the finshing pigs were infected in different degrees with swine influenza virus of H1or H3subtype.
     2. Rescue of the swine influenza A viruses and characterization of the rescued viruses in vitro
     Full-length cDNAs of swine influenza viruses (A/Swine/Guangdong/1/2004(GD/04) and A/Swine/Shanghai/1/2005(SH/05)) were amplified and cloned into the bidirectional pBD vector. The eight plasmids were co-transfected into293T cells to generate rGD/04and rSH/05viruses. The rescued viruses and the parental viruses shared similar biological properties:growth kinetics, plaque phenotype, and distribution of the NP protein in the virus-infected cells. Moreover,The gene sequence were identical between the rescued viruses and parental viruses. The successful rescue of the GD/04and SH/05viruse established a foundation for the further studies.
     3. Recombination of NS1protein mutant classical swine influenza A viruses and determination of the pathogenicity of the viruses in mice
     The NS1protein of classical swine H1N1influenza A virus evolved dynamically during the past80years, most notably changes happened in the four C-terminal sequences and the C-terminal truncation of11amino acids. However, the role of these changes on the virulence of classical swine H1N1influenza A virus remains unknown. Using reverse genetics, three NS1mutant viruses (RSEV, GSEI, and EPEV) and a wild-type virus (PEQK) were generated from A/Swine/Shanghai/1/2005virus and the pathogenicity of the viruses was determined in mice. The results showed that RSEV and PEQK viruses could not replicate in the lungs of mice. By contrast, GSEI and EPEV viruses could replicate in the lungs of mice without prior adaptation. The viral titers in lungs from GSEI and EPEV virus-infected mice were2.3×103pfu/g and0.7×101pfu/g at four day postinfection, respectively. Mild-to-moderate alveolitis was observed in the histopathological test of lungs from GSEI and EPEV virus-infected mice. The results indicated that C-terminal GSEI and EPEV motifs of NS1protein involved in viral virulence and facilitated the A/Swine/Shanghai/1/2005virus crossing the species barrier from swine to mice.
     4. Recombination of PB1-F2protein mutant classical swine influenza A viruses and determination of the pathogenicity of the viruses in mice
     The PB1-F2is a small protein encoded by an alternative reading frame of the PB1gene. Expression of the full-length PB1-F2protein has been showed to increase the pathogenicity of the highly pathogenic influenza A viruses and laboratory mouse-adapted influenza A viruses in mouse model. However, the effects of the full-length PB1-F2protein on the low pathogenic influenza A virus still remains unknown. Using reverse genetics, a PEQK-F2virus that expressed a90amino acids PB1-F2protein was generated from a low pathogenic influenza virus A/Swine/Shanghai/1/2005(PEQK). Our previous study showed that the PEQK virus did not replicate in the lungs of mice. Thus, a GSEI-F2virus was generated in the background of GSEI virus (NS1protein mutant virus of PEQK virus, which can replicate in the lungs of mice). The pathogenicity of the viruses was determined in mice. The results showed that the PB1-F2protein could not facilitate the replication of the PEQK-F2virus in the lung of mouse, and that the expression of PB1-F2protein accelerated the clearance of GSEI-F2virus from the lungs of mice. These findings suggested that while the PB1-F2protein did not facilitate the PEQK-F2virus crossing species barriers, it attenuates the virulence of GSEI-F2virus in the mice.
     5. Recombination of gene reassortment classical swine influenza A viruses and determination of the pathogenicity of the viruses in guinea pigs
     Two swine influenza A viruses, A/Swine/Gongdong/1/2004(GD/04) and A/Swine/Shanghai/1/2005(SH/05), were isolated in2004and2005, respectively. It was showed that the GD/04virus could replicate in the respiratory tract of guinea pigs without prior adaption, while the SH/05viurs could not. To analyze the gene(s) contribute the replication of the GD/04virus in the respiratory tract of guinea pigs. In the present study, five gene reassortment viruses (SH-PB2(GD)、SH-NS(GD)、SH-HA,NA(GD)、 SH-PB2,HA,NA(GD) and SH-HA,NA,NS(GD)) were generated using reverse genetics in the background of SH/05, and the pathogenicity of the viruses were determined in guinea pigs. All of the viruses did not be detected in both the upper and lower respiratory tract of guinea pigs. However, the SH-PB2(GD) virus induced antibody against the virus in the guinea pigs, which was detected by heamgglutinin inhibition. The results indicated that the PB2, HA, NA, and NS genes did not contribute to the replication of the GD/04virus in the guinea pigs, and that the pathogenicity of the influenza A virus is a polygenic trait.
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