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背景和目的:泌尿系统结核、结石、肿瘤及损伤等是成人梗阻性肾脏疾病的常见原因,儿童则以先天性因素居多,常见病因包括先天性肾盂输尿管连接部狭窄(PUJO)、高位肾盂输尿管、异位血管(迷走血管)压迫等。泌尿系任何部位的梗阻,最后均将出现肾功能丧失。因此,肾脏梗阻的早期诊断和治疗非常重要。由结石和肿瘤等引起的狭窄,伴随症状常较明显,加之B超、CT、IVU(静脉尿路造影)的广泛应用,诊断并不困难。儿童肾积水,尤其是先天性肾积水,早期症状常不十分明显,患儿往往无任何自觉症状。现有的影像学诊断技术(如B超、IVU等)无法在病变初期形态变化不甚显著时判断是否存在梗阻性肾积水或非梗阻性肾积水。如何发展一种方法既能了解积水肾脏形态和功能,又能对泌尿系梗阻作出早期诊断,特别是婴幼儿或先天性肾积水早期的诊断方法,是临床亟待解决的课题。采用Gd-DTPA增强动态MRI能了解肾脏血流变化以及分泌和浓缩稀释功能。动物研究显示Gd-DTPA引起肾脏信号强度(signal intensity,SI)的特征性变化和正常及梗阻肾脏的解剖、功能状态完全一致:提示此项技术可用于诊断梗阻性肾脏疾病并提供肾功能变化信息。如果SI发生变化,则预示肾脏血流量及肾小管的稀释和浓缩功能发生改变,从而通过观察对比剂(Gd-DTPA)经过肾脏的各个部位产生的信号强度变化,从形态和功能两个方面来评价肾脏损害。本研究拟应用动态增强MRI技术,了解正常肾脏和梗阻肾脏的形态和功能,探讨不同程度梗阻对肾脏功能的损害,评价动态增强MRI对梗阻性肾脏病变的诊断价值。
     MRI采用西门子公司1.OTesla MR机(Impaet)和体线圈,MRI对比剂使
    号强度(relative 51,Rsl,Rsl=posts帅resl),采用重复数据测量的方差分析,
    发现各组内每个时间点两两比较均有显著性差异(P<0 .05),两组间(肾实质和集
Background and objective: Urological tuberculosis , tumor m calculus and trauma,etc.
    are frequently confronted factors that related to obstructive nephropathy, especially in adult patients. The renal dysfunction will emerge finally if, anyhow, the diagnosis and treatment could not be settled as soon as possible. In children, the most etiology of obstructive is congenital abnormity including congenital pelvic ureter junction obstruction(PUJO) and neugenic bladder, although the calculus and tumor are also frequently confronted. The diagnosis for the stenosis resulting from calculus and tumor is relative easy due to not only they had obvious apparent symptoms but also the ultrasonography, CT, intravenous urography(IVU) is pubular and precious in making diagnosis.. However, the evaluation of congenital hydronephrosis is facing the challenges. With ultrasound used popularly, more and more congenital hydronephrosis had been found, even in infant with no any clinical symptoms.The techniques routinely used in the clinics can not give forecast and whether exists of obstuctive hydronephrosis or non-ob
    stuctive hydronephrosis, and when the
    significant pathological change of the kidney will occur. How to develop a modality to evaluate not only the figuration but also function, especially the individual kidney function regarding the concentrate and diluate ability, and to predict the prognosis, and to make sure if exist significan ureteral obstruction is a vital research dirction. MRI Gd-DTPA enhanced dynamics urography adopt fast gradient echo sequence to collect renal signal and can be used to know renal bloodflow variance and other renal function including excretion, concentration and dilution. By animal research, we had discovered that some special changes of signal intensity(SI) by Gd-DTPA in certain given region were coincident with functional estate of normal and obstructive kidney indicating this technique can diagnose obstructive nephropathy and provide additional renal functional information. The changed SI indicating the changing of renal blood flow and renal tubule's concentration and dilution function. Via integrate SI received from every region of kidney in different of time, we can evaluate renal configuration and function in patients with obstructive kidney in dynamic enhanced MRI. Therefore, the purposes of this study is to evaluate Gd-DTPA enhanced MRI could be used to evaluate the individual renal function of excretion, concentration and dilution as well as ureteral obstruction in human with congenital hydronephrosis. Methods
    1. Patients group Eight patients including 2 adults and 6 childs (8 male, aged from 4 to 57, averaged 23 year-old) with obstructive hydronephrosis, which had already been diagnosed by ultrasonography and CT were included in this study. On the other hand, 7 unilateral hydronephrotic kidneys were been evaluated as patient's team in 7 childs.
    2. Control group Eight healthy persons (7 male and 1 female, aged from 22 to 34, averaged 28.5 year-old) with normal kidneys (both sides, 16 kidneys) were included in this study. For another, the contra-side fine kidney as comparison and contrast results in 7 childs.
    3. Gd-DTPA enhanced MRI evaluation. The objectives were evaluated by Gd-DTPA enhanced MRI by using Siemens VB33D MRI. Non-ion paramagnetism
    contrast medium (Omniscan,Gd-DTPA) was administered (0.2ml/kg body weight) intravously within 1 minute through foot vein. The patients were placed in a resupine position during the examination, body's loop, coronary TI weighted image, The index used in this study is TR-400ms, TE-15ms, layer thickness 5-10mm, collect 13 layer, matrix 256X256, field of view(FOV) is 350- 450mm, Acq 2 , and may scan axis in necessary. The rectangular 0.25 to 0.40 cm2 ROI (region of interesting) were selected in cortex , medulla -, pelvis of the kidney and its SI was collected at pre-contrast and post-contrast image (lmin, 3mim, 5min, 10min, 15min, 30min, 45min, 60min). RSI (relative signal intensity) was calculated by using the formula RSI = (SI post Gd-DT
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