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妊娠期肝内胆汁淤积症(Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy, ICP)是妊娠期特有的一种疾病,以皮肤瘙痒伴随血清胆汁酸水平升高为主要临床特征。该病主要好发于妊娠中晚期,随着分娩结束,患者临床症状体征及血清生化指标迅速恢复正常。ICP虽然对母体不会造成严重危害,但是它常可导致早产、胎儿宫内窘迫、死胎等严重胎儿不良并发症的发生。虽然已有研究表明该病发生有明显的种族及地域特征,并且与激素水平,免疫因素及环境因素等密切相关,但该病具体发病机制及导致不良妊娠结局机制尚不明确。为了进一步研究ICP的发病机制及导致不良妊娠结局的机制,本研究首次采用同位素标记相对和绝对定量技术(isobaric tags for relative and absolute quantification, iTRAQ)为基础的蛋白质组学研究方法,在“整体”蛋白组范围内,对ICP患者及正常对照胎盘组织进行高通量的“全组”蛋白直接鉴定和相对定量分析,在ICP患者及正常对照的胎盘组织中共鉴定到7399个肽段,对应2120个蛋白,经统计学分析,ICP组与正常对照组比较,两组间差异倍数大于1.5倍的差异表达蛋白总共有38个,其中上调蛋白有29个,下调蛋白有9个。聚类分析显示这38个差异蛋白在病例组与对照组中表达模式特异,生物信息学分析提示这些差异蛋白主要参与细胞凋亡,氧化应激,脂质代谢,免疫调节等生物学事件。我们挑选了三个差异表达蛋白(ERp29、PRDX6及MPO),应用免疫组化及Western blot的方法进行差异验证,结果表明ICP患者胎盘组织ERp29及PRDX6明显高于正常对照,而MPO表达明显低于正常对照,差异均具有统计学意义(P <0.05),实验结果与质谱鉴定结果一致。根据已有的文献报道及我们的蛋白质组学研究结果均提示ICP患者存在胎盘凋亡现象,因此我们应用TUNEL方法对ICP患者胎盘组织凋亡进行了检测,结果显示ICP患者胎盘凋亡明显高于正常对照(P=0.003)。研究报道ERp29是一种内质网蛋白,多种肿瘤组织如乳腺癌中高表达ERp29可以诱导肿瘤细胞凋亡,抑制细胞周期,从而抑制肿瘤发生发展。本研究通过蛋白质组学研究发现ERp29在ICP患者胎盘组织存在高表达现象,并经过免疫组化及Western blot验证。因此,我们推测ERp29在ICP患者胎盘凋亡及胎儿不良并发症发生中可能起了关键作用,为了进一步明确ICP时胎盘凋亡的发生机制,我们挑选了ERp29这个差异蛋白进一步进行体外实验研究。体外培养人胎盘滋养细胞系HTR-8/SVneo并进行胆酸(taurocholic acid, TCA)干预实验,我们发现ERp29表达水平及胎盘细胞凋亡率在100μM TCA组明显高于10μM TCA组及空白对照组,细胞周期检测结果显示各胆酸浓度组无明显差异;同时我们进行了磷酸化p38检测及caspase-3活性检测,结果表明100μM TCA组磷酸化p38及caspase-3活性明显高于10μM TCA组及空白对照组,差异均具有统计学意义(P <0.05)。ICP患者胎盘差异表达蛋白的筛选及功能研究为进一步深入研究该病发病机制提供了理论基础。我们的研究结果表明ICP患者存在ERp29过表达现象,ERp29的过表达可能通过激活p38磷酸化从而诱导胎盘滋养细胞凋亡,提示ERp29可以作为ICP靶向治疗的一个分子靶标。
Intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) is a pregnancy-specific disease,which is characterized by pruritus and elevated liver enzymes and/or serum bile acids.ICP usually occurs during the third trimester and the symptoms of the disease and theliver dysfunction resolve quickly after delivery. However, it can have severeconsequences for the fetus and is associated with an increased risk of spontaneouspre-term labour, fetal distress and sudden intrauterine death. Up to date, the exactcause of this disease is unknown, although genetic and hormonal, and probablyenvironmental factors are involved in the development of ICP. To explore thepathogenesis of ICP and fetal complications, we performed an isobaric tags forrelative and absolute quantification (iTRAQ) based proteomics approach andidentified2120proteins (7399peptides) in the placental tissues of all samplesincluding ICP patients and normal controls, and a total of38differentially expressedproteins were separated, of which29were upregulated and9were downregulated inICP. Cluster analysis was performed to characterize the specific and uniqueexpression patterns of the38differentially expressed proteins, it displayed thesignificantly altered expression levels of the proteins in ICP patients and normalcontrols. Bioinformatic analysis was performed to analyze the role of these proteinsin cellular processes and the results showed that most of the identified proteins werefunctionally related to specific cell processes, including apoptosis, oxidative stress,lipid metabolism, cell cycle, immune response, cell proliferation and cell growth.Three differentially expressed proteins, namely endoplasmic reticulum protein29(ERp29), myeloperoxidase (MPO) and peroxiredoxin6(PRDX6) were chosen forverification in4cases of ICP patients and4controls using Western blotting andimmunohistochemical analysis. The results showed that PRDX6and ERp29wereupregulated, whereas MPO was downregulated in ICP patients versus controls (P < 0.05). The expression patterns of the three proteins were consistent with theproteomic and Western blotting analysis. Based on previous studies and ourproteomic results, which suggested the appearance of apoptosis in the placental tissueof ICP patients, we also quantified the apoptotic index in the placenta. We found thatthere were few TUNEL-positive cells in the placental tissue of the normal controls,whereas, the apoptotic index was significantly higher in the placental tissue of ICPpatients. Recent studies have shown that ERp29is an endoplasmic reticulum protein,and high expression of ERp29inversely correlates with tumor progression due toinduction of apoptosis and inhibition of the cell cycle in a variety of cancer cells,including breast cancer cells. In this study, we found that ERp29was upregulated inthe placental tissue of ICP patients. So, we speculated that ERp29may play a key rolein the molecular pathogenesis of apoptosis in the placenta and ICP-related fetalcomplications. In order to verify this hypothesis, we quantified the expression ofERp29and apoptotic index in HTR-8/SVneo cells after treatment with differentconcentrations of taurocholic acid (TCA) for6h. We demonstrated that theexpression of ERp29and apoptotic index were significantly higher in the100μMTCA group than the10μM TCA groups and negative control group (P <0.05),respectively. Cell cycle analysis showed that the proportions of cells in the G1phase,S phase and G2/M phase at different time points (24h,48h and72h) were notsignificantly different among different concentrations of TCA groups, respectively. Tofurther explore the mechanism of ERp29overexpression on apoptosis in the placentaof ICP patients, we investigated the expression of p38and phosphorylated (p)-p38inHTR-8/SVneo cells after treatment with TCA. Western blotting result indicated thatthe levels of p-p38significantly increased in the100μM TCA group, compared withthe10μM TCA group and negative control group (P <0.01). Caspase-3activity alsosignificantly increased in the100μM TCA group, compared with the10μM TCAgroup and negative control group (P <0.01). This quantitative proteomics mayprovide us new insights into the pathophysiology and novel treatment targets for ICP.Among the38differentially expressed proteins, we discovered that ERp29may playa key role in placental apoptosis by inducing p38phosphorylation and activating caspase-3, which suggests that ERp29may represent a novel target for the treatment
     of ICP.
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