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In the era of rapid development of society, the enterprise as a "new concept" has been given the dual nature, the natural attributes and social attributes. Enterprises have not only pursued their own economic interests to maximize the physical, but also need to focus on the social progress and development. With economic development, it exposed environmental pollution, resource depletion, product quality and safety and other socio-economic problems, which make the research into the issue of corporate social responsibility become the focus of the theoretical and practical industry. Due to the agricultural enterprises'industry characteristics, agricultural products and their safety link with people's health and even life closely, such as "melamine" milk powder, Shuanghui "lean" and other food safety incidents, the issue of agriculture corporate social responsibility has been more concerned about. Meanwhile, in recent years, the state support in policy to agriculture is very large, some agricultural enterprises in this context have rapidly developed, but the "farmers back" phenomenon appeared later is thought-provoking. In addition, the current corporate social responsibility accounting information disclosure system has not been established, and the existing reporting system's disclosure of the corporate social responsibility information has many problems. Thus, topics based on agricultural corporate social responsibility of accounting information disclosure have extremely important theoretical and practical value.
     From the perspective of agricultural enterprises, the research aim of issue of social responsibility accounting information disclosure, with the agricultural listed companies as the research objectives, is:comprehensively evaluate the overall level of corporate social responsibility accounting information disclosure of the listed agricultural companies and the level of social responsibility with different stakeholders; determine the main factors affecting the level of corporate social responsibility accounting information disclosure from the overall level of corporate social responsibility accounting information disclosure of the listed agricultural companies and the level of social responsibility with different stakeholders; study the will of the disclosure of general accounting information of agricultural listed companies and the disclosure of social responsibility accounting information of different stakeholders; discuss the objectives, content, quality requirements and social responsibility reporting of corporate social responsibility accounting information disclosure in the framework of the traditional accounting system. In order to achieve research objectives, main contents are as follows:
     First, make clear of the research methods and research ideas of the issue of agricultural corporate social responsibility accounting information disclosure.
     Second, review the relevant theories. Corporate social responsibility theory, contract theory and stakeholder theory were reviewed and evaluated. Corporate investors, employees, customers, suppliers, governments, vulnerable populations and public enterprises and the environment conduct as the core of the contractual relationship of the parties. Economic responsibility for direct interest enterprise groups, public interest groups and the disadvantaged and the moral responsibility, the government's legal responsibility and ecological responsibility to the environment, which embody the organic unity of corporate social responsibility and stakeholder, constitute the framework of the contents of corporate social responsibility accounting information disclosure.
     Third, disclosure of agricultural listed companies and their social responsibility accounting information. From the year 2007 to 2009, the number of agriculture listed companies which were able to disclose social responsibility through social responsibility accounting information reporting was 0,5, and 7. Annual reports (including social responsibility reports) and social responsibility accounting information format disclosed in related sites is not unified, and the content is fragmented and not standardized. The overall situation of agriculture corporate social responsibility accounting information disclosure is not optimistic.
     Fourth, evaluate the level of agriculture listed companies social responsibility accounting information disclosure based on factors cluster analysis. From the industry itself, agriculture listed companies social responsibility accounting information disclosure is still relatively low. Of 54 sample companies,38.89% are below average in the industry; only on the government's legal responsibility is agricultural listed companies'disclosure of accounting information relatively high, while the accounting information disclosure levels of direct interest groups on the economic responsibility, public interest groups, vulnerable and moral responsibility and the environment, ecological responsibility are very low, which is the main reason leading to relatively low level of agriculture listed companies accounting information disclosure of the overall social responsibility.
     Fifth, influencing factors of agriculture listed companies'social responsibility information disclosure. Agriculture Listed companies'business management, company size and development capacity are the major factors to influence the level of information disclosure of social responsibility accounting. However, for the different stakeholders there are different factors. The main factors, which have a significant impact level of the direct interest groups financial responsibility accounting information disclosure, are the management capabilities, company size, capacity development and the company's non-agricultural operation; the main factors, which have a significant impact of the level of accounting information disclosure of the moral responsibility for vulnerable and public service groups, are the company's profitability and development capacity; there is not very significant factor to influence the level of accounting information disclosure of the legal responsibility for the government and the environmental and ecological responsibility.
     Sixth, the will of agricultural listed companies'social responsibility accounting information disclosure. With objective of maximizing the value of the company, the agricultural listed companies will be positive to disclose the overall accounting information of social responsibility, and for different stakeholders, agricultural listed companies will be positive to disclose accounting information of economic interest groups direct responsibility and accounting information of environmental and ecological responsibility, while on vulnerable groups and public moral responsibility and legal liability for the Government, disclosure of accounting information did not show much enthusiasm.
     Seventh, the mode design of agricultural listed companies'social responsibility accounting information disclosure. The goal of agriculture listed companies social responsibility accounting information disclosure is to satisfy all types of information users' information needs of social responsibility, for this, companies need to disclose four aspects of information:financial responsibility, moral responsibility, legal responsibility and ecological responsibility. The quality of information need to meet not only the basic quality requirements of traditional accounting information, but also the social benefits, accountability, integrity and audit ability and other specific quality requirements.
     Finally, according to the findings, propose conclusions and countermeasures.
     Research innovations:
     (1) Innovation of Perspective. The paper take the perspective of agricultural enterprises, agriculture listed companies for the study, the base of enterprise contract theory, theory of social responsibility and stakeholder theory, corporate social responsibility for the content of agricultural re-defined, and be comprehensive assessment, and the research perspective is currently rare.
     (2) Innovation of theory. On the basis of the review and evaluation of corporate social responsibility theory, contract theory and stakeholder theory, this paper proposed the theoretical model of corporate stakeholders and social responsibility, and proved the model in the fourth chapter through the factor analysis.
     (3) Innovative of research methods. Using factor analysis and cluster analysis to comprehensively evaluate the overall level of agriculture corporate social responsibility accounting information disclosure and the different stakeholders in the social responsibility of accounting information, and the evaluation method in the literature have not been obtained.
     (4) Innovation of index system. Construct agricultural listed companies social responsibility accounting information disclosure system based on the current accounting system, including the disclosure index system and evaluation index system, the system will further improve the system of accounting information of listed companies. In addition, construction of agricultural accounting information of listed companies disclose social responsibility evaluation index system, consider the environment, product quality and safety and other factors, in determining the impacting factors the level of agricultural listed companies social responsibility accounting information disclosure takes into account the agricultural enterprises of the agro-size, degree of non-agricultural operation, the state's policy support and other factors, which is none in the past related research.
     (5) Innovation of Disclosure model. Clear the objectives and content of agricultural listed companies social responsibility accounting information disclosure, propose basic quality requirements and specific quality requirements of agricultural listed companies social responsibility accounting information disclosure, and in the framework of the traditional accounting system, from the agricultural listed companies direct interest groups, economic responsibility, the moral responsibility of vulnerable and public interest groups, the government's legal responsibility and ecological responsibility to the environment, four levels, namely, monetary information and non-monetary information, study in set method agriculture listed companies social responsibility accounting information.
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