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精氨酸琥珀酸合成酶(Argininosuccinate synthetase1, Ass1)能够催化瓜氨酸(L-Citrulline)和天冬氨酸(L-Aspartate)形成精氨琥珀酸,然后在精氨琥珀酸裂解酶(Argininosuccinate lyase, Asl)的作用下,生成精氨酸(L-Arginine)和延胡索酸。由于Asl的表达量恒定,因此Assl是生成精氨酸的限速酶。本实验利用原位杂交和Real-time PCR检测了Assl和Asl在围着床期小鼠子宫中的表达,并利用假孕和人工诱导蜕膜化等模型研究了Ass1的表达及其调节,同时检测了在妊娠D4和D8小鼠子宫内膜和血液中的精氨酸含量。在体外细胞培养中,探讨了cAMP对Ass1的调节机制,以及Assl和精氨酸水平对小鼠子宫内膜基质细胞增殖和蜕膜化的影响。利用Ass1特异性抑制剂MDLA,我们研究了Ass1在胚胎着床及蜕膜化中的作用。
Assl (argininosuccinate synthetase1) is the key enzyme which converts L-Citrulline and L-Aspartate to argininosuccinic acid, which is catalyzed the breakdown to arginine and fumarate by argininosuccinate lyase (Asl). Owing to consistent expression of Asl, Assl is a recognized rate-limiting step in arginine synthesis. This study was to examine the expression, regulation and function of Assl and Asl in mouse endometrium during peri-implantation period.
     Assl and Asl are not detected in mouse preimplantation uteri from days1to4. Both Ass1and Asl are expressed in stromal cells at the implantation sites on day5of pregnancy, and their expression is then spread to the secondly decidua from primary decidua with the progress of decidualization from days5to8. Both Ass1and Asl are co-localized in the deciduoma under artificial decidualization, but are not detected in pseudopregnant uterui. Assl and As1are induced in implantation site uterus when delayed implantation is activated. Hence, embryos may regulate the expression of Assl and Asl. Compared with endomitrium and serum on day4, L-Arg level is higher in endomitrium and serum on day8.
     cAMP activates PKA and induces Creb phosphorylation, which translocates into nucleus and transcriptionally regulates Assl expression and L-Arg production. Creb knockdown can significantly decrease the expression of Assl and Dtprp (a decidualization marker) mRNA level. Assl knockdown or MDLA (Assl inhibitor) also decreases Dtprp mRNA level. Overexpression of Ass1and Asl can upregulate Dtprp mRNA level. When stromal cells are treated with L-Arg, L-Arg in low concentration has no effect on the expression of Ass1, Asl and Dtprp mRNA level and proliferation of stromal cells, and L-Arg in high concentration inhibits the expression of Ass1, Asl and Dtprp, as well as the proliferation of stromal cells. When pregnant mice are treated with MDLA from days4to6, decidualization is significantly inhibited.
     In conclusion, Assl is strongly expressed in mouse stromal cells during decidualization in vivo and in vitro and may play a key role in proliferation and decidualization. cAMP regulates Assl expression via PKA. L-Arg in high concentration is beneficial for stromal cells proliferation and decidualization. On the other hand, L-Arg in high concentration inhibits Assl and Asl expression by negative feedback to maintain L-Arg homeostasis.
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