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The globalization stresses on the division and the worldwide connected. It also involves the reformation and adjustment for the global value chain and supply chain. The knowledge-based economy is an innovation economy, and causing many sorts of new business models by internet and some other IT and communication tools.
     The virtual organization is the key factor to the contribution on national economy. It has practical and universal meaning to establish an optimized virtual model to resist on the negative impact from the current global economic crisis.
     Besides the introduction part, this dissertation has the rest five chapters. The initial part gives rise to the problem and outlines the background and current situation related this thesis. This part is also devoted to a critical review of existing literatures on virtual organization from abroad and home, and discusses the theoretical development and evolution process of virtual organization, and gives an evaluation. The first chapter aims to study the nature of virtual organization, gives the definition and features as well as its clarifications. The second chapter’s mission is to explain the reasons of formation of virtual organization. It accounts for four main reasons: globalization progress. Information technology innovation. Open thinking and liberation of workforce. Optimized resources allocations. The third chapter clarifies the function of self-organized and organized forces during the development of the virtual organization. The fourth chapter is concentrated on the analysis of mass collaboration production through examples. The last chapter presents the opportunities and risks may occur in the introduction of virtual organization. And in this part it also puts a proposition on how to develop virtual organization, which should apply the proper mechanism of choosing partners of virtual organization members.
     The research on Virtual Organization is a new field either in China or abroad. The article’s innovation mainly lies in the following six aspects: This article works on a systematical research on the nature and reasons of formation of virtual organization; It provides a new angle for research on virtual organization which combine the mass collaboration production;This whole paper introduces the new research tool of self-organized theory, and systematically studies the mechanism of the virtual organization; The dissertation forms a new theory : Evolved Coase Theory, which adds the study family of asymmetrical information to symmetrical information; In addition, this article defines a new clarifications of virtual organization including three versions; Finally this paper also doubts the coase theory about the scale of enterprise affected by technology progress.
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