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In the process of economic development, Energy consumption has become oneof the important sources of power in human social and economic sustainabledevelopment in the modern society. In recent years with the development of the worldeconomy, the energy consumption is also growing, hinder the role played in thedevelopment of human exhaust was already serious impact to the sustainabledevelopment of the world, which are due to excessive carbon dioxide emissionscaused by the "greenhouse effect" is the most obvious. Coordinated development ofenergy, economic growth and carbon emissions problem has become one of the mostimportant issues in each countries of the world.
     As the world's largest developing country, China has become the largest countryof the energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions than any other countries. Inthis context, how to coordinate the relationship between energy consumption andcarbon emissions, and economic growth in the development of low-carbon economyhas become one of the main obstacles to build a resource-saving andenvironment-friendly society with faster and better. The paper selects China's energyconsumption, economic growth and carbon emissions data among1978-2010years,and uses the Eviews7.0software to analysis the relationship among their combinationand makes conclusions as follows:
     (1)China's energy consumption and real GDP Granger cause each other.Underthe1%significance level, GDP each the1%increase in energy consumption willdrive real GDP increased1.66%.In the short term, when China's energy consumptionincrease1%,it will drive the China's real GDP increase0.54%, however,the twobehind energy consumption plays the opposite role on the impact of China's real GDP.
     (2) The growth of China's carbon emissions is caused by energyconsumption.There is a long-run equilibrium relationship between them,each1%increased in energy consumption,will drive the carbon emissions increasing1.03%,itgoes up to1.13%when in the short term.
     (3) when analysis the relationship among the energy consumption、the carbonemissions, and economic growth,the energy consumption increased by1%,the Cemissions in China will increase to0.78%.In the short term,when the energyconsumption increase1%,the growth of China's carbon emissions will be up to1.19%,and China's carbon emissions speed will reduced by0.11%while the realGDP increase1%.
     (4) In order to achieve our carbon emissions' targets and the sustainableeconomic growth,we should take some feasible policy measures to promote thecoordinated development among the energy consumption、the economic growth andthe carbon emissions.
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