纳米材料PAMAM G3及甲型H1N1流感病毒导致小鼠急性肺损伤的致病机理研究
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纳米材料PAMAM G3引起A549细胞自噬性死亡,并导致小鼠急性肺损伤
     本文所研究的纳米材料是一种具有高度支化、对称、呈辐射状的大分子——聚酰胺-胺树枝状大分子纳米材料(PAMAM dendrimer)。它由中心核、内层重复的分支亚单位以及表面的功能基团组成。整代的PAMAM纳米材料表面的功能基团为氨基,半代的PAMAM纳米材料表面的功能基团为羧基。由于氨基带有正电荷,整代的PAMAM常被用作载体,递送DNA,进行细胞或生物体内表达。对于这些PAMAM材料生物安全性的研究甚少。
     本文中,我们测定了PAMAM G1~G8以及G3.5、G4.5、G5.5和G7.5对A549细胞的影响。发现从PAMAM G3到PAMAM G8均会引起A549细胞的死亡。而表面基因为阴离子的半代PAMAM对A549细胞的活性不会产生影响。我们对PAMAM G3引起的A549细胞死亡进行了分析,发现PAMAM G3不是通过凋亡通路引起的A549细胞死亡,而是引起细胞自噬性死亡。给予自噬的抑制剂3MA或是利用siRNA技术抑制自噬基因ATG6的表达,可以有效地缓解PAMAM G3引起的A549细胞死亡。同时,自噬性细胞死亡也在PAMAM G4、G5.G6、G7和G8引起的A549细胞死亡中扮演着重要角色。
     同时,我们对PAMAM G3引起的自噬性细胞死亡的信号通路进行了分析。发现PAMAM G3通过Akt-TSC2-mTOR的信号通路引起A549发生自噬性细胞死亡。
     此外,我们发现PAMAM G3会导致小鼠死亡,引起小鼠急性肺损伤。而自噬的抑制剂3MA有效地缓解PAMAM G3引起的小鼠死亡,改善小鼠的急性肺损伤程度。说明自噬在PAMAM G3引起的小鼠死亡中发挥着重要作用。
     本研究通过建立甲型H1N1流感病毒感染的小鼠模型,揭示NF-K B信号的激活,可诱发炎症相关因子产生,形成细胞因子风暴(Cytokine storm),在小鼠感染病毒后导致的急性肺损伤中发挥重要致病作用。
PAMAM dendrimer (polyamidoamine dendrimer) is a polymer with dentritic branching and radial symmetry. It consists of three parts:a central core, an interior dendritic structure (the branches) and an exterior surface (the end group).
     PAMAM dendrimers can be divided in to the whole (cationic) or half (anionic) generation polymers. The surface of the whole generation is functionalized with primary amino surface groups and the half generation is with carboxylate surface groups. Due to the cationic surface, the whole generation PAMAM could be used for gene delivery for expression in cells or in animals. Therefore, the biosafety of these PAMAMs need to be evaluated.
     In this dissertation, we determine the cells viability after PAMAM G1to G8and G3.5, G4.5, G5.5and G7.5treatment. We find that treatment of A549cells by cationic PAMAMs, from G3to G8could cause cells death, while the anionic PAMAMs have no effect on cells viability. Furthermore, we find that PAMAM G3causes A549cells death through autophagy, but not through apoptosis. Treating cells with inhibitor of autophagy,3-methyladenine (3MA), or by knockdown the autophagy related gene, beclin, could improve the cells viability treated by PAMAM G3. In the meanwhile, autophagic cell death happens in the PAMAM G4, G5, G6, G7and G8treated A549cells.
     In the following step, we analyze the signal transduction pathways in the PAMAM G3induced autophagic cell death. We find that PAMAM G3induced A549autophagic cell death through Akt-TSC2-mTOR pathway.
     Furthermore, we discover that PAMAM G3could induce acute lung injury and cause death in mice, while the autophagy inhibitor3MA could improve the situation. It is indicated that autophagy plays an important role in PAMAM G3induced mice acute lung injury.
     In March2009, in the United States and Mexico, a new porcine influenza A H1N1virus was identified from specimens of patients with influenza-like symptom. The virus can spread from person to person has been spreading to more than100countries and regions.
     Main clinical manifestations of human infected with influenza A H1N1virus was acute respiratory infection symptom. And rapid progression in some patients, sudden high fever, severe pneumonia or secondary acute respiratory distress syndrome, pulmonary hemorrhage, respiratory failure and multiple organ injury were observed. Mechanism of acute respiratory infection related injury caused by pathogenic is not clear yet.
     In this study, we established animal model of Influenza A H1N1virus infection in mice, found that:the activation of NF-κB signaling can induce production of inflammation-related factors (cytokines, chemokines), then the formation of cytokine storm, which plays an important role in the process of acute lung injury in mice after Influenza A H1N1virus infection.
     By detecting the mortality of mice, the lung wet to dry ratio, lung pathology, the level of the inflammation-related factors (cytokines, chemokines) in broncho-alveolar lavage fluid and phosphorylation of NF-K B and IK B-a in lung mononuclear macrophages as indicators, we compare the virulences of different strains of influenza virus after infection. Influenza A H1N1virus BJ strain on the4-week-old C57BL/6mice was found with a stronger ability of lung injury, in comparison to CA07strain. And the viral load in lung tissue of mice was significantly higher than CA07strain.
     Infected with influenza A H1N1virus strain BJ, mice given continuous steroid Dexamethasone, which significantly reduced mortality and markedly respited the lung injury.
     These findings expand our understanding of influenza A H1N1virus induced lung injury and also provide valuable information for the anti-viral research.
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