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With "the State Council on strengthening the state-owned land asset management notice", "Office of the State Council on regulating state-owned land use right transfer of income and expenditure management notice" and the Ministry of Land and Resources, the Ministry of Finance, People's Bank of China on November 19, 2007 " Land reserve management practices "such as the introduction of the policy, China's land reserve system has been unprecedented norms, in which the supply of land transfer, land bank plan, acquisition, development, use, land reserves the scope and procedures are explained , China's land reserve for the implementation of legal norms played a role. However, the existing laws and regulations on land reserves and no mode of operation of the related note, according to the actual situation around the use of a different mode of operation of land reserves.
     Based on the results from previous studies on the basis of comparative analysis of domestic and foreign cities through the land reserve mode of operation, studies of China's land reserve should choose the mode of operation. Combination of land reserves in the operation of the Datong City, the mode of operation in Datong City land reserves for the reconstruction. In this paper, the use of social surveys and data analysis summarized, mutatis mutandis, analysis, literature research methods.
     This paper in the first chapter of the topics background, purpose and significance of research, study and research the status quo ideas and methods. First of all listed in Chapter II of the land reserves and land reserve mode of operation of the definition, then introduced a land bank of the theoretical basis: supply and demand theory, theory of market failure and government economic theory and made a land reserve of three modes of operation: government-led Type, market-oriented, market-bound mode of operation. In the third chapter comparative analysis of the foreign reserves of land mode, and then on China's urban land for development of the reserves, then the market-led Shanghai, Hangzhou and Wuhan, the government-led market integration of land reserve a comparative analysis of patterns. In the fourth chapter, which should be selected on China's land reserve models were studied. Chapter V of the land reserves in Datong City model was studied, the last land reserves in Datong City on a reconstruction mode of operation: the use of the design in accordance with the law, the principle of gradual and systematic, on the basis of Datong City completed a land reserve Mode of operation of the framework design.
     Based on the operation of the land bank study, analyze that China should adopt a combination of the market land reserve mode of operation, the system should actively use the land reserves for pre-and funding to implement diversified financing, and land should be taken Reserve Board, the Land Reserve Center, land-trading center and land companies combine the organizational setup mode.
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