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The 21st century is a new era that the whole global economy will be remolded, and this process will be achieved by the technology revolution, which concentrates on information technology, and the following economic revolution. We can say it is a time of knowledge economy. As we know, the essence of knowledge economy is creativity; therefore developing the creative people will surely be the main task of current education. And the other important point is that we should realize education is the core of knowledge economy. In order to develop education, fasten the fostering of labor force resource, provide reliable talents for the development of economy and society, we should emphasize the research of college education, especially for postgraduates' education. We can regard this as the treasure of development of the whole country, and it directly influences the strategies of developing country with education and talents. Consequently, it is necessary to do the deep research of our postgraduates' education. And we know that we have to adopt the policy of treating your talents well and take the efforts of developing postgraduates' education as the final goal, in this way, we can keep the steady and healthy development of our postgraduates' education.
    This essay focuses on the research of Chinese current postgraduates' education on the basis of the theory of education, education economics, management. And the ways like giving questionnaires, providing integrated evaluation and researching the typical examples are used in the essay.
    Firstly, I analyzed the current situation of postgraduates' education. Our country has created the degree and education system with Chinese characteristics ever since the entrance exams of postgraduates were adopted again in 1978. From 1999, the enrollment of postgraduates has been increasing greatly. And till 2005, the amount of postgraduates was nearly one million. This made the scale of our postgraduates' education stand among the top ones in the world. But there are also some following problems, such as the shortage of the resource of college education, the imperfect system of postgraduates' education, and the cut of financial aid, etc. I also pointed out the disadvantages of our postgraduates' education after comparing the situations in our country and those in other countries. We have to identify and solve these problems carefully; only in this way can we build the mode of postgraduates' education with special Chinese characteristics.
    Secondly, I built the evaluation model for the postgraduates' education, and
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