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Climate change has become a global hot issue which is common concernedby international community, in order to cope with it, China has already plannedthe project actively and made a commitment of carbon emissions abatement tothe world. At the same time, along with China's urbanization process, urbanconstruction scale become larger and larger every year and buildings haveconsumed a plenty of energy and resources with a large amount of greenhousegases emission, so it is imperative to control the emission now. However,publicity and externality characteristics of building carbon emissions and carbonabatement lead to the overuse of atmospheric environmental capacity resourcesand the loss of social welfare and market efficiency, on the other side, buildingcarbon emissions trading mechanism derived from property right theory canprovide a new method to solve these problems. In addition, compared toresidential building, characteristics of public building such as the single propertyrights, large amount of emissions of monomer building and great abatementpotential makes it feasible and meaningful to implement carbon emissionstrading mechanism on public building. In this research, through using themethods such as combination of qualitative analysis and quantitative anal ysis,the combination of theoretical research and application research, and statisticalanalysis, by comprehensively applying theories and methods of themultidisciplinary such as economics, public goods theory, externality theory,property rights theory, mechanism design theory, system theory, system theory,game theory, life cycle theory, incentive theory and decision theory, it studies onpublic building carbon emissions trading mechanism and system.
     Through defining the range of public buildings carbon emissions andclarifying the connotation of public buildings carbon emissions trading, thisresearch obtains the quasi-public goods attribute, commodity property of publicbuilding carbon emissions trading and the combination characteristics of itsrights and duties. And then, it builds a theoretical framework of this study byusing public goods theory, externality theory, property rights theory andmechanism design theory to analysis the essence and the key problems of publicbuilding carbon emissions trading.
     This research analyzes the process of public buildings carbon emissionstrading by using systems analysis methods, and it establishes the stakeholders’levels; and then by using game theory, it makes evolutionary game analysis on behavior strategy selection between supervision subjects level and transactionagents level, meanwhile, it finds characteristics of behavior strategies made bystakeholders pre-and post entering the market under the government guide. Onthis basis, it reveals the basic principles of public buildings carbon emissionstrading and establishes a trading operation mechanism model.
     After that, this research makes a comprehensive analysis on incrementalcost and incremental benefit in the whole process of public buildings carbonemissions trading using life cycle theory and life cycle cost method. It constructsnet benefit calculation model of supervision subjects level and transaction agentslevel, including net benefit expression and net benefit calculation methods. Onthat basis, by further analysis it obtains the key influencing factors and the actioneffect of public buildings carbon emissions trading desirability factors, and then,it constructs the desirability conditions of public buildings carbon emissionstrading.
     Combined with the results of analyzing the public buildings carbonemissions trading mechanism and desirability, guiding by mechanism designtheory and system theory, this research designs the overall framework of publicbuildings carbon emissions trading system, and it puts forward the process andimplementation of each part of the system. Furthermore, it constructs the carbonabatement incentive model, regulation model of illegal discharge and flexibleprotection mechanism to guarantee the operation of public buildin gs carbonemissions trading system.
     Finally, in order to follow the research method of combing the theoreticalresearch with application research, this research regards Beijing as a case tomake an application research on public buildings carbon emissions tradingsystem. Through analyzing the public building scale and the carbon emissionsquantity, it studies on the potential for carbon emission abatement, and then,combing the realistic conditions of the implementation of public buildingscarbon emissions trading in Beijing, it designs the basic framework of publicbuildings carbon emissions trading system in Beijing, and it also puts forwardsspecific implementation recommendations.
     In the course of the study of public buildings carbon emissions tradingmechanism and system, this research applies a variety of theories and methods toenrich and extend the theoretical system of public buildings carbon emissionstrading research; and through digging deeply into the essence and the key issuesof public buildings carbon emissions trading, it reveals the basic principles oftrading and establishes trading operation mechanism model, which are helpful to promote the further study of public buildings carbon emissions trading. It alsostudies on the net benefit calculation model and desirability conditions of publicbuildings carbon emissions trading stakeholders which provide basis for itsbehavior strategy selection. The framework of public buildings carbon emissionstrading system is designed, also the process and implementation method is putforward which is beneficial for the government to establish effective publicbuildings carbon emissions trading system.
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