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This dissertation explores some issues concerning functions, placement and construction of regional financial centers, concluding that regional financial center has such effects as those of conglommeration, externalities of economic scale, networks, technology progress, innovation, self-enforcement, proliferation, spill-over of financial knowledge, etc. and such roles as deposit pooling, information exposure, exchange facilitation , risk management, etc. which work together on economic development.
     With retrospection and summarization of the historic experiences concerned, the dissertaion expounds the favorable factors of regional financial centers' to promote the status and economic development of the cities where the centers are. Meanwhile, it also finds out the prerequisites prior to the constuction of a financial center from different stands, such as system, market and enviroment. From the two prevailing paths of building financial center, say, government-oriented and naturally evolved, the dissertation comes to put forward some modes for the construction of Chinese regional financial centers characterized by local coloers. In addition, the modes are applied to the would-be regional financial centers for the qualified cities in China theoritically, based on a positive reseach on the candidate cities' competative powers.
     With efforts, this dissertation advocates that financial centers in China are supposed to be built into the following modes: Hong Kong as a globalized international financial cnter, Shanghai as globalized international regional financial center when conditions are mature, Beijing as national fincnail center, Guangzhou and Shenzhen as nationalized regional financial centers supplementary to Hong Kong center, while in the long run as globalized international regional financial centers when conditions are well created, other cities such as Nanjing, Wuhan, Chongqing, Chengdu, Dalian, Xi'an and Tianjin as domestic regional financial centers respectively.
     At the end, the dissertation figures out a comparatively detailed schedule for the construction of Guangzhou regional financial center, against the backgroud of the set-up of a powerful financial Guangdong province, to facilitates the efforts for the center, which is to economically lead forward the whole province, radiate to south China and embrace South-east Asia.
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