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A loan word is a lexical itet11, whicl1 l1as beel1 takel1 into one language from
    al1otl1er. Loal1 words arc tl1e products of laI1guagc co11tact. l11 la11guage-contact
    situation, tI1e il1teraction betwee11 borrowcLI a11d borI.otving lal1guages 111ust take place,
    whicll will lead to Ianguage fusing a11d lal1guage conI1ict.
    Sillcc a11cient ti111es. wl1e11evcr tI1cre is Ial1guage contact, language t'Llsil1g aIways
    llal7pens sinlultanc()lIsly. 'l"I1e adoPti()l1 of l()al1 words is a l11al1l1cr of language tiIsing.
    By 1a1lguage fL1siIlg t11e sou11d al1Ll l11cal1il1g of a11 El1glisl1 w()rd are introduced into
    Chillese language. IIowever, a loan word is l1o lol1ger a Ibreigl1 word. It has been
    absorbed by CI1inese lal1guage al1d becol11e a l11e11lber of Cl1inese vocabulary. Cl1inese
    speakers do not pronounce it in the sa111e way as it is prol1ounced in the phono1ogical
    system of fOreign language, and do not use it i11 tlle san1e way as it is used in its
    original gran1matical and semantic systel11s. NevertheIcss, a loa11 word is based oIl a
    fOreign word, so a loan word possesses so111e features of tI1e lbreign word. TherefOre,
    loan w()rds el11body tl1e I\lsil1g of two languages, wl1icl1 is uSually cOI1ccrned with fOur
    aspects f phono1ogical aspect, l11orI,l1ological aspect, sel11al1tic aspect, and aspect of
    In pllollological aspect, tI1e pr()l1ul1ciatiOI1 of a loa11 word is based o11 a
    correspol1dillg ft)reigl1 word. llut because tl1e pllolloIogical syste111s of English and
    Cllinese are ratl1er diflbrel1t flom eacl1 otl1er, al1 English wol.d has to be adapted il1
    three ways: tone additiol1, pl1ol1etic substitutiol1, and syllable lnodification, so as to be
    accepted by Cl1inese pl1o11ological system. ln morphological aspect, language fusing
    is presented as the naturalization of the gral11111atical feature of a loan word. Since
    EnglisI1 is a typical syntIletic-al1alytic language al1d Cl1inese is a completely analytic
    language, when entering chiI1esc, aI1 El1glish word wi11 be innuenced by chinese
    gralnmatical system. Due to tlle fact tI1at l1()ul1s acc()u11t f()r tl1e major part of
    loan-word systel11, and 11lost of E11gIisl1 not111s l1ave sil1gular al1d plural fOrlns, wl1en
    e11teril1g Cl1il1ese loal1-word systel11, al1 El1glisI1 word l1as Io discard its inflectional
    affixes w11icl1 il1dicate tl1e 11u11)her ()f a l1otll1. ll1 rcgard to tl1c word-f L,rl11ation. 111ost of
    loa11 tv()r'ls if1 ('llif1ese c()l1sisl ()f ()11e l11()rl,l1e111e. al1tl are ildopted b}' n1cal1s of
    . colllPlcte tra11sliterati()11. llut soll1etil11cs otI1cr strategies cal1 bc takel1 stlcl1 as sel11al1tic
    tra1lsliteration, annotated tral1s1iteI.atiol1. aI1d Partly literal tra11s1ation and partly
    transliteration. In these cases, ol1e loa11 word l1lay coIltain 111ore thall ol1e n1orpl1eme.
    ' Ill recent years, the means of direct borrowi11g are el11ployed more oftcn tha11 before.
    In semantic aspect, n1ost of the 111eanings of loan words are borrowed from fOreign
    I V
    t -
    language, but due to language, cultural, and social diversity, sometimes the meanings of loan word may differ from its corresponding foreign words. In general, the meanings of loan words can be categorixed into three groups, i.e. the meanings of loan words are totally imported; the original meanings are changed in loan words; the meanings of loan words are the same as the meanings of native words. In the aspect of writing, language fusing is presented by the coinage of Chinese characters. In the matter of borrowing, the new character often consists of two parts: one part is somewhat connected with the pronunciation of the original word; the other part is often related to the original meaning.
    Since loan words embody the fusing of borrowing and borrowed languages, when they enter borrowing language, foreign language represented by loan words must meet with various reactions from the native language speakers, among which some reactions are harmonized with native language, but some are inharmonized with it.
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