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     2. 2250kg/hm2和1500kg/hm2用量的坡缕石单施在红芪地上部分干物质积累量达最大的时降低0.11%和0.08%的单株根含氮量,在收获期提高红芪单株全株氮素积累量85.82和115.73mg/株,且1500kg/hm2用量的坡缕石单施时在收获期提高红芪单株根氮素积累量78.57 mg/株。配施坡缕石和氮磷钾肥较单施氮磷钾肥在红芪生长后期提高全株含氮量,在红芪不同时期提高其对应生长中心含氮量,降低非生长中心的含氮量,在收获期较单施氮磷钾肥提高红芪单株全株氮素积累量78.80~177.65mg/株。2250kg/hm2用量的坡缕石和氮磷钾肥配施时,较单施氮磷钾肥延长了红芪地上部分对氮素的积累时间,提高了地上部分氮素积累量,且在红芪生长后期提高了单株根氮素积累量。1500kg/hm2用量坡缕石和氮磷钾肥配施时,较单施氮磷钾肥提高了红芪生长后期的单株根氮素积累量。
     3.在0~20cm土层,1500kg/hm2和2250kg/hm2用量的坡缕石单施,在7月下旬较空白提高土壤NO3--N含量2.64和2.53 mg/kg。1500kg/hm2和2250kg/hm2用量的坡缕石和氮磷钾肥配施在9月下旬较单施氮磷钾肥提高NH4+-N含量2.08和1.38 mg/kg。2250kg/hm2用量和750 kg/hm2用量的坡缕石与氮磷钾肥配施在红芪生长中期较单施氮磷钾肥提高了0~20cm土层土壤速效磷含量。
In order to establish standard operation procedure of Radix Hedysari and explore a new way of using less fertilizer to gain high yield in cultivating chinese herbal medicine, the field experiment and laboratory simulation experiment were conducted to determine the effects of palygorskite and fertilizer on the growth and nutrient absorption of Radix Hedysari. The results would be also good for providing theoretical basis of establishing Radix Hedysari GAP base construction. The main results showed that:
     1. The growth process of plant height and branch height of Radix Hedysari were divided into two stages, the stage from emergence to late July was fast growth phase, and the stage from late July was slow growth stage. The dry matter accumulation center of Radix Hedysari transferred from aerial part to underground part in late July. Single application of palygorskite (1500kg/hm2) and single application of palygorskite (2250kg/hm2) increased plant height, promoted dry matter accumulation in aerial part and root of Radix Hedysari. Combined application of palygorskite (1500kg/hm2) and NPK fertilizer and combined application of palygorskite (2250kg/hm2) and NPK fertilizer improved growth indexes of Radix Hedysari compared with single application of NPK fertilize.
     2. Single application of palygorskite (2250kg/hm2)and single application of palygorskite (1500kg/hm2) decreased the N content of root per plant by 0.11% and 0.08% at the stage of accumulation of aerial part of Radix Hedysari reached the maxim amount, but improved the whole plant N accumulation amount by 85.82 and 115.73mg/plant at harvest stage. Single application of palygorskite (1500kg/hm2) increased the single plant root N accumulation amount of Radix Hedysari by 78.57 mg/plant at harvest stage. Combined application of palygorskite and NPK fertilizer improved whole plant N content at late growth stage of Radix Hedysari than single application of NPK fertilizer, combined application of palygorskite and NPK fertilizer also improved the N content of corresponding growth center, but decreased the N content of non-corresponding growth center, and combined application of palygorskite and NPK fertilizer improved the whole plant N accumulation amount of Radix Hedysari by 78.80~177.65mg/plant compared with single application of NPK fertilizer at harvest stage. The combined application of palygorskite (2250kg/hm2) and NPK fertilizer prolonged N accumulative time of aerial part of Radix Hedysari and increased N accumulation amount of aerial part and root of single plant at late growth stage. Combined application of palygorskite (1500kg/hm2) and NPK fertilizer increased the amount of root N accumulation of per plant at late Radix Hedysari growth stage.
     Combined application of palygorskite (2250kg/hm2) and NPK fertilizer increased P accumulation amount of whole plant by 19.32mg/plant compared with single application of NPK, and single application of palygorskite (2250kg/hm2) improved P accumulation in aerial part at late growth stage.
     Single application of palygorskite (2250kg/hm2)and single application of palygorskite (1500kg/hm2)all increased K accumulation amount of whole plant and root at late growth stage. Combined application of palygorskite (2250kg/hm2) and NPK fertilizer increased K content of root, K accumulation amount of whole plant, aerial part, and root of Radix Hedysari than single application of NPK. Single application of palygorskite (1500kg/hm2) improved K accumulation amount of whole plant and root of Radix Hedysari than single application of NPK during late growth stage.
     Radix Hedysari showed similar trend in absorption rate of N, P and K at every growth stage. The biggest absorption rate by Radix Hedysari was N, followed by K, and P.
     3. Single application of palygorskite (2250kg/hm2)and single application of palygorskite (1500kg/hm2) improved soil NO3--N content by 2.64 and 2.53 mg/kg, respectively, compared to the control at late July. Combined application of palygorskite (1500kg/hm2) and NPK fertilizer and combined application of palygorskite (2250kg/hm2) and NPK fertilizer all increased NH4+-N content of 0~20cm soil layer by 2.08 and 1.38 mg/kg, respectively, compared to single application of NPK in late September. Combined application of palygorskite (2250kg/hm2) and NPK fertilizer and combined application of palygorskite (750kg/hm2) and NPK fertilizer all increased available P content in 0~20cm soil layer in Radix Hedysari middle growth stage compared with single application of NPK.
     4. Compared to treatment applicated urea, treatment applicated palygorskite and urea decreased the amount of ammonia volatilization by 13.55~15.00%, and at the 0.3 and 0.6 g/kg application rate of palygorskite, combined application of palygorskite and urea decreased leaching capacity of NH4+-N and NO3--N, and the leaching amount of N were decreased by 13.71 and 13.56%, respectively, compared to single application of urea, but the leaching amount of N was improved by 6.14% at the 0.9 g/kg application rate of palygorskite compared with single application of urea. Compared to single application of urea, combined application of palygorskite (0.3g/kg)and urea improved NH4+-N content by 0.20mg/kg, but combined application of palygorskite (0.9g/kg)and urea decreased NH4+-N content by 0.42mg/kg. Combined application of palygorskite and urea improved NO3--N content by 1.24~2.52mg/kg compared with single application of urea. Therefore, palygorskite can decrease the amount of ammonia volatilization, the leaching amount of NH4+-N and NO3--N, and ultimately increased NH4+-N and NO3--N content.
     5. Compared to general urea, urea coated with palygorskite decreased the amount of ammonia volatilization by 10.38%~26.24%, and also decreased the leaching amount of N (NO3--N+NH4+-N) by 5.88%~27.74%. In colume soil, urea coated with palygorskite significantly increased NH4+-N content at the application rate of 20%, and the results also showed that three different amount of urea coated palygorskite significantly increased NO3--N content, decrease the ammonia volatilization, leaching amount of N (NO3--N+NH4+-N), and increase NH4+-N and NO3--N content. In a word, urea coated with palygorskite of 20% could show best and comprehensive ecological effect.
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