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目的:慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, COPD)是一种常见的慢性呼吸系统疾病,以气道、肺实质和肺血管的慢性炎症为特征,可以导致气流受限不完全可逆。该病程呈进行性发展,与肺部对香烟烟雾等有害气体或颗粒的异常炎症反应有关。气道的慢性炎症持续存在导致气道壁损伤和修复过程反复发生。目前全世界COPD死亡率居所有死因的第四位,其致死率呈逐年上升的趋势。对患者个体来说,临床表现除肺部症状外,常常伴有全身系统的严重疾病表现,严重影响着患者的劳动能力和生活质量。由于本病患病人数多,死亡率高,社会经济负担较重,COPD现已成为一个重要的公共卫生问题。
Objective:Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) remains a major public health problem, is characterized by persistent airflow limitation, which is usually progressive and associated with an enhanced chronic inflammatory response in the airways and the lung to noxious particles or gases. The chronic inflammation in the airways causes structural changes resulting from repeated injury and repair. It is the fourth leading cause of death in the world. The patients suffer from not only the the respiratory symptom but the constitutional symptom, COPD is a major cause of chronic morbidity and mortality in the world and results in a social and economic burden, which is both substantial and increasing.
     Traditional Chinese Medicine has a wealth of clinical experience in the treatment of COPD, Especially in the stable stage of this disease. By the methord of strengthening healthy and improving immunity with in the theory of "preventive treatment", which could relieve the clinical symptoms of patients, improve the immunity, decrease acute exacerbations and slow down the couse of the disease.
     Gubenzhike recipe has the function of invigorating the lung and kidney, strengthening the spleen and reducing phlegm, and dispel evils. Early clinical studies showed Gubenzhike recipe has good clinical efficacy. The total efficiency improvement in patients with cough, sputum was100%, improve asthmatic effective rate was85.71%, the total efficiency of comprehensive evaluation was96.67%. To observe the effect and mechanism of Gubenzhike recipe how to enhance the respiratory passage mucosa immune system, and discuss the common materials between respiratory passage mucosa immune system and the theory of wei-energy.
     Methods:The mouse COPD model was established by exposure to cigarette smoke in combination with intra-nostrils injection of lipopolysaccharide. The mice were divided into three groups:negative control group, model group and Gubenzhike recipe group; Use the methods of HE eosin staining and electronic microscope to observe the morphology characteristic of COPD model; Test the pulmonary function by animal pulmonary function machine; Use the ELISA to test the slgA level in respiratory tract; Use the method of Immunohistochemistry to test the expression of NE in lung tissue.
     Results:1.The mouse COPD model was established by exposure to cigarette smoke in combination with intra-nostrils injection of lipopolysaccharide. The morphology characteristic is up to COPD, the airway narrowed, intraluminal secretions increased, bronchial epithelial cilia exfoliated, tracheal microvilli lodged and sticky huddled. Inflammatory cell infiltrate in the Pulmonary interstitial tissue, structure of alveolar destructed and even dissolved and ruptured, cystic di latation, alveolar pores distructed, pulmonary capillary bed significantly reduced, and shaped the bullae. Gubenzhike recipe has the partly function of repair the pathological changes.
     2. Gubenzhike recipe has the function of partily repair the lung tissue morphology; The FEV0.1, FEV0.2, FEF25-75, PEF and the content of sIgA in the upper respiratory tract which in Gubenzhike recipe group had significant difference compared with those in model group (P<0.05).
     3. The expression of NE in lung tissue is decreased in Gubenzhike recipe group (P<0.01). The negative control group had no significant difference compared with Gubenzhike recipe group (P>0.05).
     Conclusion:The mouse COPD model was established by exposure to cigarette smoke in combination with intra-nostrils injection of lipopolysaccharide. Gubenzhike recipe might improve the pulmonary function especially the small airways, and respiratory tract mucosa immunity of COPD model. The inflammation of the airways can be controlled, reduced the immune response. In this way, it can regulate the function of repiratory passage mucosa immune system and reduce the inflammation of the lung tissue. There was a positive correlation between sIgA and NE. Gubenzhike recipe alleviates the inflammatory infiltration state of the COPD mouse models' airway mucosa and lung tissue, therefore adjusts respiratory mucosal immune status. Contained local airway inflammation can reduce the airway wall damage and repair process which is the main reason of the mouse models' imoroved airway dysfunction. We assume that the Gubenzhike recipe inhibits COPD mouse models' chronic inflammatory state, as well as airway mucosal immune response, which process resembles the defense function of the healthy energy (zheng qi). Furthermore it can slow down the evolution of diseases prevention acute exacerbations, which reflets the idea" To prevent, progression once ill, to prevent relapse once cured" in the traditional Chinese medicine theory.
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