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The transportation system structure of high core rock-fill dam is complex andaffected by many factors. In the process of running the system embodies therandomness and uncertainty, and this puts forward higher request for the schemedesign and operation management of transportation. Traffic simulation method hasbeen widely used as the assistant of design analysis, but it is difficult to put forwardthe optimal scheme for itself. Traffic control methods in the application of largehydropower projects have not yet spread. Therefore, how to make optimization planscientifically on the basis of the traffic simulation, and how to implement effectivetraffic based on real-time control, become a problem to be solved. This article is basedon computer technology, simulation technology and system control theory, to carryout key technology research on traffic simulation and real-time control based on thehigh core rock-fill dam. The main research results are as follows:
     (1) Traffic simulation and optimization theory of high core rock-fill dam basedon earth-rock allocation model is proposed. Combining with the detailed analysis oftransportation process of high core rock-fill dam, the influencing mechanism that howthe earth-rock allocation model affected the traffic simulation and optimization isdissected. Traffic simulation and optimization model based on earth-rock allocationmodel is established, and the particle swarm optimization based on research subject isimproved. This theory proves a scientific basis for the optimization design of highcore rock-fill dam construction transportation plan.
     (2) A multi-program evaluation theory for the transportation of construction sitein the high core rock-fill dam is proposed. After the detailed analysis of thecomprehensive evaluation index, a comprehensive evaluation index system formulti-program evaluation of transportation in the construction site of high corerock-fill dam is established based on the AHP-Entropy index weights method andGray comprehensive evaluation method which describes the simulation-basedevaluation index data collection method. The theory provides effective technicalsupport for the design of facilities and transportation layout program in theconstruction site of high core rock-fill dam.
     (3) Traffic online simulation modeling theory and method of high core rock-filldam based on real-time information is proposed. On the basis of comprehensive analysis of influence mechanism from real-time information to the simulation model,traffic online simulation model of high core rock-fill dam based on real-timeinformation is built. Traffic online simulation modeling method based on AutoCADplatform is presented, and the modeling strategy is elaborated. The theory and methodprovide an effective means for dynamic analysis of the transport process of high corerock-fill dam.
     (4) Traffic real-time control theory and method of high core rock-fill dam isproposed. Based on a detailed analysis of the uncertainty factors of traffic state inhigh core rock-fill dam, and according to the idea of intelligent transportation systems,the theory and method of traffic guidance and traffic signal control is studied, and thecollaborative framework of integration of the two sides is proposed. The theory andmethod provide a new idea of scientific research in the dynamic decision of effectivetraffic management and material transport scheme of high core rock-fill dam.
     (5) Traffic simulation and real-time control system of high core rock-fill dam isdeveloped. The system provides an effective platform for transportation planoptimization and real-time traffic control of high core rock-fill dam.
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