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Objective:To investigate the action and mechanism of Shenqi Polypharmaceutical on how to influence diabetic rat's blood glucose regulating hormones and improve its supersession disorder state. Methods-.Established DM rats by intraperitoneal injection of Alloxan are to be diveid randomly in five groups:model control,DM model treated with low dowsage middle dowsage and high dosage of SQ and , BS group respectively.Normal control group is also set.After three week's treatment, detecting rat's following materials including BG, INS GLIK GLP-K C-P, SOD both in am empty stomach state and postprandial state with the use of radioimmuno assay and serum enzyme examination ,meanwhile rat's pancreatic tissues are also made into pathological section for analysis. ResuItrDM rats do exist abnormality of the above mentioned materials.SQ can improve the DM rat's high blood glucose metabolism disorder ,raising INS content in serum whereas taking down the GLU level ;accelerating the renovation and proliferation of the pancreatic B cells.The general curative effect of SQ is better than the west medicine corss-refer group. Conclusion:SQ can act in multiple ways and levels to degrade blood glucose.
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