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     人巨细胞病毒(Human cytomegalovirus,HCMV)是人类先天性病毒感染的最常见病原体,人是其唯一的宿主。根据社会经济状况和地理位置的不同,人群中抗HCMV血清阳性率可达50%~90%。一般情况下,HCMV原发感染为隐性感染,无明显的临床症状,终生携带,病毒周期性地从黏膜部位释放。在器官和造血干细胞移植、肿瘤、艾滋病等免疫低下人群中,体内潜伏的病毒重新激活,引起HCMV活动性感染,其感染率约为50%~75%,死亡率约是25%,一般于术后1~4个月内发生,是器官移植失败和移植受体死亡的重要原因。对于孕妇来说,HCMV原发或复发感染均可引起胎儿宫内感染或围产期感染,而导致畸形、智力低下和发育迟缓,感染率达0.3-2.4%,其中发病率达15%-30%。在美国每年有8000名HCMV原发感染的婴儿出生,其中有10%~17%的婴儿出现耳聋或神经系统后遗症。在我国因先天HCMV感染造成的先天畸形患儿约4万人左右,占每年我国出生缺陷儿的6.2%。
     HCMV属于β-疱疹病毒亚科,为双链线状DNA病毒,直径约为120~300nm,核酸为235kb的双股线性DNA,有213个开放读码框,其中有165个编码基因,Varnum等证明HCMV病毒颗粒由59种结构基因编码的产物与众多宿主蛋白构成,是疱疹病毒中最大的,具有严格的种属特异性。其基因由长的独特序列(UL)、短的独特序列(US)及存在于L—S连接部位的重复序列组成,可构成4种同分异构体,至少编码氨基酸残基数100以上的多肽200余种,包括原始基因产物、中间产物及终末产物。HCMV基因的转录及表达有一定的时序性,可分为即刻早期(IE)、早期(E)和晚期(L)基因3种类型。其中,对病灶具有重要监测和检测功能的是IE和L。即刻早期基因是HCMV原发感染或复发感染后最先表达的基因。IE蛋白在HCMV基因表达的后续调控过程中起着主导作用。晚期基因的转录和表达一般发生在感染后36~48h。在HCMV DNA开始复制后,L基因合成病毒的结构蛋白,包括衣壳、被膜和包膜蛋白。因此,L基因表达意味着病毒的装配及成熟,是病毒感染的后期结果。而L基因mRNA可作为特异性的活动感染的诊断指标。HCMV对宿主或培养细胞有高度的种特异性,HCMV只能感染人,及在人纤维细胞中增殖。病毒在细胞培养中增殖缓慢,复制周期长,初次分离培养需30~40天才出现细胞病变,其特点是细胞肿大变圆,核变大,核内出现周围绕有一轮“晕”的大型嗜酸性包涵体。
     有学者运用RT-PCR技术检测并分析了潜伏于粒-巨噬前驱细胞中的HCMV即刻早期基因及其基因产物时发现,在HCMV mRNA的第356和292位碱基的上游分别存在着编码94个氨基酸多肽和152个氨基酸多肽的阅读框架,它的反向mRNA片段为2.1 kb。HCMV抗体阳性的健康携带者血清中(5/7)能检测到这一特异性基因片段,而HCMV抗体阴性的非感染者血清中则无1例可检出这一特异性基因片段(0/7),进一步支持HCMV潜伏感染存在着相关基因或转录产物的观点。
     应用疫苗亚单位可能更为有效,目前研究HCMV亚单位B和H疫苗。Bernstein等研究表明,对HCMV感染阴性的成人分三组,即接种HCMV亚单位糖蛋白B(gB)加MF59(一种含角鲨烯水乳剂)组,同时接种HCMV gB加MF59和金丝雀痘重组疫苗表达的HCMV gB(ALVAC-CMV gB)组,以及先后接种HCMV加MF59和金丝雀痘重组疫苗表达的HCMV gB(ALVAC-CMV gB)组,除有局部的反应外,少有系统副作用,三组均能安全有效的诱导高水平的HCMV抗体表达和细胞免疫的发生,组间无差异。
     新的HCMV免疫治疗采用输入HCMV特异的细胞毒性T淋巴细胞(CTL)。在健康和免疫抑制的个体中,Ⅰ类主要组织相容性复合体限制的HCMV特异CTL,在控制HCMV感染中起相当重要的作用。骨髓移植后,增加病毒特异CTL的数量与有功能的CTL,能成功的减少HCMV疾病的发生,骨髓移植后,试验性的应用T细胞免疫治疗HCMV感染表明,使用CD8+T细胞能抑制HCMV疾病。同时输入CD4+HCMV Th细胞和CD8+HCMV CTL的免疫治疗更为有效。Einsele等应用HCMV T细胞(10~7 HCMV T细胞/m~2),其中包括CD4+HCMV Th细胞和CD8+HCMV CTL,有效的抑制接受HCMV阳性供体的受体HCMV感染。Peggs等培养出CD4+和CD8+T细胞,并输入13位同种异体移植受体,移植术后检测6个月以上,6例患者未用抗病毒药物,而有效的清除HCMV,没有病例诊断出患HCMV感染。
     HCMV可引起机体免疫调节障碍或免疫失衡,T淋巴细胞活化,诱发淋巴组织细胞增生。HCMV能直接感染淋巴系造血祖细胞,抑制免疫细胞的增殖和分化,引起免疫功能紊乱。HCMV在与人类共同进化的过程中,形成了多种分子机制逃避机体免疫系统的监视,从而达到在体内长期潜伏的目的。目前发现HCMV的免疫逃避机制主要包括:①HCMV表达的US2、US3、US6、US11等蛋白可通过翻译后机制下调主要组织相容性抗原复合物MHC-Ⅰ和MHC-Ⅱ类分子的表达,从而抑制抗原递呈细胞的抗原递呈功能和CD8+CTL杀伤作用,同时HCMV还可表达MHC-Ⅰ类分子的同源物,与自然杀伤(NK)细胞的杀伤抑制性受体结合后抑制NK细胞对感染细胞的杀伤作用;②HCMV可表达人细胞因子及细胞因子受体的类似物,干扰宿主自身的细胞因子系统,如HCMV表达的人IL-10类似物HCMV IL-10可抑制单核-吞噬细胞系统,抑制细胞增殖,减少炎性细胞因子的生成,降低宿主的抗感染能力;③细胞凋亡是机体的一种抗病毒防御机制,HCMV感染初期可抑制细胞凋亡,以利于在感染细胞内完成病毒复制和生活周期,而在感染晚期又可促进细胞凋亡,干扰机体抗病毒免疫反应,使病毒避免被机体免疫系统清除:④HCMV感染宿主树突状细胞(dendritic cells,DC)后,可通过改变DC表面黏附分子的表达、抑制T细胞活化信号的传递等多种途径影响其功能,从而在人体内长期潜伏。⑤通过动态观测全身播散型MCMV感染小鼠急性和慢性感染期调节性T细胞(regulatory Tcells,Treg)、辅助性T细胞(helper T cells,Th)1型和2型特异性转录因子Foxp3、T-bet和GATA-3 mRNA的表达变化,发现在MCMV感染急性期,Treg未被诱导增殖活化,机体产生有效Th1和Th2免疫反应以清除病毒,但病毒可诱导Th1/Th2应答下降,并逐渐向Th2方向偏移;进入感染慢性期后,病毒诱导Treg细胞增殖活化显著,进一步抑制Th1和Th2免疫反应,且对Th1的抑制效应更强,提示HCMV在感染慢性期诱导Treg细胞增殖活化是其抑制宿主抗病毒免疫而呈持续慢性感染的重要原因。
     血清流行病学和肿瘤组织中HCMV DNA的存在显示了HCMV感染可能与多种人体肿瘤的发生有关。HCMV DNA和RNA以及抗原可在30%~60%的人体肿瘤中查到。HCMV感染在宫颈癌(34.3%)中比在宫颈炎(5.3%)中更常见。人乳头瘤病毒DNA阴性患者中,HCMV感染是宫颈癌的明显危险因素。HCMV与宫颈细胞转化的相关性在鼠动物模型中也得到证实。此外HCMV感染也与血管肉瘤、Kaposi′s肉瘤、结肠肿瘤、前列腺腺癌、Wilm′s肿瘤以及常发生于儿童的成神经细胞瘤有关。它的感染在某些疾病中还导致类似于肿瘤的表现,如在HCMV结肠炎、肛部病变、胃部病变、直肠病变等。HCMV通过抑制宿主细胞凋亡来逃避免疫攻击,是其参与肿瘤发生发展的重要机制之一。HCMV感染可干扰宿主的内源性和外源性细胞凋亡途径,调控抑癌基因p53和p73的表达,激活抗凋亡的Ras/Raf/MEK/Erk和PI-3K信号转导通路。HCMV还可通过影响宿主细胞的表观遗传状态(epigenetie state)间接影响基因组功能。表观遗传修饰如DNA甲基化、组蛋白乙酰化和甲基化、RNA相关性沉默等,均可造成基因表达、DNA复制和基因组稳定性的改变,这些改变可能触发抑癌基因或DNA修复基因表达沉默,最终导致肿瘤发生。最近,国外学者建议用“肿瘤调控”(oncomodulation)一词来描述HCMV在肿瘤发生过程中的作用机制,并强调了肿瘤细胞提供的不同于正常细胞的基因环境(信号转导通路、转录因子、抑癌蛋白功能紊乱等)更有利于HCMV的持续感染和发挥肿瘤调控作用。
     (1)介导体液免疫的亚单位疫苗:21世纪最有希望成功的HCMV疫苗是gB亚单位疫苗。gB蛋白是HCMV包膜中最丰富的糖蛋白,占包膜蛋白的50%以上,gB是由907个氨基酸组成的跨膜蛋白,成熟gB由116kD和58 kD两部分通过二硫键结合组成。阳性血清中50%以上抗体为gB特异性。Chiron公司将改造后的gB基因转染中国仓鼠卵巢细胞(CHO),获得稳定的重组细胞系,此疫苗与新型佐剂MF259共同使用,在临床受试者中2次免疫后,可明显产生中和抗体,在第3次免疫后,抗体应答水平明显提高,但是Ⅰ期和Ⅱ期临床观察的结果却非常令人失望,在人体产生的抗体应答短暂,几个月后即降低到保护水平之下。
     4、病毒载体DNA疫苗:病毒载体DNA疫苗即可用于防治,又能用于治疗疾病。研究比较多的两种“非复制型”载体是复制缺陷型金丝雀痘苗载体和复制缺陷型腺病毒载体。两种载体能以可靠的方式表达外源抗原,诱生机体的体液和细胞免疫,具有较广泛的保护性免疫力。Zhongde Wang等根据前人的经验,利用经修饰的安格拉痘苗病毒株MVA表达了可溶性的gB片段gB680(gB680-MVA),免疫小鼠,发现在小鼠体内可产生高滴度的抗gB680特异抗体,抗体滴度基本与人自然感染HCMV相似,抗体在小鼠体内存留的时间为6个月以上。体外实验此抗体能中和多种型别HCMV。为了进一步增强免疫效果,Zhongde Wang等用经过修饰的MVA表达了泛素化的pp65抗原,经泛素化后的抗原在体内产生的特异的CTL的浓度更高。然而这些疫苗只是验证了其初步的安全性,而在体内是否真正能够预防HCMV的感染,还有待进一步的实验验证。
     将抗原表位构建于合适的载体中,再辅以必需的侧翼序列或免疫调控序列,可诱导针对所选表位的特异性免疫反应,其最大优势为选用最佳和最具免疫保护潜力的抗原表位来诱导特异性免疫应答,尽量减少无关、干扰或抑制序列可能产生的负面作用。近年来,国外有不少学者利用表位疫苗进行病毒、细菌、寄生虫等疾病的免疫应答研究,取得了一定成绩。Ciernik等将HIV gp120的CTL单一表位疫苗p18ⅢB构建于真核表达载体pRc/CMV中,于耳后和皮下单次免疫BALB/c小鼠后,结果诱生了针对p18ⅢB的特异性免疫应答反应。Meyer等利用针对B细胞表位的HCMV gp116表位疫苗进行免疫效果评价,结果发现,可诱导相应的HCMV的中和抗体,对防治HCMV感染有一定作用。由于HLA基因的高度多态性,受特定HLA基因限制的单表位疫苗通常不能在所有个体中引起预期的免疫反应,因而有学者尝试将多种表位疫苗串联,以期望产生更强的免疫应答。多表位疫苗与单一表位疫苗相比具有以下优势:能克服HLA的遗传限制,精心组合的多表位疫苗可以被多种遗传背景的HLA分子识别并结合,从而得到高效提呈;其次多表位疫苗可以有效避免病原微生物的变异和免疫反应中的某些不利因素;再次多表位疫苗在诱导细胞免疫方面有独特的优势。Rohrlich等选择HCMV的嵌合蛋白IE1-pp65作为表位疫苗进行研究,结果显示,两串联表位表达良好,都可在体内激活和扩增HCMV特异性的CD8+CTL细胞,但由于二者都是被HLA-A2所共同识别的T表位,虽有较好的免疫原性,但相同表位疫苗的串联优势并不明显。
     3、利用SYFPEITHI MHC表型及表位预测系统和MAPPP蛋白酶体降解预测系统对所选表位进行表位肽预测和MAPPP蛋白酶体切割-表位生成预测;
     4、从PubMed Nucleotide NC_001347.人巨细胞病病毒AD169株各蛋白的基因序列中找出各表位相对应的核苷酸序列并核对,将各表位的核苷酸序列按等位基因的频率分布顺序排列起来,串联成一条核苷酸序列;
     3、覆盖中国人群HLA特异的HCMV 83个串联表位的SYFPEITHI预测分数均在14分以上,多数在20-30分之间,MAPPP预测分数均在0.500以上;
     4、引入Kozak规则,加入6个His鉴定标签,利用PubMedNucleotide NC_001347.Human herpesvirus 5 strain AD169 HCMV基因组得出了覆盖中国人群HLA特异的HCMV串联表位核苷酸序列;
     3、应用DNAMAN软件、Kozak规则及PubMed Nucleotide NC_001347.Humanherpesvirus 5 strain AD169 HCMV基因组得出了覆盖中国人群HLA特异的HCMV串联表位核苷酸序列,在起端加上了Kozak序列,可以获得串联表位核苷酸序列在真核表达载体中的高效表达;末端加上了6个His标签序列,可以通过6个His抗体应用Western blot及细胞免疫组化检测HCMV串联表位的表达;起始两端加入了NheⅠ和NotⅠ酶切位点,可以插入穿梭载体pHMCMV5载体的多克隆位点,为制备中国人群HLA特异的HCMV串联表位腺病毒载体核酸疫苗打下了基础。
     1、采用重叠区扩增基因拼接法(Gene splicing by overlap extension,SOEing)和PCR技术合成HCMV串联T细胞表位全长基因;
     2、应用PCR技术从HCMV AD169全基因组扩增线性B细胞表位gB AD-1的基因;
     4、利用I-CeuⅠ/PI-SceⅠ双酶切和体外重组技术将穿梭载体上包含CMV启动子、目的基因、SV40 polyA尾的表达盒插入腺病毒表达载体pAd5F35,构建重组腺病毒表达载体Ad5F35-CTL·Th和pAd5F35-AD-1,应用XhoⅠ和I-CeuⅠ/PI-SceⅠ酶切分析和测序分析鉴定目的载体;
     7、用重组腺病毒Ad5F35-CTL·Th和Ad5F35-AD-1分别转染HEK293细胞,利用RT-PCR和Western blot技术分析CTL·Th和AD-1在mRNA和蛋白水平的表达;
     2、在HCMV全基因组DNA中成功扩增了线性B细胞表位gB AD-1目的基因;
     1、用EBV转化PBMC,建立类淋巴母细胞系(lymphoblastoid cell lines-LCL);
     1、利用EBV成功转化了PBMC,建立了2株类淋巴母细胞系(lymphoblastoid celllines-LCL);
     Human cytomegalovirus(HCMV) is the most complex of the eight human herpesvirus species and has a 235-kb double-stranded DNA that encodes 165 genes.HCMV infects approximately 40-60%of the developed world's population.Primary infection in healthy hosts is usually asymptomatic,and the virus persists in CD33 progenitors expressing markers of dendritic and myeloid lineage as major reservoirs of latent infection virus without any apparent clinical symptoms.HCMV-associated clinical disease has been recognized in three populations:Neonates with immature immune systems,transplant recipients with impaired immune systems due to the use of drugs that suppress rejection and HIV-infected patients with impaired immune systems due to the decline of CD4+T cells
     HCMV is the most important viral pathogen affecting transplant recipients,including both solid organ transplant and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients whose immune systems are suppressed by drugs used to prevent graft rejection.It is noted that HCMV is reported to infect not only stroma and epithelial cells but also hematopoietic cells including CD34+ stem cells,monocytes,and dendritic cells. Late-onset cytomegalovirus disease in hematopoietic stem cell transplant recipients(later than day 100 after transplantation) remains a major cause of morbidity and mortality, despite the introduction of new antiviral agents.Congenital HCMV infection is the most common intrauterine infection and 0.3-2.4%of neonates are born with HCMV infection worldwide.Of the neonates with congenital HCMV infection,10%have symptoms of irreversible CNS involvement in the form of microcephaly,encephalitis,seizures, deafness,upper-motor neuron disorders and psychomotor retardation.
     Intensive study over the last 30 years has demonstrated that both innate and adaptive immunity play important roles in controlling latent HCMV infection.The innate immune response,mainly natural killer cells,may shape or augment the adaptive immune response against HCMV infection.NK cells may act by secreting IFN-γ,which can facilitate the expansion of antigen-specific helper T cells to control HCMV infection.The adaptive immunity,including both humoral and cellular immunity,plays a crucial role in controlling HCMV infection.Extensive analysis of humoral immune responses to HCMV has revealed that response is directed toward multiple viral protein and that virus-protection antibodies are directed primarily to the envelope glycoprotein of HCMV with glycoprotein B(gB) as a dominant target antigen.HCMV-specific T-cell immunity is the most important adaptive immune component responsible for suppressing HCMV and keeping it at latency after primary infection.Studies showed that pp65 and IE-1 constituted 40%of the total CD8+ T-cell responses and 60%of these T-cell responses are directed towards other antigens,such as pp28,pp150,pp71 and US proteins.Compared with the CD8+ T cells,CD4+ T cells were generally thought to have an indirect role in controlling HCMV infection by providing helper signals for the generation of antibodies and the maintance of CD8+ T-cell memory.
     Taken together,our increasing understanding of immune responses against HCMV infection has firmly established that activation of both humoral and cellular immunity is crucial for successful HCMV vaccine.
     PartⅠPrediction and Decision of HLA-specific HCMV Polyepitope in Chinese People
     Objective:Prediction and decision of HLA-specific HCMV polyepitope in Chinese people.
     1.According to the forecasting system on spatial coverage of cumulative phenotypic frequency(CPF) of HLA-I of professor XUE Fu-zhong in Institute of Epidemiology and Medical Statistics of Medical College of Shandong University,the study forcasted the CPF of 14 HLA allel sites including A2,A24,A1,A3,A11,A68,B44,B7,A23,A26, B35,B38,B8,B27 in Chinese people and evaluated immune activity of HLA-specific HCMV polyepitope nucleotide vaccine in different geographical location of Chinese people.
     2.Utilizating 23 SCI literature about HCMV epitope which have been published in PubMed since 1996,the study selected multiple CTL epitopes,Th epitopes and B cell epitopes in different HCMV protein antigens which can induce cellullar immunologic response and humoral immunoresponse and stably bind classⅠand classⅡMHC molecules.
     3.Through SYFPEITHY combined with MAPPP algorisms,the selected epitopes were predicted for the specific value of peptide and proteasomal cleavage site.
     4.The nucleotide sequences of the selected epitopes were found in genome of HCMV AD169 strain and verified in PubMed Nucleotide NC_001347.Furthermore,the nucleotide sequences of these epitope were cascaded a single nucleotide sequence according to frequency distribution of HLA allel.
     5.According to Kozak rule,Kozak sequence was put into the nucleotide sequence of HCMV polyepitope which can induce highly efficient expression in eukaryotic expression vector.
     6.The nucleotide sequence of HCMV polyepitope was input DNAMAN software. Enzyme cleavage sites of the nucleotide sequence were decided in order to construct shuttle vector in the next experiment.
     1.The coverage of HLA-specific HCMV polyepitope nucleotide vaccine in Chinese people has reached above 90%.
     2.The epitopes included in this polyepitope were derived from 15 different viral proteins(pp28,pp50,pp65,pp150,pp71,gH,gB,IE-1,IE-2,US2,US3,US6,US11, UL16 and UL18) involved in virus attachment,replication,assembly,reactivation and immune escape from the latent phase,all of which are crucial stages in the development of HCMV disease.There were 76 CTL epitopes,7 Th epitopes and 1 B cell epitope in selected epitopes.In theory,these epitopes can induce cellular immunologic response and humoral immunoresponse and prevent the development of HCMV disease.
     3.Through the SYFPEITHI web site,the predicted values of the selected epitopes have reached above 14 scores,almost between the 20 and 30 scores.Through the MAPPP server,the predicted proteasomal cleavage values of the selected epitope have reached above 0.5 score.
     4.After introducing Kozak rule,adding 6×his identify tag and utilizating genome of HCMV AD 169 strain in PubMed Nucleotide NC_001347,the nucleotide sequence of the polyepitope has been decided.
     5.In order to construct shuttle vector in the next experiment,the NheⅠand NotⅠenzyme cleavage site,of the nucleotide sequence have been decided after the nucleotide sequence of HCMV polyepitope was input DNAMAN software.
     1.According to the forecasting system on spatial coverage of cumulative phenotypic frequency(CPF) of HLA-Ⅰ,the CPF of 14 HLA allel sites including A2,A24,A1,A3, A11,A65,B44,B7,A23,A26,B35,B35,B8 and B27 in Chinese people has reached 92.1%.It has exhibited the coverage of HLA-specific HCMV polyepitope nucleotide vaccine in Chinese people has reached above 90%.It also has evaluated immune effect of HLA-specific HCMV polyepitope nucleotide vaccine in different geographical location of Chinese people.In theory,immune effect of HLA-specific HCMV polyepitope nucleotide vaccine can reach above 90%.
     2.The epitopes included in this polyepitope were derived from 15 different viral proteins(pp28,pp50,pp65,pp150,pp71,gH,gB,IE-1,IE-2,US2,US3,US6,US11, UL16 and UL18) involved in virus attachment,replication,assembly,reactivation and immune escape from the latent phase,all of which are crucial stages in the development of HCMV disease.There were 76 CTL epitopes,7 Th epitopes and 1 B cell epitope in selected epitopes.In theory,these epitope can induce cellular immunologic response and humoral immunoresponse and prevent the development of HCMV disease.
     3.After introducing Kozak rule,utilizating genome of HCMV AD169 strain in PubMed Nucleotide NC_001347 and inputting DNAMAN software,the nucleotide sequence of the polyepitope has been decided.Kozak sequence has been added in the upstream that can induce high efficient expression in eukaryotic expression vector.Six×His identify tag has been added in the downstream that can be used in Western blot and cell immunochemistry experiment.The output NheⅠand NotⅠenzyme cleavage site can be used to construct shuttle vector in the next experiment.
     PartⅡPreparation of Novel Vaccine against HCMV Based on Ad5F35 Adenovirus Vector Expressing HLA-specific polyepitope nucleotide
     Objective:HCMV disease accounted for the high morbidity and mortality in transplant patients and new born babies.The worldwide institute of medicine has assigned the highest priority for a vaccine to control HCMV disease.In spite of numerous attempts, successful licensure of a HCMV vaccine formulation remains elusive.The modified replication-deficient adenoviral vector AdSF35 possesses more expanded tropism and larger foreign DNA package ability than the conventional Ad5 vectors without affecting the viral growth rate and titer.It exhibits high transduction efficiency in many human cells.Here we have developed two novel chimeric vaccine strategy based on AdSF35 which encode multiple HLA classⅠ&Ⅱrestricted CTL and Th epitopes from HCMV as a contiguous polypeptide and encode the high conserved predominant B cell epitope gB AD-1.
     1.Using SOEing and PCR technology to synthesize the total length CTL·Th gene of HCMV multiple T cell epitope.
     2.The AD-1 gene was amplified from AD169 genomic DNA by polymerase chain reaction(PCR) with the oligonucleotide primer.
     3.The CTL·Th gene and AD-1 amplicon were ligated the NheⅠ/NotⅠand KpnⅠ/AflⅡsites of shuttle plasmid pHMCMV5 respectively.The desired plasmids were identified by restriction analysis and nucleotide sequence analysis.
     4.The expression cassette,comprising the CMV promoter,CTL·Th gene/AD-1 and an SV40 polyA signal,was excised from the shuttle plasmids pHMCMV5-CTL·Th or pHMCMV5-AD-1 with I-CeuI and PI-SceI and ligated into adenoviral backbone vector pAd5F35 cleaved with the same enzymes.The presence of expression cassettes was verified by digestion with XhoⅠandⅠ-CeuⅠ/PI-SceⅠ.
     5.pAd5F35-CTL·Th and pAd5F35-AD-1 were linearized with PacI and transfected into HEK293 cells using lipofectamine~(TM) 2000.Transfected HEK293 cells (HEK293-Ad5F35-CTL·Th or HEK293-Ad5F35-AD-1) were incubated at 37℃for 7-10 days until maximal virus cytopathic effect(CPE) was observed.Then recombinant adenovirus was harvested.
     6.The recombinant adenovirus Ad5F35-CTL·Th and Ad5F35-AD-1 were amplified using HEK293 cells until the 5~(th) passage.The titer of the large-scale recombinant adenovirus was established by plaque assay according to adenovirus TCID50 testing kit protocol.
     7.The expression of CTL·Th and AD-1 was identified by using transfected HEK293 cells.To confirm CTL·Th and AD-1 mRNA expression,RT-PCR analysis were conducted.To confirm AD-1 protein expression,western blot analysis was conducted.
     8.The expression of CTL·Th and AD-1 in PBMCs infected with Ad5F35-CTL·Th and Ad5F35-AD-1 was analyzed by immunocytochemistry,and cell viability were determined by trypan blue staining.
     1.Using SOEing and PCR technology,the total-length gene of HCMV multiple T cell epitopes has been successful synthesized.
     2.AD-lgene has been successfully amplified from the genome of HCMV AD169 strain.
     3.Shuttle plasmids pHMCMV5-CTL·Th and pHMCMV5-AD-1 have been successfully constructed.After enzyme digestion identification and DNA sequencing, insertion of the gene was proved correct.
     4.Recombinant adenovirus vectors pAd5F35-CTL·Th and pAd5F35-AD-1 have been successfully constructed.After enzyme digestion identification and DNA sequencing,the expression of the gene was proved correct.
     5.The recombinant adenovirus Ad5F35-CTL·Th and Ad5F35-AD-1 have been successfully packaged.Full CPE was observed for recombinant virus after transfecting HEK293.
     6.The recombinant adenovirus Ad5F35-CTL·Th and Ad5F35-AD-1 were amplified using HEK293 cells until the 5~(th) passage.Each cycle of amplification only needed 2-3 days.
     7.The titer of the large-scale recombinant adenovirus Ad5F35-CTL·Th and Ad5F35-AD-1 virus preparation were 2.5×10~9 PFU by plaque assay.
     8.After transfecting HEK293 cells using recombinant adenovirus Ad5F35-CTL·Th and Ad5F35-AD-1,CTL·Th and AD-1 expression were verified at the level of mRNA protein.
     9.After PBMCs were transfected 10 day using Ad5F35-CTL·Th and Ad5F35-AD-1, 90%of cells retained viable.It has shown no any adverse effects of the recombinant adenovirus.
     10.Strong expression of CTL·Th polyepitope antigen and AD-1 were recorded in PBMCs infected with Ad5F35-CTL·Th and Ad5F35-AD-1.The typical pattern of staining demonstrates that recombinant CTL·Th polyepitope localizes to the cell membrane and cytoplasm,while the peripheral pattern of staining demonstrates that recombinant AD-1 localizes to the cell membrane.
     1.Two novel vaccines based on a replication-deficient adenovirus that encode HLA-specific HCMV polyepitope nucleotide vaccine(referred to as Ad5F35-CTL·Th) and a single B cell epitope gB AD-1(referred to as Ad5F35-AD-1) were successfully constructed.
     2.Ex vivo stimulation of PBMC with Ad5F35-CTL·Th and Ad5F35-AD-1 consistently showed highly efficient expression of CTL·Th polyepitope antigen and epitope AD-1 protein.The viability of PBMC was not affected.It will be useful for HCMV novel vaccine development.
     PartⅢImmune Activity Evaluation of Novel Vaccine against HCMV Based on Ad5F35 Adenovirus Vector Expressing HLA-specific polyepitope nucleotide
     Objective:The adaptive immunity,including both humoral and cellular immunity, plays a crucial role in controlling HCMV infection.This experiment is to evaluate immune activity of this novel vaccine against HCMV based on a chimeric Ad5F35 adenovirus vector expressing HLA-specific polyepitope nucleotide.
     1.Lymphoblastoid cell lines-LCL is established as antigen presenting cell by using EBV to transform PBMC.
     2.In vitro antigen-specific CTL was generated from a panel of healthy virus carriers by stimulating PBMC with adenoviral chimeric vaccine Ad5F35-CTL·Th.
     3.These CTL clone lines were screened for cytotoxic activity on a panel of autologous target cells that were either sensitized with synthetic peptides or infected with Ad5F35-CTL·Th.
     4.The ELISPOT assay was used to assess whether adenoviral chimeric vaccine Ad5F35-CTL·Th could stimulate a memory response,as measured by the production of IFN-γ,in PBMC from a large panel of seropositive donors.
     5.The Intracellular cytokine staining(ICS) assay was used to measure the levels of specific CD8+T cells elicited by Ad5F35-CTL·Th stimulating PBMC from healthy seropositive individuals.
     1.Two EBV-transformed-LCLs have been successfully established.
     2.In vitro stimulation with this adenoviral chimeric vaccine Ad5F35-CTL·Th rapidly expanded multiple antigen-specific human CD8+T-cells from healthy virus carriers.
     3.The HCMV epitopes encoded by this polyepitope were endogenously expressed and processed by human cells.
     4.The production of IFN-γhas been largely secreted from PBMC stimulated by Ad5F35-CTL·Th or expanded antigen-specific CTL.
     5.The levels of specific CD8+T cells have been strongly elicited by Ad5F35-CTL·Th stimulating PBMC from healthy seropositive individuals.
     1.This study shows the effectiveness of a polyepitope antigen presentation system for reproducible expansion of antigen-specific T cells from immunocompetent settings.
     2.It also shows that an adenovirus based polyepitope is highly efficient in expanding both immunodominant and subdominant antigen-specific T cells.
     3.The comparable expansion of both immunodominant and subdominant T cell responses using a single expression construct was an unexpected result,as previous studies have shown that the different T cell populations require distinct stimulation strategies.
     4.The data presented here emphasize the strength and adaptability of the polyepitope-based approach for clinical translation and may lead to significant advances in the application of adoptive immunotherapy to a wide range of diseases.It will be useful for HCMV novel vaccine development.
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