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This dissertation takes Influence of organization inertia on the evolutionary of organization change as the research object. Based on the literature summary of organization inertia and organization change, and the theory of evolutionary economics and cognitive psychology, this dissertation study the influence mechanism of organization inertia on the evolutionary of organization change with the comprehensive application of enterprise management theory, strategic management theory, enterprise competence theory and Economics. On the basis of systematic analysis the factors of enterprise change,this dissertation puts forward a simulation model of enterprise change. Numerical simulation of the variables Effects on enterprise change, such as organization's inertia, the ratio of learning-invest and learning efficiency the value-match degree. Organization's inertia is the main limiting factors of the logistics enterprise change.
     The main contents are as follows:
     Firstly, by learning from the conceptions of organization inertia, deepening characters of organization inertia and its connotation, all this forms the framework of basic conceptions and is foundation of analyzing the evolutionary of organization change & organization inertia.
     Secondly,The cause of organization inertia is analyze based on the theory of evolutionary economics and cognitive psychology, The cause mainly includes cognizance, organizational learning, decision and organizational context.
     Thirdly, The cause of organization inertia change is analyze based on the content composition pf organization inertia, such as performer, organizational contex and routine.
     Fourthly, The transmission mechanism of motives for change is analyze based on the the present modle of organization change. combination with the theory of organizational learning and enterprise competence, This dissertation puts forward a the modle of the transmission mechanism of organization inertia on the evolutionary of organization change.
     Fifthly, based on the function analysis of organization inertia in the evolutionary of organization change, this dissertation puts forward the transfer path of organization inertia on the evolutionary of organization change, and build the modle of influence mechanism between organization inertia and organization change.
     Finally, On the basis of systematic analysis the factors of enterprise change,this dissertation puts forward a simulation model of enterprise change. Numerical simulation of the variables Effects on enterprise change, such as organization's inertia, the ratio of learning-invest and learning efficiency the value-match degree. Organization's inertia is the main limiting factors of the logistics enterprise change.
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