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Most research regarding Building Cooling, Heating and Power (BCHP) technology now focuses on theory analysis rather than application study. In this thesis, a BCHP system based on gas engine and exhaust-gas absorption heat pump is built, measured, simulated and analyzed for the first time. The existing problems in practical cogeneration system are studied and the solution is proposed, which would help to practical BCHP system design and operation in future.
     The main study methods applied in this thesis are field measurement and simulation. First, problems are found by field measurement. Then they are explained and analyzed by simulation. Based on the results, improving means are proposed. The research contents include system energy efficiency, operation strategies, operation safety control and environmental effect. In term of system energy efficiency, the performance of each part of the system is measured, simulated and analyzed. Existing problems in system, improving means and potential are illuminated. It is pointed out that components of exhaust pipe can have large influence on the heat transfer performance of heat-preservation pipe. Additionally, the feasibility and the main effect factors of energy efficiency of exhaust-gas absorption heat pump are analyzed and evaluated.
     In terms of system operation strategies, the dynamic response of gas engine and exhaust-gas absorption heat pump is measured, simulated and analyzed. The availability of system start and shut down and the operation strategy of“fixing power based on heat”are discussed. The problems that may occur in practical system operation are proposed.
     In terms of safety control, step control strategy of jacket water system is proposed and applied in gas engine-based BCHP system. Besides, the safeoperation range and operation schedule of exhaust-gas absorption heat pump are discussed and analyzed.
     In term of environmental effect, the noise characteristics of gas engine are analyzed. Then, the feasibility to the noise control of gas engine is approved through practice. Meanwhile the pollution emission of gas engine is measured and analyzed.
     In conclusion, based on field measurement of practical system and simulation analysis, new knowledge in the energy efficiency, operation strategy, safety control and environmental effect of BCHP system is gained, which would be the basis of the practical application of BCHP system in future.
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