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At the history of human development, energy has always played an important role. High consumption of energy has always been regarded as a dual role. It can enhance the level of industrialization, and promote rapid economic growth; on the other hand, it seriously undermines the damage of environment, and threat to the sustainable development. Today, energy security and sustainable supply of the country's economy has become an important guarantee for safety. After entering the 21st century, global energy shortages within the scope of the trend became more and more obvious. The energy crisis has triggered a series of global issues, including population growth and energy supply shortage of contradictions. The existing energy structure in the countries of large-scale use of hydrocarbon energy caused by carbon dioxide and toxic and harmful substances and substantial increasing in emissions, but also has caused serious ecological and environmental pollution problem. In some areas, the damage that affected by environmental change has reached the point of no return. There is only one way to solve this problem. To develop new forms of energy and new energy-saving technology, we can establish a new type of clean, safe, and sustainable energy systems.
     In this paper, I use the data, charts and horizontal time series analysis of Japan's energy conservation and new energy development policies and measures. Chapter 3 of the article describes that in the 20th century, the Japanese economy pursue high-speed growth, the development of heavy chemical industry became a "heavy thick long big" type of industrial structure, and the ensuing energy crisis seriously restricting its development speed. Subsequently, the Japanese used "reduction management" through energy-saving, energy efficiency exercise, and actively implementing various energy conservation measures, the establishment and improvement of energy-saving policy system. With these policies and measures, Japan's industrial structure began from the "thick heavy long big" type to "light thin short small". In February 2005, with the implementation of the "Kyoto Protocol" , the Japanese government enhance the energy-saving work in the new level, improve the importance of energy efficiency.
     Chapter 4 of the article was mainly introduce the Japanese energy-saving regulations and management system. After the second war, Japan's industry released its first energy-related management that is "Heat Management Act", the formation of the Japanese legal system of energy. The oil crises exacerbated the tensions in the world's energy, the Japanese felt the urgency of energy conservation and the need for a continuous introduction of energy saving. They improved the laws and regulations, and all policies and measures to create an effective legal system for energy-saving, Japanese government use strong legal measures to strictly control the industry and society in demand for energy so that energy conservation has always embodied the rule of law and regulation characteristics. In addition, Japan has established a well organized and clear structure of the energy regulatory agency. Basically, Japan's energy-saving management agencies include one office and four branches. From the highest level, Economy and Industry Office is responsible for formulating and implementing energy-related laws, regulations, industrial policy, and specific energy-saving management. The economic instruments encouraged the development of energy-saving technologies and industries.
     Chapter 5 of the article was mainly introduce Japanese industry's main energy-saving technologies. The classification method of Japan's industry is similar to Chinese industry. It is mainly divided into the industrial sector, transport sector and the livelihood department. This chapter introduces the Japanese energy-saving technologies in the eight industries of these three sectors.
     Chapter 6 of the article was about the Japanese measures that set up and nurture the universal energy-saving concept. Except from the Japanese government policies, legislations, technologies to strengthen energy-saving work, the most worthy of our study is to set up the universal energy-saving concept. Because Japanese society has been hurt in the first oil crisis, it can be said that energy-saving has become the consensus of the Government and people. From then on, the Japanese government, business, society, cities, students and the media promote energy-saving concept of universal by the Japanese people and, gradually, a universal integrated energy-saving awareness. Japan is second largest economy in the world, but Japan is an extremely energy-poor countries. Even taking into account the nuclear fuel storage, all the energy self-sufficiency rate in Japan is only 20%. If neglect nuclear fuel storage part of Japan, its energy self-sufficiency rate is only 5%, far lower than those major developed countries. After the oil crisis, the Japanese started to take a large-scale energy-saving work, and to vigorously develop new policies and measures in the new energy industry, specifically pushing forward the development strategy of new energy industry, identifying development goals and development plan, promoting the new energy industry from fiscal and financial areas. Through long-term efforts, the percentage of oil consumption has declined in Japan, and the importance of the new energy in the energy consumption structure has increased. Japan's mix energy strategy has achieved significant results. After entering the new century, the Japanese government has developed nuclear energy, solar power and other new types of energy. Chapter 7and 8 of the article descript and analysis the Japan's new energy industry status and the measures of the goverment. Japan's new energy industry is the important basis for the rapid economic development, especially in the technical aspects of power generation, such as the solar power. At the same time, Japan's new energy industry has become an important force for the sustainable development of the Japanese economy.
     Finally the article describes our country's current energy situation, and Japan's experience and enlightenment of the energy-saving and new energy development. Since the early 80s, our government has determined the policies of "both develop exploitation and energy-saving, the recent priority point is energy-saving", and made remarkable achievements. Our industry has improved energy efficiency, and energy consumption of unit output value decreased significantly, but compared to Japan, we still have gap. At our country energy-saving and new energy development, there is much potential, therefore, how to speed up China's energy-saving emission reduction and the promotion of new energy industry is our country's important topics. On this issue, the experience of Japan's energy-saving and new energy development is definitely worth studying and learning. At the same time, since the new century, as China's rapid economic growth, oil consumption has also increased in a rapid speed. The energy security is facing serious energy situation. There is no doubt that our country has realized that the energy security is the important material foundation of social sustainable development. With the improvement of people's standard of living, energy consumption will be further increased, and therefore guarantee long-term, stable supply of oil and gas resources, in the same time, under the premise from the Japanese energy-saving and new energy development experience, we should develop more environmentally friendly, green energy industry to alleviate pressure on our country, and provide protection for economic development.
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