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作为生物能源工业的副产品,玉米酒精糟(DDGS,distillers dried grain with solubles)在肉鸡日粮中已经被广泛应用,但DDGS不饱和脂肪酸含量较高,日粮中高水平添加使肌肉易发生氧化变质,对肉鸡机体和肉质的抗氧化特性有负面影响。本研究通过添加一种天然绿色的抗氧化剂——茶多酚(TP,Tea Polyphenols),评估其对高DDGS日粮肉鸡生长性能、肉品质及脂质代谢的影响,探讨解决上述问题的可行性。试验采用单因子完全随机设计,将400只21日龄AA肉鸡随机分为5个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复20只。正对照组试验鸡饲喂玉米-豆粕型基础日粮;负对照组饲喂含15%DDGS的玉米-豆粕型基础日粮;试验组在负对照基础日粮中分别添加100、300、500mg/kg的茶多酚。在试验第42d屠宰采样,试验结果如下:
     (2)本试验条件下,添加500mg/kg TP可以提高肉鸡机体的T-AOC值和GSH-Px水平,显著降低了肌肉的MDA值(P<0.05)。
Corn distillers dried grains with solubles (DDGS) was widely used in broiler diet as amajor coproduct of bioenergy industry. However, It existed some negative effects of highdietary DDGS on body oxidative resistance and meat quality due to high concentration ofunsaturated fatty acids, resulting in oxdative deterioration and increasing muscle lipidperoxidation. The objective of present research was to investigate the effect of dietary teapolyphenols supplementation on growth performance, antioxidant status, meat quality, lipidmetabolism and related-gene expression of broilers fed high level of DDGS diet. One-factorcompletely random distract design was arranged that a total of400twenty one-day-oldbroiler chicks were randomly assigned to5treatments with4replicates of20birds. Positivecontrol treatment was fed a corn-soybean meal diet, negative control treatment was fed acorn-soybean meal+15%DDGS diet, whereas, experimental treatments were fedcorn-soybean meal+15%DDGS diet supplemented with100,300or500mg/kg of teapolyphenols respectively. The results were showed as follows:
     1Effects of dietary tea polyphenols on growth performance, carcass traits, meat qualityof broilers fed high level of DDGS diet.
     1) No significance in daily intake, daily gain, feed efficiency, eviscerated percentage,muscle percentage were observed (P>0.05) when broilers fed15%DDGS diet compared tothat of birds fed corn-soybean meal diet.
     2) Addition of15%DDGS significantly increased shear force of leg meat (P<0.05),increasing the muscle yellowness(P<0.05), while not significantly effected on pH and waterlossing rate. However, addition of TP in DDGS diet decreased muscle shear force and waterlosing rate (P<0.05).
     2Effects of tea polyphenols on antioxidant capacity of broilers fed high level of DDGSdiet.
     1) Addition of15%DDGS significantly increased MDA value (P<0.05),thus decreasedoxidation resistance of body and meat.
     2) Addition of500mg/kg TP in high-DDGS diet could improve the level of tissueT-AOC and activity of GSH-Px, significantly decreased the MDA of muscles on broilers.
     3Effects of tea polyphenols on blood lipid metabolism and mRNA expression of related gene of broilers fed high level of DDGS diets.
     1) Under this experiment condition, abdominal fat percentage of female broilers wassignificantly higher than that of male broilers(P<0.01).
     2) DDGS had no significant influence in blood TC, TG, HDLC, LDLC level. DDGSdecreased the liver activity of HL, LPL and LPS, but by addding TP inhanced the liveractivity of HL, LPL and LPS.
     3) Liver FAS and LPL gene expression were downregulated by DDGS(P<0.05),however no significant influence on adipose fat tissue gene expression(P>0.05).Adding TPin diet, the gene of liver FAS expression decreased(P<0.05), while the gene of liver LPLexpression increased(P<0.05). Different levels of TP had different effects on abdominal fatsynthesis and decomposition. Low level tend to promote synthesis, and high levels of tend toinhibite decomposition.
     Conclusion: The results of current reaserch suggested that supplementation of15%DDGS had no significant negative effect on growth performance of broilers, could improvemuscle color, however, it could decrease tenderness and water-holding capacity of muscle.Adding tea polyphenols500mg/kg in high DDGS diet could improve body antioxidantcapacity and meat quality of broilers. Dietary tea polyphenols could restrain the expression ofliver FAS gene to reduce the synthesis of fat in liver, meanwhile, activate expression of LPLgene in abdominal fat tissue to regulate lipidolysis.
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