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    实际收获产量分布的空间差异性的认识,其核心是 GPS、GIS、RS 等技术支持
    省农业开发综合办公室“精确农业变量施肥技术示范”课题,进行了 2BFJ-6 型
    (1) 制订控制方案和控制模型。针对我国农村现有的生产条件,同时充分
    (2) 开发以单片机为核心的控制系统作为自动变量施肥执行机构的控制
    硬件电路主要包括 DGPS 信号接收、速度传感器信号接收、键盘接收、IC 卡
     (3) 控制程序设计。使用单片机开发的高级语言工具 C51 编写控制程序,
    实现手动和自动两种控制方式的变量施肥。在自动控制方式下,完成了对 DGPS
     (4) 地块网格识别模拟控制程序设计。基于控制系统在研究开发过程中的
    软件 Visual Basic 结合 MapX 开发了地块网格识别模拟控制程序。程序实现了
    对应的施肥量并显示等功能,同时以 DGPS 的数据格式输出当前点的地理位
     (5) 排肥机构标定实验。分别对六行和两行自动变量施肥机进行了排肥机
    精度和程序设计的要求,选用一次方程用于施肥控制。综合机具前进速度 v、
    排肥轴转速 n 对施肥量 Q 的影响,得出三者的数学关系式。
     (6) 自动变量施肥控制系统田间试验。在使用 DGPS 和地轮传感器检测机
    结果表明,由于 DGPS 信号中速度值的误差和地轮打滑率的存在,使变量施肥
     (7) 完成了自动变量施肥控制系统改进实验。综合考虑影响控制系统精度
    摘 要
    手动和自动控制方式下,误差分别小于 5%和 7%,取得理想的控制精度。
    本文研究的是基于地图的自动变量施肥控制系统,可自动接收 DGPS 信
    手动和自动两种控制模式,施肥量均可以实现 80~500kg/ha 范围之内的调整,
    电机转速范围为 10~200rpm。系统具有结构简单、操作方便易学、施肥量变
The study and development of the technology of Precision Agriculture(PA) is
    derived by recognition of difference from crop’s growth environment and yield in
    the cause of agricultural cultivation, whose core is precision positioning and
    variable rate application supported by GPS, GIS and RS, etc. The fertilizer is main
    elements of agricultural high yield and increase production, and the cost of fertilizer
    takes greater parts among total cost. The input and the utilization ratio of fertilizer
    effects agricultural output, peasant’s income and environmental quality directly.
    Variable Rate Fertilization (VRF) is suitable for different needs for areas, crops,
    soils and crops growth environment. With balance applying fertilizer, VRF can
    improve the fertilizer utilization ratio, and has obvious economic and environmental
     Inputting fertilizer has some problems in our country, such as unreasonable
    structure, low average utilization ratio of fertilizer, failing to give full play of
    fertilizer in increasing production benefit. In researching of VRF, it is main work to
    introduce foreign advanced equipments to track, digest and absorb. So, it is
    necessary to study and to develop the technology of VRF according to our national
    conditions, which has important theoretical meaning and practical value to realize
    agricultural sustainable developments.
     The paper is supported by the subject of “Study on technology of automatic
    VRF in PA” founded by Jilin Province development of science and technology and
    the project of “Technology of VRF in PA” supported by Jilin Province agriculture
    development general office. This paper introduces the design of automatic control
    system of 2BFJ - 6 variable rate fertilizer applicator and the simulation of field grids
    discern etc. The main work and results are as followed:
    (1) Control project and model of automatic VRF are established. To the existing
     working condition of countryside in our country, and fully considering the
     reliability that agricultural machinery needs, manual and automatic methods of
     control are adopted in the automatic control systems of VRF. On the base of
     analyzing the main elements that effect fertilizer and the rule of control
     fertilization, the control model of step motor’s rotary speed in automatic VRF is
     confirmed. It sets up theoretical foundation for automatic controls of VRF.
    (2) SCM control system is developed as controller of automatic VRF executive
     body. According to the requests of control system, the input and output of
     system and the communication are analyzed, and the structure of control system
     is designed. The hardware electric circuit of SCM control system is confirmed,
     which includes receiving DGPS signals, receiving sensor signal of tractor
     velocity, keyboard inputting, IC card interface, pulse output of step motor,
     displaying screen and warning etc. Verified by the experiment, the control
     system is relatively steady, reliable, and meets the request of using.
    (3) Design program of control system. The program is written by using high-level
     language tool C51 that used in SCM development. It can realize VRF by means
     of manual and automatic control. In automatic method of control, program has
     finished receiving positional and velocity information from GPS receiver
     working in mode of DGPS. It can discern the field grids accurately and search
     quality of fertilizer per hectare correctly, and then it outputs the pulse to drive
     step motor and completes VRF. In manual method of control, program can
     receive and deal with sensor pulse signal and keyboard characters. Then it
     outputs the pulse to drive step motor and completes VRF. At the same time
     program solves these problems such as the communication between control
     system and computer, displaying the results, continuous start of step motor, and
     so on. In addition, program has many properties such as high-efficient, simple
     and c
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