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第一部分 晚发型脊柱骨骺发育不良伴进行性骨关节病(SEDT-PA)致病基因WISP3突变体的构建
     目的:Wnt诱导分泌蛋白3(Wnt-inducible secreted protein 3,WISP3)是晚发型脊柱骨骺发育不良伴进行性骨关节病(spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy,SEDT-PA)的致病基因,构建WISP3基因致病型(1000T-C,840delT)的突变体,为研究突变基因的表达、定位和功能及SEDT-PA的发病机制奠定基础。
Part One The Construction of Mutants of SEDT-PA's Pathogenic Gene
    Objectives: Wnt-inducible secreted protein 3 (WISP3) was spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy (SEDT-PA)'s pathogenic gene.To construct two types of WISP3 gene's mutants (1000T-C,840delT) found in SEDT-PA patients.
    Methods: Full-length cDNAs of wild type WISP3 gene(WT-WISP3) was amplified from human chondrocytes by RT-PCR, and site-directed mutagenesis was used to obtain full-length cDNAs of the mutated WISP3 genes (MUT~(1000T/C) and MUT~(840delT)) . The products were cloned into pEGM-T-easy vector and their sequences were analysed, then subcloned into eukaryotic expression vector pcDNA3.1 (+) and pEGFP-C2, the inserted fragments were analysed and reconfirmed by restriction endonuclease analysis and sequencing.
    Results: By restriction endonuclease analysis and sequencing, the sequences of WT-WISP3, MUT~(1000T/C) and MUT~(840delT) were consistent with that in literature and mutated in SEDT-PA, and the open reading frames were matched with the vector sequence.
    Conclusion: WISP3 gene's mutants of SEDT-PA were successfully
[1] Wynne-Davies R,Hall C,Ansell BM.Spodyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy1 A"new"disorder of autosomal recessive inheritance1.J Bone Joint Surg Br, 1982,64:442-445.
    [2] Byrne PA,Rajan KT.Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy mimicking juvenile chronic arthritis.Br J Rheumatol ,1998 ,37:233-234.
    [3] Kocyigit H,Arkun R,Ozkinay F,et al.Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy.Clin Rheumatol,2000,19:238-241.
    [4] Van Buggenhout G, de Smet L, Maroteaux P, et al.Progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia: report of a patient with symptoms present at birth.Genet Couns, 1998, 9:277-281.
    [5] Teebi AS, Al Awadi SA.Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy: a rare disorder frequently diagnosed among Arabs.J Med Genet,1986,23:189-191.
    [6] Balci S,Aypar E,Kasapcopur O,et al.An eleven-year-old female Turkish patient with progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia mimicking juvenile idiopathic arthritis.Clin Exp Rheumatol,2001,19:759.
    [7] El-Shanti HE, Omari HZ, Qubain HI.Progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia: report of a family and review.J Med Genet, 1997, 34:559-563.
    [8] Al-Awadi SA,Farag TI,Naguib K,et al.Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy.J Med Genet,1984,21:193-196.
    [9] Spranger J,Albert C,Schilling F,et al.Progressive pseudorheumatoid arthritis of childhood (PPAC).A hereditary disorder simulating rheumatoid arthritis.Eur J Pediatr,1983,14:34-40.
    [10] Rezai-Delui H,Mamoori G,Sadri-Mahvelati E,et al.Progressive pseudorheumatoid chondrodysplasia:a report of nine cases in three families.Skeletal Radiol, 1994,23:411 -419.
    [11] Hurvitz JR,Suwairi WM,Van Hul W,et al.Mutations in the CCN gene family member WISP3 cause progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia.Nature Genet 1999;23:94-98.
    [12] Valerie Delague,Eliane Chouery,Sandra Corbani,et al. Molecular study of WISP3 in nine families originating from the Middle-East and presenting with progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia:Identification of two novel mutations,and description of a founder effect.Am J Med Genet A.2005;138(2):118-126.
    [13] Ehl S,Uhl M,Berner R,Bonafe L,et al.Clinical,radiographic,and genetic diagnosis of progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia in a patient with severe polyarthropathy.Rheumatol Int 2004;24: 53-56.
    [14] Perbal B,Brigstock DR,Lau LF.Report on the second international workshop on the CCN family of genes.Mol Pathol,2003,56:80-85.
    [15] Perbal B.NOV (nephroblastoma overexpressed) and CCN family of genes:structural and functional issues.Mol Pathol, 2001, 54:57-79.
    [16] Brigstock DR.The CCN family: a new stimulus package.J Endocrinol, 2003,178:169-175.
    [17] Liao EY, Peng YQ, Zhou HD, et al.Gene symbol: WISP3. Disease:spondyloepihyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy.Hum Genet.2004 Jul;115(2):169.
    [18] Liao EY,Peng YQ,Zhou HD,et al.Gene symbol: WISP3. Disease:spondyloepihyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy. Hum Genet. 2004 Jul;115(2):174.
    [19] 彭依群,廖二元,顾慧敏等.复合杂合性CCN6基因突变致晚发型脊柱骨骺发育不良伴进行性骨关节病的关节软骨病理和分子病因研究.中华医学杂志,2004;84:1796-1803.
    [20] 周后德,彭依群,谷卫等。SEDT-PA患者关节软骨细胞生物学特性及基因表达谱的改变。中华内科杂志,2005,44:16-21.
    [1] Wynne-Davies R, Hall C, Ansell BM. Spodyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy1 A"new"disorder of autosomal recessive inheritance1. J Bone Joint Surg Br, 1982, 64: 442-445.
    [2] Spranger J, Albert C, Schilling F, et al. Progressive pseudorheumatoid arthritis of childhood (PPAC). A hereditary disorder simulating rheumatoid arthritis. Eur J Pediatr, 1983, 14: 34-40.
    [3] Rezai-Delui H, Mamoori G, Sadri-Mahvelati E, et al. Progressive pseudorheumatoid chondrodysplasia: a report of nine cases in three families. Skeletal Radiol, 1994, 23: 411-419.
    [4] Liao EY, Peng YQ, Zhou HD, et al. Gene symbol: WISP3. Disease: spondyloepihyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy. Hum Genet. 2004 Jul; 115(2): 169.
    [5] Liao EY, Peng YQ, Zhou HD, et al. Gene symbol: WISP3. Disease: spondyloepihyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy. Hum Genet. 2004 Jul; 115(2): 174.
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    [8] Byrne PA,Rajan KT.Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy mimicking juvenile chronic arthritis.Br J Rheumatol ,1998,37:233-234.
    [9] Kocyigit H,Arkun R,Ozkinay F,et al.Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy.Clin Rheumatol,2000,19:238-241.
    [10] Van Buggenhout G, de Smet L, Maroteaux P, et al.Progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia: report of a patient with symptoms present at birth.Genet Couns, 1998, 9:277-281.
    [11] Teebi AS, Al Awadi SA.Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy: a rare disorder frequently diagnosed amongArabs.J Med Genet,1986,23:189-191.
    [12] Balci S,Aypar E,Kasapcopur O,et al.An eleven-year-old female Turkish patient with progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia mimicking juvenile idiopathic arthritis.Clin Exp Rheumatol,2001,19:759.
    [13] El-Shanti HE, Omari HZ, Qubain HI.Progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia: report of a family and review.J Med Genet, 1997, 34:559-563.
    [14] Al-Awadi SA,Farag TI,Naguib K,et al.Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy.J Med Genet,1984,21:193-196.
    [15] Perbal B,Brigstock DR,Lau LF.Report on the second international workshop on the CCN family of genes.Mol Pathol,2003,56:80-85.
    [16] Perbal B.NOV (nephroblastoma overexpressed) and CCN family of genes:structural and functional issues.Mol Pathol, 2001, 54:57-79.
    [17] Brigstock DR.The CCN family: a new stimulus package.J Endocrinol, 2003,178:169-175.
    [18] Pennica D,Swanson TA, Welsh JW,et al.WISP genes are members of the connective tissue growth factor family that are up-regulated in Wnt-1-transformed cells and aberrantly expressed in human colon tumor. Proct Nat Acad Sci 1998; 95: 14717-14722.
    [19] Bork P. The modular architecture of a new family of growth regulators related to connective tissue growth factor. FEBS Letters 1993; 327: 125-130.
    [20] Schutze N, Noth Ul, Schneidereit J, et al. Differential expression of CCN-family members in primary human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells during osteogenic, chondrogenic and adipogenic differentiation. Cell Communication and Signaling 2005, 3: 1-12.
    [21] Hurvitz JR, Suwairi WM, Van Hul W, et al. Mutations in the CCN gene family member WISP3 cause progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia. Nature Genet 1999; 23: 94-98.
    [22] Valerie Delague, Eliane Chouery, Sandra Corbani, et al. Molecular study of WISP3 in nine families originating from the Middle-East and presenting with progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia: Identification of two novel mutations, and description of a founder effect. Am J Med Genet A. 2005; 138(2): 118-126.
    [23] Ehl S, Uhl M, Berner R, Bonafe L, et al. Clinical, radiographic, and genetic diagnosis of progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia in a patient with severe polyarthropathy. Rheumatol Int 2004; 24: 53-56.
    [24] 彭依群,廖二元,顾慧敏等.复合杂合性CCN6基因突变致晚发型脊柱骨骺发育不良伴进行性骨关节病的关节软骨病理和分子病因研究.中华医学杂志,2004:84:1796-1803.
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    [3] Perbal B.NOV (nephroblastoma overexpressed) and CCN family of genes: structural and functional issues.Mol Pathol, 2001, 54:57-79.
    [4] Brigstock DR.The CCN family: a new stimulus package.J Endocrinol, 2003,178:169-175.
    [5] Pennica D,Swanson TA, Welsh JW,et al.WISP genes are members of the connective tissue growth factor family that are up-regulated in Wnt-1-transformed cells and aberrantly expressed in human colon tumor.Proct Nat Acad Sci 1998;95:14717-14722.
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    [1] Spranger J, Albert C, Schilling F, et al. Progressive pseudorheumatoid arthritis of childhood (PPAC). A hereditary disorder simulating rheumatoid arthritis. Eur J Pediatr, 1983, 14: 34-40.
    [2] Rezai-Delui H, Mamoori G; Sadri-Mahvelati E, et al. Progressive pseudorheumatoid chondrodysplasia: a report of nine cases in three families. Skeletal Radiol, 1994, 23: 411-419.
    [3] Hurvitz JR, Suwairi WM, Van Hul W, et al. Mutations in the CCN gene family member WISP3 cause progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia. Nature Genet 1999; 23: 94-98.
    [4] Valerie Delague, Eliane Chouery, Sandra Corbani, et al. Molecular study of WISP3 in nine families originating from the Middle-East and presenting with progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia: Identification of two novel mutations, and description of a founder effect. Am J Med Genet A. 2005; 138(2): 118-126.
    [5] Ehl S, Uhl M, Berner R, Bonafe L, et al. Clinical, radiographic, and genetic diagnosis of progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia in a patient with severe polyarthropathy. Rheumatol Int 2004; 24: 53-56.
    [6] Wynne-Davies R, Hall C, Ansell BM1. Spodyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy1 A"new"disorder of autosomal recessive inheritance1. J Bone Joint Surg Br, 1982, 64: 442-445.
    [7] Byrne PA, Rajan KT. Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy mimicking juvenile chronic arthritis. Br J Rheumatol, 1998 ,37:233-234.
    [8] Kocyigit H,Arkun R,Ozkinay F,et al.Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy.Clin Rheumatol,2000,19:23 8-241.
    [9] Van Buggenhout G, de Smet L, Maroteaux P, et al.Progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia: report of a patient with symptoms present at birth.Genet Couns, 1998, 9:277-281.
    [10] Teebi AS, Al Awadi SA.Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy: a rare disorder frequently diagnosed amongArabs.J Med Genet,1986,23:189-191.
    [11] Balci S,Aypar E,Kasapcopur O,et al.An eleven-year-old female Turkish patient with progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia mimicking juvenile idiopathic arthritis.Clin Exp Rheumatol,2001,19:759.
    [12] El-Shanti HE, Omari HZ, Qubain HI.Progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia:report of a family and review.J Med Genet, 1997, 34:559-563.
    [13] Al-Awadi SA,Farag TI,Naguib K,et al.Spondyloepiphyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy.J Med Genet, 1984,21:193-196.
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    [15] Rezai-Delui H,Mamoori G,Sadri-Mahvelati E,et al.Progressive pseudorheumatoid chondrodysplasia:a report of nine cases in three families.Skeletal Radiol, 1994,23:411 -419.
    [16] Liao EY, Peng YQ, Zhou HD, et al.Gene symbol: WISP3. Disease:spondyloepihyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy. Hum Genet.2004 Jul; 115(2): 169.
    [17] Liao EY, Peng YQ, Zhou HD, et al. Gene symbol: WISP3. Disease: spondyloepihyseal dysplasia tarda with progressive arthropathy. Hum Genet. 2004 Jul; 115(2): 174.
    [18] 周后德,彭依群,谷卫等。SEDT-PA患者关节软骨细胞生物学特性及基因表达谱的改变。中华内科杂志,2005,44:16-21
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    [24] Hurvitz JR, Suwairi WM, Van Hul W, et al. Mutations in the CCN gene family member WISP3 cause progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia. Nature Genet 1999; 23: 94-98.
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    [29] Schutze N,Noth Ul, Schneidereit J,et al.Differential expression of CCN-family members in primary human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells during osteogenic, chondrogenic and adipogenic differentiation.Cell Communication and Signaling 2005, 3:1-12.
    [30] Lake AC, Castellot JJ J r.CCN5modulates the antiproliferativeeffect of heparin and regulates cell motility in vascular smooth muscle cells.Cell Commun Signal,2003,1:5.
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    [1] Perbal B, Brigstock DR, Lau LF. Report on the second international workshop on the CCN family of genes. Mol Pathol, 2003, 56: 80-85.
    [2] Perbal B. NOV (nephroblastoma overexpressed) and CCN family of genes: structural and functional issues. Mol Pathol, 2001, 54: 57-79.
    [3] Brigstock DR. The CCN family: a new stimulus package. J Endocrinol, 2003, 178:169-175.
    [4] Pennica D,Swanson TA, Welsh JW,et al.WISP genes are members of the connective tissue growth factor family that are up-regulated in Wnt-1-transformed cells and aberrantly expressed in human colon tumor.Proct Nat Acad Sci 1998;95:14717-14722.
    [5] Bork P.The modular architecture of a new family of growth regulators related to connective tissue growth factor.FEBS Letters 1993; 327:125-130.
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    [11] Schutze N,Noth Ul, Schneidereit J,et al.Differential expression of CCN-family members in primary human bone marrow-derived mesenchymal stem cells during osteogenic, chondrogenic and adipogenic differentiation.Cell Communication and Signaling 2005, 3:1-12.
    [12] Lake AC, Castellot JJ J r.CCN5modulates the antiproliferativeeffect of heparin and regulates cell motility in vascular smooth muscle cells.Cell Commun Signal, 2003,1:5.
    [13] Perbal B.CCN proteins: multifunctional signalling regulators.Lancet, 2004, 363: 62-64.
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