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目的 通过对成人大脑冠状面MRI图像和横断面CT图像与相应断层标本的对照观察,依据大脑髓质发出的髓突,利用表盘定位法追踪、定位相应脑回,为脑功能的影像学研究和术前病理学定位诊断提供诊断依据及形态学基础。
     材料和方法:选取5例外观无异常的成人颅脑标本,以经外耳门中点的CM基线的垂线为冠状扫描基线,用Gesigna MRI/il.5Tesla超导MRI机,行冠状位MRI扫描,获得层厚6mm的颅脑连续冠状面MRI图像。随机选取30例外观无异常经10%福尔马林固定的成人尸头,理发并清洗后进行标记,用SCT-4800TF型CT机据CM基线以10mm层厚连续横断扫描,获取尸头标本的CT扫描图像。将扫描后的标本开颅取脑,辨别出主要的脑回并染以不同颜色,以便与用髓突追踪出的各脑回印证。再涂以20%的明胶固定。用自制的脑切片刀和切片台分别作6mm层厚的冠状位和10mm层厚的横断连续脑切片。综合地对脑冠状位MRI图像、横断面CT图像与相应的断层标本进行观察分析,并结合大量阅片找出髓突的分支走行特点。根据大脑髓突的分支、分布规律,利用表盘法通过髓突追踪、定位相应的脑回和划分脑叶。
     (2)在额上、中、下回全部出现的横断面上,由额叶髓质向前内发出的髓突(11~12点位)为额上回髓突,向前外发出的髓突(1~2点位)为额中回髓突 向
Objective: In order to provide reliable morphological basis and new way for imaging study of brain function and the early diagnosis and treatment of small local disease, a new method of gyri localization on CT and MRI films was discussed using; the clock localization method.Material and methods: Choosing 5 normal cadaver heads to scan in Gessgna MR(?)Tesla MRI machine. The scanning base line is perpendicular to CM base line and 6mm slice thickness, then the brain slice was cut in correspondence with MRI scan. Choosing 30 normal cadaver heads to scan in SCT-4800TF CT machine according to CM base ine and 10mm slice thickness, then the brain slice was cut in correspondence with CT scan. The brain was obtained from the scanned cadaver heads, chen painring different water co ors on the major gyri and fasten it with 20% glutin. To cut the brain slice in corr espondence with MRI scan and CT scan with the brain knife on slice frame. Observing the medullary pattern and direction by the comparison of the MRI and CT images with serial sections of the brains, a new method of gyri localization on CT and MF I flms was discussed using the clock localization method.Result: Through our studying, the rules of localizing gyrus through the pattem of medullary branches on the transverse and coronal plane are described as follows.:(1). On cross section, because Sulcus of brain are clear on the CT film of cerebrum coping and cerebral medullary substance does not appear, gyri is Localized by sulcus. On the. middle department of cerebral hemisphere central sulcus is on 3 clock of dial plare, preoentral gyrus is anterior to central sulcus and postcentral gyrvs is posterior tc that. They are all high density. Medullary branch of precentral gyrus is on 1-2 clock of dial plare and postcentrai gyrus is on 2~3 clock of dial plate from this section. On coronal secien. medullary branch of precentral gyrus and postcentrai gyrus are observed or. the head of caudate nucleus lentiform nucleus\ anterior branch of internal capsule plane and
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