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     1.发展了一种新的全二维液相色谱-质谱联用技术,以反相色谱(RPLC)用作第一相分离,聚胺色谱(polyamine II)用作第二相分离。该二维色谱不仅简化了复杂的植物样品制备过程,同时也扩大了峰容量增加了灵敏度,还具有高度的正交性(γ<0.2)。这些优势使该方法成功应用于复杂的知母总皂苷体系中共洗脱和微量物质的分离。本实验运用该方法成功的鉴定了31中化合物,包括5种微量化合物和4种甾体类同分异构体。该方法可作为复杂体系不分离分析的研究示范。
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is the valuable treasure of Chinesepharmacology. It is very important to explore its action mechanism systematically anddevelop it drastically, then make it win the world recognition. Although it has beenused clically for thousands of years, it can not march towards the world with activeposture. The major reason lies in three key points:(1) the real bioactive componentsare not clear;(2) exact action mechanism is unambiguous;(3) there is insufficienteffective method to assess the safty of TCM and the theory of TCM uptill now.While steroid glycosides have many health benefits, the potential development ofthem for the prevention/treatment of neurological disorders is largely hindered bytheir complexity as well as by limited knowledge regarding their bioavailability,metabolism, and bioactivity, especially in the brain. This study integrated multiplemodern methodologies and techniques in the discipline of Pharmaceutical Analysisincluding multiple-dimensional liquid chromatography tandem mass, microdialysissampling, metabolomics and pattern recognition methods. The aim of this paper wasto systematically discuss the chemical substances and mechanism of TSA, and tooffer the reference of technology for related investigation of other herbal medicine.
     1. In the work presented here a novel approach to comprehensive two-dimensionalliquid chromatography is evaluated. Reversed-phase liquid chromatography wasemployed for the frst-dimension separation and polyamine chromatography waschosen for the second-dimension separation mode. The comprehensive RP×polyamine II-MS system proposed here not only simplifed complex plant samples,but also enlarged peak capacity and enhanced selectivity. The two dimensions arehighly orthogonal and the separation efficacy of the developed octadecylsilica×polyamine was tested by separating an extract from Anemarrhena asphodeloides. Thisallowed for the successful separation of co-eluted and minor compounds. As a result,a total of31compounds, including5compounds of low amount and4steroid isomerswere unambiguously identifed with this approach. In contrast only22compounds, allof which were highly abundant in their samples, could be identifed usingconventional1D-LC. This method could be considered as an important demonstrationfor “nonseparation analysis” of complex system.
     2. The present work aims to elucidate the multi-component metabolic characteristics of herbal medicine by the combination of plasma pharmacochemistry andmicrodialysis sampling. Anemarrhena asphodeloides, a well-known traditionalChinese medicine, was chosen as a model. After oral administration of A.asphodeloides saponin extract to rats, microdialysis samples were collectedcontinuously in the jugular vein and analyzed by ultrahigh-performance liquidchromatography/quadrupole-time-of-fight mass spectrometry. The identification ofcompounds in bio-samples was achieved by accurate mass measurement and detailedfragmentation pathway analysis. The results showed that unbound constituents inblood circulation of the rat included seven parent saponins and six metabolites, whichmight be the potential active components in vivo. Among which, three metaboliteshave not been previously reported and were identifed in this study. Compared withconventional biological sampling techniques, microdialysis offers direct in vivosampling, low invasiveness, real-time monitoring and simple sample preparation. Asdemonstrated in our study, microdialysis sampling assisted QTOFMS effectively forsimultaneous analysis of multiple minor drug metabolites with potentially importantfunctions in vivo. Some important advantages of this approach are: the short analysistime, the absence of any unlabelled compounds, and also the ease of use. In summary,this developed method is generally applicable to include more active componentsscreening of TCM in mammalian body and to better clarify its pharmacological actionmechanism.
     3. We established a dynamic microdialysis sampling method coupled withultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole-time-of-fight massspectrometry (UHPLC/QTOFMS) based metabolomics. By using this approach, tensaponins/metabolites have been identified in rat hippocampus microdialysates after asingle oral administration of total saponins of Anemarrhena asphodeloides (TSA), andthe pharmacokinetic behaviors of them were real-time monitored. Comparing thebody dynamics of each constituent, timosaponin A-III and dehydrogenatedsarsasapogenin, with faster absorption, slower metabolism, higher peak concentrationand larger AUC values were considered to be candidate hit. Furthermore, behavioralassessment was consistent with pharmacokinetic data, which suggested these twocomponents were bioactive markers in TSA for its neuroprotective effects. This is thefirst attempt to systematically reveal the in vivo process of steroid glycoside in thebrain. Our results indicated that pharmacokinetics screening using UHPLC/QTOFMSbased metabolomics can not only be used to explore potential active components contributing to central nervous system (CNS) pharmacological effects of herbalmedicine, but also to get a promising perspective of new brain-targeted leads in drugdiscovery from natural agents.
     4. Despite recent advances in understanding the pathophysiology of dementia and themechanisms of anti-dementia drug action, the development of biomarkers fordiagnosis and therapeutic monitoring in dementia remains challenging. Metabolomicsprovides a powerful approach to discover diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers byanalyzing global changes in an individual’s metabolic profle in response topathophysiological stimuli or drug therapy. In this study, we performed combined gaschromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), reversed-phase iquidchromatography mass spectrometry (RPLC-MS) and a hydrophilic interaction liquidchromatography-mass spectrometry (HILIC-MS)-based metabonomics in serum ofscopolamine-induced demented rat models before and after2-week total saponins ofAnemarrhena asphodeloides (TSA) treatment, to detect potential biomarkersassociated with dementia and intervention effects of TSA. Twenty-one markermetabolites contributing to the complete separation of demented rats from matchedhealthy controls were identifed, with myo-inositol, uric acid, and tryptophan showingthe maximum combined classifcation performance. Metabolic pathways includingenergy metabolism, antioxidant defense systems, neurotransmitter metabolism, fattyacid biosynthesis, and phospholipid metabolism were found to be disturbed indemented rats and partially normalized following TSA treatment. Further study ofthese metabolites may facilitate the development of new potential biomarkers andmore efficient therapeutic strategies for dementia.
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    [7] C. Xue, J. Guo, D. Qian, J.-a. Duan, E. Shang, Y. Shu, Y. Lu, Identification of the potentialactive components of Abelmoschus manihot in rat blood and kidney tissue by microdialysiscombined with ultra-performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole time-of-flight massspectrometry, Journal of Chromatography B,879(2011)317-325.
    [8] X.-D. Wen, J. Yang, R.-H. Ma, W. Gao, L.-W. Qi, P. Li, B.A. Bauer, G.-J. Du, Z. Zhang, J.Somogyi, C.-Z. Wang, C.-S. Yuan, Analysis of Panax notoginseng metabolites in rat bile by liquidchromatography–quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry with microdialysis sampling,Journal of Chromatography B,895-896(2012)162-168.
    [9] G. Cao, H. Cai, Y. Zhang, X. Cong, C. Zhang, B. Cai, Identification of metabolites of crudeand processed Fructus Corni in rats by microdialysis sampling coupled with electrosprayionization linear quadrupole ion trap mass spectrometry, Journal of Pharmaceutical andBiomedical Analysis,56(2011)118-125.
    [10] D. Guillarme, J. Schappler, S. Rudaz, J.-L. Veuthey, Coupling ultra-high-pressure liquidchromatography with mass spectrometry, TrAC Trends in Analytical Chemistry,29(2010)15-27.
    [11] C.P. Committee, Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China, Vol.1, People's MedicalPublishing House, Beijing,(2010)197-198.
    [12] S. Ouyang, L.S. Sun, S.L. Guo, X. Liu, J.P. Xu, Effects of timosaponins on learning andmemory abilities of rats with dementia induced by lateral cerebral ventricular injection of amyloidbeta-peptide, Di Yi Jun Yi Da Xue Xue Bao,25(2005)121-126.
    [13] F.W. King, S. Fong, C. Griffin, M. Shoemaker, R. Staub, Y.L. Zhang, I. Cohen, E. Shtivelman,Timosaponin AIII is preferentially cytotoxic to tumor cells through inhibition of mTOR andinduction of ER stress, PLoS One,4(2009) e7283.
    [14] B. Lee, K. Jung, D.-H. Kim, Timosaponin AIII, a saponin isolated from Anemarrhenaasphodeloides, ameliorates learning and memory deficits in mice, Pharmacology Biochemistryand Behavior,93(2009)121-127.
    [15] T.J. Li, Y. Qiu, P.Y. Yang, Y.C. Rui, W.S. Chen, Timosaponin B-II improves memory andlearning dysfunction induced by cerebral ischemia in rats, Neurosci Lett,421(2007)147-151.
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    [18] K. Wang, Z. Zhu, L. Yang, Y. Gao, W. Liu, H. Zhang, Y. Chai, Detection, characterization andidentification of major constituents in Zhimu-Baihe herb-pair extract by fast high-performanceliquid chromatography and time-of-flight mass spectrometry through dynamic adjustment offragmentor voltage, Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom,25(2011)9-19.
    [19] Z. Liu, D. Zhu, Y. Qi, X. Chen, Z. Zhu, Y. Chai, Elucidation of steroid glycosides inAnemarrhena asphodeloides extract by means of comprehensive two-dimensionalreversed-phase/polyamine chromatography with mass spectrometric detection, Journal ofseparation science,35(2012)2210-2218.
    [20] Y. Sun, Y. Du, Y. Liu, L. Chang, Y. Ren, L. Cao, Q. Sun, X. Shi, Q. Wang, L. Zhang,Simultaneous determination of nine components in Anemarrhena asphodeloides by liquidchromatography-tandem mass spectrometry combined with chemometric techniques, Journal ofseparation science,35(2012)1796-1807.
    [21] Z. Liu, D. Zhu, L. Lv, Y. Li, X. Dong, Z. Zhu, Y. Chai, Metabolism profile of timosaponinB-II in urine after oral administration to rats by ultrahigh-performance liquidchromatography/quadrupole-time-of-flight mass spectrometry, Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom,26(2012)1955-1964.
    [22] F. Cai, L. Sun, S. Gao, Y. Yang, Q. Yang, W. Chen, A rapid and sensitive liquidchromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method for the determination of timosaponin B-II inblood plasma and a study of the pharmacokinetics of saponin in the rat, J Pharm Biomed Anal,48(2008)1411-1416.
    [23] D. Yeniceli, E. ener, O.T. Korkmaz, D. Do rukol-Ak, N. Tuncel, A simple and sensitiveLC–ESI-MS (ion trap) method for the determination of bupropion and its major metabolite,hydroxybupropion in rat plasma and brain microdialysates, Talanta,84(2011)19-26.
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    [27] C. Ma, M. Fan, Y. Tang, Z. Li, Z. Sun, G. Ye, C. Huang, Identification of major alkaloids andsteroidal saponins in rat serum by HPLC-diode array detection-MS/MS following oraladministration of Huangbai-Zhimu herb-pair Extract, Biomed Chromatogr,22(2008)835-850.
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    [30] C. Ma, L. Wang, Y. Tang, M. Fan, H. Xiao, C. Huang, Identification of major xanthones andsteroidal saponins in rat urine by liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionizationmass spectrometry technology following oral administration of Rhizoma Anemarrhenae decoction,Biomed Chromatogr,22(2008)1066-1083.
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    [11] C.P. Committee, Pharmacopoeia of the People's Republic of China, Vol.1, People's MedicalPublishing House, Beijing,(2010)197-198.
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    [18] K. Wang, Z. Zhu, L. Yang, Y. Gao, W. Liu, H. Zhang, Y. Chai, Detection, characterization andidentification of major constituents in Zhimu-Baihe herb-pair extract by fast high-performance liquidchromatography and time-of-flight mass spectrometry through dynamic adjustment of fragmentor voltage,Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom,25(2011)9-19.
    [19] Z. Liu, D. Zhu, Y. Qi, X. Chen, Z. Zhu, Y. Chai, Elucidation of steroid glycosides in Anemarrhenaasphodeloides extract by means of comprehensive two-dimensional reversed-phase/polyaminechromatography with mass spectrometric detection, Journal of separation science,35(2012)2210-2218.
    [20] Y. Sun, Y. Du, Y. Liu, L. Chang, Y. Ren, L. Cao, Q. Sun, X. Shi, Q. Wang, L. Zhang, Simultaneousdetermination of nine components in Anemarrhena asphodeloides by liquid chromatography-tandem massspectrometry combined with chemometric techniques, Journal of separation science,35(2012)1796-1807.
    [21] Z. Liu, D. Zhu, L. Lv, Y. Li, X. Dong, Z. Zhu, Y. Chai, Metabolism profile of timosaponin B-II in urineafter oral administration to rats by ultrahigh-performance liquid chromatography/quadrupole-time-of-flightmass spectrometry, Rapid Commun Mass Spectrom,26(2012)1955-1964.
    [22] F. Cai, L. Sun, S. Gao, Y. Yang, Q. Yang, W. Chen, A rapid and sensitive liquidchromatography-tandem mass spectrometric method for the determination of timosaponin B-II in bloodplasma and a study of the pharmacokinetics of saponin in the rat, J Pharm Biomed Anal,48(2008)1411-1416.
    [23] D. Yeniceli, E. ener, O.T. Korkmaz, D. Do rukol-Ak, N. Tuncel, A simple and sensitive LC–ESI-MS(ion trap) method for the determination of bupropion and its major metabolite, hydroxybupropion in ratplasma and brain microdialysates, Talanta,84(2011)19-26.
    [24] G.C. Kite, E.A. Porter, M.S. Simmonds, Chromatographic behaviour of steroidal saponins studied byhigh-performance liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry, J Chromatogr A,1148(2007)177-183.
    [25] Y. Liu, F. Liang, L. Cui, M. Xia, L. Zhao, Y. Yang, J. Shi, Z. Abliz, Multi-stage mass spectrometry offurostanol saponins combined with electrospray ionization in positive and negative ion modes, RapidCommun Mass Spectrom,18(2004)235-238.
    [26] F. Liang, L. Li, Z. Abliz, Y. Yang, J. Shi, Structural characterization of steroidal saponins byelectrospray ionization and fast-atom bombardment tandem mass spectrometry, Rapid Commun MassSpectrom,16(2002)1168-1173.
    [27] C. Ma, M. Fan, Y. Tang, Z. Li, Z. Sun, G. Ye, C. Huang, Identification of major alkaloids and steroidalsaponins in rat serum by HPLC-diode array detection-MS/MS following oral administration ofHuangbai-Zhimu herb-pair Extract, Biomed Chromatogr,22(2008)835-850.
    [28] X.-Y. Guan, H.-F. Li, W.-Z. Yang, C.-H. Lin, C. Sun, B.-R. Wang, D.-A. Guo, M. Ye,HPLC-DAD–MSn analysis and HPLC quantitation of chemical constituents in Xian-ling-gu-bao capsules,Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis,55(2011)923-933.
    [29] Y.M. Hu, Y.T. Wang, S.C.W. Sze, K.W. Tsang, H.K. Wong, Q. Liu, L.D. Zhong, Y. Tong, Identificationof the major chemical constituents and their metabolites in rat plasma and various organs after oraladministration of effective Erxian Decoction (EXD) fraction by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry,Biomedical Chromatography,(2009) n/a-n/a.
    [30] C. Ma, L. Wang, Y. Tang, M. Fan, H. Xiao, C. Huang, Identification of major xanthones and steroidalsaponins in rat urine by liquid chromatography-atmospheric pressure chemical ionization massspectrometry technology following oral administration of Rhizoma Anemarrhenae decoction, BiomedChromatogr,22(2008)1066-1083.
    [31] L. Wang, X. Wang, X. Yuan, B. Zhao, Simultaneous analysis of diosgenin and sarsasapogenin inAsparagus officinalis byproduct by thin-layer chromatography, Phytochem Anal,22(2011)14-17.
    [32] X. He, A. Qiao, X. Wang, B. Liu, M. Jiang, L. Su, X. Yao, Structural identification of methylprotodioscin metabolites in rats' urine and their antiproliferative activities against human tumor cell lines,Steroids,71(2006)828-833.
    [33] S.E. Jantti, A. Tammimaki, H. Raattamaa, P. Piepponen, R. Kostiainen, R.A. Ketola, Determination ofsteroids and their intact glucuronide conjugates in mouse brain by capillary liquid chromatography-tandemmass spectrometry, Anal Chem,82(2010)3168-3175.

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