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This paper had mainly researched on the compound fertilizergranulation as the carrier of calcium carbonate, desulfurizationgypsum and humic acid through the granulation technology. It aimedto slow down the dissolution rate and release rate to improve fertilizerutilization ratio by powder fertilizer granulation.
     This chapter mainly studied on NPK compound fertilizergranulation technology parameters and particle morphology analysisas the carrier of calcium carbonate, sulfuric acid as coherent agent.The results showed that the best granulation parameters was calciumcarbonate dosage of 2-5%, sulfuric acid (the density between 1.5 and1.7) of the raw material 2-4%, granulation temperature of 60-80℃.Electronic scanning electron microscope(SEM) analysis showed thatthe particle surface adhesion crystal grain, which made the particlesand external environment isolation and reduced the rate ofcompaction. In addition, the process conditions is simple, easyhandling, belonging to clean type and environmental technology.
     This chapter mainly studied on NK compound fertilizergranulation technology parameters and particle morphology analysisas the carrier of desulfurization gypsum. The results show that the dosage is about 2-4% when calcium carbonate as granulation agent,but for desulfurization gypsum it is need to add high content ofgranulation agent, such as 16%, resulting in the reduction of particlechemical fertilizer nutrients and the increased the cost of production.So it should be researched that the desulfurization gypsum be directlyapplied in modified nitrogen and potassium fertilizer granulation.
     This chapter improved the traditional granulation techniques andthe effects of humic acid combined with inorganic fertilizers on cornyield and soil fertility were studied in the field condition. The resultshowed that: the corn ear length, ear diameter, barren tip length,kernel weight had different degree change with the quantity of humicacid fertilizer being added. The yield, value cost ratio weresignificantly increased in the three humic acid-inorganic fertilizertreatments when compared with CK and NPK treatment. In addition,the HA+NPK treatments can ameliorate physical properties of soiland promote the transfer of nitrogen from root and stem to the grain,and the nitrogen use efficiency was increased by 11.93%-23.37% inthree humic acid-inorganic fertilizer treatments than that of NPKtreatments.
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