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丛枝菌根真菌(arbuscular mycorrhizae fungi, AMF)如何利用土壤养分资源供给宿主植物生长是当前菌根生态研究的热点问题。水土流失严重的南方喀斯特地区,生境异质性高,喀斯特生境中的植物个体是如何通过AMF吸收并利用土壤中的养分资源来维持植物的生长,从而实现生态系统的营养循环和养分平衡的问题还没有认识清楚。喀斯特生境中AMF是否具有分解有机物并利用其养分的能力一直未见报道,土壤养分含量是如何调节了这一过程的发生?喀斯特生境中具有较高的AMF多样性,这些菌种是如何共同维持植物生长所需要的土壤养分资源的?养分的形态是如何通过AMF影响了植物生长和土壤性质的?这些问题的明确对阐明喀斯特生态系统养分维持机制具有重要意义。为此,本文进行了如下的两个试验,旨在探索喀斯特土壤中AMF是否具有分解枯落物的腐生营养能力以及多菌种的混合效应对宿主植物的共生发育和土壤性质的影响。
     具体的试验方法为:试验一是以喀斯特地区适生植物香樟(Cinnamomum camphor a)为研究对象、采用隔室分离系统、温室控制实验以及15N同位素示踪方法,以喀斯特土壤作为基质接种AMF。分室系统隔室装置(用20um或0.45umm尼龙网双层隔离)对香樟幼苗进行幼套球囊霉(Glomus etunicatum)接种后,在根际周围施加外源无机氮NH4NO3,相邻隔室施加15N标记的黑麦草(Lolium perenne)枯落物,以检测AMF的腐生营养能力和外源氮对枯落物分解的影响;试验二采用相同的装置对香樟接种幼套球囊霉和摩西球囊霉(Glomus mosseae)的混合接种,相邻隔室用15N标记的(NH4)2SO4处理,并在12周后种植黑麦草,以检测AMF混合接种对香樟幼苗共生发育和土壤养分转移的影响。所有苗木培养15周后测定了隔室幼苗生理生化及土壤生化指标:侵染率、菌丝体密度、根系性状特征、光合指标、植株和土壤氮、磷含量,δ15N值、微生物量氮、微生物量碳、碱性磷酸酶和蛋白酶活性等。主要的试验结果如下:
How arbuscular mycorrhiza fungi (AMF) utilize soil nutrients and supports host plant growth are intriguing. In the south Karst ecosystem with high soil erosion, mycorrhizal fungi can be extremely important for nutrient cycling. Researchers have been focused on the questions of saprotrophic ability on AMF for long. It has not been reported for the saprotrophic ability on decomposing organic matter and utilizing nutrients in Karst habitat to maintain nutritional balance of the ecosystem. How nitrogen mediates the process? How high diversity of AMF species maintains nutrients need of plant growth? How nutrients form and hypha affet plant growth and soil characteristics? It is important significance to know these questions for revealing mechanisms of nutrient cycle in Karst ecosystem. Therefore, two experiments were conducted in order to study the saprotrophic ability of litter decoompositon via AMF mycelium and the mixed effets of multiple AMF species to symbiotic development of host plant and soil property in this thesis. The experimental measurements are as follows.
     Experiment1:The effects of inoculation of Cinnamomum camphora seedlings with AMF were investigated. C.camphora seedlings were inoculated with Glomus etunicatum in isolated compartments with soils from a Karst area. Exogenous nitrogen of NH4NO3was added in rhizosphere soil and litter of15N Lolium perenne labeled with15N was applied in TEST soil in order to study the saprotrophic ability and the effects of exogenous nitrogen on decomposition. Experiment2:C.camphora seedlings were inoculated with two AMF species of G. etunicatum and G. mosseae, the adjacent compartment was applied (NH4)2SO4with15N labeled and planted Lolium perenne after12weeks in TEST. The aim was to test mixed inoculation with AMF species to host plant After15weeks treatments, the following was investigated:the colonized rate, mycelium density; photosynthesis and growth characteristics, plants and soil nitrogen and phosphorus status and815N;soil microbial nitrogen and carbon content, alkaline phosphatase and protease acitivity.
     (1) Exogenous nitrogen mediated litter decomposition and nutrient transportation for host plant by AMF
     Exogenous nitrogen application increased mycelium density, plants photosynthesis rate and growth. It also increased N:P in root, stem and leaf. However, the total amount of nitrogen uptake was not affected. The application of exogenous nitrogen decreased utilization of15N from but increased soil microbial carbon, nitrogen, organic carbon, microbial C:N and alkaline phosphatase and protease activity in the neighbor compartments. The isolation interrupted mycelium extension and decreased mycelium density, plants height and stem diameter, leaf chlorophyll content and photosynthesis rate and consequently biomass accumulation. The isolation did not change the plants N:P remarkably, but decreased nitrogen and phosphorus uptake. It also decreased leaf815N value and soil microbial C:N. In conclusion, the results indicated that exogenous nitrogen application did not change the colonized rate of C.camphora seedlings, but did affected the mycelium density in the neighbor compartments significantly. The isolation altered root characteristics and plants growth. AMF was saprophytic, promoted soil litter decomposition and uptake and transphere the15N to the host plants. C.camphora seedlings preferred to utilize the rhizophere soil nitrogen. Under the conditions of low level nitrogen supply, the plants utilized more15N released from the neighbor compartments. Application of exogenous nitrogen promoted soil litter decomposition but decreased its utilization by the plants; in contrast, with high level of nitrogen supply, the plants uptake much more nitrogen and phosphorus and microbial carbon, nitrogen content and mycelium density were also increased in the neighbor compartments.
     (2) Mixed inoculation with AMF affected uptake and transportation of inorganic nutrients for host plants in Karst soil
     Mixed inoculation did not significantly affect mycelium density in the neighbor compartments and colonized rate of Cinnamomum camphora seedlings in this experiment.It affected photosynthesis of C.camphora seedlings significantly, and also promoted growth, such as biomass accumulation, root length and volume, although not significantly. Mixed inoculation increased N:P in the roots, stems and the plants as a whole and total nitrogen uptake, but did not affect total phosphorus uptake. This treatments also increased δ15N value of the leaves, but decreased δ15N value of the soil and Lolium perenne leaves in the neighbor compartments. It also decreased soil microbial C:N, but increased alkaline phosphatase and protease activity significantly. The isolation affected the mycelium density in the neighbor compartments and it decreased biomass accumulation of root, stem and leaf and root length and volume, leaf chlorophyll content and photosynthesis rate, nitrogen and phosphours uptake and N:P value. The0.45um net isolation decreased significantly815N value of C.camphora seedlings leaves,but the815N value of the soil and the Lolium perenne leaves in the neighbor compartments was significantly much higher than in the other treatments. The net isolation also decreased the soil microbial carbon and nitrogen content and the C:N value. It also decreased significantly the content of total nitrogen, alkali soluble nitrogen and available phosphorous respectively. It increased alkaline phosphatase and protease activity in the neighbor compartments.In conclusion, the treatments did not affected the colonized rate of the C.camphora seedlings, but they significantly altered the mycelium density in the neighbor compartments. The isolation changed the root morphology and plants total biomass. Mixed AMF inoculation increased nutrients utilization and promoted plants growth, affected the root morphology, biomass and nitrogen and phosphorus accumulation and. The improvement was mainly the consequent of changed soil enzyme activity and microbial carbon and nitrogen and nutrients utilization. The mycelium affected significantly the plants nutrients utilization, and consequent photosynthesis and biomass accumulation. The mixed inoculation promoted utilization nutrients from distance farer away via mycelium uptake and transfer.
     (3) Effects of nutrients from and AMF mycelium on symbiotic development of host plant and soil characteristics
     The two-ANOVA indicated that the total amount of nitrogen and phosphorus uptake by the C.camphora seedlings was not affected significantly by the organic or inorganic nutrients, but the N: P uptake was. The net isolation did not changed N:P, though. The interaction of nutrients form (organic or inorganic) and net isolation affected nitrogen uptake but not phosphorus uptake. The significant effects on plant total biomass were mainly due to changes of stem biomass. The nutrients form did not affected root morphology remarkably which was mainly affected by net isolation. Both nutrients form (organic or inorganic) and net isolation affected the chlorophyll content and plants photosynthesis, soil available nitrogen and phosphorus and soil microbial carbon. The soil microbial nitrogen was mainly affected by the net isolation. In conclusion, the soil nutrients form affected the soil biochemical processes; both soil form and AM mycelium regulated plants nutrients utilization.
     In summary, AM fungi promoted soil organic matter decomposition; rhizosphere nutrients availability affected soil organic matter decomposition and plants nutrients utilization significantly. Mixed AM fungi species inoculation imposed positive effects on nutrients utilization and plants growth. Plants growth was affected by soil nutrients form and AM mycelium. Both factors contributed to the Plant-AM fungi-Soils system processes.
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