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     随着科学技术的不断进步,多学科交叉的现象越来越多。近年来,随着现代分子影像学(Molecular Imaging)的迅速发展,并与其他学科不断渗透、交叉和结合。如上世纪70年代CT问世以来,CT、MR、fMR、SPECT、PET以及PET/CT已在全球范围内广泛应用,使对人体疾病的诊断、分期、疗效和预后评价迈入“分子影像学”时代,医学影像学的进展是20世纪人类的重大科技成就之一。分子影像技术从临床人体应用的仪器设计到小动物专用仪器的设计思路,首见于1997年美国加州大学Cheng博士领导的研究小组的报导(Cheng SR,Shao Y,SilVelmanRW,et al.MicroPET:A high resolUtion PET scanner for imaging smallanimals.IEEE Trasaction on Nuclear Science,1997,44:1161-1166),此是基于正电子断层成像(PET)临床成像技术发展起来的专门用于小动物PET成像的装置,称为microPET。它的特点是:①分辨率较高,达1mm;②体积小,造价低;③可用PET/CT、PET/MR进行解剖与功能(代谢、血流、受体、基因)图像融合;④在药物研究方面显示出优良前景,可缩短研制周期、节约开发成本,与相关技术形成的Translation Medicine(转化医学)已引起大企业集团的兴趣与投入研发。
     4、~(11)C标记中药左旋千金藤啶碱尚未见文献报道,如能探索~(11)C标记中药有效成分的方法并进行生物学评价,无疑具有新颖性,同时利于探索中药有效成分在活体内的作用机理,此外也可为PET或micro PET药物开发进行先期准备工作,考虑本课题取材方面等因素,首先选择左旋千金藤啶碱进行探索性研究。旨在通过PET对左旋千金藤啶碱药代动力学进行研究作为第一阶段工作,通过该研究为今后中药的活体研究探索一条新的途径。本研究的主要目的:1)探索正电子核素标记中药有效成分的方法学可行性。2)探索~(11)C标记中药有效成分1-SPD在体内的生物学分布,为药物二次开发提供参考。3)探索PET显像用于中药有效成分药代动力学研究的可行性,为PET或micro PET药物开发进行先期准备工作,通过动态地观察动物体内生物分布,为中药在活体内的药代动力学研究探索一条新途径。
     方法:经大鼠尾静脉注射~(11)C-1-SPD,每组5只,分别于不同时相点5、15、30、60、90min测量血液及各主要组织器官的放射性计数(cpm),计算每克组织百分注射剂量率(%ID/g湿组织)。通过大鼠尾静脉取血进行药物代谢动力学分析;大鼠尾静脉注射给药,于注射后不同时间分别将各组大鼠断头处死,迅速解剖取脑,分离额叶、顶叶、颞叶、枕叶、小脑、海马、纹状体、丘脑、脑干等脑区,称组织湿重后,用γ计数器测组织放射性,计算每克组织百分注射剂量率(%ID/g湿组织)。结果:~(11)C-1-SPD在体内吸收迅速,分布广泛,以肝、肾、心、脑、肺分布最多。静脉注入~(11)C-1-SPD 5min后放射性分布即可达到高峰,5min后各组织呈明显下降的趋势,给药后60min,各脏器内放射量均有显著下降。脑内分布在5min即可达到高峰,各脑区内的放射性分布差异无统计学意义(p>0.05)。药物经肝脏代谢,肾组织是~(11)C-1-SPD的主要排泄器官,肝、肾组织在5min放射性分布分别为1.484±0.350%ID/g、1.323±0.153%ID/g,90min分别为0.478±0.039%ID/g、0.394±0.165%ID/g。在胃、脾、肠、肌肉等组织放射性分布较少。大鼠时间-放射性曲线在权重为1/CC时二室模型最佳,对~(11)C-1-SPD大鼠血时间.放射性曲线进行二室模型拟合,经分析计算,中央室的消除速率常数为0.19/min,表观分布容积为0.36ml/mg,分布半衰期为1.39min,清除半衰期为26.2min,清除率为0.07ml/min/mg。药时曲线下面积为1613.72(kbpm/ml)*min。结论:静脉注射~(11)C-1-SPD在体内呈现快速摄取快速清除的特性。1-SPD在脑内广泛分布,清除快速。1-SPD主要经肝胆系统代谢,肾脏是主要排泄器官。血药浓度-时间曲线符合二型房室模型特征。
     目的:探索PET/CT显像(临床用机型)在研究~(11)C标记中药有效成分1-SPD在体内的生物学分布及药物代谢动力学特征的可行性。方法:SD大鼠戊巴比妥钠麻醉后固定于木板上,尾静脉注射37 MBq~(11)C-1-SPD。分别于注射后5min、15min、30min、45min、60min、90min行PET/CT显像。使用Multi Modality工作站获得脑、心脏、肺脏、肝脏、肾脏、肠腔、膀胱的容积分布比值(DistributionVolume Ratios,DVR)。结果:~(11)C-1-SPD大鼠PET/CT显像显示在5分钟时在肝脏、肾脏分布最多,心脏、肺、脑可见放射性分布。肝肾是~(11)C-1-SPD的主要代谢及排泄器官,肝、肾、肠腔、膀胱在5min放射性分布分别为1.37±0.42%、1.10±0.19%、0.89±0.18%、0.97±0.111%,90min分别为0.65±0.11%、0.54±0.05%、5.49±1.44%、9.86±1.88%。结论:PET/CT(临床用机型)显像可以初步的直观、动态的观察药物的分布及代谢特点,然而由于轴向视野及临床用机型PET分辨率远不如MicroPET(小动物专用型)理想,现有的结果尚不能得出PET(临床型)显像完全取代处死动物的体内分布实验的结论,有待小动物专用型MicroPET的进一步对照研究。
     3.试用PET/CT(临床用机型)显像用于中药研究可行性,试图动态的观察~(11)C-1-SPD在动物体内的分布及代谢特点,并用DVR(Distribution Volume Ratios)进行定量分析,然而由于PET分辨率及轴向视野等方面的因素,目前资料未能得出~(11)C-1-SPD活体动物PET(临床用机型)显像能取代处死动物的体内分布实验的结论,这有待今后小动物专用MicroPET的进一步对比研究。同时,我们首先提出在中药研究开发中建立转化医学(Transition Medicine)及移动式MicroPET技术平台(toolbox)的建议。
Purpose and design of the study
     1.Traditional Chinese pharmacy,a splendid pearl in the treasures of world traditional medicine,has a history of thousands of years,and it has played an important role in the development of Chinese nation.For a long time,traditional Chinese pharmacological research has been developed from scratch,and great achievements have been made.The elucidation of efficacy of traditional Chinese drugs and their underlying mechanisms,however,is still a great challenge.Therefore we should take full advantage of the current technology and use the multi- discipline crossing methods to help the innovation of traditional Chinese pharmacy. Basic researches for traditional Chinese drugs are of great importance for the elucidation of scientific principles of effects of traditional Chinese drugs,and for the development of modern new traditional Chinese drugs,and are helpful for investigating the new growth point for modern medicine and pharmacy.
     2."A better tool is needed for good work,a workman must sharpen his tools if to do his work well".Modern pharmacology,pharmacokinetics, toxicology,materia medica,and so on,all depend on the development of new methods and new technology,as well as traditional Chinese pharmacy.
     With the development of science and technology,multiple-discipline crossings are more and more common.With the repaid development of modern medical imaging,and its intercrossing and integration with other disciplines,the knowledge,techniques and methods in the field of medical imaging are more and more introduced into modern pharmacology to address issues in traditional Chinese pharmacology,such as CT,MR,fMR,SPECT,PET, PET/CT,which is necessary for the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine and pharmacology,and is essential for the development of traditional Chinese drug research,microPET is a device of imaging for small animal,its characteristic is:①high resolution.②small volume, and low price.③it can fuse the anatomical and the functional images.④it can reduce time and cost of the reserch in new drug.
     3.Neuropathy and psychosis show the relationship of multi-target between receptor and transmitter,as well as the traditional Chinese medicine,lf we want to use PET to explore the pharmacology,curative effect,pharmacokinetics of the traditional Chinese medicine,we must resolve the three problems:①the selection and radiolabeling of positron-emitting radionuclide.②PET imaging and image reconstruction.③Selection Principle of the traditional Chinese medicine primer.In the shudy of the traditional Chinese medicine,L-Stepholidine(1-SPD) is one of the active ingredients of corydalis,which is a traditional Chinese herb.L-SPD has a dual pharmacological effect of D1 agonism and D2 blockade. So far,1-SPD is the only substance found to have this kind of dual effect. The dual pharmacological effect of 1-SPD will be a new research field for the development of new neuroleptic agents,and will be promising in the treatment of mental disorders and opioid addiction.Therefore,the second development of 1-SPD is of great value.
     4、On the whole,it has not been reported in literature to label an active ingredient of 1-SPD with ~(11)C.If the method to label an active ingredient of traditional Chinese herb with ~(11)C is investigated,and biological evaluation is conducted,these will be of great novelty,and will be beneficial to the investigation of in vivo mechanism of active ingredients of Chinese herbs.In addition,these studies of labeling methods may be used as preparatory studies for future possible PET or microPET assisted drug development.Based on factors relating to material selection in this project,L- Stepholidine is chosen to conduct an exploratory study.The pharmacokinetic study of 1- Stepholidine using PET will be conducted as first stage work,by which a new method may be provided for future in vivo investigations for active ingredients of Chinese herbs.The objectives of this study are as follow:1) To investigate method feasibility of labeled active ingredients of Chinese herb imaging with PET.2) To investigate in vivo distribution of ~(11)C labeled 1-SPD to provide reference for future possible second development. 3) To investigate the feasibility of PET imaging in the study of pharmacokinetics of active ingredients of Chinese herbs to conduct preparatory work for future possible PET or micro PET assisted drug development;To explore a new investigation method for the study of in vivo pharmacokinetics of traditional Chinese drugs by dynamically monitoring biological distribution in animals.
     5、Preliminary And Clinical Studies On Positron Emission Tomography was one important research of Batch of doctoral program of Imaging medicine and Nuclear medicine and Key Discipline of MH.To label an active ingredient of traditional Chinese herb with 11C was one branch of serial studies.The serial studies included ~(18)F-ZMS(2006),~(11)C-HupA(2007), ~(11)C-1-SPD(2008),Trichosanthin,and so on.The serial studies had been Sponsored by 985 Key Project of neurology and State Key Laboratory of Nuclear Medicine(WK006001,WK006002).This subject was the important part of the serial studies.
     Results of the study
     PartⅠ.Synthesis and quality control of ~(11)C-radiolabeled 1-SPD
     Objective:To expore the method and quality control of ~(11)C -radiolabeled 1-SPD.Methods:~(11)CO_2 was produced by CTI RDS 111 cyclotron, converted ~(11)CO_2 to ~(11)C- CH_3I by CH_3I die-block,and then converted it to ~(11)C-Triflate—CH_4,imported ~(11)C-Triflate—CH_4 to 1-SPD which was dissolved in Dimethyl sulfoxide[(CH3)_2SO],reacted at common temperature and then obtained the product.Compared with ~(12)C-1-SPD which was produced at the same condition.The labeled product was analyzed by HPLC on a reverse-phase C18 column.Contents and analytical methods of quality control for ~(11)C-1-SPD were investigated and the main quality criteria were achieved through strict control of the determining parameters by standard procedures.Results:The Synthesis time of ~(11)C-1-SPD was 15 to 20 min with chemical purity>90%,and PH values 6.5±0.3,radiochemieal purity>95% in 2 hours.All quality criteria of ~(11)C-1-SPD met the requirements of the positron radio-pharmaceuticals.Conclusion:~(11)C-1-SPD injections can be used to further study in the animal or human study.
     PartⅡ.Pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of ~(11)C-1-SPD in the normal animal
     Objective:To exolpre the pharmacokinetics and biodistribution of the new agent,~(11)C-1-SPD in vivo.Methods:Take the sample of blood and organs in different time,5 min,15 min,30 min,60 min,90 min after injecting ~(11)C-1-SPD by vail in mice and measure the cpm,then the%ID/g was calculated.Analysed the pharmacokinetics by taking the blood sample from tail of rats and analysed the biodistribution in the different regions of brain,such as frontal lobe,apical lobe,temporal lobe,occipital lobe,cerebellum,hippocampus,striatum,thalamencephalon and brain stem in the rats.Results:~(11)C-1-SPD was of the characteristic that quickly discharge from the blood,,metabolism through the liver,kidney was the main eccrisis organ,which was 1.323±0.153%ID/g at 5 min and decreasing graduately,it was 1.484±0.350ID/g in liver at 5 min. Pharmacokinetics of ~(11)C-1-SPD in the rats corresponded to two-compartment model.The half-time was 26.2min,apparent volume of distribution was 0.36ml/mg,clearance rate was 0.07ml/min/mg.Conclsions:~(11)C-1-SPD could quickly discharge and decrease to the low level from background of issues in vivo.There was not significant difference of ~(11)C-1-SPD that distribute in the different brain regions,there were more distribution in brain.Pharmacokinetics of ~(11)C-1-SPD in the rats corresponded to two-compartment model.
     PartⅢ.Biodistribution of ~(11)C-1-SPD in rats assessed by PET/CT(dedicated PET/CT) Imaging
     Objective:To exolpre the feasibility to assess the biodistribution of ~(11)C-1-SPD in vivo by PET/CT(dedicated PET/CT) Imaging.Methods:Perform PET/CT scan in different time,5 min,15 min,30 min,45min,60 min,90 min after injecting ~(11)C-1-SPD by vail in rats and transfer the information of brain,heart,lung,liver,kidney,intestine,bladder to the Multi Modality Workststion.Obtain the Distribution Volume Ratios(DVR)of the above tissues.Results:~(11)C-1-SPD was keeping in a relative higher level in liver and kidney at 5min.metabolism through the liver,kidney was the main eccrisis organ.The distribution of ~(11)C-1-SPD in liver, kidney,intestine,bladder was 1.37±0.42%,1.10±0.19%,0.89±0.18 %,0.97±0.111%respectively at 5min and was 0.65±0.11%,0.54±0.05 %,5.49±1.44%,9.86±1.88%respectively at 90min.Conclsions: PET/CT(clinical type) imaging could observe the distribution and metabolism of ~(11)C-1-SPD dynamic and directly.On account of resolution and FOV of the PET/CT(dedicated PET/CT),we could not draw the conclusion that PET/CT imaging can take the place of biodistribution experiment ex vivo.
     1.Synthesis of ~(11)C-1-SPD was of high radiochemical purity and good stability in vitro.All quality criteria of ~(11)C-1-SPD met the requirements of the positron radionuclide-radiolabeled pharmaceutical, and can be used to further study.
     2.~(11)C-1-SPD could quickly discharge and decrease to the low level in vivo.Pharmacokinetics of ~(11)C-1-SPD in the rats corresponded to two-compartment model.There was not significant difference of ~(11)C-1-SPD that distributed in the different brain regions of normal rats.If the data could be repeated by other departments,the distribution and pharmacokinetics of ~(11)C-1-SPD in brain and body could offer references to second exploitation of drugs.
     3.Try to assesse the biodistribution of ~(11)C-1-SPD in rats by PET/Cr(dedicated PET/CT) Imaging,but on account of resolution and FOV of the PET/CT(dedicated PET/CT),we could not draw the conclusion that PET/Ctimaging can take the place of biodistribution experiment ex vivo.We firstly bring forward a proposal to establish "toolbox" of Translation Medicine in the research of traditional chinese herb.
     4.Synthesis of ~(11)C-1-SPD and pharmacokinetics study by PET/CT (dedicated PET/CT)in small animals had not been reported in literature.
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