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    本,臀肌挛缩症患者标本26例,男12例,女14例,年龄5和 岁,平均年
    平均 6.44岁;掌健膜挛缩症标本 20例,男 18例,女 2例,年龄 48~75岁,
    平均 61.24岁。所有标本经病理学检查确诊。正常臀肌及筋膜 12例,年龄
     应用 SPSS10.0 for widows专业版统计软件。数据用均数士标准差(X士S)
    素方差分析,若差异有显著性意义,再进行各组间两两比较…检验人 以P
    < 0刀5作为差异有显著意义。
    性反应,与对照组间有非常显著差异呼<队001)。用 u一*一K)法三组挛
    异有显著性意义k=2.364 p-0刀28人 先天性肌性斜颈6岁以上组表达明显
    The gluteal muscle contracture,congenital muscular torticollis and Dupuytren's are common soft tissue contracture dieases in bone and joint surgery.The clinical manifestations of these dieases are contracture of pathologic tissue,finally result in deformity,even influence their function.Gluteal muscle contracture is related with local gluteal muscle injection.Congenital muscular torticollis result in many cases.Nowadays,there are many reports about the pathogenesis of Dupuytren's contracture. The myofibroblast is believed to be one of the important factors in Dupuytren's contracture. The cell has microfilament stracture with contractility,and can synthesize and secrete collagen and extracellular matrix(ECM), it make palma aponeurosis produce fibrosis contracture. But the pathogenesis of molecule study on gluteal muscule contracture and congenital muscular torticollis are rarely reported. If exist the same pathological pathogenesis in the gluteal muscule contracture and congenital muscular torticollis is not
    clear.The alpha-smooth muscle actin is reliable marker for myofibroblastic cellular phenotye. Therefore, studying the expression and distribution of alpha-smooth muscle actin in these contracture diseases to get a better understanding of histological phase of the pathologic development, pathogenesis and guide clinical therapy in order to avoid delaying therapy and influence the prognosis.
    By using immunohistochemical approach combined with computer figure analysis technique we study the expression and distribution of alpha-smooth muscle actin in gluteal muscle contracture ,congenital muscular torticollis and Dupuytren's contracture .It is determine the gluteal muscle contracture and congenital muscular torticollis whether has myofibroblast and to get a better understanding of the pathologic development of the above 3 diseases,pathogenesis, and gives fresh thought to practical diagnosis and cure of these diseases.
    3. Material and Method:
    Samples on bony contracture cases since Oct. 1994 till Oct.2002 in our medical college were gathered. Among them, 26 were gluteal muscle contractures including 12 male cases and 14 female ones aged 5 to 17 and 10.23 on average; 21 were congenital muscular torticollis including 11 male cases and 10 female ones aged 2 to 15 and 6.44 on average;20 were Dupuytren's contractures including 18 male cases and 2 female ones aged 48 to 75 and 61.24 on average. Also, 12normal gluteal muscle and fascia samples were gathered aged 6 to 22 and 11.27 on average as a contrast to the gluteal muscle contractures; 10 tendon samples aged 6 to 14 and 8.72 on average in contrast to congenital muscular torticollis and 9 normal palma aponeurosis samples in contrast to palmar aponeurosis contractures.
    4. Statistics Method:
    With the help of SPSS 10.0 for Windows software, all data were indicated with X ± S and test(t) was carried out between the diseased groups and the normal ones. Meanwhile, the method of S-N-K was applied to make analysis of differences among the 3 groups in terms of each single factor. If the difference is striking, further comparison was made between each group .If P<0.05, the difference is of striking point.
    5.Result: a-SMA was not obviously expressed in each contrasting group while in the diseased groups there existed positive reactions of various degrees , which carried a striking difference from their correspondent constrasting groups(P<0.001). The 3 diseased groups as a whole showed difference (S-N-K meathod) but there wasn't between every two of them (q test). In the gluteal muscle contracture group ,the expression of a-SMA of those aged over 7 weakened obviously, whose difference from those aged less than 7 was of striking importance (t=2.364,p=0.028).In the congenital muscular torticollis group, the expression of alpha-smooth muscle acthin of those aged over 6 was also weakened obviously, whose difference from those aged no more than 6(including 6) was also of great point(t=5.173,P<0.001) Conclusions:
    1. Myofibroblas is c
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