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The economical globalization and regionalizing have become animportant characteristic of the current economical development. In thedevelopment of enterprise, industry and region economy, it is more andmore emphasized through constructs and extends the industrial chain,through the regional industrial cooperation, to obtain the essentialfactor, capture markets, upgrade industrial technology, and enhance theindustrial competitive power of the whole region. Competition between theregions also transit from the industrial competition to the clustery andthe industrial chain competition, this phenomenon is gradually becomingthe focal point which the government and the scholar pays attention.
     The dissertation is based on a project of National Natural ScienceFoundation of China, on the law of technology diffusion and optimizationof hi-tech enterprises location in Yangtze River Delta, which is anchoredby my supervisor. And it also gets support from the research projectsponsored by Zhangjiang Group, named“A Study on the IndustrialDevelopment of Zhangjiang Hi-tech park”and“A Study on the IndustrialSpatial Arrangement in Pudong New Planning Area”.Through the collectionof related documents and on-spot interview and questionnaire, the bookmakes case study and theoretical analysis on the interrelations ofregional industrial cooperation theory and the cooperation amongenterprises in Yangtze River Delta.
     Based on theory of region industry division of labor, theory of valuechain, industrial chain, and industry cluster, theory of regionalization,this paper systematically elaborate the region industrial cooperationtheory, analyze the scale, manner, mechanism, style, model and affectfactors of different seedtimes of industrial cooperation.
     There are three scales of industrial cooperation:Global scale,region scale and local scale. The regional scale is a middle scale, whichhas characteristics of the macroscopic and the microscopic ones. Highregional economy level, strongly relational and complementary of industries, good infrastructure, open and loose social cultureenvironment, active and tolerant innovation environment, highlyeffective system and policy actively promote the industrial cooperation.
     Essential factor flowing, industrial transfer and industrialalliance are the main performance ways of industrial cooperation.According to the cooperation direction, there are two styles of verticaland horizontal. Vertical industrial cooperation usually behaves asessential factor flowing and industrial transfer. While, the horizontalone has characteristics of hierarchical, structural and network, behavesas industrial alliance which include technology diffusion, learn fromeach other, knowledge creation and share, neighborhood co-build, andsocial culture embedding.
     According to different goals and ways in different seedtime, regionalindustrial cooperation divides into three kinds of patterns which arebased on industrial chain, market connection and technological innovationThe one based on industrial chain has a strictly'upstream-the middlereaches-downstream' industrial transmission track, the one based onmarket connection depends on refined division of labor and flexibleproduction, and the one based on technological innovation materially isthe industrial technology diffusion process between different economicsubjects. The third one is the up-most phase of the three kinds ofcooperation patterns.
     Along with the changes of flow direction and content of productionelements in different seedtime, the industrial cooperation evolves fromessential factor absolutely gathered stage into traditional essentialfactor diffused stage, and then into region cooperation stage. And thecooperation of each stage respectively is essential factors flow,industrial transfer and networks. There are vertical essential factorsflows in the first and the second stages. During these stages, essentialfactors flow from developing areas to developed areas. In the advancedstage, there is the horizontal cooperation with technology and otherhigh-level elements of production flow from developed areas to developingareas.
     This paper takes an example of IC industry in Pudong New Planning Areato analyze the industrial cooperation of enterprises between Pudong andother areas in Yangtze River Delta. The study shows, vertical cooperationoccupies the dominant position while the horizontal cooperation is verylimited at the present time. There is active regional cooperation basedon industrial chain, the cooperation based on market connection isunderway, and the cooperation based on technology innovation is verylittle. It appears an obvious polarization effect of Pudong during thistraditional essential factor diffused stage. The industry and theinnovation potential energy are also low, and the industrialradicalization and drive function to other areas is still very small.
     All in all, Pudong has provided the good foundation conditions forindustrial cooperation, while the active and tolerant innovationenvironment has not formed, and still the administrative division wasserious. To promote the industrial cooperation in Yangtze River Delta,it is urgent to enlarge the system supplies, to full display crucialfunction of the government in present stage, to accelerate essentialfactors flow, and to enhance regional technology cooperation.
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