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Promoting the integration of informatization and industrialization is an importanttopic in the process of our country economic development, also is the inherentrequirement of the realization of the new industrialization, transformation the mode ofeconomic development. It involves not only the information technology introductionand investment in enterprise level, the information technology assimilation and gully,productivity paradox in industrial level and other practical problems, but also relatesto many others practical problems in our country, such as how to advance new-styleindustrialization and how to improve industrial competitiveness. Therefore, theintegration of informatization and industrialization is a hot topic in both theory andpractice community.
     It has not been5years since the integration of informatization andindustrialization been formally put forward in our country. The research has juststarted, and has not established a complete fusion system of informatization andindustrialization at home and abroad. This paper attempts to establish a frameworkand research foundation, based on the technological leapfrogging theory, regards it asthe process of information technology introduction, digestion, absorption andre-innovation in the the dimension of time and space, is the process involve theinteraction of information technology and the stock of capital, labor and technology,and eventually form a new paradigm of technology.
     This paper firstly defines the concept of integration of informatization andindustrialization based on the technological leapfrogging theory, and then establishesthe point of view that the development of the integration of informatization andindustrialization is lead by information technology. The information technology canbe divided into four stages, the transistor, PC technology, network technology and theInternet of things, corresponding, the integration of informatization andindustrialization can also be divided into four a stage. This paper argues that theintegration of informatization and industrialization has the introduction of information technology as a starting point, therefore, there can be a balance betweeninformation technology and industrial technology in short-term, so a short-termtechnical fusion mathematical model can be established; in the long term, theintegration of informatization and industrialization is the introduction of informationtechnology in industrialization and the realization of the technology of track crossdomain process, and the corresponding mathematical model can also be established;and technical economic paradigm shift as a clue, explores the implementationmechanism of technology introduction, digestion, absorption and innovation in theprocess of the integration of informatization and industrialization.
     Then this paper analyze and judge the policy environment to promote theinformatization construction, the integration of informatization and industrializationin China, and overall control the current constraints and problems appeared in theprocess of the integration of informatization and industrialization, which theenterprise level, industry level are the key and carrier to complete the integration ofinformatization and industrialization, and also the object for further exploring.
     This paper collected the integration of informatization and industrializationsurvey data of987enterprises in Shaanxi province, and studied what kind ofinformation technology can promote enterprise production performance; found thatPC technology in enterprise level can promote the production performance since itcan realize enterprise interior two innovation; validated that, the integration ofinformatization and industrialization in our country is in the transition stages from PCtechnology leads to network technology leads at present.
     Then this paper collected the37manufacturing industry informatizationinvestment data and established a mathematical model, verified the hypothesis thatafter information technology been introduced, it interact with labor, capital,technology and other production factors and change production structure of factor. Aconclusion can be draw that there is a “U” relationship between informationinvestment and production performance, while there is a direct relationship betweeninflection point of “U” curve and the allocation of production factors; the inflectionpoint of strategic emerging industries and traditional industries is different.
     Finally, according to the reality of the integration of informatization and industrialization and the research about integration in the enterprise level and industrylevel, the paper refers to the strategic priorities and main areas of the depthintegration of informatization and industrialization, and makes some suggestions inthe view of enterprise, industry and government systematically.
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