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基于图像的建模技术(image-based modeling,IBM)是近年来兴起的基于图像的图形学方法的重要研究内容,也是计算机视觉的重要研究领域。该技术基于数码相机、数码摄像机等各种高性能数字化设备拍摄得到的数字图像,提取结构信息,重构场景或物体的三维几何模型。
The technique of image-based modeling is important content in computer graphics and computer vision. This technique can extract information of construction, reconstruct 3D model from digital images which captured by DC, DV and some other digital equipments.
    The technique for 3D surface reconstruction from two uncalibrated views is an important branch in image-based modeling, which only needs several images with different view-points. We study some techniques in this field, including stereo matching, camera self-calibration, feature points' 3D modeling and texture mapping, etc.
    Stereo matching is an important task for the study of computer vision. A stereo matching algorithm based on corner detection is studied. First, the smallest univalue segment assimilating nucleus(SUSAN) approach is used to detect whether the pixels on the edges in the left and right images are corners, and the correspondence relationship by the retained corners is established between the corresponding corners of the left and right images according to the the similarity of the features or interactively. Then the fundament matrix is estimated from matched corners by an improved weighted linear algorithm, which is based on the epipolar geometry and the absolute conic theory.
    The camera self-calibration and the featrue points' 3D modeling are two key techniques in image-based modeling. Camera self-calibration includes the computation of camera intrinsic parameters and camera external parameters. Based on fundament matrix and semi-calibrated matrix, the camera intrinsic parameters are computed. Then the external parameters are coumputed by essential matrix. Feature points' 3D coordinates are computed through singular value decomposition of projector matrix, then compute projector matrix by triangulation.
    A realistic 3D surface model is built by mapping the triangular textures to the 3D structure surface. Triangular textures are acquired by dividing 2D image with Triangulation.
    We have developed a 3D surface reconstruction system from uncalibrated views, which is based on above various kinds of improved algorithms. This system is proven to be effective and satisfactory.
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