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The International board is refers to the enterprise whose purpose is to achieve itsoverseas financing, expand their brand awareness and strengthen the purpose ofcapital penetration list in China a-share offering. These foreign companies after listedin China a-share, because of its "outside" character will be divided into "Theinternational board". Due to set up an international board belongs to new things,combined with China's legislation in this respect is still blank, it will bring a series ofproblems on Chinese securities market supervision And how to build an internationalboard of information disclosure regulation is subject to be solved in our country. Thispaper is on the basis of the study of the securities market information disclosuresupervision system in European and American countries, this paper solve how tocombine the present situation of the securities market information disclosureregulation system in China and discuss the International board information disclosureregulation system in China
     Firstly, the research background, the selected topic basis, the researchsignificance and the related concepts briefly, do the work of writing the article; then,the information disclosure system of the securities market to foreign countries tocompare differences, international information disclosure supervision coordinationmechanism comparative study; thirdly, analysis system with foreign countries and theinternational standardized differences between China's information disclosure; finally,puts forward related suggestions as to how to build the market board securitiesinformation disclosure system of China's international. This thesis is divided intoeight parts:
     The first chapter is introduction. The main topics of this article the reason,theoretical basis, and research methods and the research ideas briefly, in order to pavethe way for writing.
     The second chapter is international information disclosure of securities market isan overview of the basic problems. This chapter is the related concepts involved in thethesis briefly, such as the securities law information definition of theinternationalization of securities market information disclosure system reasons, thebasic problem, supervision of the related issues.
     The third chapter is international information disclosure in the securities marketsupervision mode. This chapter is the related issues, the coordination mechanism ofcompetition regulation, the advantages and disadvantages of competition regulation, why choose competition regulation, unified supervision, advantages anddisadvantages of unified regulation, why choose uniform supervision problems tofinish writing this chapter.
     The fourth chapter mainly write the national securities market informationdisclosure regulation, this chapter is about the content of the national securitiesmarket information disclosure regulation. This chapter mainly covers through themajor countries of the world securities market information disclosure standards, themain countries of the world securities market information disclosure of the content,and the main countries of the world securities market information disclosure languageselection, management information, material information, environmental information.
     The fifth chapter is supervision and coordination mechanism for informationdisclosure of the international securities market. This chapter is mainly based onAmerican Canada coordination mechanism, coordination mechanism, theinternational security organization (IOSCO), were analyzed American domesticmechanism differences in information disclosure of the basic situation, theinternational securities market of existing coordination mechanisms.
     The sixth and seventh chapter: The first China international board securitiesmarket information disclosure system construction of China's securities market andinternational board information disclosure supervision coordination mechanism, buildmodel. In these two chapter, the return to the securities information disclosure systemof our country, the proposed strategic suggestions and concrete feasible measures howto construct the information disclosure supervision system suitable for the situation ofour country.
     The seventh chapter mainly elaborates Chinese international board informationdisclosure of stock market development situation in China's international constructionthinking mode selection. In a market system of securities information disclosure inChina's international construction thinking mode selection mainly from theinternational board China and ASEAN countries established pattern, Taiwan, Macao,Hong Kong, listed in Shanghai and thinking mode specific mode of developedcountries and international board China construction aspects of design.
     The eighth chapter is the conclusion. This chapter as the end of the article,mainly is the summary of this thesis, reiterated that the theoretical and practicalsignificance, and the deficiency of writing to do that. Through this analysis we canfind, establish and improve the information disclosure in China's securities market supervision system, attracting Multi-National Corporation and receiving good forlisting and issuance of securities in our country, is not only the need of speeding upthe national level in China, but also improve China's capital market, an importantdriving force to promote China's securities market development and progress, hasvery important significance for our country.
    14Teo Guan Siew,Regulatory Challenges in the Development of a Global Securities Market—Harmonisation ofMandatory Disclosure Rules.Singapore Journal of Legal Studies.173.2004.
    29陈启清、葛敏、张素华,信息披露案例,中国人民大学出版社,2003年12月第1版,105页。302002年萨班斯-奥克斯利法案,Pub. L. No.107-204,116Stat.745(2002),转引自Cleary,Gottlieb, Steen&Hamilton:《2002年萨班斯—奥克斯利法案引发美国上市公司剧变》,林晓云,美国法通讯(第二辑),法律出版社,2004年3月第1版,196页。
    38W.Carson McLean,"The Sarbanes-Oxley Act: A Detriment to Market Globalization&International SecuritiesRegulation,Syracuse ",Journal of International Law and Commerce,Vol.76,2005(Fall),p60.
    40Kenji Taneda,"Sarbanes-Oxley,Foreign Issuers and United States Securities Regulation",Columbia BusinessLawReview,Vol.16,2003, p69.
    42Jim Bartos,"United States Securities Law: A Practical Guide," Law International,Vol.52,2006,p11.
    44Roberta S.Karmel,“The Securities and Exchange Commission Goes Abroad to Regulate CorporateGovernance”,Law Review,vol.33,2004(spring), p.853.
    45Roberta S.Karmel,the Securities and Exchange Commission Goes Abroad to Regulate Corporate Governance,Stetson LawReview, vol.33,2004(spring), p.853.
    48Andrew J. Cavo, Weissman V., National Associstion of Securities Dealers:A Dangerously NarrowInterpretationof Absolute Immunity for Self-regulatory Organizations,94Cornell L.Rev.415(2009).
    52William Pearson,“Demutualization of Exchanges-The Conflicts of Interest (Hong Kong),”in Shamshad akhtar,ed. Demutualization of Stock Exchanges-Problems, Solutions and Case Studies,(Asian Development Bank,2002), p.88.
    53IOSCO, Objectives and Principles of Securities Regulation,http://www.iosco.org/.
    63See Caroline A. A. Greene, International Securities Law Enforcement: Recent Advances in Assistance andCooperation, Vanderbilt Journal of Transnational Law, Vol.27, No.3, October1994, p.650.
    64Securities and Exchange Commission, Concept Release on Self-regulation, November18,2004,http://www.sec.gov/rules/concept/34-50700.htm.
    65See Richard J.Teweles, Edward S Bradley and Ted M. Teweles: The Stock Market,6thedition,John Wiley&Sons Inc.,1992; Http://www.sec.gov.
    66See Http://www.law.uc.edu/CCL/34Act/sec3.html,2005-10-16.
    73Jennifer Elliott, Demutualization of Securities Exchanges: A Regulatory Perspective, IMF Working Paper,2002.
    74WARREN III, MANNING GIBERT. Global Harmonization of Securities Laws: The Achievements of the
    77William Pearson,“Demutualization of Exchanges-The Conflicts of Interest (Hong Kong),”in Shamshadakhtar,ed. Demutualization of Stock Exchanges-Problems, Solutions and Case Studies,(Asian DevelopmentBank,2002), p.88.
    79Roberta Romano,"The Need for Competition in International Securities Regulation,"Theoretical Inquiries inLaw,Vol.2,2001,p31.
    85B.Bushee and C.Leuz,"Economic Consequences of SEC Disclosure Regulation: Evidence from the OTCBulletin Board", Accounting and Economics, vol.39,2005, p62.
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