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In the industrialization and urbanization process,the urban agglomeration is a senior regional spatial patterns phenomenon;Urban agglomerations can expand the advantages of agglomeration economy and advantageous in the master plan,and realization of the adjustment of industrial structure;urban agglomeration to different modes of complementary advantages between cities,urban agglomeration can also expand in the cities of the radiation effect.Therefore,the master plan, the development and the construction urban agglomeration are the urbanized strategy superiority choices.As developed countries industrialization,urbanization started early,and now has been basically formed a relatively mature form of urban agglomeration.Urban agglomeration is also in China's road of urbanization with Chinese characteristics in the process of an inevitable choice of China's regional economic development and urban development of a product of integration,and are increasingly becoming the region has become China's important support for economic development.In the Chinese characteristic urbanization path process in the 21st century,the appearance of urban agglomeration is one inevitable trend,moreover is becoming the regional economies development the important center of resistance.National economic and social development in the 11th Five-Year Plan Outline pointed out:"To promote the urban agglomeration as the main form of urbanization." From the point of view of international competitiveness,in a country,the urban agglomeration can really participate in the international competition,urban agglomeration has become a country in the global competition and the international division of labor's basic geographic unit,and its profound impact on the development of the country's international competitiveness,and a national urban development in the level and quality of its sustained and stable development of countries is of great significance.Whether our country urban agglomeration can realize the sustainable development to decide whether our country's sustainable development does realize smoothly.
     Theoretically says,the urban agglomeration can enhance the element of production the space locatives effects,promotes the local economic growth,it has the economical rationality.But at the same time,in the urban agglomeration developing process the large-scale population and the industrial accumulation also intensified resources questions and so on supply and demand contradiction and environmental pollution.The environment and the development contradiction is day by day obvious, particularly our country's urban agglomeration already had the quite obvious environment question complication tendency.The present stage, the international environment cooperation development are many,the urban agglomeration environment cooperation development are few,our country academic circle are also quite few regarding the urban agglomeration environment question's research,How our country urban agglomeration's environment and does the development contradiction is produce,which aspects can the concrete manifestation,how effective addressing these contradictions to realize the urban agglomeration sustainable development.These need we take the scientific development concept as the instructions,from the multiple perspectives,the multi-domains conducts quite thoroughly the research and the discussion, found the solution urban agglomeration environment question the efficient path.
     The paper take the urban agglomeration as the object of study, through to the Chinese urban agglomeration's characteristic research, has analyzed the present Chinese urban agglomeration environment present situation,pointed out:The east China coastal area's urban agglomeration already had the suitable scale,because the industry developed,densely populated,resource consumption,the region's ecological capacity to the limiters environment question more performance for shortage of resources and ecological damage;The middle area urban agglomeration was still in the embryonic form,As an irrational industrial structure,the mode of economic growth is still relatively extensive,environmental issues focus on the development of resources for the performance over the ecological damage and cause serious pollution,to solute the environment questions limited to the fund and the technical insufficiency;The western area urban agglomeration just started,but where the harsh natural conditions and the environment ecology supporting capacity is quite frail.Historical reasons has also caused the proportion of the heavy industry in the industrial structure,high energy consumption,high pollution enterprises,the total emissions of pollutants high,water pollution and air pollution are very serious,In the case of economic underdevelopment facing energy reduction and ecological restoration of the double pressure.In short,China's urban agglomerations were generally faced with major environmental problems:conflict between supply and demand of resources,including the scarcity of water resources and land resources shortage of serious water pollution,especially because of urbanization and industrialization gathered the waters and watershed pollution stack pollution because natural factors and the irrational industrial structure planning composite atmospheric pollution.And frequent geological disasters,the transfer of pollutants causing soil pollution.Solid waste output and the comprehensive utilization and disposal of low-rate issues.
     Simultaneously the paper has analyzed the reason why the urban agglomeration environment question produces,pointed out that the resources use the homogeneity intensified scarcely,the pollution shift and the superimposed effect have increased the gravity and the harm.With China's current trend of the development of urban agglomerations,the environment will further exacerbate the problem.Address urban environmental issues-has been of no delay now.
     The paper elaborated the urban agglomeration environment question already not to be able to depend on the individual city to solve only, And the environment positive externality theory shows that alone solve the environmental problems for a city are not it is unreasonable is unfair.
     The construction urban agglomeration environment cooperation mechanism was the scientific choice,only then through the development different stratification plane's environment cooperation,the urban agglomeration environment problem could be solved finally.
     The paper through profits from predecessor's fundamental research achievement,in unifies the Chinese urban cluster development closely in the actual foundation,Proposes should in voluntary,the equivalent, the mutual benefit cooperative and so on the principle foundation, systematically constructs the China urban agglomeration environmental cooperation theoretical system.Then the paper made the urban agglomeration environmental cooperation system and the basic framework of the building,and further appropriate supporting policies and measures,including the economy measures,laws and regulations measure, executive action and social measure and so on.Final goal of the paper is through the environment cooperative system's restraint,establishes the Healthy,coordinated,intensification and sustainable urban agglomeration development road,and achieves the sustainable development strategic target for China to provide the reference.
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