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This researcli trys to explore the standard selling of internet addiction and the effccls of internet addiction to the development of the adolescent' sociality in many aspects. The main point of this research is to investigate the standard setting of internet addiction and discuss the different characters of internet addiction of adolescent in social and personal factors, including self consistency and congruence, life events, the distance of using computer on line, self well being, the social sustainment, anomy ,and so on. Also in this research I probed theoretically into the impacts of internet addiction to social development of adolescent. At the end of the paper, I give some advice to the prevention and reined}' of the internet addiction.
    The research adopted the method of questionnaire inquisition and case study, deeping into some aspects of adolescent in internet addiction such -as self well being, self consistency and congruence, anomy, attack and et. al. The results show that: Firstly, there is significant difference in social intercourse comparing the two kinds of adolescent whether in internet addiction or not. Secondly, there are significant differences in many aspects of adolescent whether in internet addiction or not, such as life events, the distance of using computer on line, self well being, the social sustainment, anomy. It is surprising thai adolescent ' score of self well being in internet addiction is significantly lower than that not in internet addiction. Thirdly, the adolescent ' score of attack in internet addiction is significantly higher than that not in internet addiction, especially in body attack and hostility. They use attack as a way to relieve pressures. Finally, there is significant difference of adolescent' self consistency and congruence whether in internet addiction or not. The source of difference comes from inconsistency in self and experience. This point shows the relationship of self and experience, including self estimate of ability and sensibility, self coherence, helplessness and so on. To look into the result we will see that the adolescent in internet addiction have not reasonable expectation of experience and they arc not sure of themselves.
    So, we put forward some suggestion below: 1 We' should help adolescent to see clearly the internet addiction, and guide them according to their different situations; 2 We should reduce violent games, and cultivate them to have a mature personality, and guide them in cognitive aspects; 3 We should enhance their traditional culture knowledge, and foster as many interests as they can; 4 We should help the young to get on well in human relations, and reduce the bad influence of internet; 5 Internet addiction is so worth to pay attention to that social should give some effective steps to help adolescent and offer accordingly family-school-social system to support them.
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