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Michael Baxandall is praised as one of the greatest art historians in the20thcentury.His researches have exercised powerful influence not only over the field of art history,but also over other fields such as social history, visual neurophysiology, etc. His rangeof interests has sometimes embodied the kind of interdisciplinarity. His books areplaced sometimes in the school of new art history and sometimes in the school oftraditional art history.
     Michael Baxandall is always considerd as the principal exponent of social historyof art, which explains the style of art based on external factors such as society,economy, politics,etc. To some extent, this is misinterpretation of his thought. Headvocated that the style of art should be seen not only as the subject of art history butalso as the evidence explaining society and culture. He also recommended that imageshould not be attached to word, and both of them have the equal effectiveness toexplain society and culture, so art historians should pay more attention to the issue ofvision.
     The issue of word and image is the common topic of all his books. This is not abiography of Michael Baxandall. This thesis which based on the analysis of his threerelated books sets out to demonstrate the theoretical model of ‘linguistic habit andvisual cognition’ in his study and its resources.
     The introduction of the thesis depicts the development of the discipline of arthistory in German-speaking countries and United Kingdom in the early20thcentury,and tells the reasons, approaches, difficulties encountered of the study in this thesis.Chapter1trys to review the development of the issue of word and image from Classicperiod to1950s. Chapter2discusses the relationship between linguistic habit andvisual cognition by analyzing the humanist Latin. Chapter3explains the cognitivestyle according to the idea of ‘the period eye’. Chapter4identifies the style ofChardin’s paintings in terms of the ideas of ‘distinctness of vision’ and ‘viaualattention’. Chapter5traces the resources of Michael Baxandall’s thoughts to the fieldof linguistics. Appendix1is a concise biography of Michael Baxandall. Appendix2isa list of all papers and books which written by Michael Baxandall.
1F.Antal,‘Remarks on the Method of Art History: I’, The Burlington Magazine, Vol.91, No.551,(Feb.,1949),pp.49.
    3F.Antal,‘Remarks on the Method of Art History: I’, The Burlington Magazine, Vol.91, No.551,(Feb.,1949),
    6M.Meiss,‘Italian Primitives at Konopiste’, Art Bulletin, xxviii,1946.
    7E.H.Gombrich,“Botticelli’s Mythologies: A Study in the Neo-Platonic Symbolism of his Circle”,Gombrich on The Renaissance, Vol.2, Phaidon1985, pp.31.
    8Hans Sedlmayr, Art in Crisis: the lost center, Brian Battershaw, trans., London: Hollis and Carter,1957.该书最初是以德文出版,Verlust der Mitte: die bildende Kunst des19. und20. Jahrhunderts als Symptom undSymbol der Zeit, Salzburg: O. Müller,1948.后经Brian Battershaw翻译成英文,于1957年发行英文版。
    9Allan Langdale, Interview with Michael Baxandall, Feb.3,1994, Berkeley,CA, pp.7.
    10Ernst Cassirer,‘The Influence of Language upon the Development of Scientific Thought’, The Journal ofPhilosophy, Vol.39, No.12,(Jun.4,1942),pp.309-327.
    11Jonathan Harris, The New Art History: A critical introduction, Routledge2001, pp.42-43.
    15Horace. T.S.Dorsch English Translation. On The Art Of Poetry. Penguin Books Ltd.1965.[古罗马]贺拉斯,郝久新译,北京:九州岛出版社,2007年,第129页。
    19Horace. T.S.Dorsch English Translation. On The Art Of Poetry. Penguin Books Ltd.1965.[古罗马]贺拉斯,郝久新译,北京:九州岛出版社,2007年,第139页。
    20Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Laokoon and How The Ancients Represented Death, London G.Bell and Sons,LTD.1914, pp.129.
    21Gotthold Ephraim Lessing, Laokoon and How The Ancients Represented Death, London G.Bell and Sons,LTD.1914, pp.130-131.
    22Ibid, pp.98.
    23Ibid, pp.98.
    24Ibid, pp.131.
    30Ernst R.Curtius, European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages, W.R.Trask trans., Bollingen Press, NewYork,1953, p.7, pp.436-438.
    31“Amant enim……”Aeneas Silvius Piccolomini, Letters, Rudolph Wolkan, ed., as Der Briefwechsel desEneas Silvius Piccolomini, Vienna,1918,II,100.note.
    32John R.Spencer,‘Ut Rhetorica Pictura: A Study in Quattrocento Theory of Painting’, Journal of the Warburgand Courtauld Institutes, Vol.20, No.1/2(Jan.-Jun.,1957), pp.26-27.
    33Ibid, pp.33.
    34Ibid, pp.39.
    35Ibid, pp.31.
    36Ibid, pp.40.
    37Cicero, De inventione, II,I,1-3.
    38Cicero, De oratore, II,xxxv,147.“Et sic, cum ad inveniendum in dicendo tria sint; acumen, deinde ratio, quamlicet, si volumus, appellemus artem, tertium diligentia, non possum equidem non ingenio primas concedere,…”
    39John R.Spencer,‘Ut Rhetorica Pictura: A Study in Quattrocento Theory of Painting’, Journal of the Warburgand Courtauld Institutes,Vol.20, No.1/2(Jan.-Jun.,1957), pp.36.
    40Ibid, pp.35.
    41Ibid, pp.41-43.
    42Ibid, pp.37.
    43Cicero, De oratore, II, xxviii,117-151.
    44Norbert Elias, The Civilizing Process, E.Jephcott, trans., New York:Urizen Books,1978.
    45二十世纪六十年代,巴克森德尔在《瓦尔堡和考陶尔德研究院期刊》上发表了一系列文章:MichaelBaxandall and E. H. Gombrich,‘Beroaldus on Francia’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes,25,1962,pp.113-115; Michael Baxandall,‘A Dialogue on art from the Court of Leonello D’Este: Angelo Decembrio’s DePolitia Litteratia pars LXVIII’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes,26,1963, pp.304-326; MichaelBaxandall,‘Bartholomaeus Facius on Painting’, Journal of the Warburg and Courtauld Institutes,27,1964,pp.90-107; Michael Baxandall,‘Guarino, Pisanello and Manuel Chrysoloras’, Journal of the Warburg andCourtauld Institutes,28,1965, pp.183-204.
    46Allan Langdale, Interview with Michael Baxandall, Feb.,3,1994, Berkeley,CA, pp.6.
    47Augusto Campana,“The Origin of the Word ‘Humanist’”, Journal of the Warburg and CourtauldInstitutes, Vol.9,(1946), PP.60-61.
    48Ibid, PP.66-67.
    49W.Jaeger, Humanism and Theology, Milwaukee,1943,20ff,72ff; R.Pfeiffer, Humanitas Erasmiana,Leipzig-Berlin,1931.
    50New Dictionary of The History of Ideas,THOMSON,2005,Vol.3, pp.1029.
    51Paul Oskar Kristeller,‘Florentine Platonism and Its Relations with Humanism and Scholasticism’, ChurchHistory, Vol.8,No.3(Sep.,1939), pp.202.
    52Paul Oskar Kristeller, Renaissance Thought: The Classic,Scholastic,and Humanistic Strains,Harper&Row,1961,pp.18.
    53Paul Oskar Kristeller, Renaissance Thought: The Classic,Scholastic,and Humanistic Strains, Harper&Row,1961,pp.6-7.
    54Paul Oskar Kristeller,‘Florentine Platonism and Its Relations with Humanism and Scholasticism’, ChurchHistory, Vol.8,No.3(Sep.,1939), pp.201.
    55John R.Spencer,‘Ut Rhetorica Pictura:A Study in Quattrocento Theory of Painting’, Journal of the Warburgand Courtauld Institutes, Vol.20,No.1/2,(Jan.-Jun.,1957), pp.28-29.
    56Leonardo Bruni, Epistolarum libri VIII,ed.L.Mehus,ii, Florence,1731,62-8(vi.10).
    57Michael Baxandall, Giotto And The Orators: Humanist observers of painting in Italy and the discovery ofpictorial composition1350-1450,Oxford,1971, pp.6-7.
    58Ibid, pp.8.
    59Ibid, pp.9-11.
    60Ibid, pp.11-12.
    61Ibid, pp.14.
    62John Edwin Sandys, A History of Classical Scholarship–From The Sixth Century B.C. To The End Of The
    6M3iddle Ages, Cambridge University Press,1903, pp.78.Aristotle, Rhetoric, The Complete Works of Aristotle Vol.2, Princeton University Press,1984, pp.119.
    64Michael Baxandall, Giotto And The Orators: Humanist observers of painting in Italy and the discovery of
    pictorial composition1350-1450,Oxford,1971, pp.20.
    65Ibid, pp.20-21.
    66Ibid, pp.29.
    67Alberti, De Pictura,Vatican Library, MS.Ottob.lat.1424, fol.22r-v.
    68Alberti, Della pittura, ed.L.Mallè, Florence,1950, pp.100-1.
    70Michael Baxandall, Giotto And The Orators: Humanist observers of painting in Italy and the discovery ofpictorial composition1350-1450,Oxford,1971, pp.34.
    72Epistolario di Pier Paolo Vergerio, ed. L.Smith, Rome,1934,pp.177.见Michael Baxandall, Giotto And TheOrators: Humanist observers of painting in Italy and the discovery of pictorial composition1350-1450,Oxford,1971, pp.44.
    73Michael Baxandall, Giotto And The Orators: Humanist observers of painting in Italy and the discovery ofpictorial composition1350-1450, Oxford,1971, pp.44.
    74Ibid, pp.58.
    75Ibid, pp.62.
    76Ibid, pp.67-68.
    77Ibid, pp.78.
    79Lorenzo Valla, Elegantiarum Libri VI, I, Praef., in Opera, Basle,1540, p.4.英译参见Michael Baxandall,Giotto And The Orators: Humanist observers of painting in Italy and the discovery of pictorial composition1350-1450,Oxford,1971, pp.117-118.
    82Michael Baxandall, Giotto And The Orators: Humanist observers of painting in Italy and the discovery ofpictorial composition1350-1450,Oxford,1971, pp.139.
    83Ibid, pp.96.
    84Ibid, pp.92.
    85Ibid, pp.96.
    86Leon Battista Alberti, On Painting, translated by Cecil Grayson, noted by Martin Kemp,Penguin,1991, pp.58.
    87Ibid,pp.78.“乔托的《船》描绘了基督和圣彼得在水上行走的故事,此画在十四十五世纪的叙事艺术中是最著名的范本之一,可惜在十七世纪遭毁。”Martin Kemp注,第100页。
    88Michael Baxandall, Giotto And The Orators: Humanist observers of painting in Italy and the discovery ofpictorial composition1350-1450, Oxford,1971, pp.134.
    92Ernst R.Curtius, European Literature and the Latin Middle Ages, W.R.Trask trans., Bollingen Press, New York,
    1953. See particularly p.7and Excursus V, pp.436-438.
    93John R.Spencer,‘Ut Rhetorica Pictura: A Study in Quattrocento Theory of Painting’, Journal of the Warburg
    and Courtauld Institutes,Vol.20,No.1/2(Jan.-Jun.,1957), pp.26.
    9495Rensselaer W.Lee,‘Ut Pictura Poesis: the humanistic theory of painting’, Art Bulletin, XXII,1940, pp.197-269.John R.Spencer,‘Ut Rhetorica Pictura: A Study in Quattrocento Theory of Painting’, Journal of the Warburg
    and Courtauld Institutes,Vol.20,No.1/2(Jan.-Jun.,1957), pp.26.
    巴克森德尔认为Cecil Grayson对这两个版本所做的研究是最有说服力的。Grayson在‘Studi su Leon
    Battista Alberti,II,Appunti sul testo della Pittura’(Rinascimento,iv,1953,54-62)中指出拉丁语版本在先。见
    Michael Baxandall, Giotto And The Orators: Humanist observers of painting in Italy and the discovery of pictorial
    composition1350-1450, Oxford,1971,note11, pp.126-7.
    97Michael Baxandall, Giotto And The Orators: Humanist observers of painting in Italy and the discovery of
    pictorial composition1350-1450,Oxford,1971, pp.126-7.
    98Ibid, pp.129.
    99Ibid, pp.131.
    100Ibid, pp.131.
    101Cicero, De Oratore I,II, translated by E.W.Sutton, the Loeb Classical Library, Harvard University Press,1967,pp.98.
    102Ibid, pp.99.
    103Leon Battista Alberti, On Painting, translated by Cecil Grayson, noted by Martin Kemp,Penguin,1991,pp.65.
    104Jack M.Greenstein,“On Alberti’s ‘Sign’: Vision and Composition in Quattrocento Painting”, The ArtBulletin, Vol.79,No.4(Dec.,1997), pp.669.
    105Leon Battista Alberti, On Painting, translated by Cecil Grayson, noted by Martin Kemp,Penguin,1991, pp.71.
    106Ibid, pp.71.
    107Ibid, pp.72.
    108Ibid, pp.72.
    109Ibid, pp.74.
    110Michael Baxandall, Giotto And The Orators: Humanist observers of painting in Italy and the discovery ofpictorial composition1350-1450,Oxford,1971, pp.131.
    111Ibid, pp.131.
    112Ibid, pp.132.
    113巴克森德尔在《乔托与演说家》中引用的阿尔贝蒂的《论绘画》是一个意大利语版本,VaticanOttob.lat.1424。此段选自MS.cit.,fol.16r.巴克森德尔对这段意大利语作了英译“In a facies where the planes
    115Leon Battista Alberti, On Painting, translated by Cecil Grayson, noted by Martin Kemp,Penguin,1991, pp.71.
    116Allan Langdale, Interview with Michael Baxandall, Feb.,3,1994, Berkeley, CA. pp.8.
    117Donald R. Kelley, Faces of History-Hisrorical Inquiry From Herodotus to Herder, SDX Joint PublishingCompany2000, pp.239.
    118Ibid, pp.244.
    119R.G.Collingwood, The Idea Of History, Oxford1956, pp.113-114.
    120运用到艺术上,黑格尔使用Idea(理念)主要指这些方面:1.绝对的理念正是艺术试图表现的东西:世界基本的、自我实现的本质。艺术是自我表现或实现自我的方式之一,不仅仅是我们观看它的方式之一;2.一件艺术作品本身就是一个理念,一种内容在知觉形式中实现并且与这种知觉形式完全一致,像灵魂是在躯体中实现——这是黑格尔所例举的观念(灵魂)和真实(躯体)共同组成一个理念的一个例子。在这个意义上,黑格尔倾向于把美的理念与理想(Ideal)等同起来;3.艺术或美的理念也在艺术形式,然后在特别的艺术和个别艺术作品中实现自己。在这一段内容中,黑格尔引用柏拉图(主要是Symposium和Greater Hippias中)为了忽视美的理念的实现,含蓄地是要讨论这个概念为了排除理念。Georg WilhelmFriedrich Hegel, Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics, translated by Bernard Bosanquet, Penguin Classics,1993,pp.25.
    121Michael Podro,The Critical Historians of Art,Yale University1982, pp.17.
    122Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics, translated by Bernard Bosanquet,Penguin Classics,1993, pp.9.
    123Ibid, pp.18.
    124Michael Podro, The Critical Historians of Art, Yale University1982, pp.19.
    128Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics, translated by Bernard Bosanquet,Penguin Classics,1993, pp.4.
    129Ibid, pp.33-34.
    130Michael Podro, The Critical Historians of Art, Yale University1982, pp.19.
    131Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, The Philosophy of Fine Art, translated by F.P.B.Osmaston, Vol.II, London,1920, pp.77.
    132Michael Podro,The Critical Historians of Art,Yale University1982, pp.20.
    133Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, The Philosophy of Fine Art, translated by F.P.B.Osmaston, Vol.II, London,1920, pp.175.
    134Michael Podro,The Critical Historians of Art,Yale University1982, pp.22.
    135Ibid, pp.26.
    136G.W.F.Hegel, The Philosophy of History, translation by J.Sibree, Dover Publications1956, pp.63-64.
    137E.H.Gombrich,“Art and Scholarship”, Meditations On A Hobby Horse And Other Essays On The TheoryOf Art, Phaidon1963, pp.108.
    138E.H.Gombrich, Ideals And Idols: Essays on values in history and in art, Phaidon Oxford1979, pp.42.中译本:贡布里希,理想与偶像,上海人民美术出版社,1989年,第59页。
    139R.G.Collingwood, The Idea Of History, Oxford1956, pp.118.
    140E.H.Gombrich, Ideals And Idols-Essays on values in history and in art, Phaidon Oxford1979, pp.46.中译本:贡布里希,理想与偶像,上海人民美术出版社,1989年,第68页。
    141W.H.Walsh, Philosophy of History: An Introduction, Harper&Row1967, pp.142.中译本:W.H.沃尔什,历史哲学导论,北京大学出版社,2008年,第140页。
    142Michael Baxandall, Painting and Experience in Fifteenth Century Iitaly:A Primer In The Social History OfPictorial Style, Oxford University Press1972, pp.1.
    143Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel, Introductory Lectures on Aesthetics, translated by Bernard Bosanquet,Penguin Classics,1993, pp.30.在该书德语版中,sensuous是aus dem Sinnlichen,意思是依赖于知觉材料。sense是Sinn,意思是感觉,尤其是视觉和听觉。end是Zweck,意思是目的、目标,而非结束、终结的意思。
    144Michael Baxandall, Painting and Experience in Fifteenth Century Iitaly:A Primer In The Social History OfPictorial Style, Oxford University Press1972, pp.1.
    145Ibid, pp.2.
    146Ibid, pp.6.
    147Ibid, pp.34.
    148Ibid, pp.29.
    149Ibid, pp.49-51.
    150Ibid, pp.56.
    151Ibid, pp.87-88.
    152Ibid, pp.61.
    153Ibid, pp.64.
    154这十六个批评术语分别是:imitatore della natura(自然的模仿者)、rilievo(明暗法)、puro(纯粹)、facilita(容易)、prospectivo(透视学家)、gratioso(优雅)、ornato(修饰)、varicta(多样性)、compositione
    (构图)、colorire(设色)、disegnatore(设计)、amatore delle difficulta(繁难爱好者)、scorci(短缩法)、prompto(迅速)、vezzoso(轻快温和)、devoto(虔诚)。参见Michael Baxandall, Painting and Experiencein Fifteenth Century Iitaly:A Primer In The Social History Of Pictorial Style, Oxford University Press,1972,
    155Michael Baxandall, Painting and Experience in Fifteenth Century Iitaly, Oxford University Press1972,pp.151-152.
    156Michael Baxandall,‘The Language of Art History’, New Literary History, Vol.10, No.3, Anniversary Issue: I.
    (Spring,1979), pp.453-465.
    157Michael Baxandall, Patterns of Intention:On the Historical Explanation of Pictures, Yale University Press,1985.
    158Kurt W. Forster,‘Critical History of Art, or Transfiguration of Values?’, New Literary History, Vol.3, No.3,Literary and Art History (Spring,1972), pp.459-470.
    159James S. Ackerman,‘Toward a New Social Theory of Art’, New Literary History, Vol.4, No.2, OnInterpretation: II,(Winter,1973), pp.315-330.
    160David Rosand,‘Art History and Criticism: The Past as Present’, New Literary History, Vol.5, No.3, Historyand Criticism: I,(Spring,1974), pp.435-445.
    161Cf.Rudolf Arnheim, Art and Visual Perception, Berkeley and Los Angeles,1954.和E.H.Gombrich, Art andIllusion, New York,1960.
    162Michael Baxandall,‘The Language of Art History’, New Literary History, Vol.10, No.3, Anniversary Issue: I.
    (Spring,1979), pp.454.
    163Ibid, pp.455.
    164Michael Baxandall, Patterns of Intention: On the Historical Explanation of Pictures, Yale University Press1985, pp.1.
    165Ibid, pp.2.
    166Ibid, pp.3.
    167Michael Baxandall,‘The Language of Art History’, New Literary History, Vol.10, No.3, Anniversary Issue: I.
    (Spring,1979), pp.459-460.
    168Michael Baxandall, Patterns of Intention: On the Historical Explanation of Pictures, Yale University Press1985,pp.5.
    169Michael Baxandall,‘The Language of Art History’, New Literary History, Vol.10, No.3, Anniversary Issue: I.
    (Spring,1979), pp.457.
    170巴克森德尔在《艺术史的语言》和《意图的模式》中分别用两张图表来表示间接性语词与图画、艺术家和观者之间的关系,参见Michael Baxandall,‘The Language ofArt History’, New Literary History, Vol.10, No.
    3, Anniversary Issue: I.(Spring,1979), pp.458.和Michael Baxandall, Patterns of Intention: On the HistoricalExplanation of Pictures, Yale University Press1985,pp.6.本文所列图表是这两张图表的结合体。
    171Michael Baxandall, Patterns of Intention: On the Historical Explanation of Pictures, Yale University Press1985,pp.6.
    172Ibid, pp.8-9.
    173Ibid, pp.75.
    174Ibid, pp.75.
    175Ibid, pp.81.
    176Ibid, pp.81.
    177Allan Langdale, Interview with Michael Baxandall, February3rd,1994, Berkeley, CA. pp.8.
    178Marshall H.Segall, Donald T. Campbell, Melville J. Herskovits, The Influence of Culture On Visual Perception,Bobbs-Merrill Company,1966,pp.4-5.
    179Plato, Republic,Works of Plato Vol.3, translated by Benjamin Jowett,柏拉图著作集3(英文本),广西师范大学出版社,2008,230-233页。
    180John Locke, An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Pennsylvania State University,1999, pp.122.
    181Geroge Berkeley, Three Dialogues between Hylas and Philonous, The works of George Berkeley Vol.1,London:1820, pp.107.
    182S.E.Asch, Social Psychology, Englewood Cliffs, N.J.:Prentice-Hall,1952,pp.58.
    183Marshall H.Segall, Donald T. Campbell, Melville J. Herskovits, The Influence of Culture On Visual Perception,Bobbs-Merrill Company,1966,pp.6.
    184参见W.G.Sumner, Folkways, Boston:Ginn,1906.和M.J.Herskovits, Man and his works, New York:Knopf,
    189M.Sherif, The Psychology of Social Norms, New York,1936, pp.92-106.
    190A.I.Hallowell,‘Cultural Factors in the Structuralization of Perception’, in Social Psychology at the Crossroads,New York,1951, pp.166-167.
    191Melville J.Herskovits, Cultural Anthropology: An Abridged Revision of Man and His Works, New York: AlfredA.Knopf,1960,pp.364.
    193Michael Baxandall, Giotto And The Orators: Humanist observers of painting in Italy and the discovery ofpictorial composition1350-1450, Oxford,1971, pp.viii.
    194Ibid, pp.8.
    195Roger Brown, Words and Things, the Free Press,Glencoe,Illinois,1958,pp.238.
    196V.R.Seroshevskii, Iakuti, St.Petersburg:Royal Geographical Society,1986.
    197Michael Baxandall, Giotto And The Orators: Humanist observers of painting in Italy and the discovery ofpictorial composition1350-1450,Oxford,1971, pp.9.
    198Ernst Cassirer, The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Volume1: Language, Yale University Press,1955, pp.155.
    199Wilhelm von Humboldt, Peter Heath tran.,On Language: On the Diversity of Human Language Constructionand its Influence on the Mental Development of the Human Species, Cambridge University Press1999, pp.58.
    204Ernst Cassirer, The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Volume1: Language, Yale University Press,1955, pp.281.
    206Ernst Cassirer, The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Volume1: Language, Yale University Press,1955,pp.286-287.
    207Ibid, pp.288.
    208Ibid, pp.292.
    210Ernst Cassirer, The Philosophy of Symbolic Forms, Volume1: Language, Yale University Press,1955,pp.300-302.
    211Benjamin Lee Whorf, The Relation of Habitual Thought And Behavio(r1939), Language, thought, and reality:selected writings,The Massachusetts Institute of Technology,1956, pp.135.
    212Ibid, pp.139.
    213Ibid, pp.138.
    214SAE是沃尔夫为了论述方便创造的一个概念,全称是Standard Average European,用来表示英语、法语、德语等西欧语言。沃尔夫认为通过这些语言对经验世界进行分类,产生的诸如“时间”、“空间”、“本质”、“物质”等概念之间的差异甚小。
    215Benjamin Lee Whorf, The Relation of Habitual Thought And Behavio(r1939), Language, thought, and reality:selected writings,The Massachusetts Institute of Technology,1956, pp.139-140.
    216Ibid, pp.140-142.
    217Ibid, pp.142-143.
    218Ibid, pp.156-157.
    219Ibid, pp.158.
    220Edward Sapir, The Status of Linguistics as a Science, Selected Writings of Edward Sapir in Language,Cultureand Personality, Edited by David G. Mandelbaum, University of California Press,1963, pp.162.
    1. Ackerman, James S.‘Toward a New Social Theory of Art’, New Literary History,Vol.4, No.2, On Interpretation: II,(Winter,1973).
    2. Alberti, Leon Battista. On Painting, translated by Cecil Grayson, noted by MartinKemp. Penguin,1991.
    3. Antal, F.‘Remarks on the Method of Art History: I’, The Burlington Magazine,Vol.91, No.551,(Feb.,1949).
    4. Aristotle. Rhetoric, The Complete Works of Aristotle Vol.2. Princeton UniversityPress,1984.
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