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As a crucial structure of the literature theory of east and west,It is indispensability which Psychoanalysis and feminism would make a crux role for the development of new century one. The more far-reaching psychoanalysis would inaugurate, the more immense psychoanalysis may obtain, and vice versa.
     I.The objectives and the significance
     Two main objectives would be focused on basically. Firstly, psychoanalysis and feminism are seemed as fields differentiating and conciliating with each other, and to scrutinize and order the conjunctive and divisional relations of desiring and it's referring aspects, which as knowledge and presence and genealogy, etc, to construct the desiring genealogy of mother virgin and cosmic and natural, to hold up the deeper development of psychoanalysis and feminism.Secondly, by the plural-desiring and it's associating parts as a returnee, the deeper and embedding investigating would make a horizon and exploring for the intercourse and interlocution of literature theory between domestic and oversea.
     There are mainly two aspects for the significance of the plural-desiring and its relative theses. In the one hand, the polarity of the concreting investigation of third feminism crusade which be visualized and expanded, the transimitable and importable and illustrative work of desiring theory which have been and be fulfilled by many scholars is better than innovating one at home, the disquisition of desiring which root in psychoanalysis and feminism be captured increasingly by the traps as binary division and repeating boundlessly of the Father, all those questions would be faced and weighted and corrected by the deeper research of the plural-desiring and it's around question. And which would supply the new theorizing fulcrum for the development of psychoanalysis and feminism and remodel the complexion of psychoanalysis and feminism which have been and be neglected and twisted by the scholastic realm and the economic society. In the another hand, in the atmosphere of expanding fleetly as a paranoia of telluric economy, all earth's burghers, especial women who are engulfed in both exhausting of indwelling spirit and mental morass. violence, self-slaughter, etc, which have been and be ignited unrelentingly and boundlessly. the plural-desiring question which be clarified and deepened may procreate profound peering and vigorous redressing.
     II.The targets and the process
     The desiring theory and it's surrounding theses,which associate Freud, Lacan, Keristeva, Irigarary, etc, would be thought weightily over, the relative discussion of other Scholars would only be made affiliating one.Only be the enwinding question of learning of German and France may discussed briefly and vital in time.
     The relative and distinct and outspread theses between Psychoanalysis and feminism which are clarified and unfolded deeply, which are based on the extreme-desiring,freedom,time,acknowledge-selfhood, and so on.Those subjects should be unfolded under the field of plural-desiring.
     Firstly, the known literature would be analyzed and ordered statistically. On the foundation of the datum of important related scholars who are Freud, Lacan, Keristiva, Irigaray, English literature is firstly adopted, secondly Chinese one, and is mixed with French and German one, which are read close and investigated crucial, those relative points of the desiring theses and its circumambient conceptions would be parsed plural,by the comparative method which not merely Hegel's similarities and differences one but constructive comparative one which be based on the principle mutual sustaining, which be founded on the thought history of the desiring,freedom,time,acknowledgement, and the desiring-plural thesis would be compared and analyzed maidenly and carefully. All literature of foreign language in this text is translated by the author in Chinese.
     Ⅲ. The basic conclusions
     1. To break dichotomy up is naturally which the theory jam of repeats and binary division between psychoanalysis and feminism which be surmounted.
     2. The desiring question is a crux of psychoanalysis and feminism. The difference among familial father's desiring genealogy (Freud) and symbolizing father's one (Lacan) and rebounding mother's one (Keristiva) and daughter-uterus one (Irigaray) lies mainly in the difference of desiring question, which contains the impetus, genre, quality, etc.
     3. The extreme desiring is hubs of desiring matters, which any transformation may radical bring about many changes of surrounding questions which come from the realm of psychoanalysis and feminism. The extreme desiring of plural-desiring is naturally special one.
     4. The history of liberty thought is basically the oppressing one of the mother's desiring genealogy.After Nietzsche, the liberalisms which come from Freud,Lacan, Keristiva, Irigaray, which are learning pinnacles in the history of liberty thought which be unheeded vulgarly
     5. Psychoanalysis is basically a technique of time analyzing. In the history of time philosophy, different percipience of scholars inevitably results in various crises and rescuing ways. Designs and distortions which root in the realm of familial father and symbolizing father must are envisaged immediate and affectively, the rebounding mother, daughter-uterus realm, plural-desiring which are outright inaugurating and exploring and unfolding many ways of breaching and redemption. In the sense of superposition, the history of the west philosophy of time which has been and be interweaved with the Father's time and mother's one, which concern about defending, fighting back, reversing, transforming,etc.
     6.To confront familial and symbolizing Father's views which run on the end and repeating and imposing of history, those bad time would are activated and revived over again,as well as course and twinkling,by different ways which include negation of negation, rupturing, changing, etc.
     7. The disputing kernel between familial or/and emblematizing father and feminism mother which is not only ontological matter but also knowledge one. The knowledge-selfhood would is maidenly put forward and established which should contribute constructions and judgments of identity to the literature theory of China feminism.
     Ⅳ. The inventions in investigation
     1.To envisage and correct the reification deflection and inactive deadlock which has been and would be gestated and distended inescapably by the international psychoanalysis and feminism, to return to the pure realm of desiring theory, and to canvass and lucubrate deeply the desiring kernel and ambient questions which lie in the foundation of the close-reading of literature.
     2. The desiring theory of plural-desiring which be brought forward and constructed maidenly, by the analyzing and demonstrating method which are statistical and comparative. As to the aspects of type and power and quality and etc, the typological difference between plural-desiring and familial father, symbolizing father, rebounding mother, daughter-uterus realm, as well as conjunction, which have been pictured exploringly, The plural-desiring which shake off traps of binary division as Fichte's manner which fostered by the Father family tree, and so, a new pivot of analyzing which would be come forth for the desiring, text, language, sign, etc.
     3. To scheme the landform of desiring-liberty philosophy which be come into being by psychoanalysis and feminism.the desiring-liberty of rebounding mother and returning genesis-natural mother which would be newly illustrated and evaluated in the history of liberty-philosophy.
     4. To face the pop tide of space-desiring theory, the terrain of the time-desiring theory of psychoanalysis and feminism which be presented and constructed modestly and correctively, and which is deployed from the time philosophy to the rescuing crisis, history, period, twinkling, etc.
     5. The theory of knowledge-selfhood which is lodged maidenly and set partly up.
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    ④ Freud,Sigmund.Group Psychology and the analysis of the ego[M].trans.and ed James Strachey,.New York:W. W.Norton,1959:24,Freud,Sigmund. Beyond the Pleasure Principle[M].Trans.and ed.James Strachey,Intro.Gregory Zilboorg and Peter Gay.New York:W.W.Norton,1961:3
    ⑤ Deleuze, Gilles.Masochism:Goldness and Crueltry.Urzone,1989.New York:Zone Books,1994:114.
    ⑥ A.Kiarina Kordela.(?)urplu_Spinoza, Lacan[M].New York:State University Press,2007:81.
    ① Frisbee C.C.Sheffield.Plato's Symposium:The Ethics of Desire[M].Oxford:Oxford university press,2006:3-7.
    ② Dover, K.J.Greek Homosexuality[M],London:Duckworhth & Co.,1978:43-49.
    ③ Ludwig,P.W.Eros and Polis[M].Cabbridge:Cambridge University Press,2002:8-13.
    ① Cf.Juan Laplanche and J.-B. Pontalis. Vocabulaire dela Psychanalyse[C].Pareis:Presses universitaires de Frances,1967:359-360.
    ② Philip Reiff.Freud:The Mind of the Moralist[M].Gaeden City, N.Y.:Doubleday,1961:31.
    ③考夫曼准确地概括了弗洛伊德生、死本能的两元对立框架,欲望际则认为其是对立的、并列的、复数的等因此和弗洛伊德的认识区分开来。Cf.Sarah Kofman.Freud and Fiction[M].translated by Sarah Wykes, Cambridge: Polity Press,1991:40.
    ①其可以在弗洛伊德的父亲占据的兄弟平权组织的叠合之内显现。See Sigmund Freud.Totem and Taboo[M].translated by James Strachey,London:Routlesge,1999.cf. Juliet Flower MacCannell's.The Regime of the Brother:After the Patriarchy[M].New York and London:Routledge,1991.
    ②具有超越Braidotti所认识的思想的建议内容、基本结构和映像。Cf.Braidotti,R.'On the Female Fiminist Subject,or:From "she-selfto "she-other"',in GBock and S.James(eds),Beyond Equality and Difference:Citizenship,Feminist Politics and Female Subjectivity[M].London:Routledge,1992:184.
    ①欲望际对死亡欲望的理解超越了德鲁兹的含义。Cf.Giilles Deleuze. "The Death Instinct", Coldness and Cruelty[M].New York:Zone Books,1991.
    ① Julia Kristeva.The father, love and banishment,Desire in language A Semiotic Approach toliterature and Art[M]. edited by Leon S.Roudiez Translated by Thomas Gora,Alice Jardine, and Leon S.Roudiez,New York:Columbia university press,1980:154
    ① See Millet, Kate. Sexual Politics[M].London:Virgo,1977[1969].
    ②其以兄弟父权制的形式存在② Cf.Carole Pateman.The Sexual Contract[M].Stanford,CA:Stanford University Press,1988:3,also Irigaray.L.This Sex which is not One(1977)[M].trans.C.Porter,,Ithaca,NY:Cornell University Press, 1985:172
    ① Jaques Lacan.Ecrits:A selection[M].trans.Alan Sheridan,New York:Norton,1977:17.
    ② Jacques Lacan. The in Freud's Theory and in the Technique of Psychoanalysis 1954-1955[M],The Seminar of Jacques Lacan,edited by Jacques-Alain Miller Book II,Translated by Sylvana Tomaselli with notes by John Forrester, New York:Norton,1988:221-235.
    ③ Jacques Lacan. " Desire and the Interpretation of Desire in Hamlet " (1959)[J].Yale French Studies,1977(55-56):11-52.
    ① Jacques Lacan. "The Mirror Stage as Formative of the I function as Revealed in Psychoanalytic Experience," in Ecrits[M].The First Complete Edition in English,trans.Bruce Fink,New York:Norton,2006:75-81.
    ② Cf. Philippe Van Haute.Against Adaptation_Lacan's' Subversion'of the Subject[M]. translated by Paul Crowe and Miranda Vankert, New York:Other Press,2002:112-114.
    ③ Ibid.,p.26-25.
    ④ See J.Lacan.The Seminar.Book Ⅶ.The Ethic of Psychoanalysis,1959-1960[M].London:Routledge,1992:57
    ① Lacan,J.Le Seminaire,LivreXI:Les Quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse[M].1964,ed.Jacques Alain Miller,Paris:Seuil,1973:142,61-62.
    ① Jacquec Lacan. "The Signification of the Phallus",in Ecrits:A Selection[M].trans. A. Sheridan, London: Routledge/Tavistoc,1977:281-291.
    ①在父权制、兄弟政权之内,这种欲望被显示。Cf.Flower MacCannell,J.The Regime of the Brother:After the Patriarchy[M].New York and London:Routledge,1991:52.
    ② Darian Leader and Judy Groves.Introducing Lacan[M].Cambridge:Icon Bools Ltd,2000:81.
    ①在古代社会和现代社会之内,对待金钱的态度甚至也显现了对欲望客体的占据。Cf.Karl Marx.Capital:A Critique of Political Economy, vol.1,A Critical Analysis of Capitalist Production[M].trans. Samuel Moore and Edward Aveling New York:International Publisher,1967:132-133.
    ① Jacques Lacan.Encore, in SemiaireⅩⅩ[M].Paris:Seuil,1975:15.
    ② Jacques Lacan.Television:A Challenge to the Psychoanalytic Establishment[M].ed.Joan Copjec,trans. Denis Hollier, Rosalind Krauss,and Annette Michelson. New York:W.W.Norton,1990:3.
    ① Laura Mulvey. " Visual Pleasure and Narrative Cinema,"in Nichols,Bill-Movies and Methods:an anthology vol.2, [M]. Berkeler and Los Angeles:University of California Press,1985:303-315.
    ② Henry Krips.Fetish:An Erotics of Culture[M].Ithaca,NY:Cornell University Press,1999:97-117。
    ③ Cf.Cecilia Sjoholm.The Antigone Complex Ethics and the Invention of Feminine Desire[M].Stanford, California:Stanford University Press,2004:11.
    ④ Claudia Tate.Psychoanalysis and Black Novels Desire and the Protocols of Race[M].New York Oxford:Oxford University Press,1998:10.
    ⑤ Grosz, Elizabeth.Space, Time, and Perversion [M].New York:Routledge,1995:179.
    ① Jacques,Lacan. The Seminar of Jacques-Lacan(Book Ⅺ):The Four fundamental concepts of Psychoanalysis[M].Translated by Alan Sheridan, edited by Jacques LacanJacques-Alain Miller,New York-London:W.W.Norton & Company.1998:151-152.
    ② Friedrich Nietzsche.Beyond Good and Evil:Prelude to a Philosophy of the Future [M].trans. Walter Kaufmann, New York:Vintage,1966:303.
    ③ John Farell. " Paranoia Methodized, " in Unauthorized Freud:Doubters Confront a Legend[M].ed.Frederick,C.CrewsNew York:Viking,1998:.234.
    ④ Fink. "Knowledge and Jouissance",in S.Barnard and B. Fink,eds,Reading SeminarⅩⅩ.Lacan s Majork on Love, Knowledge,and Feminine Sexuality[M]. New York:State University of New York Press,2002:21-45.
    ⑤ Sigmund Freud.The Ego and the Id[M].,translated by James Strachey,New York:Norton,1960:53.
    ① Julia Kristeva.Revolution in Poetic Language[M], Translated by Margaret Waller with an introduction by Leon S. Roudiez, New York:Columbia University Press,1984:5-26.
    ① See Kristeva,J.(1993 New Maladies of the Soul[M].trans. R.Gubeman,New York:Columbia University Press,1995
    ② See Irigaray,l.(1974)Speculum of the other woman[M]. translated by Gillian C. Gill, Ithaca,New York:Cornell university Press,1985.
    ③ See Irigarary,L.(1977)This Sex Wich is Nor One[M].trans,C.Porter,Ithaca,NY:Cornell University Press,1985.
    ① See Irigarary,L.(1990)Je,tu,nous:Towards a Culture of Diffence[M].trans.A.Martin,London:Routledhe,1993.
    ② See Luce Irigaray.This Sex Which Is Not One[M].trans.Catherine Porter with Carolyn Burke, Ithaca:Cornell university Press,1985.
    ① Cf.Mitcham,Carl. Philosophy of Technology.In:P.T.Durbin,ed.A Guide to The Culture of Science, Technology, and Medicine[M].New York:The Free Pree,1980:243-249.
    ③其与弗洛伊德所谓交响乐、旋律等词语叠合。See Freud, "On the History of the Psycho-analytic Movement" (1914), The Standard Edition of the Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud,vol.14[M]. translated by James and Alix Strachey, London:Hogarth Press and the Institute of Psycho-Analysis,1964:62.
    ⑤物-欲望从来不可能被父亲、理性作为客体捕获。Cf.Immanuel Kant.Critique of Pure Reaon[M].trans.J.M.D.Meiklejohn,New York:Prometheus,1990:.231.
    ⑥ See Immanuel Kant.Critique of Pure Reason[M].trans.J.M.D.Meiklejohn,NY:Prometheus,1990:286.
    ① Allen S.Weiss. "Merleau-ponty's Concept of the 'Flesh'as Libido Theory,"[J],Sub-Stance,1981(30):85-95.
    ② Paul Ricoeur.Freud and Philosophy[M].New Haven,Conn:Yale University Press,1970.
    ③ Fredric Jameson.Signatures of the visible[M]. New York:Routledge,1992:227.
    ④ Sigmund Freud. Civilization and It's Discontents[M].trans,James Stracher, New York:Norton,1961:69-70.
    ⑤欲望际认为,Agathon的欲望的论述对欲望创造性的重视叠合源起欲望的特点。当然Agathon是以占有的方式暗示这种改变性See Frisbee C.C.Sheffield.Plato's Symposium:The Ethics of Desire[M].Oxford:Oxford university press,2006:26-27.
    ⑥相对于朱迪斯·巴特勒性欲望的去除-、非-、颠覆-等洞见,欲望际宁愿用替代、并列、复数等词语。Cf. Judith Buller.Gender Trouble:Feminism and the Subversion of Identity[M].New York and London:Routledge,1990.
    ② See Dinnerstein,D.The Mermaid and the Minotour:Sexual Arrangements and Human Malaise[M].New York:Harper and Row,1976.
    ③hodorow,N.The Reproduction of Mothering:Psychoanalysis and the Sociology of Gender[M].Berkeley:University of California Press,1978.
    ③ Elliot,P.From Mastery to Analysis"Theories of Gender in Psychoanalytic Feminism[M].Ithaca,NY and London:Cornell University Press,1991.
    ⑤其强调母子的脐带连接和分裂对于主体性的重要关系。Cf. Danielle Bergeron.The Work of the Dream and jouissance in the Treatment of the Psychotic, Willy Apollon.Danielle Bergeron and Lucie Cantin, After Lacan_Clinical Practice and the Subject of the Unconscious[M]. Edited and introduced by Robert Hughes and Kareen Ror Malone, New York:State University Press,2002:71-84.
    ① Weil.Simone.'L'Iliade on le Poeme de la Force'and'Dieu dans Planton', La Source Greque[M].Paris:Gallimard 1963:33.
    ② Plato.Gorgias[M]. London:Penguin Classics,1973b:90-91.
    ③ Hume.A Treatise on Human Nature[M].ed. Selby-Bigge,Oxford:Oxford University Press,1967:413.
    ① Johan Baer James C.Kaufman Roy F.Baumeister.Introduction:Psychology and Free will, Are we free? Psychology and free will[C]., Edited by John Baer, James C. Kaufman, Roy F. Baumeister, New YorK:Oxford university press,2008:4-5.
    ② Plato.Gorgia[M]. London:Penguin Classics,1973b:90.
    ① Ilbam Dilman.Free Will _An historical and philosophical introduction [M].London and New York:Routledge,1999:7.
    ① Plato.'Phaedrus', Phaedrus and Letters Ⅶ and Ⅷ[M]. London:penguin Classics,1973:52-53,61-62.
    ② Aristotle. Book2:The Nichomachean Ethics of Aristotle[M].trans.D.P.Chase,Introduction by J.A.Smith.Everyman's Library, London & Toronto:J M Dent and Sons Ltd,New York:E.P.Dutton,1930.
    ③ Freud.Sigmund.New Introductory Lectures on Psycho-Analysis[M]. trans. W J H Sprott. New York:W W Norton.1933:112
    ② Schopenhauer, Arthur.'Free Will and Fatalism' and'Character', On Human Nature, Essays[M].London:Allen and Unwin.1951:41,137.
    ③ Aristotle. Book2:The Nichomachean Ethics of Aristotle[M]. trans. D.P.Chase,Introduction by J.A.Smith.Everyman's Library, London & Toronto:J M Dent and Sons Ltd.New York:E.P.Dutton.1930.:12.
    ①[法]拉康(Lacan. J.M.)拉康文集[M].诸褚孝泉译,上海:上海三联书店,2001:318.
    ① See Foreword.Steven Z. Levine, Lacan Reformed[M].London:I.B.Tauris δCi.ltd,2004:xvii.
    ① Julia Kristeva.Revolution in Poetic Language[M].Translated by Margaret Waller with an introduction by Leon S. Roudiez, New York:Columbia University Press,1984:25-26.
    ① Cf.Double,R. The Non-reality of Free Will[M]. New York:Oxford University Press,1991,Strawson,G. Freedom and Belief[M].Oxford:Oxford University Press,1986.etc.
    ② Ilbam Dilman.Free Will _An historical and philosophical introduction[M]. London and New York:Routledge,1999:7.
    ①See Spinoza Benedict. Ethics[M].ed James Gutmann,New York:Hafner,1960.
    ① Greene,J.,& Cohen,J.For the law,neuroscience changes nothing and everything, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B 359,1775-1785[M].2004:35.
    ② Ibid,.p.32.
    ① Shaun Nichols.How can Psychology Contribute to the Free Will Debate? Are we free?_ Psychology and free will[C]., Edited by John Baer. James C. Kaufman, Roy F. Baumeister, New YorK:Oxford university press,2008:18
    ② Ibid,.p.19.
    ③ Ibid,.p.19.
    ④ Chartrand,T.L.& Bargh.J.A. Automatic activation of impression formation and memorization goals:Nonconscious goal priming reproduces effects of explicit task instructions.[J].Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1996.(71):464-478.
    ① Bargh,J.A.,Chen,M.,&Burrows,L.Automaticity of social behavior:Direct effects of trait construct and stereotype priming on action[J]. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology,1996(71):230-244.
    ② Shaun Nichols.How can Psychology Contribute to the Free Will Debate? In Are we free?_ Psychology and free will[C].Edited by John Baer, James C. Kaufman, Roy F. Baumeister. New YorK:Oxford university press,2008:21.
    ③ Ibid,.p.22.
    ④ Bargh,J.,& Ferguson.M. Beyond behaviorism:On the automaticity of higher mental processes[J]. Psychological Bulletin,2000(126):940.
    ⑤ Shaun Nichols.How can Psychology Contribute to the Free Will Debate?In Are we free?_ Psychology and free will[C].Edited by John Baer, James C. Kaufman, Roy F. Baumeister, New YorK:Oxford university press,2008:13.
    ① Shaun Nichols.How can Psychology Contribute to the Free Will Debate?In Are we free?_ Psychology and free will[C].Edited by John Baer, James C. Kaufman, Roy F. Baumeister, New YorK:Oxford university press, 2008:23-24.
    ② Alfred R. Mele, Psychology and Free Will:A Commentary.In Are we free? Psychology and free will[C]. Edited by John Baer, James C. Kaufman, Roy F. Baumeister. New YorK:Oxford university press,2008:328.
    ① Weil, Smone.'God in Plato' and 'The Love of God and Affliction', On Science, Nessessity and the Love of God.[M].trans. And ed. Richard Rees, London:Oxford University Press,1968:176-177.
    ① Aristotle,The Philosophy of Aristotle[M].A New Selection With an Introduction And Commentary by Renford Bambrough,New Translations by A. E. Wardman And J.L.Creed,New York and Scarborough, Ontario:New American Library.1963:209.
    ② Ibid,.p.209.
    ③ Ibid,.p.210.
    ④ Ibid,.p.211.
    ⑤ Ibid,.p.211.
    ⑥ Ibid,.p.211-212.
    ①[德]康德(Kant, Immanuel)任何一种能够作为科学出现的未来形而上学导论[M].庞景仁译,北京:商务印书馆,1978:69.
    ③Immanuel Kant.Kritik dre reinen Vermunft[M].Felix Meiner Verlag,Hamburg 1993:201.
    ① Martin Heidegger. Sin und Zeit[M].Max Niemeyer Velag Tubingen,1993:306.
    ① Martin Heidegger.Being and Time Atranslation of Sein und Zeit[M].,translated by Joan Stambaugh,New York: State University of New York Press,1996:387.
    ① Kirsten Campbell.Jacques Lacan and Fenimist Epistemology[M].London and New York:Routledge Taylor &Francis Group,2004:158-159.
    ③ Philippe Van Hauete对拉康的语言锚点和空间化进行乐观分析。Cf.Philippe Van Haute.Against Adaptation_Lacan's 'Subversion' of the Subject[M].translated by Paul Crowe and Miranda Vankert, New York: Other Press,2002:65-68.
    ②See Grosz.EJacques Lacan.A Feminist Introduction[M].Sydney:Allen and Unwin,1990.
    ① Julia Kristeva.Revolution in Poetic language[M].Translated by Margaret Waller with an introduction by Leon S. Roudiez, New York:Columbia University Press,1984:27
    ② Ibid.,p.28,
    ③ Ibid.,p.29.
    ① Julia Kristeva.Revolution in Poetic Language[M].Translated by Margaret Waller with an introduction by Leon S. Roudiez, New York:Columbia University Press,1984:47.
    ② Ibid.,p.102.
    ① Julia Kristeva.Revolution in Poetic Language[M].Translated by Margaret Waller with an introduction by Leon S. Roudiez, New York:Columbia University Press,1984:149.
    ② Ibid.,p.151.
    ③ Ibid.,p.150
    ① Julia Kristeva..Revolution in Poetic Language[M].Translated by Margaret Waller with an introduction by Leon S. Roudiez, New York:Columbia University Press,1984:151.
    ② see Eric H. Lenneberg. Biological Foundations ofLanguage[M].New York:Wiley.1967:168.376.
    ③ Julia Kristeva.Revolution in Poetic Language[M]. Translated by Margaret Waller with an introduction by Leon S. Roudiez, New York:Columbia University Press,1984:152.
    ① Julia Kristeva.Desire in Language A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art[C]. Edited by Leon S. Roudiez Translated by Thomas Gora, Alice Jardine, and Leon D.Roudiez,New Yoek:Columbia University Press,1980:29.
    ② Ibid.,p:29.
    ① Julia Kristeva.Desire in Language_A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art[C]. Edited by Leon S. Roudiez Translated by Thomas Gora. Alice Jardine, and Leon D.Roudiez,New Yoek:Columbia University Press,1980:30.
    ② Jakobson."Qu'est-ce que la poesie," in Huit Questions de Poetique[M].Editions du Seuil,1977:124-125.
    ③ Julia Kristeva. Desire in Language A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art[C]. Edited by Leon S. Roudiez Translated by Thomas Gora, Alice Jardine, and Leon D.Roudiez,New Yoek:Columbia University Press,1980:32.
    ① Julia Kristeva.Desire in Language A Semiotic Approach to Literature and Art[C]. Edited by Leon S. Roudiez Translated by Thomas Gora, Alice Jardine, and Leon D.Roudiez,New Yoek:Columbia University Press,1980:32.
    ② Ibid.,p.33.
    ③ Ibid.,p.34.
    ① Julia Kristeva.Powers of Horror An Essay on Abjection[M].trans by Leon S. Roudiez,New York:Colembia University Press,1982.
    ② Julia Kristeva.Powers of Horror An Essay on Abjection[M]. trans by Leon S. Roudiez,New York:Colembia University Press,1982:17.
    ③ Julia Kristev a.Proust and The sense of Time [M].Translated and with and Introduction by Stephen Bann, New York:Columbia University Press,1993:4.
    ① Julia Kristeva.Proust and The sense of Time [M].Translated and with and Introduction by Stephen Bann, New York:Columbia University Press,1993:4.
    ② Ibid.,p.5.
    ③ Ibid.,p.5.
    ② Julia Kristeva.Proust and The sense of Time [M].Translated and with and Introduction by Stephen Bann, New York:Columbia University Press,1993:6.
    ① Julia Kristeva. Proust and The sense of Time [M]. Translated and with and Introduction by Stephen Bann, New York:Columbia University Press,1993:7.
    ③ Marcel Proust Correspondance avec sa mere[C].edited by Philip Kolb,Paris:plon,(1970-1983),vol.111,1953:1095.
    ④ Julia Kristeva.Proust and The sense of Time [M]. Translated and with and Introduction by Stephen Bann, New York:Columbia University Press,1993:11.
    ⑤ Ibid.,p.14
    ① Marcel Proust.Contre Sainte-Beuve[C].ed.Pierre Clarac, Gallimard:Bibliotheque de la Pleiade,1971:158-159.
    ② Julia Kristeva.Proust and The sense of Time [M]. Translated and with and Introduction by Stephen Bann, New York:Columbia University Press,1993:17
    ③ Celeste Albaret.Monsieur Proust[M].Paris:Laffont,1973:64.
    ④ Julia Kristeva.Proust and The sense of Time [M].Translated and with and Introduction by Stephen Bann, New York:Columbia University Press,1993:20
    ① Marcel Proust.Correspondance avec sa mere[C].edited by Philip Kolb,Paris:plon,(1970-1983),vol.Ⅲ,1953:1105.
    ② Ibid.,p.1106.
    ① Cf. Martin Heidegger. Being and Time[M].trans. J.Macquarie and Edward Robinson,London:SCM Press.1962:383ff.
    ① Julia Kristeva.Proust and The sense of Time [M].Translated and with and Introduction by Stephen Bann, New York:Columbia University Press,1993:77
    ② Maecef Proust Against Sainte-Beuve and Other Essays[M].trans, John Sturrock, London:Penguin,1988:137.
    ③ Julia Kristeva.Proust and The sense of Time [M].Translated and with and Introduction by Stephen Bann, New York:Columbia University Press,1993:78
    ④ Cf. Schopenhauer.Le Monde comme volonte et comme representation[M].Paris:PUF,1966:154.
    ⑤ Ibid..p.162
    ⑥ Ibid.,p.334
    ① Julia Kristeva. Proust and The sense of Time [Ml.Translated and with and Introduction by Stephen Bann, New York:Columbia University Press,1993:90.
    ① Julia Kristeva.Proust and The sense of Time [M].Translated and with and Introduction by Stephen Bann, New York:Columbia University Press,1993:98.
    ② Julia Kristeva.Proust and The sense of Time [M]. Translated and with and Introduction by Stephen Bann, New York:Columbia University Press,1993:98.
    ①这篇文章作为" Le Temps des femmes "在34/44之内被出版:Cahiers de recherche de sciences des texts et docuents,1979, (5):5-19.See Julia Kristeva. Women's Time[J],translated by Alice Jardine,Harry Blake,Signs, Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1981,7(1):13-35.
    ② Julia Kristeva. Women s Time[J],translated by Alice Jardine,Harry Blake,Signs, Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1981,7(1):14
    ③ Julia Kristeva. Women's Timee[J],translated by Alice Jardine.Harry Blake,Signs, Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1981,7(1):14.
    ④ Sigmund Freud and Carl G.Jung.Correspondance[M]. Paris:Gallimard,1975,1:87
    ① Julia Kristeva. Women's Time[J],translated by Alice Jardine,Harry Blake,Signs, Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1981,7(1):16
    ② Ibid.,p.16-17.
    ① Judith Butler. " Marxim and the Merely Cultural".New Left Review [M],1998(227):33-34.
    ② Giddens,A.The Consequences of Modernity[M].Cambridge:Polity,1990:11-12.
    ③ Julia Kristeva. Women's Time[J],translated by Alice Jardine,Harry Blake,Signs, Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1981.7(1):17-18
    ① Julia Kristeva. Women's Time[J],translated by Alice Jardine,Harry Blake,Signs, Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1981,7(1):18
    ② Ibid.,p.18
    ①Julia Kristeva.Women's Time[J],translated by Alice Jardine,Harry Blake,Signs,Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1981,7(1):19.
    ① Julia Kristeva. Women's Time[J],translated by Alice Jardine,Harry Blake,Signs, Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1981,7(1):21.
    ② Ibid.,p.21.
    ① Julia Kristeva. Women's The[J],translated by Alice Jardine.Harry Blake,Signs, Chicago:The University of Chicago Press,1981,7(1):33.
    ② Ibid.,p.34.
    ③ Idib.,p.34.
    ① Martin Heidegger.Being and Time_Atranslation ofSein und Zeit[M].translated by Joan Stambaugh,New York: State University of New York Press,1996:383.
    ② Ibid..p.383-384.
    ① Martin Heidegger.Being and Time_Atranslation ofSein und Zeit[M].translated by Joan Stambaugh,New York: State University of New York Press,1996:384.
    ② Ibid.,p.384-385.
    ③ Ibid.,p.385.
    ① Martin Heidegger.Being and Time_Atranslation of Sein und Zeit[M].translated by Joan Stambaugh,New York: State University of New York Press,1996:388.
    ① Martin Heidegger. Being and Time_Atranslation ofSein und Zeit[M]. translated by Joan Stambaugh.New York: State University of New York Press, 1996:389.
    ② Ibid.,p.389.
    ① Martin Heidegger.Being and Time_Atranslation ofSein und Zeit[M].translated by Joan Stambaugh,New York: State University of New York Press,1996:390.
    ② Ibid.,p.390.
    ③ Ibid.,p.391.
    ⑤ Martin Heidegger.Being and Time_Atranslation of Sein und Zeit[M]. translated by Joan Stambaugh,New York: State University of New York Press,1996:391.
    ① Martin Heidegger.Being and Time_Atranslation ofSein und Zeit[M].translated by Joan Stambaugh,New York: State University of New York Press,1996:390
    ② Ibid.,p.390-391.
    ③ Ibid.,p.391.
    ② Martin Heidegger.Being and Time_Atranslation ofSein und Zeit[M].translated by Joan Stambaugh,New York: State University of New York Press,1996:505.
    ① Martin Heidegger.Being and Time_Atranslation of Sein und Zeit[M].translated by Joan Stambaugh,New York: State University of New York Press,1996:394.
    ② Ibid.,p.417.
    ③ CF.Hegel.Encyklopadie der philosophischen Wissenschaften im Grundrisse[M]. ed, G. Bolland,Leiden,1906:258,259,259.
    ① Martin Heidegger.Being and Time_Atranslation ofSein und Zeit[m].translated by Joan Stambaugh,New York: State University of New York Press,1996:394.
    ①这种男根史的现代形式还有:再现代社会世界之内,通过认同,小孩接受权利、名誉和特权从而成长。Cf.Teresa Brennan.History After Lacan[M].London and New York:Routledge,1993:58以含混和吞咽的方式与真实父亲认同,竞争。Cf Mikkel Borch Jacobsen.Lacan:The Absolute Master[M].trans.D.Brick,Stanford,CA:Stanford Universit Press,1991:40.
    ② Martin Heidegger.Being and Time_Atranslation of Sein und Zeit[M].translated by Joan Stambaugh,New York: State University of New York Press,1996:390.
    ① See Richard A.Skues.Sigmund Freud and the History of Anna O. Reopening a Closed Case[M].Houndmills,Basingstoke,Hampshire:Palgrave Macmillan,2006:1-12,69-79.
    ③ Jaques Lacan.Les complexes familiaux dans la formation de l'individu:Essai d'analyse d'une function en psychologie[M].Paris:Navarin,1984:54.
    ④ Jacques Lacan.Le Seminaire[M].LivreⅧ,1960-1961.ed.Jacques-AlainMiller,Paris:Seuil,2000:128-129.
    ⑤ Jacques Lacan (1938a).'The Oedipus Complex'[M]..trans.A.kahn,in F.Peraldi(ed) Polysexuality[C],New York:Semiotext (e),1995:197-199.
    ② Jacques-Alain Miller.The Seminar of Jacques Lacan,Bool Ⅺ:The Four Fundamental Concepts of Psychoanalysis[C].trans.Alan Sheridan,New York · London:W.W.Norton & Compary,1981:150.
    ① W.Benjamin (1925-1926).'one way street'in One Way Street and Other Writings[M].London:New Left Books,1979:103.
    ② F.Jameson.Postmodernism, or the Cultural Logic of Late Capitalism[M].Durham:Duke University Press.1991:;ⅸ.
    ③M. Foucault(1984).'What is enlightenment?'in Paul Robinson(ed),The Foucault Reader[M].transe.Catharine Porter, Harmondsworth:Penguin,1991:47.
    ④ F.Jameson(1977).'Imaginary and symbolic in Lacan'in the ideologies of Theory[M].vol.1Minneapolis:University of Minnesota Press,1988:104.
    ⑤ J.Gallop.Reading Lacan[M].Ithaca:Cornell University Press,1985:57.
    ⑥ J. Lacan.'Agagressivity in psychoanalysis'in Ecrits:A selection[C].transe.Alan Sheridan, London:Tavistock,1948:27.
    ⑦ M.Jay.Marxism and Totality:The Adventures of a Concept from Lukacs to Habermas[M]. Berkeley:University of California Press.1984:522.
    ⑧ Teresa Brennan.History After Lacan[M].London and New York:Routledge,1993:176.
    ① Teresa Brennan.History After Lacan[M].London and New York:Routledge,1993:178.
    ② L.Irigaray. Ethique da la difference sexuelle[M].Paris:Minuit.1984.
    ① Jacques Lacan.Le Seminaire,Livre Ⅺ:Les Quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse[M]A1964,ed.Jacques Alain Miller,Paris:Seuil,1973:49.
    ⑤ Jacques Lacan.Le Seminaire.Livre Ⅺ:Les Quatre concepts fondamentaux de la psychanalyse[M].1964, ed. Jacques Alain Miller,Paris:Seuil,1973:131.Jacques lacan.Le Seminaire,livreⅡ.Le Moi dans la theorie de Freud et dans la technique de lapsychanalyse[M].1954-1955,ed.Jacques Alain Miller,Pairs:Seuil,1978:110.
    ① Jacques lacan.Le Seminaire,livreⅡ.Le Moi dans la theorie de Freud et dans la technique de la psychanalyse[M].1954-1955,ed.Jacques Alain Miller,Pairs:Seuil,1978:218.
    ② Shoshana Felman. " On Reading Poetry:Reflections on the limits and Possibilities of Psychoanalytic Approaches,"in the Literary Freud:Mechanisms of Defense and the Poetic Will[M].ed.Joseph H.Smith,New Haven,Conn.:Yale University Press,1980:139.
    ③ Sean Homer,Jacques Lacan,[M].London and New York:Routledge,Taylor & Francis Group,2006:104-105.
    ④ Michel Lewis.Derrida and Lacan Another writing[M]. Edinburgh:Edinburgh University Press,2008:16-79.
    ⑤ Jacques-Lacan.Le Seminaire, Livre V:Les Formations de l'inconscient,1957-1958[M].,ed.Jacque-Alain Miller Paris:Seuil,1998:313.
    ⑥ Jacques Lacan,Le Seminaire, Livre ⅩⅩⅢ:Le Sintome,1975-1976[M].ed Jacques-Alain Miller,Paris:Seuil,,2005:8
    ① Julia Kristeva. Women's Time[J].translated by Alice Jardine and Harry Blake,Signs, The University of Chicago Press.1981,7(2):16-17.
    ① Ellie Ragland-Sullivan. Jacques Lacan and The Philosophy of Psychoanalysis[M]. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press,1987:110.
    ② Todd McGowan.The end of Dissatisfaction? Jacques Lacan and the Emerging Society ofEnjoymengt[M].New York:State university of New York Press,2004.
    ④ Jacques-Lacan.The Four fundamental concepts of Psychoanalysis[M].Translated by Alan Sheridan,The Seminar of Jacques-Lacan(Book XI),edited by Jacques LacanJacques-Alain Miller,New York and London:W.W.Norton & Company.1998:57.
    ⑤ Ibid.,p.63..
    ① Levinas in interview,R.Kearney. Dialogues with Gontemporary Continental Thinkers[M].Manchester:Manehester University Press,1984:49-50.
    ② M.Merleau-Ponty.Eloge de la Philosophei[M].Paris:Gallimard, 1960:297-298.
    ③ Ibid.,p.293.
    ①Bergson.Duree et Simultaneity (1922) [M].Paris:Presses Universitairesde France editions(Paris),1968:41.
    ② Bergson.Essai sur les donne'es immediate de la conscience,(1889)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France editions,1967:75,77.
    ③ Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times[M].London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:12.
    ④ Bergson.La Pensee et le Mouvant(1934)[M]. Presses Universitairesde France editions(Paris),1969:76.
    ⑤ Ibid.,p.80.
    ① Bergson.La Pensee et le Mouvant(1934)[M]. Presses Universitairesde France editions(Paris),1969:211.
    ② Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times[M]. London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.2005:13.
    ③ J.-P.Sartre. L'Etre et le Neant[M].Paris:Gallimard,1943:235.
    ④ Bergson.La Pensee et le Mouvant(1934)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France editions,1969:96.
    ⑤Bergson.Matiere et Memoire(1896)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France editions,1968:74.
    ① Bergson.Essai sur les donneees immediate de la conscience(1889)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France editions,1967:95.
    ② Bergson Matiere et Memoore(1896)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France editions,1968:148.
    ①Bergson.Matiere et Memoire(1896)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France editions,1968:149-150.
    ② G.Deleuze.Le Bergsonisme[M].Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1996:17.
    ③ Bergson.Matiere et Memoire(1896)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France editions,1968:70.
    ④ Ibid.,p.246.
    ⑤ Ibid., p.32.
    ① Bergson.Esai sur les donnees immediate de la conscience(1889)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France editions,1967:73.
    ② Bergson.Matiere et Memoire(1896)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France editions,1968:243.
    ③ Ibid., p.275.
    ④ Bergson.Essai sur les donnees immediate de la conscience(1889)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France editions,1967:73.
    ⑤ Bergson. Matiere et Memoire(1896)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France,1968:220.
    ⑥ Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times[M].. London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:19-20.
    ⑦ Ibid.,p.20.
    ① Bergson.Matiere et Memoire(1896)[M] Paris.Presses Universitairesde France,.1968:253.
    ② Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times[M]. London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:20.
    ③ Bergson. Matiere el Memoire(1896)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France,1968:250.
    ①Bergson.L'Evolution Creatrice(1907)[M].Paris:Presses Universitairesde France,1969:20.15.
    ⑤ Bergson.L'Evolution Creatrice(1907)[M].Paris:Presses Universitairesde France,1969:10-12.
    ⑥ Bergson.Matiere et Memoire(1896)M].Paris:Presses Universitairesde France,1968:232.
    ① Roger Melure.The Philospphy of Time Time before times[M].London and New York:Routledge,Taylor & Francis Group,2005:21.
    ① Bergson.Matiere et Memoire(1896)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France.1968:249.
    ② G.Deleuze.'La conception de la difference chez Bergson',Les Etudes bergsoniesses[M] (4).1956:88,103.
    ③ Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times [M].London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:22.
    ①Russell.History of Western Philosophy[M].London:Allen & Unwin,1961:763.
    ②Russell.The Analisis of Mind[M].London:Allen & Unwin,1961:159-160.
    ① Russell.History of Western Philosophy[M]. London:Allen & Unwin,1961:764.
    ② Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time _Time before times[M].London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:24.
    ③ Bergson.Duree et Simultaneite (1922)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France editions(Paris),1968:41.
    ①Bergson.Matiere et Memoire(1896)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France,1968:269.
    ① R.Gale in R.Gale (ed.) The philosophy of Time[M]. London and New York:Macmillan,1968:398.
    ② Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times[M].London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:26.
    ①J.-P.Sartre.L'Etre et le Neant[M].Paris:Gallimard,1943:156.
    ① Bergson.L'Evolution Creatrice(1907)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France,1969:11.
    ② Bergson. Matiere et Memoire(1896)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France,1968:207.
    ① C.D.Broad.Ethics and the History of Pphilosophy[M].London:Routledge 7 Kegan Paul,1952:90, J.-P.Sartre, L'Etre et le Neant[M].Paris:Gallimard,1943:81.
    ② Bergson.La Pensee el le Mouvant(1934)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France editions,1969:113.
    ③ Ibid.,p.16.
    ① Leszek Kolakowski.Bergson[M]. Indiana:St.Augustine's Press,1985:87.
    ② Deleuze.Logique du Sens[M]. Paris:Les Editions de Minuit,1968:302.
    ③ J.Mullarkey.Bergson and Philosophy[M].,Edinburgh:Edinburgh University press,1999:141.
    ① Deluze.Logigue du Sens [M].,Paris:Les Editions de Minuit,1968:203.
    ① Bergson.La Pensee et le Mouvant(1934)[M]. Paris:Presses Universitairesde France editions,1969:27.
    ② Merleau-Ponty.La Phenomenologie de la Perception[M]. Paris:Gallimaed,1945:429.
    ③ Merleau-Ponty,.L'Union de l'ame et du corps chez Malbranche, Biran et Bergson[M].Paris:Vrin,1968:95.
    ④ J.-P.Sartre. L'Etre et le Neant[M].Paris:Gallimard,1943:181.
    ⑤ Husserl.Cartesianische Meditationenund Parier Vortrage[M].The Hgue:Martinus Nijhoff,1973:39.
    ⑥ Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time_Time before times[M].London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:32.
    ① G.Deleuze. Le Bergsonisme[M].Pairs:Presses Universitaires de France,1966:57.
    ② Ibid.,p.23.
    ③ Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times[M].London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:32.
    ④ Merleau-Ponty. La Phenomenologie de la Perception[M]. Paris:Gallimaed,1945:320.
    ① Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times[M].London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:33.
    ① Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times[M].London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:34.
    ② J.-P.Sartre.L'Etre et le Neant[M].Paris:Gallimard,1943:215.
    ③ Ibid.,p.213.
    ① J.-P.Sartre.L'Etre et le Neant[M].Paris:Gallimard,1943:205-206.
    ② Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times[M]., London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:35.
    ③ J.-P.Sartre. L'Etre et le Neant[M].Paris:Gallimard,1943:212.
    ④ Ibid.,p.212.
    ①J.-P.Sartre.L'Etre et le Neant[M].Paris:Gallimard,1943:214.
    ⑤ Ibid.,p.215.
    ①J.-P.Sartre.La Transcendance de l'Ego[M].Paris:Vrin,1972.63.
    ②Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time _Time before times[M].London and New York:Routledge,Taylor & Francis Group,2005:38.
    ① Leszek Kolakowski. Bergson[M]. Indiana:St.Augustine's Press,1985:103-105.
    ② Levinas.Dialogues with Contemporary Continental Thinkers[M].Richard Kearney (ed), Manchester:Manchester University Press,1984:56.
    ③ Heidegger. Was ist Metaphysik?[M].Frankfurt:Klostermann,1986:31.
    ④ Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:ⅹⅱ.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:125.
    ②Levinas.De l'Existence a l'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:13.
    ④Levinas.Le Temps et I'Autre[M].Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1989:26.
    ①Levinas.Le Temps et I'Autre[M].Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1989:24.
    ⑥Levinas.De l'Existence al'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:93.
    ⑧Levinas.Le Temps et I'Autre[M].Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1989:16.
    ① Levinas.Le Temps et I'Autre[M].Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1989:169.
    ② Ibid., p.168.
    ③ Ibid.,p.32.
    ④ Levinas.De l'Existence a l'Existant[M]., Paris:Fontaine,1947:93.
    ⑤ Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times[M]. London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:75.
    ⑥ Levinas.Le Temps et I'Autre [M].Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1989:32.
    ①Levinas.Le Temps et I'Autre[M].Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1989:46.
    ① Levinas.Le Temps et I'Autre[M].Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1989:32.
    ① Levinas.Le Temps et I'Autre[M].Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1989:43.
    ② Levinas.De l'Existence a l'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:130.
    ③ Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:260.
    ④ Levinas.De l'Existence a l'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:129
    ⑤ Ibid.,p.131.
    ⑥ Ibid.,p.125.
    ⑦ Ibid.,p.26.
    ⑧ Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times[M].London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:76.
    ⑨Levinas.De l'Existence a l'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:132.
    ①Levinas.De l'Existence a l'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:127.
    ② Ibid.,p.125.
    ①Levinas.De l'Existence a l'Existant[M].,Paris:Fontaine,1947:132,126.
    ②Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times[M].London and New York:Routledge,Taylor & Francis Group,2005:77.
    ③Levinas.De l'Existence a l'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:126-128.
    ①Levinas.De l'Existence a l'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:29.
    ① Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time _Time before times[M].London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:78.
    ② Levinas.De l'Existence a l'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:131.
    ③ Ibid.,p.132.
    ① Levinas.De l'Existence al'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:131.
    ⑤Levinas.Theorie de l'Intuition dans la Phenomenologie de Husser[M].Paris:Vrin,1970:80.
    ⑥Levinas.De l'Existence al'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:169.
    ① Levinas.Del'Existence a l'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:150.
    ② Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:260.
    ① Levinas.De l'Existence a l'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:159.
    ② Levinas.Le Temps et I'Autre[M].Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1989:64.
    ③ Ibid.,p.52.
    ④ Ibid.,p.54.
    ①Levinas.Le Temps et I'Autre[M].Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1989:52.
    ① Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times[M]. London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:81.
    ② Levinas.Le Temps et l'Autre[M].Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1989:55.
    ①Levinas.De l'Existence al'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:154.
    ⑤Roger Melure.The Philosophy of the Time Time before times[M].London and New York:Routledge,Taylor & Francis Group,2005:82.
    ⑥ Levinas.De l'Existence a l'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:156.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:249.
    ②Levinas.De l'Existence al'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:156.
    ⑥Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:260.
    ① Levinas.Le Temps et I'Autre[M].Paris:Presses Universitaires de France,1989:72.
    ② Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:60-261.
    ① Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times[M].London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:83.
    ② Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:160.
    ③ Ibid.,p.260.
    ④ Levinas.De l'Existence a l'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:157.
    ① Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time _Time before times[M]. London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:84.
    ①Levinas.De l'Existence a l'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:148.
    ② Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:98.
    ① Levinas, "Verite de devoilement et verite de temoignage",en La La.Testinomianza[M].Padua:Cedam.Archivio di Filosofia,1972:105-106.
    ① Levinas.En Decouvrant l'Existence avec Husserl et Heidegger[M].Paris:Vrin,1914:155.
    ② Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:165.
    ③ Ibid.,p.167.
    ④ Ibid.,p.164.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:165.
    ② Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:165.
    ③ Ibid.,p.166.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:164.
    ① Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time _Time before times[M]. London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:89.
    ② Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:5.
    ③ Levinas.De l'Existence al'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:87.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:147.
    ⑤Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:128.
    ⑥Roger Melure.The Philosophy Time Time before times[M].London and New York:Routledge,Taylor & Francis Group,2005:89.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:103.
    ⑥Levinas.De l'Existence al'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:65.
    ⑦Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:84.
    ① Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:84.
    ② Ibid.,p.85.
    ③ Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time _before time[M]. London and New York:Routl edge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:90-91.
    ④ Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:85.
    ⑤ Levinas.De l'Existence al'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:86-87.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:137.
    ②Levinas.Del 'Existence al'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:56.
    ③Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:120.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:109.
    ⑥ Levinas.De l'Existence al'Existant[M].Paris:Fontaine,1947:65.
    ⑦Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:94.
    ① Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:102.
    ① Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before _times[M]. London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group,2005:93.
    ③ Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague.Martinus Nijhoff,1980:102.
    ④ Ibid.,p.102.
    ⑤ Ibid.,p.120.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:103.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:117,119,124.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:115.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:137.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:ⅹⅳ.
    ② Ibid.,p.125.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:124.
    ① Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:121.
    ② Ibid.,p.97.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:9.
    ① Roger Melure.The Philosophy of Time Time before times[M]. London and New York:Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group.2005:98.
    ② Levinas.De Dieu qui Vient al'Idee[M].Paris:Vrin,1992:104.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:100.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:95.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:98.
    ①Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:5.
    ① Levinas.Totalite et Infini[M].The Hague:Martinus Nijhoff,1980:131.
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