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Instruction can be understood as the efficiency of resources input and products output, which mainly concerning three elements:resources, processing and products. People may consider that quality resources such as excellent teachers directly cause outstanding students academic achievement. Therefore, the effect of processing of instruction has been ignored unintentional. As a result, people desire for occupying quality resources denotatively, but forgetting to gain them connotatively by instruction reform.
     From a long time, China uses Homogeneous Instruction (HMI) as its main classroom instruction method in Basic Education. HMI assumes that students have the same demand from instruction, thus, distributes resources centralizedly to ensure necessary efficiency. Undeniably, HMI made a great contribution under the circumstances of poor national education resources input. But what should be seen is this instruction method can no longer cover the contradiction between the infiniteness needs of students and the limited resources of classroom. The unequilibrium phenomenon, such as ignoring the heterogeneity of students, unfair resources distribution, more competion and less collaboration among students, etc, become worse and worse. It will encourage people seizing more resources rather than upgrading instruction if we continue applying HMI.
     This instruction, named "homogeneous" outside but actually "unequilibrium" inside, has became a huge obstacle of education development and personnel training. Partly fixing cannot solve its structural unequilibrium. Only can constructing a new instruction we guarantee students differentiated equilibrium development. There are many possible choices of new instruction constructing; we here discuss Heterogeneous Instruction (HTI).
     HTI focuses on connotative equilibrium of Basic Education and tries to make a balance between fully applying resources and equilibrium development of students. Its ultimate goal is making every students differentiated equilibrium development. The notion of equilibrium in HTI not means absolute average, but admitting and applying difference. Equilibrium is the value, method and outcome of HTI. Thus, HTI not asks for denotative resources input, but steps on current condition and focuses on instruction restructure.
     It can clearly be seen that HTI and HMI hold quite different view of efficiency. HMI encourage resources competition and ignores students'difference. On the contrary, HTI creates resources connotatively as well as constructs a differential development instruction structure. By doing so, HTI settles the contradiction between the infiniteness of students needs and the limit of classroom resources as could as possible.
     To understand HTI, we need understand HMI profoundly first. HMI means teacher teaches all the class with undistinguished content, method and form. It has three main characters which are uniform teaching, recitation and test first. In the deep, HMI have been supported by essentialism, which assumes the purpose of education is creating standard individual, certainty is the core of knowledge and teaching should follow by Instrumental rationality. Anti-essentialism cuts the root of Essentialism and nourishes HTI. Its main education agendas are education should fulfill multiple demands of students, curriculum should pay more attention on knowledge construction and instruction is the process of interaction and reflection.
     Heterogeneity can simply interpret to "the different characters of things" on the surface. However, it means being, developing and creating in the deep. By supporting of these meanings, the notion of HTI is on the base of heterogeneous elements integrating, students learn autonomously under the guide of teacher to achieve the connotative equilibrium of instruction. Autonomous learning, multiple forms, personal pace and ecological view are four main characters of HTI. HTI learns form Differentiating Instruction, Individualized Instruction and Cooperative Learning. Therefore, They have a lot in common and represent family similarity as well as a constellation of different development of students. HTI holds educational process fairness as its value rationality and proves its own effectiveness form instrument rationality.
     Complexity thinking and Social-technical system are two theory foundations for HTI constructing. Complexity thinking remains that HTI constructing needs structural, integrated and dynamic awareness. And Social-technical system explains the method of constructing HTI in the practical field. All the elements in the classroom are HTI constructing materials, but the subject of student and teacher are most heterogeneous and complex. Thus, analyzing the heterogeneity of cognitive capabilities, intelligence styles and affection of students and managing styles, affection of teacher are necessary. The HTI model includes four parts:elements integrating, task designing, instruction implementing and multiple evaluating. Besides, HTI practice need follow affection first and step-by-step two basic principles.
     HTI applies four strategies to achieve connotative equilibrium. First, use student personal narrative to contribute student personal equilibrium. Second, make understanding between students and teachers to balance student-teacher relationship. Third, foster learning community to avoid over competition and increase cooperation among students. Last but not least, create new resources to make every student gain resources qualitative equal.
     To sum up, HTI built a new structure of instruction to make a balance between fulfilling different demands of student and applying current limited classroom resources. It cannot solve all the defects of HMI, but hopefully, it is starting the step to the ideal instruction.
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