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     (1)基于刚性双咪唑配体bibp的金属-有机骨架配合物(配合物1-12)。配合物1和2是金属离子(Mn~(Ⅱ)和Co~(Ⅱ))、甲酸根、bibp构筑的1D和3D骨架结构,归因于甲酸根与金属离子的不同配位模式(第二章)。配合物3-8是金属离子(Co~(Ⅱ)、Zn~(Ⅱ)和Cd~(Ⅱ))与柔性有机羧酸、bibp构筑的2D (配合物3-5)和3D(配合物6-8)骨架结构。特别是配合物3和4是两个三重2D→3D多聚穿套(polythreading)网格;配合物6是一个全新的三重穿插的单节点4-连接(6~5.8)网格;配合物7是第二例五重穿插的单节点4-连接dmp网格;配合物8是一个新颖的三节点(4,8)-连接(3~2·4~2·5~2)(3~4·4~8·5~8·6~3·7~4·8)(3~4·4~6·5~8·6~8·7~2)网格(第二章)。值得注意的是配合物9-12是Co~(Ⅱ)、1,3,5-三(1-甲酸-4-苯基)苯与bibp在不同体积比的H2O/DMF混合溶剂体系中反应得到的一系列缠绕体系,它们呈现不同的缠绕类型:一个未见报道的同时具有2D→3D多聚索烃(polycatenation)和1D+2D→2D多聚穿套(polythreading)缠绕特征的网格(配合物9)、一个新颖的(3,4)-连接3D自穿插(self-penetrating)网格(配合物10)、一个少见的2D→3D三重多聚穿套(polythreading)网格(配合物11)和一个罕见的基于不同T-形二维结构互锁而构成的2D+2D→3D多聚索烃(polycatenation)网格(配合物12)(第三章)。其中,配合物6-8具有荧光性质。这部分工作表明刚性配体bibp由于自身的长度及其刚性的特点使其在与金属离子配位时易形成大孔洞的骨架结构,有利于自穿插及相互穿插现象的产生;当bibp配体仅一端咪唑环与金属离子配位时,它还是一个构筑多聚穿套结构的很好的分子棒;反应条件的控制特别是溶剂的选择对产物最终的结构有着重要的影响。
     (2)基于刚性三咪唑配体tib的金属-有机骨架配合物(配合物13-18,第四章)。配合物13是ZnCl_2与tib形成的2D双层平面结构呈现双节点(3,6)-连接kgd拓扑特征。配合物14-18是金属离子(Zn~(Ⅱ)和Co~(Ⅱ))与刚性或柔性有机羧酸、tib构筑的3D骨架结构。配合物14是一个由非手性刚性混合配体通过自发结晶(spontaneous resolution)获得的手性配合物,其结构由两个结晶学独立的3D网格相互穿插而构成,每一个3D光学对应体由含有螺旋特征的2D手性层和1D三股螺旋链以Zn离子为节点相连而成,并呈现独特的双节点(3,4)-连接(10~3)_2·(10~6)_3自穿插拓扑网格。配合物15是另一例同时具有自穿插和穿插拓扑特征的3D网格,呈现与配合物14不同的双节点(3,4)-连接(10~3)_2·(10~6)_3拓扑。配合物16和17都是二重穿插的3D网格。前者是两个的光学对应的手性3D网格相互穿插,每个网格呈现双节点(3,4)-连接(10~3)_4(10~6)拓扑特征;后者是两个相同的3D网格相互穿插,每个网格呈现三节点(3,4,5)-连接(4·8~2)_2(4~2·8~4)(4~3·6~2·8~5)_2(4~3·6~2·8)_2拓扑特征。配合物18呈现罕见的双节点(3,4)-连接fsx-3,4C2/c-2拓扑。其中,配合物13-16具有荧光性质。配合物14还具有铁电性质。这部分工作表明刚性三齿配体tib是一个很好的3-连接节点前驱体,当它与金属离子配位时呈现多样化的配位模式可以形成1D、2D和3D结构,同时由于C-Nσ-键的自由旋转使得咪唑环与苯环之间相互扭曲导致螺旋特征的出现,进而形成新颖的拓扑结构,特别是有助于形成缠绕体系。
     (3)基于柔性三咪唑配体titmb的金属-有机骨架配合物(配合物19-24,第五章)。根据广义的次级建筑块(secondary building unit, SBU)的概念,配合物19-24都可以被描述成其它辅助配体连接不同的M-titmb(M=Cd~(Ⅱ)和Co~(Ⅱ))次级建筑块构成的从1D到3D的配合物。柔性titmb多样化的构型导致这些M-titmb结构单元呈现0D分子笼结构、2D多层层状结构、1D梯子型链状结构和2D单层平面结构,从而导致最终配合物结构多样化。特别是配合物23是一个少见的二重穿插的双节点(3,5)-连接的hms拓扑网格。其中,配合物23具有铁电性质,配合物19具有荧光性质。这部分工作表明柔性三齿咪唑配体titmb中C-Cσ-键的自由旋转导致其构型多变从而影响产物的结构特征。引入适当长度的刚性辅助配体可以得到预期的穿插分子聚集体。而且,利用次级建筑块(SBU)概念在分析简化复杂的给定结构及设计构筑高连接的新奇结构方面是很有帮助的。
Metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) are one kind of new and well-designedcoordination functional materials with widely potential applications in diverse areas.Nowadays studies in this field have been focused on three aspects: select suitableorganic ligands to construct the products to obtain the molecular tailor and assemblyby employment of related principle molecular designing and crystal engineering,investigate the structure–property relationships and explore advanced compositematerial with superior properties. Metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) exhibitingentangled architectures are of great interest because of their intriguing aestheticstructures and topological features as well as their promising applications asfunctional materials.
     In this paper, we selected five different imidazole-containing orpyridine-containing ligands as main ligands, namely, rigid ligands:1,4-bis(1-imidazolyl)benzene (bib),4,4’-bis(1-imidazolyl)biphenyl (bibp) and1,3,5-tris(1-imidazolyl)benzene (tib) as well as flexible ligands:1,3,5-tris(imidazol-1-ylmethyl)-2,4,6-trimethylbenzene (titmb) and1,3-bis(4-pyridyl)propane (bpp), and different organic carboxylic acid as co-ligandsto combine with different transitional metal ions (Co~(Ⅱ)、Zn~(Ⅱ)、Mn~(Ⅱ)、Cd~(Ⅱ)) to obtainnovel entangled systems. All compounds are characterized by elemental analysis, IRspectrum and X-ray crystallography. The crystal structures as well as topologicalanalysis of these compounds and the systematic investigation of the effect of structurecharacteristics of ligands on the ultimate frameworks will be represented anddiscussed. Furthermore, the thermogravimetric analyses, the photoluminescenceproperties, the ferroelectric properties and the magnetic properties of the complexesare discussed in detail. The structure–property relationships were also investigated.
     Therefore,28novel complexes reported here can be divided into four partsaccording to their N-donor ligands and their characteristics of structures andproperties.
     (1) A series of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) based on the rigid bibp ligand (compounds1-12). Compounds1and2are constructed by metal formate (M=Mn~(Ⅱ)and Co~(Ⅱ)) and bibp ligands showing1D and3D networks, respectively, due to thedifferent coordination models of formates (chapter2). Compounds3-8areconstructed by different metal ions (Co~(Ⅱ)、Zn~(Ⅱ)and Cd~(Ⅱ)), flexible organic carboxylatesand bibp ligands showing2D (compounds3-5) and3D (compounds6-8) networks,respectively. In particular, compounds3and4are two threefold2D→3Dpolythreading networks; compound6is a threefold interpenetrating network withunprecedented4-connected (6~5.8) topology; compound7features rare4-connecteddmp network with fivefold interpenetration; compound8displays a new trinodal(4,8)-connected (3~2·4~2·5~2)(3~4·4~8·5~8·6~3·7~4·8)(3~4·4~6·5~8·6~8·7~2) topological net (chapter2).Remarkably, compounds9-12are four Co coordination compounds with unusual typeof entanglements which are assembled by the same initial materials by simplychanging the volume ratio of water/DMF medium. Compound9is an unprecedentedentangled structure having both2D→3D polycatenation and1D+2D→2Dpolythreading features; compound10is a new trinodal (3,4)-connectedself-penetrating3D network; compound11is a rare threefold2D→3D polythreadingstructure based on double-layered sheets; compound12displays a2D→3Dpolycatenated framework formed by five-fold interpenetrated trinodal (3,4)-connectedT-shaped bilayers (chapter3). In addition, compounds6-8show photoluminescenceproperties. The results of this work indicate that rigid bibp ligand tends to formframework with large voids when coordinating to metal ions because of its length andrigidity, which favors to generate the penetrated networks; it is also a good molecularrod to construct polythreading network when coordinating to metal ions by only oneN atom; solvent preference plays a significant role on the final structure.
     (2) A series of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) based on the rigid tib ligand(compounds13-18, chapter4). Compound13exhibits a2D double-layered sheet with(3,6)-connected kgd topology. Compounds14-18are all3D frameworks. Compound14is obtained by using achiral rigid ligands via spontaneous resolution; the structureis comprised of two crystallographically independent motifs both showing(3,4)-connected self-penetrating nets with the unique (103)2(106)3topology, each ofwhich contains interlaced triple-stranded right-and left-handed Zn–BDC–Zn helical chains, respectively, and two such nets interpenetrate. Compound15is anotherexample showing both self-penetration and interpenetration features with binodal(3,4)-connected (103)2(10~6)_3topology that is different from compound14.Compounds16and17are both twofold interpenetrating network. Two enantiomericchiral3D (3,4)-connected (10~3)_4(10~6) nets interpenetrate in the former, while twoidentical3D (3,4,5)-connected (4·8~2)_2(4~2·8~4)(4~3·6~2·8~5)_2(4~3·6~2·8)_2nets interpenetrate inthe latter. Compound18is a binodal (3,4)-connected3D network with the rare(4·6·8)(4·6~2·8·10~2) fsx-3,4C2/c-2topology. In addition, compounds13-16showphotoluminescence properties. Compound14also displays ferroelectric behavior. Theresults of this work indicate that rigid tib ligand is a good candidate to be a3-connected nodal and adopts diverse coordination models to afford1D,2D and3Dnetworks when bonding to metal ions. Especially, the twist of imidazole rings andbenzene ring in tib ligand tends to form structures with helical features, which favorsto generate the entangled networks.
     (3) A series of metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) based on the flexible titmbligand (compounds19-24, chapter5). Compounds19-24all can be described in termsof M-titmb SBUs pillared by “rod” according to the concept of secondary buildingunit (SBU), in which M-titmb SBUs exhibit0D molecular cage,2D multi-layeredsheet,1D ladder-like chain and2D sheet due to various coordination models of titmbligand. In particular, compound23features a rare binodal (3,5)-connected (63)(698)hms net with2-fold interpenetration and it displays ferroelectric behavior. In addition,compounds19shows photoluminescence property. The results of this work indicatethat the flexibile titmb ligand possesses various conformations which has significanteffect on the final products and the designed compounds would be obtained byintroduction suitable rigid co-ligands. In addition, the concept of SBU is helpful tounderstand the given crystal structure and to design high-connected networks.
     (4) A series of entangled metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) based on the rigid bibor flexible bpp ligands (compounds25-28, chapter6). Compounds25and26wereobtained by the hydrothermal reaction in one pot. Compound25is a2D→3Dpolycatenation network and compound26is a fivefold2D→3D polythreadingnetwork. Compound27is a1D→2D polyrotaxane network with each Co2(L2)2ring threaded by two Co(bib) rods. Compound28is a twofold interpenetrating binodal(4,6)-connected fsh network based on bpp ligand. The results of this work indicatethat the rigid bib ligand is a good candidate for the organization of beautiful MOFsdue to its appropriate length and rigidity. Moreover, flexible bpp ligand is also a goodcandidate for the organization of entangled MOFs.
     In addition, magnetic studies reveal that compound29demonstrates dominantferromagnetic behavior and compound30displays spin-canting behavior. Bothcompounds29and30exhibit ferroelectric features.
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