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Supply of public goods is not a mere technical and financial problem, and it is closely related to the political construction. Overseas studies found that the democratic governance can increase the Government's response to the voters, and then would have some impact on the number of local public goods supply. But for China's rural grass-roots democracy, whether a similar conclusion will be acquired needs further verification. China still has large numbers of people living in rural areas, rural infrastructure and social development are still at a low level. Theory and experience show that public investment in rural areas has a very important role in promoting rural development and poverty reduction. Therefore, further exploring the factors affecting the supply of public goods are extremely practically significant.
     The research objectives of this article located in clarifying the impact of village governance on the supply of public goods in rural areas at this stage and improving the rural public Suggestions of products supply on this basis historical background of the continual improvement of China's rural democratization of governance with the main features of villagers' autonomy.
     Around the goal of this study, by using field survey data of the four counties in Jiangsu Province, this study additional analyses the impact of our current democratization of governance of the village on the village public goods supply based on the analysis of rural villagers' autonomy, the situation of supply of public goods, the public goods theory and the public choice theory.
     Research I:village democratization of governance on the number of public goods
     Domestic research on the relationship between the democratization of governance and the number of public goods supply is rare. Existing researches also have some shortcomings, for example the indicator of the total public investment projects in villages (or total) in the study can't represent the governance role of villagers' autonomy, because a large proportion of the construction project is carried out with the mandatory requirements of higher levels of government. That is the main body in rural public goods supply and that of the democratization of governance is not consistent.
     After making amendments to the existing research, the analysis found that the specification of the voting procedures of the current election in rural areas does not exhibit a significant effect on the number of public goods supply, which is different with the conclusions of previous researches. This study found that the normative of the election and the number of public goods supply will show a significant positive relationship only under the premise of continuous improvement in the village collective economic level. That the progress of rural democracy is conditional, the improvement of the electoral system itself cannot bring about good governance. The essence of village elections promoting the supply of public goods is that the elections have strengthened the effects of area competition. For the supply of public goods in rural areas, the competition of election is not more intense is the better. The degree of electoral competition and the quantity of the supply of public goods exhibit an inverted U-shaped relationship.
     The study also found that, democratic supervision, democratic management, personal characteristics of the village cadres and village political relations network had no meaningful effect on the number of public goods supply. However, villages political relations network only include the number of social resources, without including the level of quality. The study also found that the correlation between the number of re-election of village cadres and the supply of public goods does not exist.
     Research Ⅱ:village democratization of governance on the efficiency of the supply of public goods
     The increase in the number of public goods cannot be entirely representative of the effect of the democratization of governance. Officials in control over resources are possible that by expanding the opportunities for public spending in order to achieve the purpose of private corruption, and this would affect the actual effect of the investment projects, which have has been confirmed by existing studies at home and abroad.
     In this study, the efficiency of the supply of public goods will be calculated by the benefit cost method. The consumers'willingness to pay based on consumer surplus on behalf of the benefit of proceeds of public goods and the actual amount of investment of the project on behalf of the cost of public goods. The factors influencing the efficiency of the public goods supply in rustic will be analyzed by using the multiple regression method.
     The study found that the influence of normative of the rural vote in the electoral process on the efficiency of the supply of public goods is not noteworthy and electoral competition and public goods supply efficiency exhibit an obvious inverted U-shaped relationship, that is, moderate competition which helps to ensure higher efficiency of the public investment. This result is closely related to the short time of the implementation of the democratic system and the imperfection of the other backup system.
     Autonomous decision-making has a positive impact on the efficiency of the supply of public goods. The analysis found that the specification of projects construction side by the higher levels of government have a negative influence on the efficiency of the supply of public goods. The participation of villagers in the project decision-making process (representatives) will improve the efficiency of public goods supply. The study also found there is no discernible impact of differences in the project funding sources on the efficiency of the supply of public goods.
     Research III:optimization of the grassroots democratic system on the perspective of public goods supply
     The aforementioned studies have shown that many democratization of governance measures have a positive impact on the supply of public goods in rural areas. However, In practice, grass-roots democratic system still has some shortcomings and may have a negative impact on the supply of public goods in rural areas.
     This study pointed out that the lack protection of the rights of individual farmers and incentives for village cadres and other issues by the current egalitarian system in rural areas through case studies and also pointed out that the development of civil society organizations in the village will generates a balance of interests and promote the financing of the village based on the historical background of village governance body tends to be unitary.
     Based on these results, this paper presents the relevant policy recommendations. Then, the future directions of extra study combined with shortcomings in the research are proposed.
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