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Canada is a typical multi-national and multi-ethnic country in the world. The aboriginal peoples and French Canadians are its national minorities, and Non-English and Non-French Canadians are its ethnic minorities. It has been an important problem hard to solve for Canada to build the nationalðnic minorities'citizen rights and improve their common state identity in the citizenship construction. Prior to the end of Second World War, the Anglo racialism dominated the Citizenship building in Canada. The aboriginals were deprived of citizen rights as wards of Canadian Government. The French Canadians were distrusted by the British Empire, and their citizen rights were in weak position compared with English Canadians. The ethnic minorities'citizen rights were separated into classes and ranks according to how close their colors and cultures were to English Canadians, and basically the colored minorities of were kept out of citizen rights. The essential purpose of Anglo racism was to assimilate the nationalðnic minorities by force and strengthen their loyalty to the British Empire. However, this kind of citizenship model led to the racial conflicts and made state identity divided. The end of Second World War was a turning point in the Canadian citizenship history. In1946, the Federation Parliament passed the first Canadian Citizenship Act, and the Canadians were officially called "the Canadian citizens" for the first time. Since then, Canada abolished the racism in law, and has been building a just citizenship for nationalðnic minorities. This dissertation focuses on the transition of nationalðnic minorities'citizenship, especially on the relations between changes of their citizen rights and their Canada identity.
     From the1946to1971when the multicultural policy became a Federation policy, the liberalism was the guiding philosophy in Canadian citizenship building in consideration of the evil of racialism. In this period, ethnic&national background was universally regarded as a private affair in Canada, and the individual citizens rather than nationalðnic groups were seen as the basic units of citizenship. The Canadian Government tried to improve national and ethnic minorities'identity of Canada by granting them same citizen rights based on the individualism, regardless of their ethnic&national background. Undoubtedly, the liberalism citizenship model played an active role in protecting equal status of individual citizens with ethnic&national minority origins. Nevertheless, the liberalism citizenship still could not deconstruct or replace their nationalðnic minorities' group identities with common Canada identity. The aboriginals were unwilling to give up their nation status in spite of being granted equal individual citizen rights. The French Canadians in Quebec province began claiming groups'privileges as sovereign nations beyond the individually equal citizen rights after the Quiet Revolution, and ethnic minorities also began asking for group cultural rights.
     From1971to the early1990s, the Canadian government introduced the multiculturalism principles to the citizenship building which recognizes the "citizens' Plus" status of ethnic&national minorities in view of the liberalism limitations valuing individual citizens rather than nationalðnic groups. And the aboriginals were given universal self-governance power. Quebec province's quasi-state status was partly accepted more than before, and ethnic minorities group culture rights were protected by the Federation. As a result, the multiculturalism citizenship made Canadian society more open and inclusive, improved the nationalðnic minorities'social status, and the tense relations among cultural groups were further softened. But on the other side, the multiculturalism citizenship also encouraged the nationalðnic minorities' self-group identities rather than the common Canada identity. Some conflicts happened to the relations of aboriginal self-governance with Canada sovereignty. Two referendums for independence were held across Quebec province. The ethnic minorities' identity as Canadian citizens became more divided, and what&who are Canadians were more bewildering than before.
     Because of the negative influences of multiculturalism citizenship, the Canadian government adjusted the multicultural citizenship with republicanism from the early1990s to the early2000s. Under this model, the aboriginal self-governance was newly restricted. The Quebec separatism was constrained in multiple ways, and the ethnic minority immigrants were more required to integrate into Canada. The republicanism has achieved certain effects. But fundamentally, the republicanism either could not uproot the political, economic and cultural roots of relatively thin identity of Canada. The nationalðnic minorities'thin identity of Canada has not been solved successfully. Some aboriginals continued to refuse the Federation's sovereignty. The French nationalism parties in Quebec province still did not give up their independence dream. The ethnic minorities'feelings to Canada, and their identity of Canadian values and their understanding on Canada remain to strengthen.
     To conclude, the ultimate purpose for the building and adjusting of nationalðnic minorities'citizenship since the end of WW II is to forge a strong common identity of Canada shared by all the Canadian citizens. Due to the complexity of Canadian nationalðnic structure, the particularity of Canadian history and the limitations of three citizenship models mentioned above, there is a paradox in effect when the three citizenship models were applied to Canada. The enlargement of citizen rights of nationalðnic minorities were a unity of contradictions, not necessarily proportional to their identities of Canada, and in some instances even they ran in opposite directions. At the same time, the nationalðnic minorities' identities of Canada were thin and diverse, but Canada was still a harmonious, orderly and stable society. Up to now, the nationalðnic minorities'self-groups' identities and their identities of Canada are in the dynamic balance, and Canada's experience of citizenship models since the end of WWII affords lessons that merit attention to other multi-national&multi-ethnic countries.
1 Philip Buckner,ed.,"Introduction", Canada and the End of Empire, Vancouver:University of British Columbia Press,2000,p.5.
    1 严庆:《冲突与整合:民族政治关系模式研究》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2011年版,第2-6页。
    1 James S. Frideres, Native People in Canada:Contemporary Conflicts, Scarborough:Prentice-Hall Canada Inc., 1983;E. Patterson Pallmer, The Canadian Indians:A History Since 1500,Don Mills:Collier-MacMillan Canada Ltd; 1972;J.R.Miller, Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens:A History of Indian-White Relations in Canada, Toronto: University of Toronto Press,1989.
    2 迪克 加尔诺:《印第安人-加拿大第一民族的历史、现状与自治之路》,李鹏飞、杜发春译,北京:民族出版社,2008年版。
    1 Everett C Hughes, French Canada in Transition, Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1943.
    Elizabeth Howard Armstrong, the Crisis of Quebec of 1914-1918, New York:Columbia University Press, f937
    Lubomyr Luciuk, Without Just Cause:Canada's First National Internment Operations and the Ukrainian Canadians,1914-1920,Kingston:Kashtan Press,2006;Thomas Prymak, Maple leaf and Trident:The Ukrainian Canadians during the Second World War, Ottawa:Multicultural Hist Society Of Ontario,1988;Gottlieb Leibbrandt,, Little Paradise:the Saga of the German Canadians of Waterloo County, Ontario,1800-1975, Kitchener, Ont.:Allprint Co,1980;John Herd Thompson, Ethnic Minorities during Two World Wars,Ottawa:Canadian Historical Association,1991.
    6 David Chuenyan Lai, Chinatown:Towns Within Cities in Canada, Vancouver:University of British Columbia Press.1988.
    7 Robin W. Winks, The Blacks in Canada:A History, Montreal:McGill-Queen's University Press,1971.
    1 John Porter,The Vertical Mosaic:An Analysis of Social Class and Power in Canada,Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1965.
    2 Peter Desbarats, The State of Quebec.A Journalist's View of Quiet Revolution, Toronto and Montreal McClelland and Stewart Limited,1965.
    3 Ramsay Cook, "Canadian Centennial Celebrations", in Canadian Historical Review,Vol.49,1968.pp.275-277.
    4 James Maurice and Stockford Careless,"Limited Identities in Canada," Canadian Historical Review,Vol.50, No.1,March 1969,pp.1-10.
    1 John W. Friesen, When Cultures Clash, Case Studies in Multiculturalism, Calgary:Detselig Enterprises Limited, 1985,p.1.
    2 Will Kymlica, Liberalism, Community, and Culture, Oxford:Calrendom Press,1989; Will Kymilica,ed, Multicultural Citizenship:A Liberal Theory of Minorities,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1996; Will Kymilica, Politics in the Vernacular:Nationalism, Multiculturalism, and Citizenship,Oxford:Oxford University Press,2001;Will Kymlica,Finding Our Way, Rethinking Ethnocultural Relations in Canada, New York:Oxford University,1998.
    3 Irene Bloemraad, Becoming a Citizen:Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada, Berkeley:University of California Press,2006.
    4 Phyllis Cardinal, "Aboriginal Perspective on Education:A Vision of Culture Context within the Framework of Social Studies," Literature Research Review,1999,p.25.
    5 Ramcharan Subhas, Racism:Non-Whites in Canada, Toronto:Butterworths,1982, p.110.
    1 Seymour Martin Lipset, Continental Divide:The Values and Institutions of the United States and Canada, New York:Routledge 1991,p.42.
    2 Neil Bissoondath, Selling Illusions:The Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada, Toronto:Penguin Group,1994,
    3 Jack Granatstein, Who Killed Canadian History, Toronto:Phyllis Bruce Books Perennial,1998;Richard Gwyn, Nationalism Without Walls:The Unbearable Lightness ofBeinz Canadian, Toronto:McClelland & Stewart,1995.
    4 William Kaplan, Belonging:The Meaning and. Future of Canadian Citizenship, Montreal & Kingston: McGill-Queen's University Press,1993.
    5 Alan Sears, "Social Studies as Citizenship Education in English Canada:A Review of Research", Theory and Research in Social Education, winter 1994,VolXXII,No,l.p.7.
    6 Richard Sigurdsson, "First People, New Peoples and Citizenship", Canada International Journal of Canadian Stuies,14(Fall),1996,pp.13-14,p.54.
    7 Robert C. Vipond, "Citizenship and the Charters of Rights:The Two Sides of Pierre Trudeau", Citizenship and Rights Special Issue, International Journal of Canadian Studies, Fall 1996.
    8 Joseph H. Carens, Culture, Citizenship, and Community:A Contextual and Exploration of Justice as Evenhandedness, New York:Oxford University Press,2000,pp.52-87
    9 Francois Houle, "Canadian Citizenship and Multiculturalism", in Pierre Boyer and Linda Cardinal, From Subjects to Citizens:A Hundred Years of Citizenship in Australia and Canada[C], Ontario:University of Ottawa,2004,p.217.
    1 David V. J. Bell ed., The Roots Disunity:A Study of Canadian Political Culture (Revised version), New York: Oxford University Press,1992, pp.31-34, pp.93-118; Allan Korberg et al. eds., Political Support in Canada:the Crisis Years, Durham:Duke University Press,1983; Reed Scowen, Time to Say Goodbye:The Case for Getting Quebec Out of Canada, Toronto:McClellan & Stewart,1999.
    2 Vic Satzewich,Race and Ethnicity in Canada:A Critical Introduction, Toronto:Oxford University Press,2010,p.166; Christian Dufour,A Canadian Challenge le deft quebecois, Institute for Research on Public Policy,1990;Neil Bissoondath, Selling Illusions:The Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada, Toronto:Penguin Group, 1994,p.40;p.60.
    3 Alan Cairns, Citizens Plus:Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State, Vancouver:UBC Press,2000.
    4 Leroy Little Bear, Menno Boldt and J. Anthony Long, Pathways to Self-Determination:Canadian Indians and the Canadian State, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1984.
    5 Menno Boldt and J. Anthony Long, eds.,The Quest for Justice:Aboriginal Peoples and Aboriginal Rights, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1985.
    6 Eric Robinson and Henry Bird Quinney,The Infested Blanket:Canada's Constitution-Genocide of Indian Nations, Winnipeg:Queen House,1985.
    1 J. Anthony Long and Menno Boldt,Governments in Conflict:Provinces and Indian Nations in Canada,Toronto: University of Toronto Press,1988.
    2 Boyce Richardson,Drumbeat:Anger and Renewal in Indian Country,Toronto:The Assembly of First Nations and Summerhill Press,1989.
    3 Frank Cassidy, Aboriginal Self-Determination, Lantzville, BC:Oolichan Press,1991.
    1 在专著方面,中国学者对加拿大多元文化主义的研究多停留在引介层次,仅散见于其他主题专著的个别章节中,代表性的有:王呙:《文化马赛克--加拿大移民史》,北京:民族出版社,2003年版;戴晓东:《加拿大:全球背景下的文化安全》,上海:上海人民出版社,2007年版;李剑鸣和杨令侠主编:(20世纪加拿大和美国社会发展比较研究》,北京:人民出版社,2005年版:姜芃编:《加拿大文明》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2001年版。
    2 阮西湖:“加拿大多元文化主义政策的制定和发展”,《社会科学阵线》1989年第1期;张崇根:“加拿大多元文化政策考察散记”,《瞭望周刊》,1989年第2期;刘先照、阮西湖等:“加拿大的多元文化主义政策”,《民族研究》1990年第l期;王丽芝:“加拿大移民史初探”,《加拿大与加拿大人》,中国社会科学出版社,1990年,第69页:赵慧珍:“加拿大多元文化主义简论”,《兰州大学学报(社科版)》1992年第4期:“浅谈加拿大多元文化政策”,《内蒙古师大学报(哲社版)》,1993年第4期;田耀:“浅谈加拿大的多元文化现象”,《天津外国语学院学报》,1997年第2期;高鉴国:“加拿大多元文化政策评析”,《世界民族》,1999年第4期:丁广举:“加拿大的多元文化主义与教育”,《当代世界与社会主义》,1996年第2期:罗东山:“加拿大的多元文化教育”,《民族工作》1997年第8期;何昌邑:“略论加拿大的多元文化及其高校的双语教育”,《云南高教研究》,1997年第1期;刘少林:“加拿大多元文化主义教育本质论”,《西安交大学报(社科版)》,1999年第3期。
    3 2010年山东大学陈小娇的“加拿大多元文化主义政策的评析”;2009年,成都理工大学李静的“加拿大多元文化政策及其启示”;2003年,四川大学杨燕的“多元文化政策—加拿大政府处理文化多元化的举措”;
    4 2008年,中南民族大学董玲的“多元文化主义对加拿大城市社区规划的影响”;2007年,吉林大学朱虹的“美加文化差异及加拿大多元文化研究”。
    5 王艳辉:“浅议加拿大的新种族主义(1970-2000”,2006年山东大学硕士论文。
    6 王丽芝:“神话与现实-加拿大多元文化主义政策再思考”,《世界民族》1995年第1期;关凯:“多元文化主义与民族区域自治制度-民族政策国际经验分析”,《西北民族研究》,2004年第2期。
    7 常士訚:“超越多元文化主义——对加拿大多元文化主义政治思想的反思”,《世界民族》,2008年第4期;
    1 陆育红、郑蕊:“多元文化主义的背后——浅谈20世纪末加拿大的种族问题”,《中南民族大学学报》人文社科版,2005年第6期,第70-72页。
    2 姜芃:“关于加拿大民族认同的一场争论”,见迪克·加尔诺著:《印第安人:加拿大第一民族的历史、现状和自治之路》,李鹏飞、杜发春编译,北京:民族出版社,2008年版。
    3 蓝仁哲;《加拿大文化论》,重庆:重庆出版集团,2008。
    4 杨令侠:“加拿大国民性刍议”,《历史教学》,2007年第10期。
    5 王建波、曹新群:“国家认同构建中的加拿大教训(1968-1984)--以魁北克问题为视角”,《河南社会科学》,2012年1月,第82页。
    6 严峻:“浅析加拿大多民族联邦制度对魁北克问题的影响”,《科教文汇》2012年第1期。
    7 2011年中央民族大学曹缅的博士论文“加拿大多元文化法研究”;2011年吉林大学张寅的博士论文“多元文化背景下的民族国家建构研究”;2012年重庆师范大学马玉庭的硕士论文“从加拿大<米奇湖协议>的争议看多元文化主义政策的新定位”;2007年,四川大学刘丽的硕士论文“反思加拿大多元文化政策”。
    8 范微微:“多元文化社会中的国家认同:20世纪70年代以来加拿大公民教育研究”,2011年东北师大博士论文。
    1 乐先莲:“多元文化境遇中的公民资格观与公民教育观——加拿大公民教育实践探析”,《比较教育研究》,2009年第9期。
    1 巴特·范·斯廷博根主编:《公民身份的条件》,郭台辉译,长春:吉林出版集团有限责任公司,2007年版,第28页。
    2 Will Kymlicka, "Citizenship and Identity in Canada", in Alain-G. Gagnon and James Bickerton, eds. Canadian Politics(Third Edition), Peterborough:Broadview Press,1999, p.20.
    3 中国大百科全书总编辑委员会:《中国大百科全书-政治卷》,北京:中国大百科全书出版社,1992年版,第255页。
    1 亚里士多德:《政治学》,秦典华译,北京:中国人民大学出版社,2003年版,第73页。
    2 恩勒·伊辛、布雷恩·特纳:《公民权研究手册》,王小章译,杭州:浙江人民出版社,2007年版,第8页。
    3 Merriam Webster, Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, New York:Portland House,1989,p.270.
    4 郭台辉:"Citizenship的内涵检视及其在汉语界的表述语境”,《学海》,2009年第3期。
    1 Merriam Webster, Webster's Encyclopedic Unabridged Dictionary of the English Language, New York: Portland House,1989,p.270.
    2 Peter Riesenberg, Citizenship in the Western Tradition, The University of North Carolina Press,1992,p.237.
    3 Thomas Janoski, Citizenship and Civil Society, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1998, p.9.
    4 France Gagnon, Michel Page, Conceptual Framework and Analysis:Volume 1 of Conceptual Framework for An analysis of Citizenship in the Liberal Democracies, Ottawa:Canadian Heritage, May 1999, http://canada.metropolis.net/research-policy/cern-pub/index.html,2011-02-04.
    5 车文博:《弗洛伊德主义原理选辑》,沈阳:辽宁人民出版社,1988年版,第375页。
    1 贺金瑞、燕继荣:“论从民族认同到国家认同”,《中央民族大学学报》,2008年底5期。
    2 周宪:《中国文学与文化的认同》,北京:北京大学出版社,2008年版,第3-4页。
    3 江宜桦:《自由主义、民族主义与民族认同》,台北:扬智文化事业股份有限公司,1998年版,第8-11页。
    4 塞谬尔·亨廷顿:《我们是谁:美国国家特性面临的挑战》,程克雄译,北京:新华出版社,2006年版,第20页。
    5 John Hutchison and Anthony D. Smith, Ethnicity, New York:Oxford University Press,1996, p.4.
    1 Privy Council Office 1991."Shaping Canada's Future Together:Proposals", in Boyer Pierre, Linda Cardinal and David Headon, From Subjects to Citizen:A Hundred Years of Citizenship in Australia and Canada, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press,2004. p.268.
    2 菲利克斯·罗格斯著:《公民与国家》,王建娥译,北京:新华出版社,2003年版,第180页。
    3 严庆:《冲突与整合:民族政治关系模式研究》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2011年版,第73页。
    1 安东尼·史密斯:《全球化时代的民族与民族主义》,龚维斌、良警宇译,北京:中央编译出版社,1992年版,第118页。
    2 Statistics Canada, "Ethnic Origin and Visible Minorities", http://www12.statcan.gc.ca/census-recensement/2006/rt-td/eth-eng.cfm.2011-12-12.
    3 Will Kymlicka, "Citizenship and Identity in Canada", Alain-G. Gagnon and James Bickerton,eds., Canadian Politics(Third Edition), Peterborough:Broadview Press,1999, p.20.
    1 First Nations为1970年代后加拿大印第安人的自称,他们以此表明他们是北美大陆最早的主人。
    2 Statistics Canada, Canada Handbook, Ottawa:Supply and Services Canada,1979,p.47
    1 James Frideres & Ren6 R. Gadacz, Aboriginal Peoples in Canada:Contemporary Conflicts, New York: Rutledge,2001,pp.24-26.
    2 Augie Fleras and Jean Leonard, Unequal Relations:An Introduction to Race and Ethnic Dynamics in Canada, Toronto:Prentice Hall,2002,p.174.
    3 Valerie Alia, Names, Numbers, and Northern Policy, Halifax:Fernwood Publishing,1994,pp.32-34.
    1 刘军:《加拿大》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2010年版,第76页。
    1 Gurcbarn S. Basran, "Canadian Immigration Policy and Theories of Racism", in Peter S. Li and B.Singh Boaria, eds, Racial Minorities in Multicultural Canada, Toronto:Garamond Press,1983.p.3.
    1 姜芃:《加拿大文明》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,第13-14页:谢国斌:“从混血儿到原住民:加拿大人之梅蒂人认同历程”《台湾国际研究季刊》,2010年,第6卷第1期,第21页。
    2 Statistic Canada, "1996 Census:Ethnic Origin, Visible Minorities", the Daily,17 Feb,1998, p.8, http://www.statcan.ca/daily/english/980217/d980217.htm,2011-01-04.
    3 Bart Van Steenburgen, The Condition of Citizenship, London, Thou- sand Oaks, New Delhi:SAGE,1994, p.l
    1 德里克·希特:《何谓公民身份》,郭忠华译,长春:吉林出版集团有限责任公司,2007年版,第43页。
    2 德里克·希特:《何谓公民身份》,第47页。
    3 卢梭:《社会契约论》,何兆武译,北京:商务印书馆,1980年版.第23页。
    4 德里克·希特:《何谓公民身份》,第52页。
    5 Thomas Janoski, Citizenship and Civil Society, Cambridge:Cambridge University Press,1998, pp.54-61.
    1 德里克·希特:《何谓公民身份》,第13页。
    2 Will Kymlica, Liberalism, Community and Culture, Oxford:ClarendonUniversity Press,1989,p.140.
    3 汤姆斯·马歇尔:《公民身份与社会阶级》,郭忠华、刘训练编译,南京:江苏人民出版社,2007年版,第12-15页。
    1 布莱恩·特纳:《公民身份与社会理论》,郭忠华、蒋红军译,长春:吉林出版集团有限公司,2007年版,第8-9页(代译序部分)。
    2 Nathan Glazer, We Are All Multiculturalists Now, Cambridge, MA:Harvard University Press, 1997,p.8.
    3 人类所创造的物质和精神财富皆可归入文化范畴,其主要存在形式如下。第一,观念形式,包括社会价值观、思想信仰及思维方式等;第二,制度形式,包括各类社会规范、政治法律、婚姻家族制度及习惯法等;第三,行为形式,如民凤民俗;第四,物化形式,包括反映以上文化形式的人文社会科学、艺术以及人类文明遗迹等:第五,知识形式,包括受教育水平、认识能力及个人修养等。
    4 C·W·沃特森:《多元文化主义》,叶兴艺译,长春:吉林人民出版社2005年,导言,第1页。
    1 John W. Friesen, When Cultures Clash, Case Studies in Multiculturalism, Calgary:Detselig Enterprises Limited, 1985,p.1.
    2 R A Nash, "The Discourse of Canadian Multiculturalism"(D),Waterloo:University of Waterloo,2003 Dissertation Abstract International p.78.
    3 "Multiculturalism",http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/articles/multiculturalism,2011-03-04.
    4 Michael Dewing, Library of Parliament, Canada., "Canadian Multiculturalism ", http://www.parl.gc.ca/Content/LOP/ResearchPublications/prb0920-e.htm,2012-09-08
    5 Charles Taylor, Multiculturalism and the Politics of Recognition, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1992.
    6 Iris Marin Young, Justice and Politics of Difference, Princeton:Princeton University Press,1990; Inclusion and Democracy, Oxford:Oxford University,2000.
    1 Will Kymlicka, Multicultural Citizenship, Oxford:Oxford University Press,1995, p.51.
    2 威尔.金里卡:“多元文化主义的兴衰?多元社会中有包容与容纳的新辩论”,高景柱译,李丽红编:《多元文化主义》,杭州:浙江大学出版社,2011年版,第317-318页。
    1 威尔.金里卡:《多元文化的公民身份-一种自由主义的少数权利理论》,马莉、张昌耀译,北京:中央民族大学出版社,2009年版。
    1 An Act to Make Better Provision for the Qualification and Registration of Voters, S.B.C.1875, c.2, see "Aboriginal People:History of Discriminatory Laws", http://publications.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/BP/bp 175-e.htm,2011-11-01.
    1 The B.C. Municipal Elections Act f(S.B.C.1896 c.38),see Ibid.
    2 "A History of Racism in Canada's Immigration Policy", http://www.peoplescommission.org/files/poped/05.%20A%20History%20of%20Racism.doc.pdf,2012-12-01
    3 W. Stewart Wallace, ed., the Encyclopedia of Canada, Vol. Ⅱ, Toronto:University Associates in Canada, 1948.pp.325-327.
    4 Robert Adamoski, Dorothy Chunn and Robert Menzies,eds;Contesting Canadian Citizenship:Historical Readings, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,2002, p.81.
    5 James Dempsey, "Aboriginal Soldiers in the First World War" http://www.lac-bac.gc.ca/patrimoine-autochtone/020016-4005-e.html,2012-12-01
    6 J.L. Granatstein and J.M. Hitsman, Broken Promises:A History of Conscription in Canada, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1977, p.71.
    7 Patricia Roome, "Women's Suffrage Movement in Canada", p.14,http://www.dl1.org/palmer/social studies/teachers/schulzki/IB/Progressive%20Seminar%202009/Women%2 0and%20reform/Womens%20Suffrage%20in%20Canada.pdf,,2011-03-25.
    8 Manon Tremblay,Quebec Women and Legislative Representation, Vancouver:University Press of British Colombia,2010.p.18.
    9 Dominion Elections Act, S.C.1920, c.46, s.38. http://www.parl.gc.ca/MarleauMontpetit/DocumentViewer.aspx?Language=E&Print=1&Sec=Ch04&Seq=17,2012-08-09.
    1 Act for the Gradual Enfranchisement of Indians,S.C.1869, s.10; S.C.1869, c.6, s.12, http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/DAM/DAM-INTER-HQ/STAGING/texte-text/a69c6_1100100010205_eng.pdf
    2 John L. Tobias, "Protection, Civilization, Assimilation:An Outline of Canada's Indian Policy," The Western Canadian Journal of Anthropology, Vol.Ⅵ, No.2,1976, p.13, p.19.
    3 The Indian Advancement Act, S.C.1884, c.28,http://caid.ca/lndAdvAct1884.pdf,2012-09-23.
    4 An Act to Further Amend the Indian Act, S.C.1895, c.35, s.3, see "Aboriginal People:History of Discriminatory Laws", http://publications.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/BP/bpl75-e.htm,2012-11-01
    5 "A History of Racism in Canada's Immigration Policy", http://www.peoplescommission.org/files/poped/05.%20A%20History%20of%20Racism.doc.pdf,2012-08-09.
    6 Diamond Jenness, Eskimo Administration, Canada, Montreal:Arctic Institute of North America,1964,p.2.
    7 陈自成等(编):《加拿大原住民政策概况及法律辑要》,台北:“内政部”,1990,第28页。判决原文见:http://caid.ca/EskDec 1939.pdf,2011-04-03.
    2 House of Commons,Debates,1870, p.1355. http://www.uottawa.ca/constitu tional-law/metis.html#N_30_,2012-03-01.
    3 James S. Friders, Native People in Canada:Contemporary Conflicts, Scarborough:Prentice-Hall Canada Inc., 1983,p.12,p.268.
    4 J.R. Miller, Skyscrapers Hide the Sky:A History of Indian-White Relations in Canada, Toronto: University of Toronto Press,2000,p.297
    5 Ibid.
    6 付成双、丁见民:《世界现代化历程:北美卷》,南京:凤凰出版传媒集团,2012年版,第65页。
    7 An Act for the Gradual Civilization of the Indian Tribes in This Province, and to Amend the Laws Respecting Indians, S.C.1857, c.26, http://publications.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/BP/bp175-e.htm#(6),2012-12-01.
    8 An Act for the Gradual Enfranchisement of Indians, the Better Management of Indian Affairs, and to Extend the Provisions of the Act,31St Victoria, Chapter 42, S.C.1869, c.6, s. 13,http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/DAM/DAM-INTER-HQ/STAGING/texte-text/a69c61100100010205_eng.pdf, 2012-12-28.
    9 The Electoral Franchise Act, S.C.1885, c.40, ss.2,11, http://www.archive.org/stream/canadianfranchis00hodguoft/canadianfranchis00hodguoft_djvu.txt,2012-08-09.
    1 Government of Canada, House of Commons Debates,2, May,1885,p.1389, in Robert Craig Brown, "Full Partnership in the Fortunes and in the Future of the Nation", see Jean Laponce and Wiliam Safran, Ethnicity and Citizenship, the Canadian Case, London:Frank Cass,1996,p.18.
    2 Government of Canada, House of Commons Debates,2, May 1885,p.1562,see Veronic Strong-Boag, "the Citizenship Debates-the 1885 Frachise Act", in Robert Menzies,eds,Contesting Canadian Citizenship:Historical Readings, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,2002,p.85.
    3 Malcolm Montgomery, "The Six Nations Indians and the Macdonald Franchise," Ontario History, Vol.57, No.1, March 1965, p.175.
    4 Government of Canada, House of Commons Debates,11 May 1885,p.1777,see Robert Menzies,eds,Contesting Canadian Citizenship:Historical Readings,2002,p.82.
    5 Government of Canada, House of Commons Debates,19,May 1885,p.1484, see Ibid.,p.84.
    6 Augie Fleras and Jean Edward Elliott, the Nations Within,Toronto:Oxford University Press,1992,p.39.
    1 John Leslie and Ron Macguire, eds, the Historical Development of the Indian Act,2nd ed, Ottawa:Treaties amd Historical Centre, Research Branch, Corporate Policy, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs,1979,p.114.
    2 Alan C. Cairns, "Aboriginal Canadians, Citizenship and the Constitution", in Alan Cairns.Douglas E. Williams,ed, Reconfigurations:Canadian Citizenship and Constitutional Change:Selected Essays by Alan C. Cairns,Toronto:McCelland and Stewart,1995,p.244.
    3 J.R.Miller, Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens:A History of Indian-White Relations in Canada, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1989, p.189.
    4 Ibid.p.196.
    1 韩云川:“加拿大如何处理种族关系”,《学习时报》,2010年8月9日。
    2 Peter Henderson Bryce, Report on the Indian schools of Manitoba and the North-West Territories.Ottawa: Government Printing Bureau,1907,pp.17-19.
    3 "A Brief History of Aboriginal Heath",,2012-19-15.
    4 韩云川:“加拿大如何处理种族关系”,《学习时报》,2010年8月9日。
    5 李牧:“加拿大原住民教育那黑暗时弯路”,人民网2010年3月9日,http://world.people.com.cn/BIG5/57507/11101210.html
    6 John Leslie nd ron Macguire,eds, the Historical Development of the Indian Act,2nd ed, Ottawa:Treaties and Historical Research Centre, Research Branch, Corporate Policy, Department of Indian and Northern Affairs,1979,p.27.
    7 J.R.Miller, Skyscrapers Hide the Heavens:A History of Indian-White Relations in Canada,Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1989,p.189.
    8 RCAP, Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Volume Ⅰ:Looking Forward, Looking Back, Ottawa:Minister of Supply and Services,1996,p.326.
    1 Department of the Interior,1877,p.xiv, see Leo Driedger, Race and Ethnicity, Fiding Identities and Equalities, Domills Toronto:Oxford Press,2003,p.61.
    2 迪克加尔诺:《印第安人-加拿大第一民族的历史、现状与自治之路》,李鹏飞、杜发春译,北京:民族出版社,2008年版,第373页。
    3 Alexander. Morris, The Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the Northwest Territories, Toronto: Belfolds, Clark and Co.,1880, pp.296-297.
    4 Alan Cairns. Citizens Plus:Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State, Vancouver:UBC Press,2000,p.17.
    5 威尔·金里卡着:《少数的权利:民族主义、多元文化主义和公民》,、邓凤红译,上海:上海世纪集团出版集团,2005年版,第71页。
    6 Alex Rose, Spirit Dance at Meziadin:Chief Joseph Gosnell and the Nisga'a Treaty, Madeira Park, B.C.: Harbour Publishing,2000.p.1.
    7 Government of Canada, House of Commons Debates,,2nd sess.,9th Parl.1902,p.3046, see James S. Friders, Aborginal People in Canada, Tonronto:Prentice-Hall Canada Inc.,2004,p.7.
    8 Brian Titley, A Narrow Vision:Duncan Campbell Scott and the Administration of Indian Affairs in Canada, Voncover:UBC Press,1986, p.34.
    1 雅柏苏咏·博依哲努:“加拿大第一民族土地争议解决机制之探讨”,施正锋、谢若兰(编):《加拿
    2 Royal Proclamation of 1763, in Brown, Jennifer A, Our Native peoples, the Illegitimacy of Canadian Citizenship and the Canadian Federation for the Aboriginal Peoples(Dissertation),Ottawa:Carleton University 1999, p.11.
    3 Ibid.p.12.
    4 "Robinson-Huron and Robinson-Superior Treaties" http://www.aadnc-aandc.gc.ca/eng/1100100028970/1100100028972,2013-01-30.
    5 "Backgrounder—Facts in Canada's Immigration History", http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/backgrounders/2011/2011-06-27.asp
    6 "Numbered Treaty Overview", http://www.canadiana.ca/citm/specifique/numtreatyoverview_e.html,2012-12-01
    1 迪克加尔诺:《印第安人-加拿大第一民族的历史、现状与自治之路》,李鹏飞、杜发春译,北京:民族出版社,2008年,第374页。
    2 "A History of Racism in Canada's Immigration Policy", http://www.peoplescommission.org/files/poped/05.%20A%20History%20of%20Racism.doc.pdf,2011-12-30.
    3 Ibid.
    4 Ibid.
    1 RCAP, Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples. Volume Ⅰ:Looking Forward, Looking Back, Ottawa:Minister of Supply and Services,1996, p.268
    2 Sarah A. Carter, Lost Harvests:Praire Indian Reserve Farmers and Government Policy, Montreal and Kingston: McGill and Queen's University Press,1990, p.245.
    3 Vic Satzewich,Racism in Canada, Don Mills, Ont.:Oxford University Press,2011 p.61
    4 H·布莱尔·尼特比:“加拿大政党:一个时代的结束”.《加拿大文化的碰撞》,长春:吉林教育出版社,1992年版,第147页。
    1 Ibid. p.148.
    2 Dvid V.J Bell, the Roots of Disunity- a Study of Canadian Politicl Culture, Toronto:Oxford University Press, 1992,p.35
    3 "Former Lieutenant Governors of Quebec", http://www.craigmarlatt.com/canada/provinces&territories/QC_lieutenant_gov.html
    1 帕皮诺流亡美国和法国,1845年被赦免后返回加拿大。1848-1854年重新当选为加拿大省众议院议员。提出加拿大重新分治和脱离英国独立。
    2 Reginald Coupland, The Durham Report, Oxford:The Clarendon Press,1946, p.51;p.23;p.33.
    3 张友伦:《加拿大通史简编》,天津:南开大学出版社,1994年版,第87页。
    1 Donald Creighton, Canda's Frist Century, Toronto:Macmillan of Canada,1970.pp.5-6
    1 Public School Act, 1877,40 Vic., c.1 (P.E.I.); Public School Act, S.B.C.,1958, c.42, s.62; The Common Schools Act,1871,34 Vict., c.21 (N.B.);An Act Respecting Public Schools, S.M.1890, c.38; The Common Schools Act (1859, Upper Canada) and The Separate Schools Act, (1863, Upper Canada),see http://mail.tku.edu.tw/cfshih/ln/paper07.htm#6; Regulation 17, Durflinger, Dr. Serge (December 15,2008), "Military History-French Canada and recruitment during the First World War", http://www.wan-nuseum.ca/education/online-educational-resources/dispatches/french-canada-and-recruitment-duri ng-the-first-world-war/,2012-09-10.
    2 Andre Bernard, What Does Quebec Want? Toronto:James Lorimer,1978.p.27
    3 Everett C Hughes, French Canada in Transition, Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1943,p.83
    4 Christopher Beattie, Minority Men in a Majority Setting:Middle-Level Francophones in the Canadian Public Service, Toronto:McClelland and Stewart,1975, p.169.
    1 马丁·麦格:《族群社会学》(第6版),祖力亚提·司马义译,2006年版,第437页。
    2 Everett C Hughes, French Canada in Transition, Chicago:University of Chicago Press,1943,p.46;p.45.
    3 "History of the Chinese in Canada", http://www.mysteriesofcanada.com/Canada/history_of_the chinese_in_canada.htm
    4 钱喻、曲韵编导:《从地狱开始的故事—中国人在加拿大的历史》(纪录片),凤凰卫视,2003年。
    1 Zha Yan, Minority Representation and Political Participation of Ethnic Minorities:A Case Study of Chinese Canadians in Democratic Canada (Master Degree), The University of Regina,2009,p.54.
    2 Paul Yee, Chinatown, Toronto:James Lorimer & Company LTD.,2005,p.13.
    3 钱喻、曲韵编导:《从地狱开始的故事—中国人在加拿大的历史》(纪录片),凤凰卫视,2003年。
    4 Peter Ward, White Canada Forever, Popolar Attitude and Policy toward Orientals in Brithis Columbia, Montreal Kingston:McGill-Queen University Press,1978,pp38-42.
    5 Gurcharn S. Basran, "Canadian Immigration Policy and Theories of Racism",in Peter S. Li and B. Singh Bolarla (eds.) Racial. Minorities in Multicultural Canada, Toronto:Garamond. Press,1983,p.5;钱喻、曲韵编导:《从地狱开始的故事—中国人在加拿大的历史》(纪录片),凤凰卫视,2003年。
    6 Peter Li, The Chinese in Canada (2nd Edition), Toronto:Oxford University Press,1998,p.41; Gurcharn S. Basran, Canadian Immigration Policy and Theories of Racism, in Peter S. li, B. Singh Bolarla, Racial Minorities in Multicultural Canada,1983.p.5.
    7 钱喻、曲韵编导:《从地狱开始的故事—中国人在加拿大的历史》(纪录片),凤凰卫视,2003年。
    8 Morris Krauter, Joseph F. Davis, The Other Canadians, Profiles of Six Minorities, Toronto:Methuen,1971,p.55.
    1 Louis Rosenberg, Morton Weinfeld, Canada's Jews:A Social and Economic Study of Jews in Canada in the 1930s, Montreal, Buffalo:McGill-Queen's University Press,1993, p.125.
    2 Don Wells, Canadian Citizenship, Calgary:Weigl Educational Publishers Limited,2005,p.19.
    3 王昺:《文化马赛克:加拿大移民史》,北京:民族出版社,2003年版,第71页。
    4 Anne Milan and Kelly Tran, "Blacks in Canada:A Long History", Canadian Social Trends, spring 2004, Statistics Canada -Catalogue No.11-008.
    5 Ward Peter, White Canada Forever:Popular Attitudes and Public Policy towards Orientals in British Colombia.3rd ed, Montreal and Kingston:McGill-Queen's University Press,2002,p.12.
    6 "Canadian Opinion of Immigrants(pre 1945)", http://faculty.marianopolis.edu/c.belanger/quebechistory/readings/CanadianOpinionsoflmmigrants.html,2012-01-1 0.
    1 Ibid.
    2 Paul Yee, Chinatown, Toronto:James Lorimer & Company LTD.,2005,p.13.
    3 "Canadian Opinion of Immigrants(pre 1945)", http://faculty.marianopolis.ed u/c.belanger/quebechistory/readings/CanadianOpinionsoflmmigrants.html
    4 Abu-Laban Yasmeen and Christina Gabriel, Selling Diversity:Immigration, Multiculturalism, Employment Equity and Globalization, Peterborough ON:Broadview Press,2002.p,255.
    5 Tom MacInnes, Oriental Occupation of British Columbia, Vancouver:Sun Publishing Company, Limited,1927, pp.12-13.
    6 Bruce Shepard, "Plain Racism:the Reaction against Oklhoma Black Immigration to the Canadian Plains", in Ormond McKague,Racism in Canada,Saskatoon:Fifth House Publisher,1991,pp.25-26.
    1 Abu-Laban Yasmeen and Christina Gabriel, Selling Diversity:Immigration, Multiculturalism, Employment Equity and Globalization, Peterborough ON:Broadview Press,2002.p.39.
    2 Vic Satzewich, Racism in Canada, Oxford; Oxford University,2011,p.35.
    3 Christina L. Gabriel, Recasting Citizenship:The Politics of Multiculturalism Policy in Canada[D], York University,1997, p.53.
    4 "Canadian Opinion of Immigrants(Pre 1945)", http://faculty.marianopolis.edu/c.belanger/quebechistory/readings/CanadianOpinionsoflmmigrants.html,2011-03-0 1.
    5 Alfred Fitzpatrick,Handbook for New Canadians,1919,Toroton:Reyson Press,pp.218-221.
    6 Ibid.p.34.
    1 John Murray Gibbson, Canadian Mosaic, Toronto:McClelland & Stewart,1938,p,Vii,Viii.
    2 John Herd Thomspon, Ethnic Minority during Two World Wars,p.3.
    3 Canadian Council for Refugees, Report on Systemic Racism and Discrimination in Canadian Refugee and Immigration Policies,2000,p.3,http://ccrweb.ca/files/arreport.pdf,2011-07-09.
    4 CBC, "Hate at the Top, Jews Face Powerful Prejudice in Canada as They Try to Escape Nazi Germany", http://www.cbc.ca/history/EPISCONTENTSE1EP13CH4PA2LE.html,2011-09-07.
    5 Canadian Council for Refugees, "Brief history of Canada's responses to refugees" http://ccrweb.ca/canadarefugeeshistory.htm,2011-10-01
    6 "A History of Racism in Canada's Immigration Policies' http://www.peoplescommission.org/files/poped/05.%20A%20History%20oP/o20Racism.doc.pdf,2010-09-20
    7 "MS St. Louis:The Ship That was Forced to Return Its Passengers to the Holocaust", The Globe and Mail, Jan. 192011.
    8 The Canadian Encyclopedia, "Refugees", http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/articles/refugees,2011-08-10.
    1 CBC, "Hate at the Top, Jews Face Powerful Prejudice in Canada as They Try to Escape Nazi Germany", http://www.cbc.ca/history/EPISCONTENTSE1EP13CH4PA2LE.html,2011-01-03.
    David Kalamen, "Anti-Semitism in Canada", Aug 17,2009, http://www.castanet.net/news/Pastor-Dave/48907/Anti-Semitism-in-Canada,2010-12-01
    3 An Act to Make Better Provision for the Qualification and Registration of Voters, S.B.C.1875, c.2,see Harry Con, Edgar Wickberg, From China to Canada:A History of Chinese Communities in Canada,Toronto:McClelland and Stewart in Association with the Multiculturalism Directorate,1982,pp.45-46
    4 Government of Canada, House of commons Debates,1885,p.1582.see Jean Laponce and Safran William,eds,Ethnicity and Citizenship the Canada Case,London:Routledge,1996,p.19
    5 Government of Canada, House of commons Debates,4 may 1885,1582,see Veronic Strong-Boag, "the Citizenship Debates-the 1885 Frachise Act", in Robert Adamoski, Dorothy Chunn, Robert Menzies,eds,Contesting Canadian Citizenship:Historical Readings, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,2002, p.88
    1 Government of Canada, House of commons Debates,4 may 1885,1582, see Ibid.pp.88-89.
    2 Government of Canada, House of commons Debates,4 may 1885,1583,1586,see Ibid.p.88.
    3 Government of Canada, House of commons Debates,4 may 1885,1582, see Ibid.p.89.
    4 Government of Canada, House of commons Debates,26 may 1885,2119, see Ibid.p.89.
    5 The B.C. Municipal Elections Act from 1896 (S.B.C.1896 c.38), see http://publications.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/BP/bp 175-e.htm,2013-01-02.
    6 Revised statutes of Saskatchewan,1909, c.3, s.l 1, see Morris Krauter, and Joseph F. Davis, The Other Canadians, Profiles of Six Minorities, Toronto:Methuen,1971,p.64.
    7 Nonnan Ward, House of Commons,Representation,Toronto:University of Toronto,1950, p.225.
    8 Elections Canada,"A History Of The Vote In Canada", http://www.elections.ca/content.aspx?section=res&dir=his&document=chap3&lang=e#a31,2013-02-01.
    1 钱喻、曲韵编导:《从地狱开始的故事—中国人在加拿大的历史》(纪录片),凤凰卫视,20'03年。
    2 James Morton, In the Sea of Sterile Mountains:the Chinese in British Columbia,p.61.
    3 钱喻、曲韵编导:《从地狱开始的故事—中国人在加拿大的历史》(纪录片),凤凰卫视,2003年。
    4 钱喻、曲韵编导:《通往天堂的路用血汗筑成—中国人在加拿大的历史》(纪录片),凤凰卫视,2003年。
    5 Gurcharn S. Basran, "Canadian Immigration Policy and Theories of Racism", in Peter S. li, B. Singh Bolarla, Racial Minorities in Multicultural Canada,1983.p.6.
    6 WWII vet Fought to "Show loyalty" to Canada, http://suzannema.com/2012/07/16/wwii-vet-frankwong/,2011-09-06.
    7 Adrienne Shadd, "Reflections on Racism", in Ormond McKague ed, Racism in Canada, Saskatoon:Fifth Huse Press,1991,p.3.
    1 Statutes of Canada,1849,c.83,s.69, see Ormond McKague ed, Racism in Canada,1991,pp.44-45.
    2 Ormond McKague,ed, Racism in Canada, Saskatoon:Fifth Huse Press,1991,p.16.
    3 Consolidated Satutes of Uooer Canada,1859.c.65.s.1. see Ibid.pp.44-45.
    4 Frederick Ivor Case. Racism and National Consciousness, Toronto:Plowshare Press,1977,p.14.
    5 Morris Krauter and oseph F. Davis. The Other Canadians, Profiles of Six Minorities,p.47.
    6 Ibid.,p.48.
    7 "Antisemitism in Canada", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Antisemitism in Canada,2012-01-01.
    8 Christopher Beattie,Minority Men in a Majority Setting, Toronto:McClelland & Stewart Limited, 1975,pp.89-90.
    9 Eva Mackey,The House of Difference:Cultural Politics and National Identity in Canada[Z],Toronto:University of Toronto Press,2002,p.29.
    1 W. S. Wallace, "The Growth of Canadian National Feeling", http://www.electriccanadian.com/lifestyle/feeling.htm,2011-01-07.
    2 Ibid.
    3 安大略柏林市移民官A·C·布坎南(A.C. Buchanan)语,见Gottlieb Leibbrandt, Little Paradise:the Saga of the German Canadians of Waterloo County, Ont.1800-1975, Kitchener, Ont.:Allprint Co,1980,p.249.
    4 James Sturgis,Imperial Canada,1867-1917 by Colin M. Coates Review, The English Historical Review, Vol. 114, No.456,Apr.,1999, p.486.
    1 William Lewis Morton, the Canadian Identity(second edition), Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1972,p.46.
    2 Goldwin Smith,http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/articles/goldwin-smith,2012-03-05.
    3 Charles Mair, Tecumseh, a Drama and Canadian Poems, Toronto:the Radisson Society of Canada,1886,p.101
    4 Cal Berger, the Sense of Power, Studies in the Ideas of Canadian Imperialism,1867-1914, Toronto and Buffalo: University of Toronto Press.p.138.
    5 Ibid.,p.169.
    6 James Marsh, "Election 1891:A Question of Loyalty", http://www.thecanadian encyclopedia.com/featured/election-1891-a-question-of-loyalty,2012-09-30.
    7 Carl Beger, the Sense of Power, Studies in the Ideas of Canadian Imperialism, 1867-1914,p.83.
    1 张友伦:《加拿大通史简编》,天津:南开大学出版社,1994年版,第162页。
    2 Phili Resnick, the European Roots of Canadian Identity, Peterborough, ON:Broadview Press,2005, p.24.
    3 Serge Durflinger,"Military History-French Canada and Recruitment during the First World War,, http://www.warmuseum.ca/education/online-educational-resources/dispatches/french-canada-and-recruitment-duri ng-the-first-world-war/,2012-03-15.
    4 Edgar Mclnnis, Canada:A Political and Social History,Toronto:Holt, Rinahart and Winston of Canada,1982, p.480.
    5 王云弟,刘广臻:《枫林之国的复兴:加拿大百年强国历程》,哈尔滨:黑龙江人民出版社,1998年版,第184页。
    6 Philip Buckner,ed., Canada and the End of Empire,Vancover:University of British Clumbia Press,2000,p.5.
    7 Thomas Prymak, Maple leaf and Trident:the Ukrainian Canadians during the Second World War, Ottawa: Multicultural Hist Society Of Ontario,1988, Appenix,table 2.
    8 William C. Wonders, "Native Ethnicity in the Canadian North, a Geographer's Perspectives", in Alfred Pletsch, Ethnicity in Canada-international Examples and Perspectives Marbutg/Lahn:Im Selbstverlag des Geographischen Instituts der Universitat Marburg,1985,p.52.
    1 Immigration Act,S.C.1910, c.27, see Flournoy Richard W, Hudson Manley Ottmer, A Collection of Nationality Laws of Various as Contained in Constitutions, Statutes and Treaties, New York:Oxford University Press, 1929,p.73.
    2 House of Commons, Debates of House of Commons,27 May 1931, p.2022, see Margaret Christine Quirt, Citizenship Identity in the History and Literature of English-Speaking Canada, 1947-1967(D), Peterborough, ON: Trent university,2010,p.69.
    3 James S. Frideres and Rene R. Gadacz Aboriginal Peoples in Canada:Contemporary Conflicts, New York: Rutledge,2001,p.101.
    4 Alexander Morris, The Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories, Including the Negotiations on Which They Were Based, and Other Info Thereto, Toronto:Willing and Williamson, 1880, p.50;p.69.
    1 James Dempsey, "Aboriginal Soldiers in the First World War", http://www.lac-bac.gc.ca/patrimoine-autochtone/020016-4004-e.html,2011-07-15.
    2 Forces Canada, "Aboriginal People in the Canadian Military Chapter Five:The World Wars", http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/pub/boo-bro/abo-aut/chapter-chapitre-05-eng.asp
    3 James W. St G, "Race and Recruitment in World War I", Canadian Historical Review,1989,LXX,I, p.18.
    4 Department of Indian Affairs Canada, Annual Report of the Department of Indian Affairs for the Year Ended March 31,1918, Ottawa:King's Printer,1919, p.15.
    5 Forces Canada, "Aboriginal People in the Canadian Military Chapter Five:The World Wars", http://www.cmp-cpm. forces. gc.ca/dhh-dhp/pub/boo-bro/abo-aut/chapter-chapitre-05-eng.asp,2010-01-15.
    6 CBC News Online|June 21,2006, "Aboriginals and the Canadian Military", http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/aboriginals/aboriginals-military.html,2010-01-15.
    1 Forces Canada, "Aboriginal People in the Canadian Military Chapter Five:The World Wars", http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/pub/boo-bro/abo-aut/chapter-chapitre-05-eng.asp,2010-01-15.
    2 CBC News Online|June 21,2006, "Aboriginals and the Canadian Military", http://www.cbc.ca/news/background/aboriginals/aboriginals-military.html,2010-01-15.
    Fred Gaffen,Forgotten Soldiers, Penticton, BC:Theytus Books Ltd,1985; James Dempsey, Warriors of the King: Prairie Indians in World War I, Regina:Canadian Plains Research Center,1999;Adrian Hayes,Pegamhagabow: Legendry Warrior. Forgotten Hero, Huntsville, Ont.:Fox Meadow Creations,2003;Janice Summerby,Native Soldiers, Foreign Battlefields, Ottawa:Veterans Affairs Canada,2005;Timothy Winegad, For King and Kanata: Canadian Indians and the First World War, Winnipeg:University of Manitoba Press,2012.
    4 Raymond Breton, Jeffrey G Reitz and Valentine Victor, Cultural Boundaries and the Cohesion of Canada,Montr eal:Institute for Research on Public Policy,1980,,p.73.
    5 2012年8月笔者前往加拿大战争博物馆参观,当时正足加拿大庆祝1812年战争胜利200周年,博物馆内的展览显示绝大多数原住民持这一观点。该展览将英裔和原住民的历史整体上描述为友好的历史。
    1 Tom Flanagan, First Nations-Second Thoughts,Montreal:McGill-Queen's University Press,2000, p.70.
    2 Alexander Morris, The Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories, Including the Negotiations on Which They Were Based, and Other Info Thereto, Toronto:Willing and Williamson, 1880,pp.313-315.
    3 Derek Smith ed.,Canadian Indians and the Law:Selected Documents 1663-1972,Toronto:McClelland & Stewart, 1975, p.87.
    4 James Dempsey, "Aboriginal Soldiers in the First World War", http://www.lac-bac.gc.ca/patrimoine-autochtone/020016-4004-e.html,2012-07-15.
    5 Alexander Morris, the Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories, Including the Negotiations on Which They Were Based, and Other Info Thereto, p.225.
    6 Timothy C. Winegard.For King and Kanata:Canadian Indians and the First World War, Winnipeg:University of Manitoba Press,2012,p.3.
    7 Forces Canada, "Aboriginal People in the Canadian Military Chapter Five:The World Wars", http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/pub/boo-bro/abo-aut/chapter-chapitre-05-eng.asp,2011-07-15.
    1 Ibid.
    2 Alfred Pletsch, Ethnicity in Canada-international Examples and Perspectives,1985,p.52.
    3 Rob Innes, "Book Review for Warriors of the King:Prairie Indians in World War I",Prairie Forum, Vol.24, No. 2, Fall,1999,p.287.
    4 Forces Canada, "Aboriginal People in the Canadian Military Chapter Five:The World Wars", http://www.cmp-cpm.forces.gc.ca/dhh-dhp/pub/boo-bro/abo-aut/chapter-chapitre-05-eng.asp,2010-09-23.
    5 "Television History-The First 75 Years", http://www.tvhistory.tv/1945%20QF.htm,2010-09-23.
    6 David V J.Bell ed,The Root s of Disunity:A Study of Canadian Political Culture, New York:Oxford University Press.1992.p.95.
    1 格莱兹·布鲁克:《加拿大简史》,山东大学翻译组译,济南:山东人民出版社,1972年版,第60页。
    2 David Bell, the Roots of Disunity:a Study of Canadian Political Culture, New York:Oxford University Press, 1992, p.98.
    3 Ulric Barhe Ed, Wilfrid Laurier on the Platform:Collection of the Principal Speeches,1871-1890, Charleston:Nabu Press,2010, p.55.
    4 W. S. Wallace, "The Growth of Canadian National Feeling". http://www.electriccanadian.com/lifestyle/feeling.htm,2010-07-20
    5 漫画见John Saywell, Canada:Pathways to the Present, Revised edition, Toronto:Stoddart,1999,p.85.
    1 Phili Resnick, the European Roots of Canadian Identity, Peterborough:Broadview Press,2005, pp.26-27.
    2 Louis Philippe Brodeur,"The Loyalty of French-Canadians to the Empire", http://speeches.empireclub.org/62423/data?n=7,2011-05-14.
    3 Durflinger, Dr. Serge, "Military History-French Canada and Recruitment during the First World War", December 15,2008, http://www.warmuseum.ca/education/online-educational-resources/dispatches/french-canada-and-recruitiment-duri ng-the-first-world-war/,2012-02-12.
    4 Mason Wade, The French Canadians,1760-1945,v2,Toronto:The Macmillan Company of Canada,1955,p.671
    5 Durflinger, Dr. Serge, "Military History-French Canada and Recruitment during the First World War", December 15,2008, http://www.warmuseum.ca/education/online-educational-resources/dispatches/french-canada-and-recruitment-duri ng-the-first-world-war/2012-02-12.
    1 Ibid.
    2 王云弟,刘广臻:《枫林之国的复兴:加拿大百年强国历程》,哈尔滨:黑龙江人民出版社,1998年版,第122页。
    3 E.H. Armstrong, the Crisis of Quebec of 1914-1918, New York:Columbia University Press,1937, p.250.
    4 Colin Campbell and William Christian, Parties, Leaders and Ideologies in Canada (third edition), Toronto: McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited 1996,p.256.
    5 Ramsay Cook, French Canadian Nationalism:An Anthology, Toronto:Mamillan,1969,p.220.
    6 Jean C. Falardeau, Roots and Values in Canadian Lives,Toronto:University of Toronto press,1961,p.21.
    1 王云弟,刘广臻:《枫林之国的复兴:加拿大百年强国历程》,第186页。
    2 同上第185页。
    3 同上第187页。
    4 Thomas Prymak, Maple leaf and Trident:the Ukrainian Canadians during the Second World War, Ottawa: Multicultural Hist Society Of Ontario,1988, Appenix,Table 2.
    5 Alfred Pletsch, Ethnicity in Canada-international Examples and Perspectives,1985,p.52.
    1 John Herd Thompson, Ethnic Minorities during Two World Wars,Ottawa:Canadian Historical Association,1991,p.4
    2 Gottlieb Leibbrandt, Little Paradise:the Saga of the German Canadians of Waterloo County, Ontario, 1800-1975, Kitchener, Ont.:Allprint Co.,1980, p.249.
    3 Ibid.p.250.
    4 Ibid.p.248.
    1 一战前夕,乌克兰人有350万人属于俄国,25万人属于奥匈帝国,see Orest Subtelny, Ukraine:A History, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,2000, pp.340-344.
    2 John Herd Thompson, Ethnic Minorities during Two World Wars,1991,p.5.
    3 Ibid.,p.7.
    4 "The 1998 Canadian & World Encyclopedia", http://www.whitepinepictures.com/seeds/i/9/history2.html,2011-01-10.
    5 Victor Malarek, "Ukrainian Canadians seeking Redress", The Globe and Mail,15 January 1988.
    6 Peter Melnycky, "the Interment of Ukrainians in Canada", in Frances Swyripa and John Herd Thompson, Loyalties in Conflict, Ukrainians in Canada During the Great War, Edmonton:Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Albert,1983,p.6.
    'Canada War Museum, "Canada and First World War", http://www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/exhibitions/guerre/internment-e.aspx,2010-09-13.
    8 William Otter, Internment Operations 1914-1920, Ottawa:King's Printer,1921, p.3.
    9 Desmond P. Morton,"Sir William Otter and Internment Operations in Canada during the First World War" Journal:Canadian Historical Review, Volume 55, issue 1,1974,p.1.
    10 Lubomyr Luciuk (ed.), In Fear of the Barbed Wire Fence:Canada's First National Internment Operations and the Ukrainian Canadians,1914-1920, Kingston, ON:Kashtan Press,2001, p. vii.
    11 Lubomyr Luciuk, Without Just Cause:Canada's First National Internment Operations and the Ukrainian Canadians,1914-1920,Kingston:Kashtan Press,2006,p.16.
    12 O. L. Spencer, "Diary of internment camp:Castle, Alberta," in Bohdan S. Kordan and Peter Melnycky (eds.), In the Shadow of the Rockies, Ed-monton:University of Alberta Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies Press,1991, pp.51-57.
    1 William Otter, "Report on Internment Operations," in Lubomyr Luciuk (ed.), In Fear of the Barbed Wire Fence: Canada's First National Internment Operations and the Ukrainian Canadians,1914-1920,Kingston, ON: Kashtan Press,2001, pp.82-88.
    2 Alexandra Bailey, "German Internment During the First and Second World Wars", http://www.law.ualberta.ca/centres/ccs/issues/germaninternment.php,2010-09-13.
    3 The Loyal Edmonton Regiment Military Musem, "Enemy Aliens", http://www.lermuseum.org/en/canadas-military-history/second-world-war/homefront-1940-45/enemy-aliens/.
    4 Pamela Hickman & Jean Smith Cavalluzzo, Italian Canadian Internment in the Second World War, Toronto, ON: James Lorimer,2012.p.55;p.70. http://anitaliancanadianlife.ca/2012/the-internment-of-italian-canadians-during-wwii/,2010-09-13.
    5 John Herd Thompson, Ethnic Minorities during Two World Wars,Ottawa:Canadian Historical Association,1991,p.14.
    6 Thomas Prymak, Maple leaf and Trident:The Ukrainian Canadians during the Second World War, Ottawa: Multicultural Hist Society Of Ontario,1988, pp.72-73.
    7 Peter Melnycky, "the Interment of Ukrainians in Canada", in Frances Swyripa and John Herd Thompson, Loyalties in Conflict, Ukrainians in Canada During the Great War, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Albert,1983,p.9.
    1 Ibid., p.10.
    2 Bruno Ramirez, the Italians in Canada, Ottawa:Canadian Historical Association with the Support of Multiculturalism Program of Canadian Government, Saint John, N.B.:Keystone Printing & Lithographing, 1989,p.17.
    3 "Italian Canadians in Canada", http://www.italiancanadianww2.ca/theme/detail/fighting_to_belong,201-09-14
    4 Thomas Prymak, Maple leaf and Trident:the Ukrainian Canadians during the Second World War, Ottawa: Multicultural Hist Society Of Ontario,1988, p.72.
    1 Ibid., p.253.
    2 Gottlieb Leibbrandt, Little Paradise:the Saga of the German Canadians of Waterloo County, Ontario, 1800-1975, Kitchener, Ont.:Allprint Co,1980,p.249.
    3 Ibid.,p.255.
    4 "Italian Canadians in Canada", http://www.italiancanadianww2.ca/theme/detail/fighting_to_belong,,2013-01-01.
    1 John Herd Thompson, "The Enemy Alien and the Canadian Genral Election of 1917", in Frances Swyripa and John Herd Thompson, Loyalties in Conflict, Ukrainians in Canada During the Great War, Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Albert,1983,p.27.
    2 John Herd Thompson, Ethnic minorities During Two World Wars,1991,p.6.
    3 M.P. for Edmonton East, Mr. H.A. Mackie, Wrote to Prime Minister Robert L. Borden.on 16 October 1918, in Bohdan Kordan and Lubomyr Luciuk, eds., A Delicate and Difficult Question:Documents in the History of Ukrainians in Canada 1899-1962, Kinston:The Limestone Press 1986, pp.36-41.
    4 Thomas Prymak, Maple leaf and Trident:the Ukrainian Canadians during the Second World War, Ottawa: Multicultural Hist Society Of Ontario,1988, p.13.
    5 John Herd Thompson, "The Enemy Alien and the Canadian Genral Election of 1917", in Frances Swyripa and John Herd Thompson, Loyalties in Conflict, Ukrainians in Canada During the Great War, Edmonton:Canadian Institute of Ukrainian Studies, University of Albert,1983,p.27.
    6 John Herd Thompson, Ethnic Minorities during Two World Wars,1991,p.6.
    7 Ibid. p.14.
    1 "The Participation of Ukrainians in the Canadian Armed Forces during WWII" http://www.ucrdc.org/Oral-History-Canadian_Armed_Forces.html,2012-12-01
    2 Jewish Virtual Library, http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/vjw/canada.html,,2012-12-01.
    3 Paul Yee,Struggle and Hope—the Story of Chinese Canadians,Toronto:Umbrella Press,1996,p.14;Canada, Royal Commission on Chinese and Japanese Immigration, Report of the Royal Commission on Chinese and Japanese Immigration, Sessional Paper, Ottawa:S.E. Dawson, King's Printer,1902,p.235,p.247.
    4 Judy Maxwell, A Cause Worth Fighting For:Chinese Canadians Debate Their Participation in the Second War, B.A. University of British Columbia,2002, p.12.
    5 钱喻、曲韵编导:《从地狱开始的故事—中国人在加拿大的历史》(纪录片),凤凰卫视,2003年。
    1 Evelyn Huang, Chinese Canadians, Voices from A Community, Vancouver:Douglas & Mclntyre,1992,p.32.林黄彩珍为著名华裔活动家,1969年成立拯救华埠委员会(Save Chinatown Committee).成功说服多伦多市府保留多伦多中国城。
    2 钱喻、曲韵编导:《从地狱开始的故事—中国人在加拿大的历史》(纪录片),凤凰卫视,2003年。
    3 钱喻、曲韵编导:《通往天堂的路用血汗筑成—中国人在加拿大的历史》(纪录片),凤凰卫视,2003年。
    4 Patricia Roy, "The Soldiers Canada Didn't Want:Her Chinese and Japanese Citizens", Canadian Historical Review, Volume 59, Number 3/1978, p.342.
    5 钱喻、曲韵编导:《通往天堂的路用血汗筑成—中国人在加拿大的历史》(纪录片).凤凰卫视,2003年。
    6 "Chinese-Canadians in World War II(1939-1945)", http://www.vpl.ca/ccg/WWlI.html,2011-09-08
    7 Judy Maxwell, A Cause Worth Fighting For:Chinese Canadians Debate Their Participation in the Second War, B.A. University of British Columbia,2002, p.12.
    2 Evelyn Huang, Chinese Canadians, Voices from A Community, Vancouver:Douglas & Mclntyre,1992,p.73.
    3 James W. St G, "Race and Recruitment in World War I", Canadian Historical Review,1989,LXX,I, p.7,p.12.
    4 Ibid.,p.19.
    5 National Association of Japanese Canadians, "World War I Japanese Veterans", http://www.najc.ca/early-history/world-war-i-japanese-veterans/,2012-07-15.
    1.Pamela Sugiman,"Life is Sweet:Vulnerability And Compsure In the Wartime Narratives of Japanese Canadians". Journals of Canadian Studies, Winter 2009:,pp.186-218, p.262.
    2 John Herd Thompson, Ethnic Minorities During Two World Wars,1991,pp.15-16.
    3 Kobayashi, Audrey. "The Japanese-Canadian Redress Settlement and Its Implications for'Race Relations'" Canadian Ethnic Stuies, Vol.24, Issue 1.
    4 National Association of Japanese Canadians, "Tatsuo Kage:Chronicling Japanese Canadians in Exile", http://www.najc.ca/from the bulletin/tatsuo-kage-chronicling-japanese-canadians-in-exile/,2012-12-12.
    5 John Herd Thompson, Ethnic Minorities during Two World Wars,pp-15-16.
    6 James W. St.G Walker, "Race and Recruitment in World War I", Canadian Historical Review,1989,LXX,I, p.5.
    7 Veterans Affairs Canada, "Black Canadians in Uniform- A Proud Tradition", http://www. veterans.gc.ca/eng/feature/blackhistory/first,2011-07-21.
    1 "Black History Canada", http://blackhistorycanada.ca/timeline.php?id=1900,2011-07-21.
    2 Petura Burrows, "History in Black & White:Canada's War Story", http://www.excal.on.ca/main/history-in-black-white-canadas-war-story/,2011-07-21.
    1 Hiller Harry H,1976, Canadian Society:a Sociological Analysis, Toronto:National Urban League,1976, pp 107-108.
    2 安东尼·史密斯:《全球化时代的民族与民族主义》,龚维斌译,北京:中央编译出版社,2002年版,第71页。
    1 Russell Ward,The History of Australia:the Twentieth Century 1901-1975,London:Heinemann Educational Books,1978,pp.280-181.
    1 威尔·金里卡:《多元文化的公民身份:一种自由主义的少数群体权利理论》,马莉、张昌耀译,北京:中央民族大学出版社,2009年版,第5页脚注部分。
    1 Inis Claude,National Minorities:An Interational Problem, Cambridege:Harvard University Press,1955,p.211.
    2 见1963年其著名演讲《我有一个梦想》,http://v.youku.com/v show/id XNTE5NDY0NDUy.html,2013-03-08.
    3 菲利克斯·格罗斯:《公民与国家》,王建娥译,北京:新华出版社,2003年版,第180页。
    4 Richard J Walton, Canada and USA, New York:Parents' Magazine Press,1972,p.172.
    5 Philip Buckner,ed.,"Introduction".Canada and the End of Empire, Vancouver:University of British Columbia Press,2000,p.5.
    1 Saturday Night,4 June 1944, see Alan Murray Sears, "Scarcely Yet A People:State Policy in Citizenship Education,1947-1982"(D), University of British Columbia,1996,p.110.
    2 Paul Martin, "Citizenship the People's World", in William Kaplan(ed.), The Meaning and Future of Canadian Citizenship, Montreal and Kingston:McGill-Queens,1993, p.66.
    3 Paul Martin,A Very Public Life, vol.1.,Ottawa:Deneau,1983,p.437.
    4 Canada House of Commons, Debates,2 April 1946,507, Margaret Christine Quirt, Citizenship Identity in the History and Literature of English-Speaking Canada,1947-1967(D), Peterborough, ON:Trent university, 2010,p.20.
    5 Donald Galloway, "The Dilemmas of Canadian Citizenship Law", T.Alexander Aleinikoff, Douglas Clusmeyer, From Migrants to Citizens, Membership in a Changing World, Washington DC:Carnegie Endowment for International Peace,2002, p.96.
    1 The National Identity Task Force, Canadian Citizenship:the Acts and Policies of the Government of Canada: Parliament Speaks, Ottawa:Secretary of State, Oct.1991,p.10.
    2 Citizenship and Immigration Canada,Citizenship Policy Mannual, Proof of Citizenship, Ottawa:Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada,2004,pp.8-9. http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/manuals/cp/cp 10-eng.pdf,2013-03-15.
    3 The National Identity Task Force, Canadian Citizenship:the Acts and Policies of the Government of Canada: Parliament Speaks, Ottawa:Secretary of State, Oct.1991,p.16.
    4 Department of Citizenship and Immigration, Annual Report 1954-1955,Ottawa:Queen's Printer,1955,p.9.
    1 "Dominion of Canada",http://www.filibustercartoons.com/dominion.htm,2012-08-15
    1 Alan Murray Sears, "Scarcely yet a people":State Policy in Citizenship Education,1947-1982(D), University of British Columbia,1996,p.116.
    2 March 29,1958, Maclean's,http://ggower.com/dief/quote.shtml,2013-01-02.
    3 William Lewis Morton,Canada Identity(2nd edition),Toronto and Buffalo:University of Toronto Press,1972, pp.88-89
    4 Paul Martin, "Address on the inauguration of the national flag of Canada", February 15,1965, http://canadaonline.about.com/gi/o.htm?zi=1/XJ&zTi=1&sdn=canadaonline&cdn=newsissues&tm=1243&f=11&t t=2&bt=1&bts=1&zu=http%3A//www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/primeministers/h4-4028-e.html,2011-09-10.
    1 Alan Cairns, Citizens Plus:Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State, Vancouver:UBC Press,2000,p.55.
    2 Diamond Jenness, Eskimo Administration, Canada, vol.2, Montreal:Arctic Institute of North America,1964, pp.174-175.
    3 庞玉洁:“加拿大华裔对中国反法西斯战争的贡献”,《加拿大掠影》,1999年2月版,第246页。
    4 钱喻、曲韵编导:《通往天堂的路用血汗筑成—中国人在加拿大的历史》(纪录片),凤凰卫视,2003年。
    5 杨立文:“华裔移民对加拿大社会与文化的页献”,《加拿大掠影》,1998年5月版,第252页。
    Wing Chang Ng, The Chinese in Vancouver,1945-1980, the Pursuit of Identity and Power, Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press,2000,p.44.
    2 James Walker, Human Rights in A Multicultural Framework:Defining Canadian Citizenship,1945-1970, Canadian Issues, February 2002, p.33.
    3 张海麟、韩高润:《二次世界大战的经验与教训》,北京:世界知识出版社,1987年版,第110-113页。
    1 李薇: “加拿大华裔中产阶层探析”,《辽宁师范大学学报(哲社版)》,2001年第5期,第111页。
    2 Shien-Woo Kung, "Chinese Immigration into North America", Queen's Quarterly, LXXVIII:4(WINTER,1962), p.612,p.616.
    3 The 1998 Canadian & World Encyclopedia, http://www.whitepinepictures.com/seeds/i/9/history2.html,2011-09-19.
    4 Singh Bolaria and Peter Li,, Racial Oppression in Canada,2nd,Toronto; Garamond Press,1988, p.173.
    5 徐丹:“加拿大多元文化政策和华裔妇女的生存与成长”,《东莞理工学院学报》,2008年第2期。
    1 二战的发生导致了空前规模民众失去家园,到1946年底仍有100多万主要来自波罗的海和苏东地区的难民滞留西方占领区。见甘开鹏:“二战后国际难民政策的历史演变”,《海南师范大学学报(哲社版)》,2010年第5期,第134页。
    2 Howard Adelman, Refugee policy Canada and the United State, Toronto:York Lanes Ltd,1991,p.9.
    3 Canada.1947,House of Commons, Debates, vol.3,Ottawa,pp.2644-47,see Vic Satzewich, Racism in Canada, Don Mills, Ont.:Oxford University Press,2011,p.39.
    4 Freda Hawkins, Canada and Immigration:Public Policy and Public Concern, Montreal and Kinsto McGill-Queen's University Press,1972, p.102.
    5 Valerie Knowles, Strangers at Our Gates-Canadian Immigration and Immigration Policy,1540-2006, Toronto Dundurn Press,2007, p.171.
    6 Ibid.p.181.
    1 Canada House of Commons,Debates of Canada House of Commons,Aprill.22,1959,p.2933. see Valerie Knowles, Strangers at Our Gates:Canadian Immigration and Immigration Policy,1540-2006, Toronto:Dundurn,2007, pp.189-190.
    2 Ibid.
    3 Frederick J. Desroches, Augie Fleras, "Immigration and Ethnicity in Canada," in Briank Cryderman et,al., eds., Police, Race and Ethnicity:A guide for law Enforcement, Toronto:Butterworth and Co, Ltd,1986, pp.26-27..
    1 Valerie Knowles,Stravgers at Our Gates-Canadian Immigration and Immigration Policy,1540-2006,Toronto: Dundurn Press,2007,pp189-190.
    2 Samuel P. S. Ho and Ralph W. Huenemann. China's Open Door Policv: The Quest for Foreisn Technology and Capital, Vancouver: UBC Press, 1984,D.60.
    3 C. Michael Lanphier, "Canada's Response to Refugees", International Migration Review, Vol. 15, No. 1/2, Refugees Today (Spring-Summer, 1981),p.120.
    4 Rhoda Howard, " Contemporary Canadian Refugee Policy: A Critical Assessment", Canadian Public Policy, Vol. 6, No. 2, Spring, 1980,p.363.
    5 Census of Canada, " Selected Characteristics of Visible Minority Groups, Population Aged 15 Years and Over", 2001,Table 1, http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85f0033m/2008015/tables/5002067-eng.htm,2012-07-01.
    1 "Black History Canada-Timeline 1900-Present", http://blackhistorycanada.ca/timeline.php?id=1900,2010-09-10.
    1 迪芬贝克“一个加拿大”的基本内容参见:John Diefenbaker,"Address On The Nation's Business, June 30, 1960",http://www.collectionscanada.gc.ca/primeministers/h4-4052-e.html,2013-03-21.
    2 An Act to Amend the Dominion Elections Act,1938, S.C.1950, c.35, s.1. http://publications.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/BP/bp175-e.htm,2012-09-18.
    1 Jennifer A. Brown, Our Native People:the Illegitimacy of Canadian Citizenship and Canadian Federation for the Aboriginal Peoples, Master Degree Thesis, Ottawa:Carlton University,1998, p.17.
    2 An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act, S.C.1960, c.7, s.1.
    Canada. Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples,1996a. Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, Vol.1:Looking Forward, Looking Back. Ottawa:Canada Communication Group.9.12.
    4 1871-1874梅蒂人曾短暂有选举权。加拿大议会网站统计显示,二战前,有保守党人Angus McKay、Pierre Delorme和独立参选人Louis Riel三位梅蒂人在1871-1873年间从Manitoba省(1870年建省)胜选成为加拿大众议员。三位梅蒂人均为英、法裔与印第安人后代,竞选时放弃了原住民身份。http://www.parl.gc.ca/Parlinfo/Compilations/Parliament/Aboriginal.aspx?Language=E&Menu=HOC-Bio&Role= MP,2012-10-19.
    1 An Act to amend the Canada Elections Act, S.C.1955, c.44, s.4(1). http://www.parl.gc.ca/MarleauMontpetit/DocumentViewer.aspx?Language=E&Print=1&Sec=Ch04&Seq=17,201 1-01-02.
    1 Jay Makarenko, "Canada Pension Plan:Overview, History and Debates", http://www.mapleleafweb.com/featu res/canada-pension-plan-overview-history-and-debates#history,2011-08-19.
    2 Hugh E.Q. Shewell,"Enough to Keep Them Alive":Indian Welfare in Canada,1873-1965, Toronto:University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division,2004,p.236.
    3 Jay Makarenko, "Canada Pension Plan:Overview, History and Debates" http://www.mapleleafweb.com/features/canada-pension-plan-overview-history-and-debates#history,,2013-01-03.
    4 National Union, "A Brief History of Pensions in Canada", March 2007,p.5. http://www.nupge.ca/files/publications/Pensions%20Documents/History_of_Pensions.pdf,2012-08-14.
    3 en. wikipedia.org/wiki/Canada_Pension_Plan,2012-01-19.
    1 The Office of the Commissioner of Review Tribunals, "History of the Canada Pension Plan", http://www.ocrt-bctr.gc.ca/dap-dep/r012002/sc02-eng.html,2012-01-19.
    2 National Union, "A Brief History of Pensions in Canada", March 2007,p.5. http://www.nupge.ca/files/publications/Pensions%20Documents/History_of_Pensions.pdf,2012-01-19. Service Canada,"The Guaranteed Income Supplement", http://www.servicecanada.gc.ca/eng/sc/oas/gis/guaranteeddincomesupplement.shtml,2012-01-19.
    3 Museum Canada,"Canada and the War", http://www.warmuseum.ca/cwm/exhibitions/newspapers/canadawar/allowance_e.shtml,2012-01-19.
    4 Dennis Guest, "Family Allowance", http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/articles/family-allowance
    5 Hugh E.Q. Shewell, "Enough to Keep Them Alive":Indian Welfare in Canada,1873-1965, Toronto:University of Toronto Press, Scholarly Publishing Division,2004,p.236.
    6 The Maytree Foundation, April 30. J. Stapleton, "A History of First Nations Social Services Arrangements within MCSS and its Predecessors". June 26-27,2007, http://openpolicyontario.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2012/02/2007_06_07_Updated_FN_Historyl.pdf, 2012-01-19.
    7 Department of Citizenship and Immigration, Indian Affairs Branch, Annual Report,1957-1958, Ottawa:Queen's Printer,1958,p.76.
    8 Hugh E.Q. Shewell,"Enough to Keep Them Alive":Indian Welfare in Canada, 1873-1965,p.239..
    9 Ibid.,p.264.
    1 "Saskatchewan Hospitalization Act", http://www.qp.gov.sk.ca/documents/English/Statutes/Repealed/S23.pdf,, 2012-01-19.
    2 J.Gilbert Turner,"The Hospital Insurance and Diagnostic Services Act:Its Impact on Hospital Administration",Canadian Medical Association Journal 78 (10),1958,pp.768-70.
    3 Brandon Madsen, "How Canadian Workers Won Universal Healthcare", http://www.socialistalternative.org/news/article20.php?id=567,2012-02-13.
    4 "Hospital Insurance And Diagnostic Services Act", http://www.socialpolicy.ca/52100/m 19/m 19-t9m.stm2012-02-13.
    5 Canada Civilization Museum, "Making Medicare, the history of Healthcare in Canada,1914-2007", http://www.civilization.ca/cmc/exhibitions/hist/medicare/medic-5h23e.shtml,2012-03-15.
    6 Canada Civilization Museum, "Saskatchewan Leads the Way", http://www.civilization.ca/cmc/exhibitions/hist/medicare/medic-5h02e.shtml,2012-03-15.
    1 Jay Makarenko, "Employment Insurance in Canada History", Sep.22,2002, http://www.mapleleafweb.com/features/employment-insurance-canada-history-structure-and-issues Zheng Xilin, "Employment Insurance in Canada:Policy Changes", http://ivt.crepuq.qc.ca/popactive/documentation2002_A/1998/pearl 998010002s2a06.pdf,2012-03-15.
    2 Ibid.
    1 "Television History-The First 75 Years", http://www.tvhistory.tv/1959%20QF.htm,2011-07-10.
    2 Jay Makarenko, "Employment Insurance in Canada History", Sep.22,2002,
    3 "Unemployment Insurance Act", http://www.socialpolicy.ca/cush/m3/m3-t33.stm,2011-07-10.
    4 "A Speech by Pierre Elliot Trudeau", http://www.nbu.bg/PUBLIC/IMAGES/File/departamenti/4ujdi%20ezitsi%20i%20literaturi/11.pdf,2011-07-10.
    1 John Saywell, Canada Pathways to the Present, revised edition, Toronto:Stoddard,1999, p.129.
    2 Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, "A statement of the Government of Canada on Indian Policy", in Richard P.Bowles, The Indian:Assimilation, Integration and Separation, Scarborough:Prentice-Hall, 1972,pp.202-204.
    3 Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, The White Paper, Statement of Government of Canada on Indian Policy, Ottawa:Queen's Printer,1969,p.99.
    1 Richard Peoples, New Peoples and Citizenship in Canada, International Journal of Canadian Studies,14, Fall 1996,p.65.
    2 Robert Head, "Trudeau's Words about Aboriginals Resonate", Calgary Herald(N), January 03,2012
    3 Goverment of Canada, House of Commons Debates,Ottawa:Queen's Printer for Canada,1969,p.11142.
    4 David C. Hawkes and Bradford W. Morse, "Alternative Methods for Aboriginal Participation in Processes of Constitutional Reform," in Ronald L. Watts and Douglas M. Brown, eds., Options for a New Canada,Toronto: University of Toronto Press,1991, p.164.
    5 Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, The White Paper, Statement of Government of Canada on Indian Policy, Ottawa:Queen's Printer,1969, p.6.
    1 Alan Cairns, Citizens Plus:Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State, Vancouver:UBC Press,2000, p.59.
    2 Ibid.p.54
    3 Delia Opekokew, "Self-identification and Cultural Preservation:A Commentary on Recent Indian Act Amendments",Canadian Native Law Reporter, No.2,1986, p.3.
    4 Goverment of Canada, House of Commons Debates,Ottawa: Queen's Printer for Canada,1969, p.11141.
    5 Indian Chiefs of Alberta, "Citizens Plus", Aboriginal Policy Studies, Vol.1, no.2,2011,pp.191-192, http://ejournals.library.ualberta.ca/index.php/aps/article/view/11690,2011-01-02.
    6 Leslie C. Green, Canada's Indians:Federal Policy, Government of Albert,1969, pp.4-5.
    7 Alan Cairns, Citizens Plus:Aboriginal Peoples and The Canadian State, Vancouver:UBC Press,2000,p.67.
    8 William Wuttunee, Ruffled Feathers, Calgary:Bell Books,1971,p.41.
    1 Peter R. Geber, "Canadian's Indians:from'Bands'to'First Nations', in Alfred Pletsch, Ethnicity in Canada-International Example and Perspectives(Kanada Project Ⅲ), Marburg/Lahn:Geographisches Institut der Universitat,1985,p.84.
    2 Harry B. Hawthorn, A Survey of Contemporary Indians of Canada, Ottawa:Indian Affairs Branch,1966-1967;该报告由加拿大政府委托民间机构研究发布,旨在探求是否保留原住民民族历史权利。全文见:http://caid.ca/HawRep 1 b 1966.pdf,2012-01-23.
    3 Edward M. Bennett, Indian and Federal Government Relationship in Canada:Constitution and the Mental Well-being of Indian People in Northern Ontario, in Alfred Pletsch (Hrsg.), Ethnicity in Canada-International Example and Perspectives(Kanada Project Ⅲ),p.72.
    4 Ibid.p.72.
    5 Govennent of Canada, House of Commons Debates,Ottawa:Queen's Printer for Canada,1969,p.690.
    6 Govennent of Canada, House of Commons Debates,Ottawa:Queen's Printer for Canada,1969,p.11139,也可参见http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/obj/s4/f2/dsk2/ftp01/MQ39879.pdf,2012-04-17.
    7 Sally Weaver, Making Canadian Indian Policy:The Hidden Agenda 1968-1970, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1981,p.182.
    1 S.Weave, Making Canadian Indian Policy, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1981, p.196.
    2 Ibid.p.185.
    3 Goverment of Canada, House of Commons Debates,Ottawa:Queen's Printer for Canada,1969,p.11139,.也可参见http://www.nlc-bnc.ca/obi/s4/f2/dsk2/ftD01/MO39879.pdf,2012-04-17.
    4 Harold Cardinal, The Unjust Society.- The Tragedy of Canada's Indians, Edmonton:Hurtig,1969, p.161.
    5 Ibid, p.1.
    6 Harold Cardinal, The Unjust Society.-The Tragedy of Canada's Indians,1969, p.166.
    7 William Wuttunee, Ruffled Feathers, Calgary:Bell Books,1971,p.38.
    1 E. Pattersonand I. Pallmer,1972:The Canadian Indians:A History Since 1500,Don Mills:Collier-MacMillan Canada Ltd,p.177.
    2 Harry B. Hawthorn, ed.A Survey of the Contemporary Indians of Canada:A Report on Economic, Political, Educational Needs and Policies, Vol.1. Ottawa:The Queen's Printer,1966, p.5.
    3 Joseph F. Krauter and Morris Davis, Minority Canadian:Ethnic Groups, Toronto:Carswell Company Limited,1978,p.18.
    4 Richard C. Powless, "Native People and Employment:A National Tragedy" Currents,1985(2).pp.2-5.
    5 Edgar J. Dosman, Indians:The Urban Dilemma,Toronto:McClelland and Stewart Limited,1972,p.59.
    6 Harry B. Hawthorn, ed,A Survey of the Contemporary Indians of Canada:A Report on Economic, Political, Educational Needs and Policies, Vol.1. Ottawa:The Queen's Printer,1966, p.130.
    7 Edgar J. Dosman, Indians:The Urban Dilemma,Toronto:McClelland and Stewart Limited,1972,p.39.
    1 迪克·加尔诺:《印第安人-加拿大第一民族的历史、现状与自治之路》,李鹏飞、杜发春译,北京:民族出版社,2008年版,第396页。
    2 Canada Parliament, "MPs of Inuit, Metis or First Nation Origin", http://www.parl.gc.ca/Parlinfo/Compilations/Parliament/Aboriginal.aspx?Language=E&Menu=HOC-Bio&Role= MP,2012-01-11.
    3 Alan C Cairns, "Aboriginal Peoples in the Twenty-first Century:A Plea for Realism", In Chad Gaffield and Karen L. Gould, The Canadian Distinctiveness into the XXIst Century, International Canadian Studies Series, Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press,2000,p.136.
    4 Jean Chretien, Straight from the Heart, Toronto:Key Porter Books,1985,p.58.
    5 王建波、曹新群:“国家认同构建中的加拿大教训(1968-1984)--以魁北克问题为视角”,《河南社会科学》,2012年1月,第82页。
    6Kenneth McRoberts, "English Canada and Quebec:Avoid the Issue ",www.yorku.ca/robarts/projects/lectures/ pdff/rl_mcroberts,2011-01-23.
    1 Michael D. Behiels,Prelude to Quebec's Quiet Revolution:Liberalism vs. Neo-Nationalism,1945-60, Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press.p.10.
    2 La Presse, March 18,1961,see Marcel Rioux, Quebec's New Look:An Interpretation: Ottawa:Canadian Association for Adult Education, Pamphlet no.15, April 1961,p.10.
    3 Michael D. Bethels, Quebec Since 1945,Toronto:Copy Clark Pitman,1987,p.57.
    4 Ann Arbor, Michigan, Canadian National Identity as Seen Through Public Opinion Polls:1941-1963[D],Albert University,1965,pp.56-57.
    5 Kenneth McRoberts, Quebec:Social Change and Political Crisis, Toronto:McClelland and Stewart 1988,p.71.
    6 文化孤岛(Cultural Island)指的是在某种非主流文化在主流文化的范围内存在,由于主流文化的压力和刺激,非主流文化自我文化认同不但没有被磨灭,反而更加强烈的一种文化现象。
    7 唐纳德·克顿:《加拿大近百年史》,山东大学翻译组译,济南:山东大学出版社,1972年版,第72页。
    1 Fitzmaurice, Quebec and Canada:Past, Present and Future, New York:St Martin's Press,1985,p.60.
    2 董忠瑜:《平静革命-魁北克社会的现代化变迁》,天津师范大学2004年硕士论文,第14页。
    3 安东尼·D·史密斯:《全球化时代的民族与民族主义》,龚维斌、良警宇译,北京:中央编译出版社,2002年版,第48-49页。
    1 Marcel Chaput, "The Secession of Quebec from Canada", in Paul Fox, ed, Politics:Canada-Recent Readings, New York Toronto and London:McGraw-Hill Company of Canada Ltd,1962,p.41.
    1 "Speak white"出自魁北克作家Michele Lalonde于1968年所做的法语诗,是英语加拿大人对说其它语言者的种族主义的说法。Kathy Mezei, "Bilingualism and Translation in/of Michele Lalonde's'Speak White', The Translator:Volume 4, Number 2,1998:Special Issue, Translation and Minority, pp.229-247.
    2 Claude Savoie, La Veritable Historie du F.L.Q. (Montreal 1963), English translation, see Janet Morchain,Mason Wade, Canada's Crises in French-English Relations 1759-1980,Markham,ON:Fitzhery & Whiteside, pp.159-160.
    3 “加拿大应对暴力革命启动战时管理”,《国际先驱导报》,2008年3月27口。
    4 "Independance Nationale" http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rassemblement_pour_1%27ind%C3%A9pendance_nationale,2011-03-15.
    1 封永平:“当代加拿大宪法危机探析”,《河北师范大学学报(哲社版)》,2002年第5期。
    2 Rene Levesque (1922-1987),1956-1959年CBC法语节目著名主持人,1960-1965年任选魁北克省下院议员和内阁部长,是魁人党的创办者之一,1976-1985年任魁北克总理。
    3 Rene Levesque, An Option for Quebec, Toronto:McClelland & Stewart,1968.
    4 Graham Fraser, Rene Levesque and the Parti Quebecois in Power, Montreal:McGill-Queen's Press,2001,p.366.
    1 Louis Balthazar, " The Quebec Experience:Success or Failure?", in Francisco Aldecoa and Michael Keating eds., Paradiplomacy in Action:The Foreign Relations of Subnational Governments, London:Frank Cass,1999, p. 161.
    1 Robin W. Winks, The Blacks in Canada:A History, Montreal:McGill-Queen's University Press,1971,p.191.
    2 Frances Henry, Forgotten Canadians; The Blacks of Nova Scotia, Toronto:Longman Canada,1973,pp.42-43.
    3 Samuel P. S. Ho and Ralph W. Huenemann, China's Open Door Policy:The Quest for Foreign Technology and Capital, Vancouver:UBC Press,1984,p.60.
    4 David Chuenyan Lai, Chinatown:Towns Within Cities in Canada, Vancouver:University of British Columbia Press,1988,Appendicesl
    5 Gerald E.Dirks, Canada's Refugee Policy, Montreal and London:McGill-Queen's University,1977,pp.203-204
    6 C. Michael Lanphier, Canada's Response to Refugees, International Migration Review, Vol.15, No.1/2, Refugees Today (Spring-Summer),1981,p.114.
    1 台湾光复书局大美百科全书编辑部;外文出版杜《大美百科全书》编辑部:《大美百科全书》,台北:台湾台北光复书局企业股份有限公司,“中华民国”七十九年(第5卷),第127页。
    1 John Porter,The Vertical Mosaic:An Analysis of Social Class and Power in Canada,Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1965.
    1 Iris Marion Young, Polity and Difference:A Critique of the Ideal of Universal Citizenship, Citizenship Critical Concepts, London and New York:1994, pp.386-408.
    2 Will Kymlica and Wayne Norman eds, Citizenship in Diverse Societies, Oxford University Press,2000,pp.1-41.
    3 贝斯·辛格:《实用主义、权利与民主》,王昌守等译,上海:上海译文出版社,2001年版,第118页。
    4 Michael Walzer, What It Mean s to be An American, New York:Marsilio Publisher Corp.1992. p.9.
    1 威尔·金利卡:《少数的权利-民族主义、多元文化主义和公民》,邓红凤译,上海:上海世纪出版集团,2005年版,第12页。
    1 塞谬尔·亨廷顿:《我们是谁:美国国家特性面临的挑战》,程克雄译,北京:新华出版社,2006年版,第109页。
    1 National Indian Brotherhood/Assembly of First Nations,Indian Control of Indian Education, "Policy Paper Presented to Minister of Indian Affairs and Northern Development",,2012-09-13.
    2 John David Hamilton, "Artie Revolution:Social Change in the Northwest Territories,1935-1994,1994,p.289. ,http://www.denenation.com/dene_declaration.html,2012-09-13.
    3 Tom Flanagan, First Nations? Second Thoughts (2nd), Montreal &Kinston:McGill-Queen's University Press,2008,pp.75-76.
    4 迪克·加尔诺:《印第安人-加拿大第一民族的历史、现状与自治之路》,李鹏飞、杜发春译,北京:民族出版社,2008年,第425页。
    5 Globe and Mail,30 April,1984,see Paul Tennant, Aboriginal Peoples and Politics—The Indian Land Question in British Columbia,1849-1989, Vancouver:UBC Press,1990.p.13.
    6 1992年后被努纳武特的滕加维克联合会Tungavik Federation of Nunavut取代。
    1 E. Kaye Fulton, "Drumbeats of Race", in Gregory S. Mahler etal., eds., Canadian Politics, Connecticut:The Dushkin Publishing Group,Inc.,1993, pp.181-183;Jack Aubry, "What is Self Government?", ibid.pp.184-185; Andre Picard, "The Internal Exiles of Canada", ibid.pp.186-189.
    2 迪克·加尔诺:《印第安人-加拿大第一民族的历史、现状与自治之路》,李鹏飞、杜发春译,北京:民族出版社,2008年版,第425页。
    3 Tom Flanagan, First Nations? Second Thoughts (2nd), Montreal &Kinston:McGill-Queen's University Press,2008,p.74.
    1 Alan C. Cairns, "Aboriginal Canadians, Citizenship, and the Constitution", in Alan C. Cairns, Douglas E. Williams, Reconfigurations:Canadian Citizenship and Constitutional Change:Selected Essays, Toronto: McClelland & Stewart,1995,p.243.
    2 Sally Weaver, Making Canadian Indian Policy:The Hidden Agenda 1968-1970, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1981, pp.53-56.
    3 威尔·金里卡着:《自由主义、社群与文化》,应奇、葛水林译,上海:上海世纪出版集团,2005年版,第140页。
    4 William Metcalife, Understanding Canada, A Multidisplinary Introduction to Canadian Studies, New York and London:New York University,1982,p.393.
    1 Georges Erasmus, "We the Dene," in Mel Watkins, Ed, Dene Nation—the Colony Within, Toronto:University of Toronto University Press,1977, pp.178-179.
    2 Alan Cairns, Citizenship, Diversity, and Pluralism:Canadian and Comparative Perspectives, Montreal: McGill-Queen's University Press,1999. p.96.
    3 Leroy Little Bear, Menno Boldt, and J. Anthony Long,Pathways to Self-Determination:Canadian Indians and the Canadian State, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1984.
    4 Menno Boldt and J. Anthony Long, eds.,The Quest for justice:Aboriginal Peoples and Aboriginal Rights, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1985.
    5 E. Robinson and H. Quinney,the Infested Blanket:Canada's Constitution-Genocide of Indian Nations,Winnipeg: Queen House,1985.
    6 J. Anthony Long and Menno Boldt,Governments in Conflict:Provinces and Indian Nations in Canada,Toronto: University of Toronto Press,1988.
    7 Boyce Richardson,Drumteat:Anger and Renewal in Indian Country,Toronto:The Assembly of First Nations and Summerhill Press,1989.
    8 Frank Cassidy, Aboriginal Self-Determination, Lantzville, BC:Oolichan Press,1991.
    9 Will Kymilica, Liberalism, Community, and Culture, Oxford:Calrendom Press,1989,p.152
    10 Iris Marion Young, "Policy and Group Difference:a Critique of Ideal of Universal Citizenship",in Ronald Beiner(ed), Theorrzing Citizenship, New York:State University of New York Press,1995, p.183.
    1 Sanders D, "The Re-emergence of Indigenous Questions in International Law", Canadian Human Rights Yearbook,1983a, p.21-25;Leslie Green, Aboriginal Peoples, international Law and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, Canadian Bar Review,1983,Vol.61. p.346.
    2 Ponting and Gibbins, "An Aseessment of the Probable Impact of Aboriginal Self-Government in Canada", in A. Cairns and C. Williams, Ed., the Politics of Gender. Ethnicity and Language in Canada.Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1983,p.216; Little Bear, Boldt and Long,Pathways to Self-determination:Canadian Indians and the Canadian State, Toronto:University of Toronto Press, p.xvi; Svensson F. "Liberal Democracy and Group Rights: the Legacy of Individualism and its Impact on American Indian Tribes", Political Studies, Vol.27, pp.431-432
    3 Menno Boldt and J. Anthony Long,"Tribal Philosophies and the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms", Ethnic and Racial Studies,Volume 7, Issue 4,1984,pp.478-493.
    4 Neol Dyck, What is the Indian "Problem"? St. John's, NF:Institute of Social and Economic Research,1991, p.27.
    1 The Front de liberation du Quebec Menifesto, p.1.Note.3, http://faculty.marianopolis.edu/c.belanger/quebechistory/docs/october/documents/FLQManifesto.pdf,2012-02-28
    2 Rene Peter Desbaratas, A Canadian in Search of Country, Toronto:mcclelland and Stewart,1976, p.182.
    Pierre Elliott Trudeau, "Address on the Implementation of the War Measures Act, National Broadcast from Ottawa,16 October 1970", in Brian Busby, ed., Great Canadian Speeches:Words that Shaped A Nation, London, Arcturus Publishing Limited,2008, p.144.
    4 Kenneth McRoberts, Misconceiving Canada:the Struggle for National Unity, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1997, p.245.
    1 "Estimated Vote for Nationalist Party or Cause, Francophone Qubecers,1970-1998", http://faculty.marianopolis.edu/c.belanger/quebechistory/stats/NATIONAL.HTM.
    1 "Union Populaire", http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Union_Populaire,2012-01-13.
    1 Statistics Canada, Canada Handbook, Ottawa:Minister of Supply and Services,1979,p.59.
    2 Peter S. Li "Cultural Diversity in Canada:The Social Construction of Racial Difference", http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/pi/rs/rep-rap/2002/rp02_8-dr02_8/p4.html,2012-01-18.
    3 Bruno Ramirez, the Italians in Canada, Ottawa:Canadian Historical Association with the Support of Multiculturalism Program of Canadian Government,1989,p.8.
    4 马丁·N·麦格:《族群社会学》(第6版),祖力亚提·司马义译,2006年版,第447页。
    1 本段以上发言均出自Paul Yuzyk, "Opening Address:Canada:A Multicultural Nation", see Miriam Verena Richter, Creating the National Mosaic:Multiculturalism in Canadian Childrenzs Literature from 1950 To 1994,2011,pp.36-37.
    2 "Yuzyk Remembered As Father of Multiculturalism", http://www.yuzyk.com/yuz-tributel.shtml,2012-04-14.
    3 "Senator Paul Yuzyk-Father of Multiculturalism", http://www.waymarking.com/waymarks/WMB3VA_Senator_Paul_Yuzyk_Father_of_Multiculturalism,2012-12-1 0.
    1 Royal Commission of Bilingualism and Biculturalism, Book IV of the Bilingualism and Biculturalism Commission Report, Cultural Contribution of the Ethnic Groups,Ottawa, 1967,p.14.
    1 Yearbook Division,Canada, Canada 1973,Ottawa:the Minister of Industry,Trade and Commerce,1973,p.47.
    2 蔡志伟:“加拿大法制中的原住民族土地权格”,施正锋、谢若兰(编):《加拿大原住民族的土地权实践》,寿丰:东华大学原住民民族学院,2008年,第108-109页。
    3 Rand Dyck, Canadian Politics (Concise Third Edition),Toronto:Nelson College Indigenous,2006,p.77协议全文见Grant Council of the Crees,http://www.gcc.ca/pdf/LEG000000006.pdf
    4 James S. Friders, Native People in Canada:Contemporary Conflicts, Scarborough,Ontario:Prentice-Hall Canada Inc.,1983,p.10.
    4 James S. Friders, Native People in Canada:Contemporary Conflicts,,p.225.
    5 Statistics Canada, Canada Handbook, Ottawa:Minister of Supply and Servic
    6 官大伟:“加拿大原住民的土地权”,《台湾国际研究季刊》,第7卷第1期,2011年春季号,第63页。
    7 丁见民:“二战后加拿大土著民族政策的演变”,《中国社会科学报》http://www.mzb.com.cn/html/report/212026-1.htm.
    1 官大伟:“加拿大原住民的士地权”,《台湾国际研究季刊》,第66页。http://www.tisanet.org/quarterly/7-1-4.pdf.2012-08-17.
    2 刘军:《加拿大》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2010年版,第49页。
    3 张友伦:《加拿大通史简编》,天津:南开大学出版社,1994年版,第325页。
    4 Metis Settlements Act, RSA 2000, c M-14,ttp://www.canlii.org/en/ab/laws/stat/rsa-2000-c-m-14/latest/rsa-2000-c-m-14.html,2011-01-23.
    5 严庆:《冲突与整合:民族政治关系模式研究》,北京:社会科学出版社,2011年版,第238页。
    1 Alan C. Cairns, Citizens Plus:Aboriginal Peoples and the Canadian State, Vancouver:UBC Press,2000,p.172.
    2 Cree-Naskapi (of Quebec) Act (S.C.1984, c.18) http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-45.7/,2012-12-23.
    1 Yukon First Nations Self Government Act, S.C.,1994, c.35, ttp://sgsyukon.ca/uploads/wN/wN/wNwNCBjr0zb94NMhLUgYlA/yfn_sg_act_1994.pdf,2012-12-23.
    2 Jack Hicks and Graham White, "Nunavut:Inuit Self-Determination through a Land Claim and Public Government?"see Keith Brownsey, Michael Howlett(edt), The Provincial State in Canada,Toronto:University of Toronto Press, Higher Education Division,2001,p.392
    3 Nunavut Agreement, http://www.tungvik.com/site-eng/nlca/nlca.htm.,2012-12-23.
    1 Waubageshig, The Only Good Indian:Essays by Canadian Indians, Toronto:New Press,1972, p.65.
    2 Statistics Canada, Canada Handbook, Ottawa:Ministry of Supply and Services,1979,p.48.
    3 邹岱妮:“加拿大原住民自治体制与教育研究”,台湾政治大学硕士论文,2009年,第57页。
    1 姜梵主编:《加拿大文明》,北京:中国社会科学出版社,2001年版,第331页。
    2 INAC,Basci Department Data, Ottawa:Minister of Government Servces, Canada,1998,pp.29-36.
    3 Department of Indian Affairs and North Development, Basic Department Data,Ottawa:Minster of Public Works and Government Services Canada, Feb,2002,p.28.
    4 阮西湖:“加拿大印第安人教育事业的发展”,《民族研究》,1989年第1期。
    5 刘军:《加拿大》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2010年版,第51页。
    6 James S. Friders, Native People in Canada:Contemporary Conflicts, Scarborough,Ontario:Prentice-Hall Canada Inc.,1983,p.172.
    7 丁见民:“二战后加拿大土著民族政策的演变”,《中国社会科学报》,2011年4月25日。
    1 Bill 22, The Official Language Act of 1974, http://www.oqlf.gouv.qc.ca/charte/reperes/Loi_22.pdf,2011-09-14.
    2 Ramsay Cook, Watching Quebec, Selected Essays, Montreal, Kinstoon London and Ithaca:McGill-Queen's University Press,2005,p.31.
    3 The Charter of the French Language in Quebec,http://canlili.org/qc/state/cll/whole.html,2012-04-15.
    4 Joseph Elliot Magnet, Official Languages of Canada:Perspectives from Law, Policy and the Future,Cowansville, Quebec. Les Editions Yvon Blais, 1995,p.37.
    1 李宪荣:“加拿大的英法双语政策", http://mail.tku.edu.tw/cfshih/ln/paper07.htm#14,2012-07-17.
    2 Robert Bothwell,Ian M. Drummond and John English,Canada Since 1945:Power, Politics and Provincialism, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,1989,p.381.
    3 Ibid.p.364.
    4 Pitamber Kaur,Federalism and Political Separatism:A Case Study of Quebec in Canada, New Delhi:south asian Publishers,2000,p.107.
    5 Robert Bothwell,Ian M. Drummond and John English,Canada Since 1945:Power, Politics and Provincialism, p.365.
    6 John Saywell, Canada:Pathways to the Present, Revised edition, Toronto:Stoddart,1999,p.115
    7 Bill 178,http.solon.org/constitutions/Canada/English/misc/bill_178e.html,2012-03-10.
    1 Louis Balthazar, "Quebec's International Relations:A Response to Needs and Necessities," in Brian Hocking,Foreign Relations and Federal States, London:Leicester University Press,1993, pp.147-152.
    2 陈志敏:“二元民族联邦制与对外关系:加拿大魁北克省的国际活动研究”,《太平洋学报》,2010年第3期,第80-81页。
    1 Patrick Boyer, Direct Democracy in Canada—The History and Future of Referendum, Toronto:Dundurn Press 1992, p.152.
    2 Globe and Mail, October 28,1992. p.A4 & October 29,1992, p.A5 Financial Times, October 28,1992,p.4.
    1 讲话全文见:http://www.canadahistory.com/sections/documents/Primeministers/trudeau/docs-onmulticulturalism.htm.
    2 Edward H. Lipsett,Brief to the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons on the Constitution Submitted by Canadian Consultative Council on Multiculturalism,Dec18,.1980,pp.3-4
    1 阮西湖:“加拿大多元文化主义20年”,参见寻找加拿大丛书编辑组主编,《加拿大文化的碰撞》,长春:吉林教育出版社,1992年版,第27页。
    2 Edward H. Lipsett,Brief to the Special Joint Committee of the Senate and the House of Commons on the Constitution,Ottawa:Canadian Consultative Council on Multiculturalism,Dec18,.1980,p.2.
    1 常士訚:“走出虚假的联合--加拿大多元文化主义政策的现实困境及21世纪变革方向”,《西南民族大学学报(人文社科版)》,2010年第9期,第40页。
    2 多元文化主义法全文见:http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/PDF/C-18.7.pdf,2012-07-16.
    3 多元文化主义法全文见:http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/PDF/C-18.7.pdf,2012-06-15.
    1 Anna Galan, ed., Multicultralism for Canada,Edmonto:High Eve Book Bindery LTD.,1979, p.6.
    1 "Baltej Singh Dhillon- Making History:A Sikh Canadian Hero" http://www.canadiansikhheritage.ca/files/Baltej%20Singh%20Dhillon.pdf,2012-09-18.
    2 James W. ST. G. Walker, "Human Rights in A Multicultural Framework:Defining Canadian Citiznehsip, 1945-1970", Canadian Issues, February 2002, p.33.
    1 Tbomas J. Abernatby, Status Integration and Ethnic Intrmarrigae in Canada,see Peter S. Li, B. Singh Bolaria, Racial Minorities in Multicutral Canada, Toronto:Garamond Press,pp.97-98.
    2 Will Kymlicka, Finding Our Way--Rethinking Ethnocultural Relations in Canada,Torono:Oxford University Press,1998,pp.19-20.
    3 刘军:《加拿大》,北京:社会科学文献出版社,2010年版,第45页。
    4 范微微:“多元文化社会中的国家认同:20世纪70年代以来加拿大公民教育研究”,吉林大学2011年博士论文,第135页。
    5 Abu-Laban Yasmeen and Christina Gabriel, Selling Diversity:Immigration. Multiculturalism, Employment Equity and Globalization, Peterborough:Broadview Press,2002.p.14.
    6 "Stephane Dion's letter to Premier of Quebec", MrLucien Bouchard, Stephane Dion, Straight Talk on Canadian Unity, Montreal and Kinston:McGill-Queen Univeristy Press,p.190.
    1 "Aboriginal peoples of Canada", http://www12.statcan.ca/english/census01/products/analytic/companion/abor/canada.cfm.2012-09-13.
    1 Jeffrey GReitz and Rupa Banerjee, "Racial Equality, Social Cohesion and Policy Issues in Canada", in Keith G Banting, Thomas J. Courchene and F. Leslie Seidle,eds., Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada, Montreal:Institute for Research on Public Policy,2007,pp.1-2.
    2 John Samuel and Kogalur Basavarajappa, "The Visible Minority Population in Canada:A Review of Numbers Growth and Labour Force Issues",Canadian Studies in Population, Vol.33.2,2006, p.243.
    3 Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada, What Is It Really About? Ottawa:Supply and Services Canada,1991,p.28;p.33.
    4 Justice Canada,"Cultural Diversity in Canada:The Social Construction of Racial Difference" http://www.justice.gc.ca/eng/pi/rs/rep-rap/2002/rp02_8-dr02_8/p4.html,2012-09-10.
    1 John Samuel and Kogalur Basavarajappa, "The Visible Minority Population in Canada:A Review of Numbers, Growth and Labour Force Issues",Canadian Studies in Population, Vol.33.2,2006, p.243.
    1 Royal Commission on Bilingualism and Biculturalism, Report, vol.4, Ottawa:Queen's Printer,1970,p.272
    2 Alain Pelletier, "Politcis and Ethnicity:Representation of Ethinic and Visible-Minority Group in the House of Commons, in Megyery Kathy,ed, Ehnocultral Groups and Visible Minorities in Canadiaan Politics:The Question of Access, Vol.7 of Research Studies for Yoyal Commission on Electoral Reform and Party Financing, Toronto: Dundurn press,1991, pp.129-130.
    3 Yasmeen Abu-laban, "Challenging the Gendered Vertical Mosaic:Immgration, Ethnic Minorities,Gender, and Political Participation", see Joanna Everitt and Brenda O'Neill,ed, Citizen Politics-Research Theory in Canadian Politica Behaviour, Toronto:Oxford University Press,2002,p.272.
    4 朱柳:“加拿大华裔参政新篇章”,《侨务工作研究》,1997年第4期。
    1 Will Kymlica, Liberalism, Community, and Culture, Oxford:Calrendom Press,1989; W.Kymilica,ed, Multicultural Citizenship:A Liberal Theory of Minorities,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1996; Will Kymilica, Politics in the Vernacular:Nationalism, Multiculturalism, and Citizenship,Oxford:Oxford University Press,2001;Will Kymlica,Finding Our Way, Rethinking Ethnocultural Relations in Canada, New York:Oxford University,1998.
    2 Irene Bloemraad, Becoming a Citizen:Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada, Berkeley:University of California Press,2006.
    3 Cardinal Phyllis, Aboriginal Perspective on Education:A Vision of Culture Context within the Framework of Social Studies, Literature Research Review, Edmonton:Alberta Learning, Curriculum Standards Branch1999,p.25.
    4 严庆:《冲突与整合:民族政治关系模式研究》,第238页。
    5 王丽芝:“神话与现实·加拿大多元文化主义政策再思考”,《世界民族》1995年第1期,第51页。
    1 Ibid.,p.123.
    2 William Clinton, "President Clinton's Federalism Speech, Forum of Federation Conference", Oct.8,1999,Quebec, http://ideefederale.ca/wp/wp-content/uploads/2009/09/Speech_by_President_Bill_Clinton_on_federalism.pdf,20 12-01-19
    3 Stephane Dion's Letter to Premier of Quebec, MrLucien Bouchard, Stephane Dion, Straight Talk on Canadian Unity, Montreal and Kigston:McGill-Queen Univeristy Press,p.190.
    4 陈云生:《宪法人类学》,北京:经济管理出版社,2001年版,第549页。
    5 Iren Bleared,Becoming A Citizen:Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada, Berkeley:University of California Press,2006.p.140.
    1 丁见民:“二战后加拿大的土著民族自治政策及存在的问题”,《山东师范大学学报》,2007年第6期。
    1 Jane Allain and Jean-Denis Fr6chette,Canada Parliament, "The Aboriginal Fisheries and the Sparrow Decision (BP341e) ", http://www.parl.gc.ca/Content/LOP/ResearchPublications/bp341-e.htm
    2 Ken Coates,The Marshall Decision and Native Rights, Montreal:McGill-Queen's University Press,2000,pp.3-4.
    3 Claude Denis, "Aboriginal Rights in/and Canadian Society:A Syewen Case Study", International Journal of Canadian Studies,14, Fall 1996, p.14.
    1 Ibid.pp.17-18.
    2 威尔·金里卡:《多元文化的公民身份》,马莉、张昌耀译,北京:中央民族大学出版社,2009年版,第275页。
    3 Yasmeen Abu-Laban and Daiva Stasiulis, "Ethnic Pluralism Under Siege:Popular and Partisan Opposition to Multiculturalism.", Canadian Public Policy,Vol 18, No.4,1992,p.36.
    1 Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, Aboriginal Peoples in Urban Centres:Report of the National Round Table on Aboriginal Urban Issues, Ottawa:Minister of Supply and Services Canada,1993, p.70.
    2 Statistics Canada, 'Aboriginal peoples of Canada:A Demographic Profile',pp.8-9, h ttp://www 12.statcan.ca/english/census01/Products/Analytic/companion/abor/pdf,2012-11-11.
    3 Statics Canada, "Aboriginal Peoples Survey,2001",in James S. Frideres Rene R. Gradacz, Aboriginal Peoples in Canada,(7th edition),Toronto:Pearson Prentice Hall,2004,pp.157-158.
    4 Cobiere vs. Canada, (SCC) 13, http://www.droit.umontreal.ca/doc/csc-scc/en/rec/html/bachewa.en.htl,2012-08-19.
    1 Statics Canada, "Aboriginal Peoples Survey,2001",in James S. Frideres Rene R. Gradacz, Aboriginal Peoples in Canada,p.162.
    2 周维萱:《多元文化主义下的族群关系-以美、加、新三国为分析对象》,台湾师范大学政治学研究所2005年学位论文/博士,第161页。
    3 Royal Commission an Aboriginal Peoples,Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples:Looking Forward, Looking Back, vol.1,Ottawa:Supply and Services Canada,1996,p.538.
    4 Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples, Aboriginal Peoples in Urban Centres:Report of the National Round Table on Aboriginal Urban Issues, Ottawa:Minister of Supply and Services Canada,1993, p.2.
    5 Ibid.pp.5-6
    1 Ibid.
    2 Ibid.
    3 Evelyn J. Peters, "First Nations and Metis People and Diversity in Canadian Cities", in Keith Banting, Thomas J. Courchene and F. Leslie Seidle, Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada,2007, p.230.
    4 Ibid..
    5 Royal Commission an Aboriginal Peoples,Report of the Royal Commission on Aboriginal Peoples:Looking Forward, Looking Back, vol. 1,Ottawa:Supply and Services Canada,1996,p.538.
    1 The Library of Parliament,2006 http://publications.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/CIR/936-e.htm,2010-09-18.
    2 Vic Satzewich,Race and Ethnicity in Canada:A Critical Introduction, Toronto:Oxford University Press,2010,p.166.
    3 Abu-Laban Yasmeen and Daiva Stasiulis, Ethnic Pluralism under Siege:Pupular and Partisan Oppostion to Multiculturalism, Canadian Public Policy,27(4),1992,p.367.
    4 Vic Satzewich,Race and Ethnicity in Canada:A Critical Introduction, Toronto:Oxford University Press,2010,p.166..
    5 Abu-Laban Yasmeen and Daiva Stasiulis, "Ethnic Pluralism under Siege:Pupular and Partisan Oppostion to Multiculturalism", Canadian Public Policy 27(4),1992,p.367.
    6 Neil Bissoondath, Selling Illusions:The Cult of Multiculturalism in Canada, Penguin Group, 1994,p.40,p.60
    1 Joseph H. Carens,Is Quebec Nationalism just?:Perspectives from Anglophone Canada,New York: McGill-Queen's Press-MQUP,1995,p.67.
    2 Alain-G Gagnon, Raffaeleo Lacovino, Interculturalism:Expanding the Boudaris of Citizenship[A], Romon Maiz Surez, Ferran Requejo Coll, Democaacy and Multicultralism[C], New York:Fank Cass and Co.Ltd,2005,p.30.
    3 Vic Satzewich,Race and Ethnicity in Canada:A Critical Introduction, Toronto:Oxford University Press,2010,p.169.
    4 Alain-GRaffaele Iacocino, Federalism, Citizenship and Quebec:Debating Multiculturalism,Toronto, Buffalo and London:University of Toronto Press,2007,p.98.
    1 Christiane Gagnon, "Bloc Quebecois:Integration Rather than Multiculturalism", see ardozo, Andrew, and Louis Musto, eds., The Battle over Multiculturalism:Does It Help or Hinder Canadian Unity? Ottawa: Pearson-Shoyama Institute,1997,pp.44-45.
    2 Christan Joppke, and Ewa Morawshka,"Intergrating Immigrats In Liberal Nation-states:Policies and Practices", in Christian Joppke and Ewa Morawska ed.,Towards Assimilation and Citizenship Immigrants in Liberal Nation-States.New York:Palgrave Macmillan,2003, p.9.
    3 Vic Satzewich,Race and Ethnicity in Canada:A Critical Introduction, Toronto:Oxford University Press,2010, p.169.
    1 1980 Referendum on Sovereignty-Association http://faculty.marianopolis.edu/c.belanger/quebechistory/stats/1980.htm,2013-01-10.
    1 Pierre Fournier,A Meech Lake Post-Mortem:Is Quebec Sovereignty Inevitable?,Kingston & Montreal:McGill-Queen's University Press,1991,pp.4-6.
    2 Patrick Bover. Direct Democracy in Canada—The History and Future of Referendum, Toronto:Dundurn Press 1992, p.152.
    3 Parti Quebecois, la souverainete, Montreal:Services de communications du parti Quebecois,1990., in Robert J.Jackson and Doreen Jackson, Politics in Canada:Cultures, Institutions, Behavior and Public Policy, Toronto: Pearson Prentice Hall,1994,p.269.
    4 Robert J.Jackson and Doreen Jacson, Stand Up for Canada:Leadership and Canadian Political Crisis, Scarborough:Prentice-Hall,1992,pp.201-202.
    5 Globe and Mail, October 28,1992. p.A4 & October 29,1992, p.A5 Financial Times, October 28,1992,p.4.
    1 An Act Respecting the Future of Quebec,http://www.sfu.ca/-aheard/billl.html,2012-01-12.
    2 Robert Boily, ed., L'Annee politique au Quebec,1995-1996, Montreal, Fides,1997, p.134;p.232;pp.119-143.
    3 Robert J.Jackson and Doreen Jackson, Politics in Canada:Culture, Institutions, Behavior and Public Policy, Toronto:Pearson Education Canada,1994, p.99.
    1 Kenneth McRoberts, "Quebec:Province, Nation, or Distinct Society?", in Whittington M.S.&Williams G,eds., Canadian Politics in the 1990s, Toronto:Nelson Canada 1995, pp.95-96.
    2 Keith Spicer(Chairman),Citizens' Forum on Canada's Future,Report to the People and Government of Canada,Ottawa:Minsiter of Supply and Serveices,1991,p.159
    3 Will Kymlicka and Wayne Norman, "Recent Work on Citizenship Theory ",1992,p.40
    4 Robert J.Jackson and Doreen Jackson, Politics in Canada:Culture, Institutions, Behaviour and Public Policy, Scarborough, Ontario:Prentice-Hall,1994, p.99.
    1 Leger and Leger Poll of Oct.23-26,1995,'Self-identification f Quebec Francophones, in Kenneth McRoberts, Misconceiving Canada:the Struggle for National Unity, Toronto:Oxford University Press,1997, p.247.
    1 Louis Balthazar, "The Dynamics of Multi-ethnicity in French-speaking Quebec:Towards a New Citizenship", in Jean Laponce and Safran William.eds., Ethnicity and Citizenship, the Canadian Case, London:Frank Cass Publishers,1996,p.91.
    1 讲话全文见:http://www.canadahistory.com/sections/documents/Primeministers/trudeau/docs-onmulticulturalism.htm
    2 “加国多元文化政策贻害移民?”,《环球华报》,2006-03-21,www.gcpnews.com/viewer.php?aid=563&cid=1064&pid=3,2012-07-10.
    1 Neil Bissoondath, Selling Illusions:The Cull of Multiculturalism in Canada, Penguin Group,1994, pp.89-90
    2 Christina Gabriel, Recasting Citizenship:the Politics of Multiculturalism Policy in Canada (D), York University, 1997, p.237.
    3 Marleana Da Silva, "The Challenges of Multiculturalism in Canada", http://www.helium.com/items/954390-the-challenges-of-multiculturalism-in-canada,2012-10-11.
    4 Sei Pao, Canadian:Mul ti cultural ism Concept Lost on Many Newcomers, Forum on Multiculturalism in Municipalities, Vancouver:Vancouver Publishing House,1996, p.72.
    1 Marleana Da Silva, "The Challenges of Multiculturalism in Canada", http://www.helium.coin/items/954390-the-challenges-of-multiculturalism-in-canada,2012-10-11.
    2 Reed Scowen, Time to Say Goodbye:The Case for Getting Quebec Out of Canada, Toronto:McClellan & Stewart,1999,p.87.
    3 Paul Tana(Director), cafe Italia Montreal,Montreal:ACPAV Productions,1985.
    1 James E. Carl and Adrienne Shadd,Talking about Difference:Encounters in Culture, Language and Identity, Toronto:Between The Lines,1994,pp.18-19
    2 Ibid.pp.10-11.
    3 Ibid.p.29.
    4 Carol Shields, "A View from the Edge of the Edge", A CSC News Letters, Vol.58,1998, pp.31-32.
    Della Kirkham,"The Reform Party of Canada,Discourse on Race, Ethnicity and Equality",In V. Satzewich,Racism & Social Inequality in Canada,Toronto:Thompson Educational Publishing,1998,p.255.
    " R. Gwyn,Nationalism Without Walls,Toronto:McClellnd & Stewart,1996,p.234.
    1 Minelle Mathni, "Canadian Multicultural Policy and Mixed Race Identities", see Sean P. Hier, B. Singh Bolaria, Identity and Belonging:Rethinking Race and Ethnicity in Canadian Society,2006,pp.168-169
    2 Juteau Danielle,'The Citizen Makes an Entree:Redefining the National Community in Quebec", Citizenship Studies,No.6,2002, p.441.
    3 Globel and Mail,1 July 1997, see Ruth Sandwell, To the Past:History Education, Public Memory, and Citizenship in Canada, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,2006, p.24.
    1 Ruth Sandwell, To the Past:History Education, Public Memory, and Citizenship in Canada, Toronto:University of Toronto Press,2006, p.24.
    2 Jack L.Grannatstein, Who Killed Canadian History? Toronto:Harper Collins,1998.
    3 Marc Leman, Political and Social Affairs Division,"Canadian Multiculturalism",15 February 1999,http://publications.ec.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/CIR/936-e.htm
    4 Irving Abella, "Multiculturalism, Jews, and the Forging of a Canandian Identity", in Cardozo, Andrew, and Louis Musto, eds, The Battle over Multiculturalism:Does It Help or Hinder Canadian Unity? Ottawa: Pearson-Shoyama Institute,1997. pp.78-81
    1 菲利克斯·格罗斯:《公民与国家-民族、部族与族属身份》,王建娥等译,北京:新华出版社,2003年版,第228、236页。
    2 Joseph H Careens, Culture Citizenship and Community:A Contextual Exploration of Justice as Evenhandedness, New York:Oxford University Press,2000,p.63.
    1 House of Commons, Hansard,1998-11-05, p.39. http://hansard.millbanksystems.com/lords/1998/jun/05/public-interest-disclosure-bill,2013-01-2.
    2 Centre for Constitutional Studies,"Spicer Commission", http://www.law.ualberta.ca/centres/ccs/keywords/?id=59,2012-12-19.
    3 Spicer, K. (Chairman), Citizen's Forum on Canada's Future:Report to the People and Government of Canada, Ottawa:Supply and Services Canada,1991,pp.34-44.
    1 威尔·金里卡:《少数的权利--民族主义、多元文化主义和公民》,邓红风译,第7页
    2 Privy Council of Canada, Shared Values:The Canadian identity, Ottawa:Privy Council of Canada,1991. http://www.solon.org/Constitutions/Canada/English/Proposals/Proposal.english.txt,2012-09-10.
    3 Mel Smith, Our Native Land:What the Government's Aboriginal Policy to Doing to Canada, Victoria, BC:Crown Western,1995,p.263.
    4 Canada House of Commons, Hansard from The House of Commons,1998-11-05, http://www.parl.gc.ca/HousePublications/Publication.aspx?DocId=2332856&Language=E&Mode=1#LINK5,201 2-10-19.
    5 Canada House of Commons, Hansard from The House of Commons,1999-10-27.http://hansard.millbanksystems.com/sittings/1999/,2013-01-3.
    1 Ronald Rudin, "From the Nation to the Citizen:Quebec Historical Writing and the Shaping of Identity",Robert Adamoski, Dorothy Chunn, and Robert Menzies, eds, Contesting Canadian Citizenship:Historical Readings,Toronto:University of Toronto Press, Higher Education Division,2002,p.103.
    2 John Saywell, Canada:Pathways to the Present, Revised Edition, Toronto:Stoddart,1999,p.108.
    3 William Johnson, "Federalists in Quebec Find Their Voice", the Global and Mail,13 Nov.2007.
    4 Micheline Labelle and Francois Rocher, "Debating Citizenship in Canada:the Collide of Two Nation-building Projects", see Pierre Boyer,Linda Cardinal and David John Headon,eds, From Subjects to Citizens:A Hundred Years of Citizenship in Australia and Canada, Ottawa:University of Ottawa Press,2003,p.270.
    5 Ibid.
    1 Jocelyn Letourneau, La production Historienne, Paris:L'Harmattan,1997,pp.30-32.
    2 Conrad Black, "Canada's Continuing Identity Crisis," Foreign Affairs, vol 74 no.2,March/April 1995, p.110.
    3 Ouebec Government, "Ouebec's Political and Constitutional Status-An Overview",1999,pp.31-32.http://www.saic.eouv.gc.ca/publications/documents inst const/statut-pol en.pdf,2012-12-01.
    4 Maclean's.CA,25 December 1995, p.33.
    1 Stephane Maurice Dion,Straight Talk, Speeches and Writings on Canadian Unity,Montreal and Kinston:McGill-Queen University,p.14.
    2 Ibid,pp.4-5,p.46.
    3 Jacques Parizeau, "The Case for a Sovereign Quebec.", Foreign Policy, No.99,Summer 1995, p.75.
    4 The Globe and Mail,July 23,1992.
    5 The Gazette (Montreal),28 October 1995.
    6 The Globe and Mail.24 November 1994.
    7 The Globe and Mail,30 March 1995.
    1 John Saywdll, Canada:Pathways to the Present, revised edition, Toronto:Stoddart,1999,p.108.
    2 刘岳云:“一九九五年魁北克省公民投票表决结果与加国联邦之前途”,《文化大学政治研究所学报》第五期,第87页。
    3 Melvin H. Smith, Our Home or Native land?:What Governments'Aboriginal Policy is Doing to Canada? Toronto:Stoddart Publishing Co. Limited,1995, p.163.
    4 Martin N. Marger, Race and Ethnic Relations:American and Global Perspectives (5th edition), Belmont,CA:Wadsworth,1999,p.495.
    5 Spicer, K. (Chairman), Citizen's Forum on Canada's Future:Report to the People and Government of Canada,Ottawa:Supply and Services Canada,1991.pp.16-22.
    1 Ibid.,p.85.
    2 Ibid.,p.88.
    3 Ibid.,p.162.
    4 Ibid.,p.129.
    5 Progressive Conservative Party, Resolution Guide from the 1991 General Meeting and National Policy Conference,6-10 August 1991.Peterborough:Broadview Press 1994,p.8.
    6 Multiculturalism and Citizenship Canada, Multiculturalism:What is it Really About? Ottawa:Minister of Supply and Services Canada,1991,p.1.
    7 Iren Bleared,Becoming a Citizen:Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada,Berkeley:University of California Press,2006.p.143.
    1 Grey Byle, Augus Reid, Canadians, Grey Byle & Augus Reid Study, Forum on Multicltlturalism in Municipalities, Vancouver:Vancouver Publishing House,1996, p.63.
    2 Jack Kapica, "Canadians Want Mmosaic to Melt, Survey Finds:Rrespondents Believe Immigrants Should Adopt Canada's Values", the Globe and Mail, December 14,1993.
    3 Donna Dasko, "Canadian Public Attitudes toward Multiculturalism and Bilingualism", http://www.queensu.ca/cora/files/diversity dasko.pdf,2012-09-10.
    4 Martin N. Marger, Race and Ethnic Relations:American and Global Perspectives (5th edition). n.495.
    5 Globe and Mail, November 4,1995, p. D6.
    1 Reform Party of Canada, in Abu-Laban Yasmeen and Daiva Stasiulis, "Ethnic Pluralism under Siege:Pupular and Partisan Opposition to Multiculturalism", Canadian Public Policy 27(4),1992,p.373.
    2 Lee Morrison,"Statements in the House",Oct.18,1994,http://openparliament.ca/politicians/6518/?page=60#?page=54,2012-09-14.
    1 以上两人发言见Jan Brown, "Independent MP:Culture as an Individual Responsibility", in Andrew Cardozo & Louis Musto,eds, the Battle over Multiculturalism, Does it Help or Hinder Canadian Unity? Ottawa:PS Pub,1997, p.60 p.62;p.65.
    2 Fo Niemi, "Quebec, Canada and Multiculturalism:A Version for the 21st Century",Ibid.p.168.
    3 Abu-Laban Yasmeen and Daiva Stasiulis, "Ethnic Pluralism under Siege:Pupular and Partisan Oppostion to Multiculturalism". Canadian Public Policy 27(4),1992,p.376.
    4 Ibid,p.374.
    1 Vic Satzewich and Nikolaos Liodakis,Race and Ethinicity in Canada, a Critical Introduction, Toronto:Oxford University Press; Second Edition Edition,2010, pp.163-164
    2 杨信彰主编:《麦克米伦高阶英汉双解词典》,北京:外语教学与研究出版社,2005年版,第1095页。
    3 Will Kymlicka, "The Current State of Multiculturalism in Canada and Research Themes on Canadian Multiculturalism 2008-2010",http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/multi-state/index.asp
    4 Jill Wherrett, "Aboriginal Self-government", Ottawa:Library of Parliament,1999. http://www.parl.gc.ca/information/library/prbpubs/962-e.htm,2012-12-01.
    1 比如,变更土地权的目的是为了维护公共利益和公共安全,非经原住民同意,政府不将原住民传统上的狩猎区,改为露天矿区或铺路。原住民土地权,在若干条件下可扩大适用于非传统地区(areas of non-traditional use),例如油田或天然气田地区。
    2 Delgamuukw v. British Columbia,3 SCR (1997),1010,1081 DLR,参见http://www.ualberta.ca/-esimpson/claims/gitksan.htm,2013-01-12.
    3 Supreme Court of Canada, "Delgamuukw v. British Columbia, [1997] 3 S.C.R.1010.",1997,p.89, http://www.canlii.org/en/ca/scc/doc/1997/1997canlii302/1997canlii302.html,2012-08-23.
    1 于福坚:“加拿大是如何化解魁北克危机的”,《中国民族报》,2009年11月13。
    2 Jason Kirby, Martin Patriquin and Colin Campbel, "Quebec in Deep Economic Trouble", Maclean's March 19, 2007,http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/articles/macleans/quebec-in-deep-economic-trouble,2011-09-01.
    3 阮西湖:《20世纪后半叶世界民族关系探析》,北京:民族出版社,2004年版,第9页。
    1 Brian O'Neal, "Political and Social Affairs Division, Distinct Society:Origins, Interpretations, Implications", see at http://www.parl.gc.ca/Content/LOP/ResearchPublications/bp408-e.htm,2010-09-08.
    2 资助项目的初衷是好的,可惜在具体的实施中被自由党一些高官贪腐和滥用。2003年,加拿大审汁长审计出这一项目的贪腐丑闻。2006年初,这一丑闻部分地导致了自由党在联邦大选中败北。
    3 Patrick J. Monahan and Michael J. Bryant with Nancy C. Cote. "Coming to Terms with Plan B:Ten Principles Governing Secession,"CD Howe Institute Commentary,p.83,http://www.cdhowe.org/pdf/Monahan.pdf, 2012-03-15. 一战后期,为处理战败帝国统治下的“民族”问题,美国总统威尔逊提出了“民族自决权”理论,主张任何一个民族均有权自主决定自身的政治存在及其类型。同一时期,列宁也提出了类似的主张。“民族自决权”检出“一个民族,一个国家”(one nation, one state)的原则。这一理论有利于处理战败帝国的政治遗产,构建战后国家新秩序,有助于推动帝国主义和殖民主义统治下的“民族”的独立与解放。该理论在20世纪的非殖民化过程中起到了巨大的历史作用,促进世界性的殖民体系土崩瓦解,但在另一方面这一理论也引发了若干多民族国家的分离主义运动,造成了许多国家长期的纷争与动荡。
    1 James Crawford,"State Practice and International Law in Relation to Unilateral Secession",(Report to Government of Canada concerning unilateral secession by Quebec,1997). http://www.tamilnation.org/selfdetermination/index.htm,2012-03-15.
    2 1867至今共22位联邦总理中,魁北克占了7位(都是出现在20世纪),其中自由党的威尔弗里德·劳里埃(Wilfrid Laurier)、路易斯·圣劳伦(Louis Stephen St-Laurent)、皮埃尔·特鲁多(Pierre Trudeau)、热·克雷蒂安(Jean Chretien)和保守党的布莱恩·马尔罗尼(Brian Mulroney)。
    1 An Act to Give Effect to The Requirement for Clarity As Set Out In The Opinion of the Supreme Court,http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/C-31.8/page-1.html,2011-07-08.
    2 “从法理上堵住分裂漏洞 各国立法打击分裂势力”,新华网.http://news.xinhuanet.com/taiwan/2005-03/16/content_2704504.htm,2012-01-01.
    3 C计划的说法见,Alan C. Cairns, "Looking Into the Abyss:The Need for a Plan C", C. D. Howe Institute Commentary, no.96, September 1997, pp.1-32, http://www.cdhowe.org/pdf/cairns.pdf,2011-01-02.
    1 The Globe and Mail,30 January 1996.
    2 黎国坤:“魁北克问题及对加拿大的影响”,《世界经济研究》1996年第5期。
    3 "Calgary Declaration",http://uni.ca/initiatives/calgary_e.php,2011-06-10.
    4 The State of Minority-language Education in the Provinces and Territories of Canada, A Report of the Council of Ministers of Education Canada, Jan.1983.p.17.
    5 王建波、曹新群:“国家认同构建中的加拿大教训(1968--1984)——以魁北克问题为视角”,《河南社会科学》,2012年第1期。
    1 朱毓朝:“魁北克分离主义的挑战与近年来加拿大联邦政府在法律和政策上的应对”,《世界民族》2007年第4期。
    2 Michelin Labelle, Francois Rocher, "Debating Citizenship in Canada:the Collide of Two Nation-building projects, Pierre Boyer", see Linda Cardinal, David headon, From Subjects to Citizens:a Hundred Years of Citizenship in Australia and Canada[c], Ottawa:University of Ottawa Press,2004,p.266.
    1 Ibid. p.267.
    2 House of Commons, Debates,No.52,18 Feb,2000, http://openparliament.ca/debates/2000/2/18/martin-cauchon-1/,2010.09-10.
    3 1976年公民誓词为:我宣誓/声明:我将忠实地效忠加拿大女王伊丽莎白二世陛下、她的后嗣和继任者,并将切实遵守加拿大的法律,履行作为加拿大公民的责任。the Ctizenship Act of Canada 1999, http://www.parl.gc.ca/About/Parliament/LegislativeSummaries/bills_ls.asp?lang=F&ls=C63&Parl=36&Ses=1#I. The Oath,2011-03-23.
    4 Citizenship and Immigration Canada, "A Citizenship of Canada Act Proposed in Parliament", News Release, November 25,1999, from:www.cic.gc.ca/english/press/99/9937-pre.html,2011-03-23.
    1 Tracey Derwing and Kama Jamieson and Murray J. Munro, "Citizenship Education for Adult Immigrants:Changes Over the Last Ten Years," The Alberta Journal of Educational Research Vol.44, No.4 (Winter 1998),p 384.
    2 John Biles and Mary-Lee Mulholland, "Newcomer Integration Policies in Canada," December 30, 2005, p.51.
    3 Shiva S. Halli and Leo Driedger, eds, Immigrant Canada, Demographic, Economic, and Social Challenges,1999,p.55.
    4 Citizenship and Immigration Canada, News Release, October 31,2002b.p.1
    1 Speaking Notes for The Honourable Jason Kenney, P.C., M.P. Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and Multiculturalism, http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/department/media/speeches/2011/2011-12-12.asp,2012-01-05.
    2 Citizeship and Immigration Canada, "Changes to Citizenship Rules As of April 2009",http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/citizenship/rules.asp#understand,2011-03-17.
    3 "Ottawa Targets 1,800 in Citizenship Crackdown". CBC News. Jul 20,2011. http://www.cbc.ca/news/ca
    1 Ministerial Press Release,25 June 1993, see Christina Louise Gabriel, "Recasting Citizenship:The Politics of. Multiculturalism Policy in Canada(D)",York University,1997, p.225.
    2 Christina Louise Gabriel, Recasting Citizenship:The Politics of. Multiculturalism Policy in Canada(D),York University,1997,p.76;pp.242-243.
    1 Abu-Laban Yasmeen and Christina Gabriel,Selling Diversity:Immigration, Multiculturalism, Employment Equity and Globalization, Peterborough:Broadview Press,2002.p.113.
    2 Amelita Armit, "Openning Remarks to the Juliet cuenco Annual memorial Seminar", see Andrew Cardozo & Louis Musto,eds, The Battle over Multiculturalism, Does it Help or Hinder Canadian Unity? Ottawa:PSI Pub,1997, p.14.
    3 Abu-Laban Yasmeen and Christina Gabriel,Selling Diversity:Immigration, Multiculturalism, Employment Equity and Globalization, Peterborough:Broadview Press,2002.p.114.
    1 House of Commons, Debates,No.52,18 Feb,2000, http://openparliament.ca/debates/2000/2/18/martin-cauchon-1/,2011-06-10.
    2 Ibid.
    3 Ministerial Press Release,25 June 1993, see Christina Louise Gabriel, "Recasting Citizenship:The Politics of. Multiculturalism Policy in Canada"(D),York University,1997, p.227.
    4 高鉴国:《加拿大文化与现代化》,沈阳:辽海出版社,1999年,第111页。
    5 Michelin Labelle, Francois Rocher, "Debating Citizenship in Canada:the Collide of Two Nation-building Projects", in Pierre Boyer, Linda Cardinal, David headon, From Subjects to Citizens:a Hundred Years of Citizenship in Australia and Canada[C], Ottawa:University of Ottawa Press,2004,p.269.
    1 Citizenship and Immigration Canada[R],Performance Report.,Ottawa:Minister of Public Works and Government Services Canada,2001.p.1.
    2 Irene bloemraad, Becoming a Citizen:Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada, Berkeley:University of California Press,2006,p.251.
    3 Osborne Ken, "Education is the Best National Insurance:Citizenship Education in Canadian Schools, Past and Present",Canadian and International Education,25(2),1996,pp.31-58.
    1 Helen McKenzie, Political and Social Affairs Division, Citizenship Education in Canada,Ministry of Supply and Services Canada, Ottawa:Canada Communication Group,1993, pp.4-10, p.18. http://publications.gc.ca/Collection-R/LoPBdP/BP/bp326-e.htm,2011-10-10.
    2 Ibid.,p.l.
    1 Statistic Canada, "1996,Census:Ethnic Origin, Visible Minorities", the Daily,17 Feb,1998, pp.l-2.http://www.statcan.ca/daily/english/980217/d980217.htm
    2 Michelin Labelle, Francois Rocher, "Debating Citizenship in Canada:the Collide of Two Nation-building Projects"[A], Pierre Boyer, Linda Cardinal, David headon, From Subjects to Citizens:a Hundred Years of Citizenship in Australia and Canada[C], Ottawa:University of Ottawa Press,2004,p.270.
    3 Vic Satzewich, Nicolaos Liodakis, Race and Ethnicity in Canada, a Critical Introduction, Toronto:Oxford University Press,2007, pp.152-153.
    4 Keith Banting, Thomas J. Courchene and F. Leslie Seidle (eds), Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada,Montreal, QC:Institute for Research on Public Policy,2007.p.10.
    5 Vic Satzewich, Nicolaos Liodakis, Race and Ethnicity in Canada, A Citical Introduction, Toronto:Oxford University Press,2007, pp.152-153.
    1 Howard-hassmann, Rhoda, "Canadians" as an Ethinic Categray:Implications for Multiculturalism and National Unity", Canadian Public Policy,1999,25(4).p.531.
    2 Bourhis Richard,"Measuring Ethocultural Diversity Using the Canadian Census, Canadian Ethic Studies 35(1),2003, pp.9-32;Jack Jedwab, "Coming to Our Census:the Need for Continuing Inquiry into Canadians' Ethnic Origins, Candian Ethnic Studies,35(1).2000,pp.33-50.
    3 Byod Monica and Dong Norris, "Who are the Canadians? Changing Census Responses 1986-1996", Canadian Ethnic Studies,33(1),2001,pp.1-24.
    4 Jack Jedwab, "Coming to Our Census:The Need for Continuing Inquiry into Canadians'Ethnic Origins", Candian Ethnic Studies,35(1)2000, pp.33-50.
    5 Phillip Resnick, The European Roots of Canadian Identity, Peterborough:Broadview Press,2005.p.13.
    6 Michael Bliss, "Has Canada Failed?" Literary Review of Canada 14 (2),2006,p.5.
    1 丁见民:“二战后加拿大的土著民族自治政策及存在的问题”,《山东师范大学学报(哲社版)》,2007年第6期。
    2 Andrew Nurse, Raymond Blake.Beyond National Dreams:Essays on Canadian Citizenship and Nationalism, Markham, Ont:Fitzhenry & Whiteside,2009, p.257.
    3 Tom Flangan, First Nations? Second Thoughts (2nd edition),Montreal and Kingston:McGill-Queen's University Press,2008,p.51.
    1 “加拿大土著部落竟是免税天堂”,大闽网,http://fj.qq.com/a/20110826/000252_2.htm,2012-05-16.
    2 Jean-Sebastien Bargiel,"Federal Voter Turnout in First Nations Reserves (2004-2011)",p.2. http://www.elections.ca/res/rec/part/fvt/fvt_en.pdf,2013-03-29.
    1 CTV, "Court Rules Metis, Off-reserve Aboriginals Qualify as 'Indians".http://www.ctvnews.ca/canada/court-rules-metis-off-reserve-aboriginals-qualify-as-indians-1.1105186, 2013-01-02
    2 Michael Woods, "Harper Government Appeals Federal Court Ruling on Metis and Non-status Indians",Feb,6,2013, http://www.canada.com/Harper+government+appeals+federal+court+ruling+M%C3%A9tis+status+Indians/7928 636/story.html.2013.02.09.
    3 Factbox, "What is the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples?", National Post. 2007-09-13.http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=eec0b550-e95a-492b-8801-6ede20a2d35e, 2010-06-25.
    4 "Tories Defend' no 'in Native Rights Vote",Canwest News Service.2007-09-14。 http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news/story.html?id=5a03839b-6ee5-4391-8cd8-fe9338ac7baf, 2010-06-25.
    1 Nancy Karetak-Lindell,"Statements in the House,"May 29th, 2008,http://openparliament.ca/politicians/149/,2011-07-16.
    2 Taiaiake Alfred, The Assembly of First Nations, "First Nations' Perspectives on Political Identity",2009,pp.30-31,,2010-10-11.
    3 加拿大原住民捍卫土地”不再懈怠”运动延烧全国http://news.ifeng.com/world/detail_2013_01/07/20891680_0.shtml,2013-02-01.
    1 马丁·N·麦格:《族群社会学》(第6版),祖力亚提·司马义译,北京:华夏出版社,2007年版,第441页。
    2 "Landry admits Quebeckers weary of referendums"http://www.globeandmail.ca/20011123/,2012-10-19
    3 Siobhan Harty, and Michael Nurphy, In Defence off Multinationa Citizenship, Voncover:UBC Press, 2005,p.113.
    4 “加拿大魁北克56%居民想独立,归属感是最大问题”,http://news.xinhuanet.com/world/2005-10/31/content_3706133.htm,2012-10-19.
    1 Quebec Citizen Act全文参见:http://www.assnat.qc.ca/en/travaux-parlementaires/projets-loi/projet-loi-195-38-1. html,2012-10-19.
    2 “魁北克公民问题新提案掀起政坛波澜”,《蒙城华裔报》,2007年11月3日。
    3 "PQ Bill Supported by Francophones, Condemned by Anglophones", http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/story.html?id=e37f0027-75cb-41c4-81a2-31b43f5c6360,2012-10-19.
    1 “加总理:魁北克是国中之国”,《新闻晨报》,http://old.jfdaily.com/gb/jfxww/xlbk/xwcb/node10782/node10785/userobjectlai1511552.html,2012-10-19.
    2 "PQ leader to Put Sovereignty on Backburner", http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/story/2007/09/25/pq-leadership.htm,12012-10-19.
    3 "Quebec Opposition Parties Push Sovereignty Issue",October 27,2008, http://www.cbc.ca/news/quebecvotes2008/story/2008/10/27/mtl-politics1027.html,2012-10-19.
    4"Opposition Leaders Blast Snap Election, Sell Their Parties as Best to Govern Quebec", http://www.cbc.ca/news/quebecvotes2008/story/2008/11/05/qv-electioncall1105.html,2012-10-19.
    5 40th Quebec General Election,http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/40th Quebec_general election,2012-10-19.
    6 该修正案主要内容是不允许法语人口和新移民上英语学校。
    7 Graeme Hamilton, "Judges' Ruling Rekindless Quebec Language Wars", National Post, October 23,2009
    8 news.backchina.com/viewnews-122921-big5.html,2012-10-19.
    1 The Environics Institute,"Canadians on Citizenship, The First National Survey on What it Means to be a Citizen in Canada"2012,p.20,p.24, http://www.environicsinstitute.org/uploads/institute-projects/citizenship2011report.pdf,2012-1-19.2
    2 "St. Patrick's Day Parade Too English, says Sovereignist Group",The Gazette,2008-03-11. http://www.canada.com/montrealgazette/news/story.html?k=19816&id=7ffd5a94-5a07-45c8-97ba-5eee95b8597e, 2013-03-01.
    1 常士訚:“多元文化与民族共治-凯米利卡多元文化主义政治思想研究”,见迪克·加尔诺:《印第安人:加拿大第一民族的历史、现状与自治之路》李鹏飞、杜发春译,北京:民族出版社,2008年版,第440-441页。
    1 Jeffrey Reitz and Rupa Baneriee, "How Canadian are You"? the Globe and Mail, Jan.12,2007.
    2 "Study Shows Immigrants Sense of Belonging to Canada Deepens With Age", http://www.canadavisa.com/study-shows-immigrants-sense-of-belonging-to-canada-deepens-with-age-070705.ht ml,2011-10-07.
    3 “南开大学为学者叶嘉莹筹建迦陵学舍”,《中国青年报》,2013年,1月28日01版
    4 Joseph Brean, "the Changing Meaning of Citizenship in Canada",National Post, Mar 16,2012
    5 Iren Bleared. Becoming a Citizen:Incorporating Immigrants and Refugees in the United States and Canada Berkeley:University of California Press,2006.p.142.
    6 Andrew Cohen, The Unfinished Canadian:The People We Are, Toronto:McClelland & Stewart,2007, p.3
    1 Roy MacGregor, Canadians:A Portrait of a Country and Its People, Winnipeg:Winnipeg Free Press,2007,p.60
    2 Jack Granatstein, Who Killed Canadian History, Toronto:Phyllis Bruce Books Perennial,2007, p.158.
    3 Joseph Brean, "The Changing Meaning of Citizenship in Canada",National Post, Mar 16,2012
    4 Ibid.
    5 John Berry, "Multicultural Policy in Canada:A Social Psychological Analysis",Canadian Journal of Behavior al Science,1984(16),pp.360-366
    6 John Berry and Rudolf Kalin, "Multicultural and Ethnic Attitudes in Canada:An Overv iew of the 1991 National Survey", Canadian Journal of Behavioral Science,1995 (27),pp.301-320.
    1 John Ryan, "Hutters",http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/articles/hutterites,2012-07-09.
    2 "Hutterite", http://www.experiencefestival.com/a/Hutterite/id/498251,2012-07-09.
    3 John Ryan, "Hutters",http://www.thecanadianencyclopedia.com/articles/hutterites,,2012-07-09.
    4 J. A. Hostetler and G. E, Huntington, The Hutterites in North America,.Toronto:Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1967,p.29.
    1 Isabel Teotonio, "Toronto 18", http://www3.thestar.com/static/toronto18/index.html,2011-11-01
    2 "How We Became a Land of Ghettos",National Post,Jan.12,2006, http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/issuesideas/story.html?id=0d7e614b-786b-4aae-9535-2c588ca13a1e,20 12.07-03.
    3 CBC,"Father, Son Plead Guilty to Aqsa Parvez Murder", June 15,2010 http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2010/06/15/parvez-guilty-plea.html,2012.07-03.
    4 Mary Rogan, "Girl, Interrupted", Toronto Life.2008,http://www. torontolife.com/features/girl-interrupted
    5 Richard Hartley-parkin son and Mark Duell,"I would do it again 100 Times':Muslim Father 'Murdered his Three Daughters in Honour Killing for Dating Wrong Boys", http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2061842/Mohammad-Shafia-murdered-daughter-honour-killing-said-hed-again.html,2011-08-08.
    1 Marina Jimenez,"Do Ethnic Enclaves Impede Integration",Globe and Mail, Feb 08,2007, http://www.theglobeandmail.com/news/national/do-ethnic-enclaves-impede-integration/article1070403/?page=I, 2011-03-01.
    2 Ibid.
    1 Eric Grenar, "Natives are Under-represented in Parliament", The Globe and Mail,Jan.21,2013,
    2 2012年2月2日18-19点加拿大Omins电视台报道。
    1 Joan Kendall, "Circles of Disadvantages:Aboriginal Poverty and Underdevelopment in Canada", Amercian Reiview of Canadian Studies, Summer,2001,p.43.
    2 Evelyn J. Peters, "First Nations and Metis People and Diversity in Canadian Cities", see Keith Banting, Thomas J. Courchene and F. Leslie Seidle, Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada, 2007,p.251,p.258.
    3 范微微:“多元文化社会中的国家认同:20世纪70年代以来加拿大公民教育研究”,2011年吉林大学博士论文,第141页。
    4 "Income Gap Persists for Aboriginal Canadians", http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2010/04/08/aboriginal-income-disparity.html,2012-03-01.
    5 Evelyn J. Peters, "First Nations and Metis People and Diversity in Canadian Cities", in Keith Banting, Thomas J. Courchene and F. Leslie Seidle, eds, Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada, 2007,pp.210-211,p.216.
    6 Statistics Canada, "Aboriginal Peoples", http://www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/11-402-x/2011000/chap/ap-pa/ap-pa-eng.htm,2012-03-01.
    7 Daniel Wilson and David Macdonald, Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives, "the Income Gap between Aboriginal Peoples and the Rest of Canada, April.2010", p.8,. http://abdc.bc.ca/uploads/file/09%20Harvest/Aboriginal%20Income%20Gap%20ccpa.pdf,2012-12-01.
    1 Statistics Canada, "Gross Domestic Product, Expenditure-based, by Province and Territory", http://www.statcan.gc.ca/tables-tableaux/sum-som/101/cst01/econ 15-eng.htm,2012-12-11.
    2 Jeffrey G.Reitz and Rupa Banerjee, "Racial Equality, Social Cohesion and Policy Issues in Canada", in Keith Banting, Thomas J. Courchene and F. Leslie Seidle, Belonging? Diversity, Recognition and Shared Citizenship in Canada,2007, p.5.
    1 Augie Fleras and Jean Leonard. Unequal Relations:An Introduction to Race and Ethnic Dynamics in Canada, Toronto:Prentice Hall,2002.p.75.
    2 迪克·加尔诺:《印第安人:加拿大第一民族的历史、现状与自治之路》李鹏飞、杜发春译,北京:民族出版社,2008年版;第464-465页。
    3 同上,第466-467页。
    4 Derouin, Jodey, "Asians and Multiculturalism in Canada's Three Major Cities", in Caroline Andrew, ed, Our Diverse Cities, No.1, Spring,2004, Ottawa:Metropolis and the Federation of Canadian Municipalities,2004, pp.58-62.
    5 Micheal Adams, Unlikely Utopia, the Supprising Triumph of Canadian Pluralism, Toronto:Penguin Canada, 2007,p.41.
    6 Mia Dauvergne, Katie Scrim and Shannon Brennan, Canadian Centre for Justice Statistics, Statistics Canada, Hate crime in Canada, www.statcan.gc.ca/pub/85f0033m/85f0033m2008017-eng.htm
    1 “加拿大种族歧视严重,近七成少数族裔身受其害”,2010年1月17日,http://www.gcpnews.com/articles/2007-01-17/C1063_4318.html,2013-01-02.
    2 "Why Do Skilled Immigrants Struggle in the Labor Market? ",http://www.nber.org/papers/w15036,2013-01-02.
    3 CBC News, "Minorities to Rise Significantly by 2031:StatsCan",09,March,2010, http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/story/2010/03/09/statscan-minority.html,2013-01-02.
    1 贝斯·辛格:《实用主义、权利和民主》,王守昌等译,上海:上海译文出版社,2001年版,第118页。
    1 Gerald Kennan, Multicultural Nationalism:Civilizing Difference, Constituting Community, Vancouver:UBC Press,2005,p.17.
    1 蓝仁哲:《加拿大文化论》,重庆:重庆出版社,2008年版,第123页。
    2 Will Kymlica, Finding Our Way, Rethinking Ethnocultural Relations in Canada, New York:Oxford University Press,1998,p.16.
    3 基思·福克斯:《公民身份》,黄俊龙翻译,台北:巨流出版公司,2003年版,第133页。
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    Library and Archives Canada,http://www.lac-bac.gc.ca/
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    The National Assembly of Qucbec,http://www.assnat.qc.ca/
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    252.刘军:加拿大的华裔移民、种族政策和社会问题:访加拿大皇家学院院士李胜生 教授.中国社会科学报,2010年1月7日

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