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     低位体系域(LST),形成于末次盛冰期低海面时期(约22~15 ka BP),对应于Uf单元,由大量的深切河谷和洪泛平原沉积组成。
     海侵体系域(TST),形成于冰消期海侵时期(约15~7 ka BP),对应于Ue单元。早期(约15~10 ka BP)主要形成洪泛沼泽炭质沉积和深切河谷充填;中期(约10~8 ka BP)沉积以潮滩或河口沉积为主,并形成大型、稳定的海侵水道;后期(约8~7 ka BP)原潮滩或河口沉积遭受海底侵蚀,海侵水道仍处于冲刷状态。冰消期海侵时期,研究区南部主要物质来源为黄河,并混合有其它源区物质;研究区北部物源供给不稳定,并无优势物源,主要为燕山水系和太行水系沉积。
     高水位体系域(HST),形成于约7 ka BP以后的海面高水位时期,在沉积供给复杂变化背景下,形成由Ud, Uc, Ub,和Ua单元组成的高水位体系域复杂体:
     约7-3.5 ka BP (Ud单元形成),黄河在此期间曾入海于渤海湾西岸,在研究区南部形成NE方向前积的黄河三角洲;在研究中部和北部形以黄河物源为主的陆架浅海沉积,海侵水道仍未被充填。
     约3.5-1 ka BP (Uc单元形成),研究区北部和中部形成2个三角洲沉积体,并形成海岸线的快速向海推进,海侵水道被完全充填。北部的三角洲为燕山水系和太行水系形成,并以燕山水系为主;中部的三角洲由黄河水系和太行水系形成。
     约1-0.15 ka BP (Ub单元形成),研究区中部海河口附近形成黄河与太行水系三角洲,北部近岸地区形成以燕山水系物源为主的滨浅海沉积。
     约150年以来(Ua单元形成),因AD 1855黄河重归渤海,形成以悬浮沉积物为主的现代渤海沉积,沉积物源以黄河物质为主。
From the northwest Bohai Bay, the western part of Bohai Sea, the seismic analysis in more than 1000km of high-resolution sub-bottom profiles, together with the lithofacies, micropaleontology, chronostratigraphy, and geochemistry elements analysis in sediment cores, reveal the structure, sedimentary environment and provenance evolutions of Deglacial succession in response to fluctuations in sea-level and switching of river discharges. The Deglacial succession in northwest Bohai Bay consists of six seismic units (Ua-Uf, in descending order) bounded by key reflection surfaces (To, R1, R2, R3, T1 and T2), corresponding respectively to six depositional units (DU1-DU6) in 4 sediment cores. The Deglacial sequence in the northwest Bohai Bay consists of three systems tracts of lowland, transgressive and highstand, overlying onto the type I boundary.
     Lowstand Systems Tract (LST), corresponding to the Unit Uf, consists of the deep fluvial valley and floodplain sediments, formed during the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) period (ca.22~15 ka BP), when the global sea-level was 120m below present sea-level (bpsl).
     The Transgressive Systems Tract (TST) is associated to the unit Ue, deposited with retrogradational feature during the Deglacial transgression (ca.15~7 ka BP).
     In early stage (ca.15~10 ka BP) of TST, the deposition of fluvial carbonaceous swamp had been formed, resulting from the gradually warming climate in early Deglacial period; in its middle stage (ca.10~8 ka BP), several transgression channels were formed, and the sedimentation was mainly recorded in near shore environments, such as estuarine and tidal flat; and in its final stage (ca.8~7 ka BP), the original paralic sediments on the seabed far away from the shoreland were subjected to extensive erosion when submerged by the sea-water.
     The main sources of Deglacial transgression sedimentation in southern region, were from the Yellow River, but mixed with other source material. While in northern region, with no stable supply or source material, the sediments were mainly brought by the two water systems of Yanshan Mountains and Taihang Mountains.
     Since ca.7 ka BP, when the sea-level basically stabilized in highstand, the seaward progradational sedimentation, resulting from the different river discharges, made the complex of Highstand Systerms Tract (HST) of the upper four seismic units (Ud-Ua).
     During ca.7~3.5 ka BP (when unit Ud was formed), Yellow River had brought the sediments to the southwest margin of Bohai Bay, which formed a NE-progradational predelta in south region. While in northern and central regions, Yellow River provenance sediment was deposited under the environment setting of the shelf shallow sea.
     During ca.3.5~1 ka BP (when unit Uc was formed), two deltas were stacked respectively in northern and central regions, leading to the fast progradation of coastline. In northern region, the delta was formed by two water systems of Yanshan Mountains and Taihang Mountains, but the former was the major source. In central region, however, the delta was formed by the combined water system of Yellow River and Taihang Mountains.
     During ca.1~0.15 ka BP (when unit Ub was formed), in central region, a delta was formed by the combined water system of Yellow River and Taihang Mountains. In northern region, however, the Yanshan Mountains water system brought the main provenance for the sedimentations under littoral and shallow sea environments.
     Since last ca.150 years (when unit Ua was formed), the Yellow River discharged back into the south Bohai Sea. Under the control of the Yellow River materials, the surface suspended sediments were newly deposited in modern Bohai Bay.
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