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The dissertation includes the introduction, six special topics and the conclusion.
     The introduction explains the selection of the topic, motif, outline and significance of writing in details, simply introduces main contents of the special topic and clarifies the main conceptions and opinions in this thesis, especially provides the Knowledge background and writing train of thought, which the main bodies do not involve. The main purpose of the dissertation is to summarize and clarify all the ideas about social epistemology and to construct a rational research system。We can put all different research contents into the systemic research platform, analyze and compare these contents and character on one hand, on the other hand import my research contents and theory innovation on the basic of systemic induction and compare. I want to contribute some my solutions and explorations in this novel research field.
     Chapter One can divide into three sections, they are section one the development of modern epistemology, section two the socialization directions of epistemology and section three the research significance of Social Epistemology. The dissertation expounds the new development characters of modern epistemology, that is the naturalized epistemology and the socialized epistemology. The dissertation points out the important theory characters and the meaning of naturalized epistemology, at the same time it points out the shortcoming of naturalized epistemology, especially the justification problem and the circulation problem, points out the two problems are the unaccountable problems and puzzles of naturalized epistemology. But a new direction of epistemology is forming stealthily and enlarging the influence at the same time, it is opening a new research idea. It is Social Epistemology. The dissertation points out two research routes of Social Epistemology concretely, that is the differentiation route between individual and group and the testimony research route. The dissertation points out a larger and looser Social Epistemology and enlarges the research scope. Section two expounds two formation directions of Social Epistemology, that is the turn from Naturalized to Socialized and the turn form Individual to Socialized, points out the formation reason of the two turns, expounds its historical and theoretical inevitability. Section three expounds five research significances of the Social Epistemology. It concludes that the research of Social Epistemology is of great epistemological importance in defining and deepening the concept "society", in clarifying the direction of the epistemological research, and diversifying philosophical methodologies. In particular, Social Epistemology has theoretical and practical significance in enriching and complementing Marxian epistemology and promoting the development of Philosophy of Social Science in the context of China. Synthetically, Chapter one expound the modern development of Epistemology, point out that the philosophy research especially the Epistemology research represent obvious socialization trend, analyze that this socialization trend has its particular philosophy idea development background. The article designate the two formation directions of Social Epistemology, analyze the research meaning and value of modern Social Epistemology deeply .
     Chapter two can divide into two sections, they are section one the meaning of Social Epistemology and section two the demarcation of Social Epistemology. The dissertation expounds the historical trace in the section one, discusses the idea of Social Epistemology from the time of Ancient Greece, 17-18century,19century and 20century. Although these ideas are only thinking sparks, it is a necessary review to the systemic research. The dissertation clarifies the meaning of Social Epistemology from the study of knowledge policy, the organization of knowledge society and the social attribution of knowledge , it gives eight different definitions from the social attribution of knowledge, it gives abundant review and general induction from many viewpoint. The dissertation gives systemic research to the demarcation of Social Epistemology from the traditional epistemology, Social Epistemology and Knowledge Sociology, it points out the differentiation between Social Epistemology and traditional Epistemology is whether the epistemology standard is individual or collective, is whether the epistemology standard is rational or social. Both Social Epistemology and Knowledge Sociology are the social study of knowledge, their definitions are different. Their opinions to science tradition and social structure are different, too. Knowledge Sociology maintains that the social attribute of knowledge is from the two factors, but Social Epistemology denies it and maintains that it comes from the social interactions of knowledge. Synthetically, Chapter two takes up with three essential works. Firstly, the article carries up the development clue and idea venation evolvement of Social Epistemology from the point of view of history development. Secondly, the article makes the essential confirmation to the meaning of Social Epistemology, reveals its research style and multiple understanding. Finally, the article nails down the boundary of Social Epistemology, traditional epistemology and knowledge sociology.
     Chapter three can divide into three sections, they are section one the theory orientation of Social Epistemology, section two the research route of Social Epistemology and section three the fundamental domains of Social Epistemology. Section one analyzes three theory orientation of Social Epistemology. The part takes all kinds of theories into the orientation on the basis of it. Specifically, the orientation can divide into the continued orientation, the substituted orientation and the Parallel orientation. Section two analyzes two kind research routes, "the knowledge is belief and "the knowledge is institutional belief are the core of the sociology research methods, "the knowledge is true belief" and "the knowledge is justified true belief are the core of philosophy research methods. Section three analyzes the fundamental domains of Social Epistemology. The social factors of individual knowledge , the distribution of cognitive labor and the nature of collective knowledge are the core of this section . The dissertation analyzes the main questions of Social Epistemology, stresses the testimony problem and the expert opinions choice problem. Synthetically, Chapter three analyzes the essence of Social Epistemology and it is the core contents of basic research. The article analyzes three different theory orientations of Social Epistemology, points out philosophy and sociology routes, divides three different domains, analyzes and expounds its idiographic contents, constructs one main line to understand Social Epistemology.
     Chapter four can divide into five sections, they are section one veritistic Social Epistemology, section two minimal Social Epistemology, Section three normative Social Epistemology, section four constructive Social Epistemology and section five feminist Social Epistemology. Section one expounds Alvin Goldman' veritistic Social Epistemology, expounds his veritistic dimension idea and six criticism and justify to truth, points out his evaluation aim, base and criterion, analyzes his veritistic calculate and the Bayesian theorem. Section two expounds Philips Kitcher' minimal Social Epistemology, points out his interpretation of scientific change, the individual practice and consensus practice, the research of cognitive labor distribution. The dissertation points out that his theory is a minimal Social Epistemology. Section three expounds Steve Fuller' normative Social Epistemology, discusses normative epistemology, norm, the governance of science and the invisible hand and the rhetoric research of knowledge production. Section four expounds constructive Social Epistemology, points out three opinions of the theory of social constructivism, the constructive interpretation of scientific knowledge and the meaning of constructive interpretation to epistemology, takes constructivism into Social Epistemology from the external view. Section five expounds feminist Social Epistemology, expounds the study contents from the orientation of feminist epistemology, the history and development of feminist epistemology and the thesis of feminist epistemology. Synthetically, Chapter four consummates the contents of Social Epistemology, enriches its main line, exhibits the character of modern Social Epistemology. Specifically, the article introduce five different theories and ideas, points out the contents, characters and meanings of these theories, designates that they are considerations of human knowledge explorations which goes deep into social practice, that they are realization mechanisms of human cognitive deepen, whether modern Social Epistemology represents whatever actual characters and adopts whatever research visual thresholds.
     Chapter five can divide four sections, they are section one the legitimization of scientific knowledge, section two cognitive bias from perspective of Social Epistemology, section three information and knowledge of Social Epistemology, section four Social Epistemology and Research Ethnics. Section one expounds the legitimization of scientific knowledge, three solutions of Social Epistemology and The new interpretation of normative epistemology, gives a new answer to this problem. Section two expounds the formation reason of cognitive bias, the essential character of cognitive bias and the solution of Social Epistemology, gives a new solution to this complicated question. Section three expounds the information and knowledge from the perspective of Social Epistemology, points out the meaning of Social Epistemology from the aim domain of Social Epistemology, the method domain of Social Epistemology and the value domain of Social Epistemology. Section four expounds the relationship between Social Epistemology and research ethnics, points out the meaning and value of research ethnics, the interpretation of Social Epistemology and the interpretation domain of research ethnics. Synthetically, Chapter five is the practical research of Social Epistemology, it surveys the sociality and the social dimensions of knowledge from the specific questions, analyzes the enlightenments of Social Epistemology towards scientific knowledge legitimization, cognitive bias, information, and research ethics, analyzes the development of epistemology socialization, reveal that the socialization idea can bring new intentions and thoughts.
     Chapter six can divide two parts, they are section one the content and meaning of contextual empiricism and section two the exquisite contextual empiricism. In section one it exhibits the contents, characters and contextual explanations of longino's contextual empiricism, points out that context can explain the gap between hypotheses and evidence. In section two it offers my own opinions and attitudes, criticizes and amends longino's theory from three directions, provides my own opinions, constructs an exquisite contextual empiricism, analyzes and explains the specific process and explanation function of the context explanation. The article considers that the thinking manner, thinking revolution and methodology innovation of Social Epistemology can bring profound enlightenment and cognitive value for epistemology.
     Conclusion section summarizes the innovation and inadequacies in the dissertation, reveals that the trend of the subject is practical Philosophy ,and at the same time reveals an important idea, which is The Free Marketplace of Ideas, points out the meaning of the dissertation, namely, it can promote us to understand why Social Epistemology had appeared in the different domains of philosophy and sociology why Social Epistemology had formed the trend of socialization epistemology. The part points out that openness and practice are the research trend of Social Epistemology.
    [2]陈嘉明先生在他的《知识与确证:当代认识论引论》(上海人民出版社.2003.第1页)中将英文Epistemology (认识论)翻译为Theory of Knowledge(知识论)。同时,尼古拉斯.布宁在他的《西方哲学英汉对照辞典中》也写道:epistemology来源于希腊文episteme和logos,在字面上是指知识论。“epistemic”(认识的)是它的形容词,即对知识的获得。“gnoseology”(认知学)有时也用于认识论的同义词,或用于指探究知识的科学方法。
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    [4]A.Shimony,D.Nails,Naturalistic Epistemology,Reidel Publishing Company,Boston,1987,p.260
    [5]W.V.Quine,Ontological Relativity and Other Essays,New York,Columbia University Press,1969,p.82
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    [2]Jesse Shera,Sociological Foundations of Librarianship,Asia Publishing House,1970,p.86
    [2]Alvin Goldman,Knowledge in a Social World,Oxford University Press,1994,p.4
    [3]Kusch Martin,Testimony in Communication Epistemology,Studies in History and Philosophy of Science,part 23 A,2002,33(2),p.336.
    [1]Alvin Goldman,Group Knowledge VS Group Rationality:Two Approaches to Social Epistemology,Episteme:A Journal of Social Epistemology,2004,1,p.11-22
    [2]此处可详细参考Alvin Goldman,Pathways to Knowledge,,Oxford University Press,2002,,p182-204;Frederick Schmitt,Socializing Epistemology:The Social Dimensions of Knowledge,Rowman&Littlefield Publishers,1994,p1-29
    [1]Rom Harre,Varieties of Realism:a Rationale for the Natural Sciences,Oxford:Blackwell.1986,p.21
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    [1]Michael Roess,The Social Dimension of Epistemology,Florida Philosophy Review,2005,Vol:V,p.25.
    [2]Alvin Goldman,Pathway to Knowledge,Oxford University Press,2002,p.26.
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    [4]Robert Almeder,Harmless Naturalism;the limits of science and the nature of philosophy,Carus Publishing Company,1998,p.36.
    [1]M.Gibson,Quine'Behaviorism,In the Philosophy of Psychology,W.Donohue&R.Kitchner(eds).Sage Publications,1996,p.96.
    [2]Alvin Goldman,What Is Justified Belief,In Naturalizing Epistemology,H.Kornblith(eds),MITPress,1985,p.91.
    [3]Hilary Kornblith,A Conservative Approach to Social Epistemology,Frederick Schmitt(eds),Social Epistemology:the Social Dimensions of Knowledge,Rowman&publishers,Inc,1994,p.93.
    [1]David Resnik,Social Epistemology and the Ethics of Research,Studies in History and Philosophy of Science,Vol:27,p.570-571.
    [1]Steve Fuller,Social Epistemology,Indiana University Press,2002,p.29.
    [3]Gulbenkian Commission,Open the Social Science,Stanford University Press,1996,p.93.
    [1]John Locke,An Essay Concerning Human Understanding,Dover,1959,p.23.
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    [2]Ted Benton,Ian Craib,Philosophy of Social Science,Palgrave,2001,p.60.
    [1]Bruno Latour and Steve Woolgar,Laboratory Life:The Construction of Scientific Facts,Princeton,NJ:Princeton University Press,1986,p128-129
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    [1]Jesse Shera,Sociological Foundations of Librarianship,New York,Asia Publishing House,1970,86
    [3]这七篇论文分别为:Frederick.Schmitt,"Justification,Sociality and Automony";Stewart Cohen,"Knowledge,Context,and Social Standards";Hilary Kornblith,"Some Social Features of Cognition ";Keith Lehrer,"Personal and Social Knowledge";Alvin Goldman,"Foundations of Social Epistemics";Steve Fuller,"On Regulating What is Known:A Way to Social Epistemology ";Margaret Gilbert,"Modeling Collective Belief"
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    [1]Helen Longino,Science as Social Knowledge,Princeton University Press,1990,p.48
    [1]Helen Longino,Science as Social Knowledge,Princeton University Press,1990,p.27
    [2]K.Brad Wray,Defending Longino' Social Epistemology,http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/TKno/TKnoWray.htm
    [3]Helen Longino,Science as Social Knowledge,Princeton University Press,1990,p.58
    [4]K.Brad Wray,Defending Longino' Social Epistemology,http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/TKno/TKnoWray.htm
    [5]Helen Longino,Science as Social Knowledge,Princeton University Press,1990,p.57
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    [2]K.Brad Wray,Defending Longino' Social Epistemology,http://www.bu.edu/wcp/Papers/TKno/TKnoWray.htm
    [3]Helen Longino,Science as Social Knowledge,Princeton University Press,1990,p.58-59
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    [1]Helen Longino,The Fate of Knowledge,Princeton University Press,2002,p.131
    [1]Helen Longino,Science as Social Knowledge,Princeton University Press,1990,p.44
    [1]详见 Helen Longino,Science as Social Knowledge,Princeton University Press,1990,p.41
    [1]详见 Helen Longino,Science as Social Knowledge,Princeton University Press,1990,p.42-43
    [2]详见 Helen Longino,Science as Social Knowledge,Princeton University Press,1990,p.43
    [1]Helen Longino,Science as Social Knowledge,Princeton University Press,1990,p.46-47
    [2]Helen Longino,Science as Social Knowledge,Princeton University Press,1990,p.66
    [1]灵长类进化模型祥见 Helen Longino,Science as Social Knowledge,Princeton University Press,1990,p.107
    [1]Helen Longino,Science as Social Knowledge,Princeton University Press,1990,p.109
    [1]Helen Longino,The Fate of Knowledge,Princeton University Press,2002,p.77
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    [2]Helen Longino,The Fate of Knowledge,Princeton University Press,2002,p78
    [3]Helen Longino,The Fate of Knowledge,Princeton University Press,2002,p80
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    [2]Helen Longino,The Fate of Knowledge,Princeton University Press,2002,p.83
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    [3]Helen Longino,The Fate of Knowledge,Princeton University Press,2002,p.84
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    [3]Helen Longino,The Fate of Knowledge,Princeton University Press,2002,p.92
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    [1]Helen Longino,Science as Social Knowledge,Princeton University Press,1990,p.72
    [2]Helen Longino,The Fate of Knowledge,Princeton University Press,2002,p.131
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    [2]关于社会认识论的实践研究领域可详见Alvin Goldman,Knowledge in a Social World,Oxford:Clarendon Press,1999,p221-400
    [1]Frederick Schauer,Free Speech:A Philosophical Enquiry,New York:Cambridge University Press,1982,p.16
    [1]Seyla Benhabib,Models of Public Space:Hannah Arendt,the Liberal Tradion,and Jǖrgen Habermas,in C.Calhoun(ed.),Habermas and the Public Sphere,Cambridge,MA:MIT Press,1992,p.89
    [2]Gulbenkian Commission,Open the Social Science,Stanford University Press,1996,p.93.
    1.Ted Benton,Iran Craib,Philosophy of Social Science,Palgrave,2001.
    2.W.V.Quine,Ontological Relativity and Other Essays,New York:Columbia University Press,1969
    3.A.Shimony,D.Nails,Naturalistic Epistemology,Boston:Reidel Publishing Company,1987
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