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     H:D≈1:1;H:D′ ≈1:2 α≈27°三个等式同时满足,称为“滨河恒等式”。
The big rivers gave birth to the ancient world civilization, and cities could not be separated from rivers at the moment when they came into existing. Fresh water is one of the basic factors for the survival of human beings, which helps fasten the cities to rivers. With the development of productive forces, the relationship between city and river begins to have some changes. Nowadays, the city planning begins to involve the river front scenery into the whole designing.
    The planning and designing of river front landscape of urban adopts the research achievements and methods of the concerning fields like landscape architecture, city planning, architecture, aesthetics as well as public psychology. And it mainly focuses on: the relationship between city planning and river shape; How to keep the river front space open; improvement of the environment along the rivers before the establishment of river front landscape; taking active use of the natural factors of river front landscape; the planning and designing of artificial landscape; the planning and designing of humanistic landscape.
    This paper is going to select the planning and designing of river front landscape in Chengdu urban as the research focus. Chengdu is a well-known cultural city with a long history, and the ancient Chengdu flourished because of rivers. The present Chengdu has gained great achievements on the river front landscape establishment and it has been rewarded 3 prizes by United Nations. And the planning and designing of river front landscape in Chengdu has following characteristics.
    1 .Funan River, the main river in Chengdu urban flows around the city and the city planning is
    influenced by the river shape.. The ichnograph of the urban sysytrem of roads looks like links and the greenery patches are harmoniously established along the river.
    2.Chengdu urban pays great attention to the environment improvement along the river. And the establishment of river front scenery comes after the river environment improvement.
    3.To ensure the accessibility of riverside, Chengdu urban has established a complete road system.
    4 .Pays great attention to the establishment of humanistic landscape during the planning and designing. The cultural sites like Du Fu Cottage, Wangjianglou has been well preserved. And in the riverside gardens, some stone architects with poems carved in also represent the local traditional culture.
    However, there still exists some defects in the establishment of river front landscape in Chengdu, and some of them are not seriously taken into consideration, which results in that many other cities follow the planning and designing of river front landscape in Chengdu and inevitably have some defects.
    This paper is going to have an integrated analysis on the planning and designing of river front landscape in Chengdu, and it is hoped that the research achievements may help contribute to the planning and designing of river front landscape in other cities. The research achievements come as follows:
    1.The overall city planning should be integrated with the river shape in the urban.
    2.Take good use of natural river front landscape.
    3.Suggest establishing close-to-river landscape to increase the layers of the landscape. The shoals and isolated islands in the river should be protected.
    4.The river front space must be wide, and open to the society. The author summarized a formula called river front identical formula. H means the river front construction, D means the distance between river front constructions and river bank, D' means the distance between river front construction and the river bank on the other side, a means the angle of the visual line from the spot near the river bank and horizon. River front formula is made up of these three equations: H : D≈1:
    1: H : D' ≈1 : 2 a 27°.
    5. It is important to create an area to protect the indicate scene. These are some equations showed how
    to do so. H means the height of the indicate scene, D means the distance between the scene and high buildings, R means the radius of t
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